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4 months later

"Hey." Hunter shakes you.

"Huh- what?" You wake up.

"Did you forget we're celebrating today?" Hunter sits beside you.

"Oh shit." You sit up and get out of bed.

"Idiot." Hunter rolls his eyes.

"HEY!" You glare at him.

"Titan forbid I sleep an extra 5 minutes or so." You roll your eyes.

"I'm just kidding." He folds his arms and leans against the wall.

"So what's the plan today?" You ask.

"Well... Tom is visiting the construction site with River to get something. I figured we could just meet him there." Hunter smiles.

"Sounds great." You stretch and get up.

"When did you wake up? You always wake up before me." You go over to him and wrap your arms around him.

"It's just a habit. I've always woken up extra early since I was in the emperors coven for so long." Hunter hugs you back.

You kiss his cheek and then let go of the hug

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

You kiss his cheek and then let go of the hug.

Everything's changed so much since the day of unity ended. You and Hunter got a small apartment together, and a few doors down Steve and Tom were nearby.

Steve was originally thinking of going back home with his family but considering how complex his relationship is with his stepdad he chose not to.

Tom offered Steve to stay with him since Darius was kind enough to give Tom some snails to start living somewhere of his own. Steve decided to give it a try since him and Tom have been getting along better as of now.

Tom's actually been helping shape him into a more positive person, which has been really nice.

Toms good at that.

After the day of unity Tom's been teaching the collector about the ways of life in a fun and entertaining way to keep the collector intrigued.

There were some slip ups of course, and let's just say Steve got turned into a puppet 2 or 3 times, but Tom gave them some scoldings and taught them valuable lessons.

Tom was never afraid of the collector despite their abilities. Since Tom is like that, the collector admires Tom and looks up to him as a role model.

They did stay with Tom for a little bit, but Tom influenced them to go out and figure out what they want to do with themselves. They shouldn't just rely on Tom for everything, which the collector understood and eventually returned to the stars to go meet together with their siblings the archivists.

You get your shoes on and take Hunters hand and walk out the door.

"You got today off work right?" You ask.

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