Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter...

By sun_ve

16.7K 1.3K 8.5K

Y/n, a 19 year old, accepted as a scout healer into the emperors coven, it's a regular job. Healing coven sco... More

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⚡︎ 11 ⚡︎
Bonus Drawings P.1
Bonus Drawings P.2
Bonus Drawings P.3
Whats next?


226 17 144
By sun_ve

*this is a half past/half present chapter, but today I will be doing present first and then past*

~Healing Wing - Present time ~

"Heheheh..! So..! And then what?" You laugh.

"Obviously I never came back." River smiles.

"What a weird club. Your school really had that?" You laugh.

"Oh yes, the lunch food club, it was so strange. We would analyze all the food we got it was kind of weird. And of course the club president was odd about me since I was the only one who didn't enjoy the food." He laughs.

"Why is there even a club for that?" You ask.

"They think the food is good and it should get the appreciation it rightfully deserves. But the food honestly was in the trash bins most of the time, nobody except them liked it." He says.

"Why did you even join?"

"Curiousity honestly. I wanted to know what the heck it was." He smiles.

"Interesting." You smile.

Viney comes in after she finishes with her patient and leans on the front desk.

"You guys have been very chatty lately." She says.

River blushes and looks away, you roll your eyes at her.

"No it's good. You guys seem happy." She grins.

"So you guys are dating right? When's your guys's next date?" She asks.

"Viney..!" You blush and exclaim.

"Um- actually... I was gonna ask later if she'd like to go to the museum today with me." River smiles and looks at me.

"A museum?" You ask turning to look at him.

"Yeah! I think the museums here are actually pretty nice. It's just the one here in bonesburrow. We could... walk around the exhibits and talk... or something..." He blushes.

"Yeah! Once we're off." You smile.

"Okay!" He grins.

"Cute. Cute, lookit you with your first boyfriend." Viney smirks.

"OH- no no no- we're- we're not- uh-" you blush and mess up on your words.

"Um.." you stutter not sure what to say.

"I think she means to say we don't want to put a label yet... we're just seeing eachother." River smiles softly.

"Y-yes- yeah, thank you." You laugh.

"Cute. Well, I'm clocking out, see you guys." Viney grins.

"Bye!" You and River both say.


You and River were walking around the museum discussing the topics around you, and talking about other things. It's been interesting, you've been walking for a while now.

He decided to hold your hand while you were walking around the museum. You let him take it, you honestly didn't really mind.

It honestly didn't really feel as special as you'd hoped though. Just felt like holding someone's hand.

The museum had some art and some other historical artifacts and things about the isles. It was cool to look at.

"And what do you think is cool about the isles?" He asks.

"Well... we used to not have covens, that's pretty interesting. And then Belos just says that the Titan changed his mind and wants us to all have sigils." You shrug.

"I wonder why the Titan wants us to have sigils now." You say.

"I'm not really sure either. He didn't really give that much explanation." River says.

"When I was on my mission with the golden guard he even admit he didn't know why Belos is so nitpicky about using more artificial magic than real magic. Like the healing patches for example." You say.

"Really? I thought he would know, considering his status." River says.

"No. It surprised me too." You say.

"...speaking of that mission, he wasn't mean to you or anything was he?" River asks.

"Oh, he just has a thing for annoying me." You roll your eyes.

"Yeah you seemed pretty ticked when he left after you healed him." River says.

"He also kept calling me by my name, and it just bothers me." You glare.

"It bothers you?" River asks.

"I don't know, just the way he says it. It makes me annoyed. And he knows it annoys me so he kept doing it." You say.

"Do you think he needs you on any more missions?" River asks.

"I'm not sure, I honestly won't be surprised if he asks again." You say.

"You'd go if he asks again?" River asks.

"Why not, he's paying me extra." You shrug.

River sighs and nods.

"That's fair, but why you? He could ask any other healer." River says.

You shrug.

"You don't think he-"

"Likes me? I don't know, but if he did I'd punch him." You laugh.

River laughs a little and grips your hand a little tighter.

"Anything else weird happen?" He asks.

"Well, the reason he got injured was because of these imps that threw fire balls at him while we were trying to leave." You say.

"Geez." River sighs.

"Then he has the audacity to just call me a bad healer when I healed his burns in seconds." You roll your eyes.

"He's just trying to piss you off.." River sighs.

"What do you think he was doing the other day. He was wearing a darker cloak than usual." You say.

River thinks for a moment, and then shakes his head.

"What's it matter? More of his stupid weird mysteries." He shakes his head.

You sigh and nod.

"Should we be concerned about him wanting the throne?" You say.

"...I think it'll be fine. Belos has been Emperor for hundreds of years." He says.

You both reach the end of the museum and he looks at you and smiles.

"May I walk you home?" He asks, gripping your hand slightly tighter.

"Of course." You smile.

He smiles back and you both leave the museum.

You stand infront of your home and he doesn't let go of your hand just yet. He holds it gently in his arms he turns to look at you straight in the face.

"Thanks for saying yes to go on this outing with me." He says.

"Of course." You grin.

He smiles widely and his cheeks are a bright pop of pink. You just smile casually at him. He holds your hand in his and looks downward awkwardly, trying to speak, or at least think of what to say.

He has a big nervous smile on his face.

"Um.." he blushes.

You tilt your head curiously.

He's trembling slightly.

"Uh.. f-forgive me if I'm coming off a bit strong. Um..." He blushes nervously.

He grips your hand tightly, and then gently looks into your eyes.

"May I... um.." He says nervously and reaches his hand up to your face.

He gestures what he means by lightly tapping your cheek. Your eyes widen.

"O-oh..! Um.." You blush nervously.

He drops his hand to his side gently. You fidget with the ends of your shirt and think about your answer. He waits patiently.

You blush more prominently.

"Yeah." You nod and look down.

His eyes slightly widen and they look back into yours. His cheeks become more red and he blushes more.

"Okay." He says softly.

He reaches his hand up and gently holds one of your cheeks in his palm and you look into his eyes. His eyes meet yours and he slowly leans in.

You blush and close your eyes, he's about to kiss you on the cheek.

He moves in slightly closer to your face and tilts his head slightly. You take a breath in and...

'The desk.'

"Stop!" You choke out and open your eyes immediately.

His eyes widen and he pulls away as soon as you say the word. He looks at you worriedly.

You feel a wave of uncomfort and you step away from him nervously.

"What? What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Just- I'm sorry-" You quickly say.

"Don't apologize, I'm not upset with you, I was just asking if you're all right.." He says.

You look down nervously and anxiously rub the edges of your shirt again. You feel terrible.

"I just- it's- I-" you mumble.

"I'm sorry." You say again.

"You don't need to apologize, Y/n.. you said stop, I stopped, that's all there is to it. Okay?" He says.

"I feel bad I'm sorry." You say.

"Dont feel bad.." He says.

You frown and look down sadly.

"I just... I just remembered something stupid I'm sorry." You say.

"We all have those moments." He says.

You open your mouth about to speak but no words come out. You try again but no words come out either.

"Hey, let's head home. Okay? I'll text you later." He smiles.

You turn slightly pink and you nod.

"Thanks for coming with me." He smiles.

You look up at him and nod. He pats your shoulder and smiles.

"Have a good night..!" He grins and begins walking away.

"Goodnight River." You say softly and wave him off.

You watch him walk away and then you finally enter your house and run your hands across your face. You feel like such an idiot..!

You go into your room and there you see Flapjack bundled on your pillow. You smile slightly when you see him.

You take your shoes off and hang your bag up and lay on the bed with him and grumble, gripping at the skin on your face.

"Fuck..! It wasn't even gonna be a kiss it was just gonna be a peck on the cheek why am I freaking out?!" You say to yourself angrily.

Flapjack chirps.

"I had to remember something... stupid....at the worst time.." you sigh and grip your face.

~Hidden Cell - 5 years ago ~

Hunter POV:

"So..6 months in training.. How's it feel?" Tom nods.

We're both sitting down with our legs crossed. We're across from eachother, the cell bars separating us. I nod.

"You're gonna be due for an upgrade soon." Tom says.

I frown.

"Why are you so calm about it?" I ask.

"What do you mean?"

"When I become golden guard... you won't be here anymore." I say softly.

Tom frowns slightly and looks down at his hands.

It's that same sad look on his face he always makes. I don't think I ever see him smile.

"...It's not like I can run away." He says gently.

I go a little quiet. He goes a little quiet.

"I don't wanna loose you." I whisper and fiddle with my fingers.

Tom looks up at me and then looks down at his hands as well. Also fiddling with his fingers. I can tell he looks remorse and saddened... also a little bit frightened, but he's hiding it behind a smile.

"Why do you do that?" I then ask.

He looks up and his smile fades a little.

"What?" He asks.

"You're afraid. But you hide it. Why do you do that?" I tilt my head and ask.

"...I... I'm supposed to be the role model here, the adult. I'm... setting a good example." He stutters.

I furrow my eyebrows and I make a sour face at him. I shake my head and scoot closer to the cell bars.

"You don't have to pretend to be fine around me." I say.

Tom frowns sadly and then makes a vulnerable looking face infront of me. He starts trembling a little and his face points more downward where I can't really see his eyes.

"Okay. I'm... really scared. I am. Alright?" He says gently.

I frown.

"Ive stayed here, all night all day, for the past 7 months... I don't even know if it's been 7, I can't even keep count, I have nothing to refer to." Tom says.

"I don't even know if it's nighttime or daytime anymore because I haven't been outside in months." Tom shakes his head.

"And it's literally just a nightmare. I sit here alone waiting... and waiting... and waiting... for Belos to just come in here and finally kill me."  Tom shakes.

"Everytime I hear the door open I get nervous if it's you or if it's Belos." He shakes his head.

"When's the last Belos has come to see you?" I ask.

"He doesn't see me. The last time I saw him face to face was when he threw me in here. There's a small drop down cupboard he tosses slop in for me to eat. The thing is, I don't even know if it's him dropping the slop or some other person." Tom shakes his head.

"I don't even eat it sometimes because I fear that one of these days he's gonna put poison or something in it to kill me. I only eat it when I'm really that hungry and it feels like a game of Russian roulette." Tom says.

"Especially now that your training is almost done, I've been avoiding it way more." Tom rubs his temples.

I frown and I feel my heart feeling like it's being squeezed at right now.

"I can go in town today and get you something." I say.

He looks up at me sadly and nods.

"If you don't mind." He says.

I frown and look down more.

"When are you getting promoted, do you know?" Tom asks.

"Next month." I say.

Tom's eyes widen, and stops breathing for a moment. He makes a fearful face and his pupils contract in size.


"A-a month..? Already? That soon..?" He starts breathing fast.


"Titan- I- oh Titan- that's too soon- I thought it would be another 5 months- I- I- what do I- I-" He shakes his head.

He grips the ends of his head and I can see he's trying to hold back tears. I readjust my sitting and hold my hands out.

"I don't- I-" He shakes his head more furiously.

"Tom..!" I exclaim, also starting to panic on his behalf.

He looks up at me, gripping the ends of his head, he looks like he's about to melt down.

"I don't wanna loose you either.. I- what should I do? Should I fail more of my lessons on purpose- w-what do I do?" I say.

Tom looks at me and just shakes his head and his face is starting to boil over.

"I- um- I-" he shakes his head.

He starts panting. I reach my hand through the cell and I put my hand on his knee. He looks up at me.

"I could break you out." I say.

"Y-you can't- they'll just come looking for me." He shakes his head.

I start thinking frantically and my mind goes a mile a minute. Solutions... what am I gonna do what am I gonna do?

"N-no they won't!! Not if we leave the boiling isles." I say the first thing that pops into my mind.

Tom looks up at me.

"What..?" He says softly.

I process what I just said for a moment. I start sweating and I feel my heart being tugged at.

"W-we could leave-" I mumble.

My hands ball into fists and I start sweating.

"T-the boiling isles... we could leave.." I whisper, and look down.

Tom goes silent and stares at me.

"Don't say that. You have a life here." Tom shakes his head.

I hold my hands together and anxiously look down. My breathing falters and I feel like my chest is tight.

"...But.. you're my family... I... I don't wanna loose you." I shake.

Tom looks up at me and he lowers his hands from the sides of his head and holds them together. His face looks vulnerable and he looks me in the eyes.

"You really consider me family?" He whispers.

I sit there silently and I hug my knees and nod. He watches me quietly and he traces his finger against the floor.

"...Hunter... you have people you care about too, like that girl and her family."

"I know! I know! It's fine..! I- I-" I shiver and grip my hands.

I go silent for a moment and I make an anxious face.

"T-that's-" I stutter.

"You're... quite literally... my flesh, my bones, my blood, so... you'll always be first." I say gently and look up at him.

Tom stares at me sadly and just stops moving. He blinks and has his jaw slightly hanging and he's giving me a sorrowful look.

"You... really mean that?"

"You're my older brother." I say.

I don't look up at him. I sit there silently tracing my fingers and my hearts racing.

When I finally look up at him...

I see tears.

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