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The 2 days had passed and it's currently noon. The eclipse is in about an hour or so.

Yesterday was a big brainstorming day. It was pretty straightforward. You, Hunter, Tom, Steve, and Darius all met up at the healing wing since it's not busy there as per usual.

Viney and River were there too. They gave you both a room to all discuss in. River seemed to be feeling a little better and got the sleep he needed. He was chatting with Viney a lot about things it seems.

Today everyone was meeting once more in the healing wing to confirm plans before we head out. No one was really in the castle today since everyone is outdoors preparing.

"Hey!!!! You're here!!!" Tom waves at you.

"Took you long enough." Steve says.

"Steve would you shut up?" You glare at him.

"Yes Steve. Shut up, be thankful she didn't show up at all." Tom folds his arms.

"Oh my Titan. Okay, are we gonna go over the plan again or not?" Steve folds his arms.

You sit down next to Hunter and he smiles at you and takes your hand as you sit.

"Okay!!!! Plan! So!" Tom claps his hands together.

"Step one! The draining spell will begin once the solar eclipse begins. It seems like it'll be draining through our sigils." Tom rolls up his sleeve and shows his sigil.

"Now... Hunter and I don't have magic, you guys do, so it'll most likely eat away at your bile sacks before it gets to your soul. As for Hunter and I, it's going to affect us a lot more, and eat at our souls right away." Tom says.

"... now... yesterday after our first meeting I was talking with River. He's not coming with us to the skull, but he's gonna be down with all the other witches during the day of unity." Tom explains.

"I decided one of us needs to be at their best during all this. So I volunteered."

Hunter nods.

"I talked to River... and before we head to the titans skull we're going to go over to where he's gonna be with all the other witches." Tom says.

"He... seemed a little reluctant but I managed to talk some sense into him." Tom smiles sheepishly.

"But once we meet up with him I asked that he amputates my hand and wrist." Tom says pulling out a small battle axe from out under the table.

" Tom says pulling out a small battle axe from out under the table

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"WHAT?!" Steve exclaims.

"I took this from the weaponry." Tom says placing it in the table.

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