A Different World (EFT Male R...

By Choobai

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(Escape from Tarkov male reader x RWBY) Meet (Y/N), a guy who is definitely (not) old enough to be a PMC in U... More

Prologue: New world=New Escape Plan
CH 1: Little Red Riding Hood and Beacon
CH 2: Initiation & Relics
CH 3: Classes
CH 4: Another Day in Beacon
CH 5: Field Trip
CH 6: A Trip to Vale
I've made a massive blunder
CH 8: The Search for (y/n)
CH 9: A Dead End
CH 10: New Enemies

CH 7: A Dire Situation

418 14 12
By Choobai

Before you read, could you answer this please: should I merge some of the previous chapters? Or should I leave them as they are now? (1/22/24)

(y/n)'s Dorm

(y/n) was in his dorm putting on his clothes after he just showered. He went over to the bathroom sink to put on his bindings. Looking at the mirror, he got his daily reminder of his scars.

(y/n): "Heya scars. Wanna see a magic trick?"

He grabbed some clean bindings and put them on, making the scars disappear. He covered his torso, arms and lower neck. Which as luck would have it; was just the right amount before they completely ran out.

After that he Realized he just put his last roll of bindings on.

(y/n): *Sigh* "Gotta get some more in the city" (ー_ー)

He put on a tank top before walking out of the bathroom and to his equipment; which was on top of the gun bench.

He put his jacket on before doing the same with his equipment. He hung his headphones over his neck and made sure his weapons were loaded with mags inside his rig.

He then grabbed a little wallet filled with Remnant's currency: Lien. Which students were given enough to last each month by Ozpin for any personal purchases.

(y/n): "Can't forget about you."

He grabbed his scroll from his dresser and looked at it. He really liked it, it worked almost like a regular smartphone. But can be collapsible, making it easy to carry.

He put the scroll and some of the money in his pocket before slinging both his bag and AK74M on his back and walked out of his dorm.

As he did that, the door to RWBY's dorm opened, revealing Ruby. Who was still in her sleep attire. She looked over to the PMC with a sleepy face before yawning.

Ruby: *Yawn* "Oh good morning (y/n). What are you doing up so early?"

She sleeply rubbed her eyes as (y/n) adjusted his bag and rifle.

(y/n): "Morning Ruby. I was just going to do some shopping out in The city."

Upon hearing that, the huntress in training immediately got out of her sleepy state as she fully woke up.

Ruby: "Wait you're going to the city?! Oh Oum! Can we come with you? I can quickly get changed and wake the team!"

Her outburst not only caught (y/n) by Surprise, but also woke the rest of her team up. Minus Blake.

(y/n): "You want to look for Blake, huh?"

Ruby: "Yes! It been a couple of days and she hasn't come back yet. It's making me worried!"

She threw her arms up in the air to prove her point. (y/n) sighed as he remembered when Ruby had told him what happened.

(y/n): "I understand. But you should probably give her some space first before you talk to her."

He put his hand on her shoulder.

Ruby: "You're right. But I still want to look for her!"

Yang then peeked her head out of the door and looked at them with a very sleepy face and messy hair.

Yang: "Ruby...What's with all the noise?"

She then noticed the PMC standing there, as she drowsily smiled at him.

Yang: "Oh, hey (y/n) *Yawn* What are you doing up so early?"

(y/n): "Morning Yang, sleep well?"

Yang: "Not really y'know, Blake and all that."

She rubbed her eyes as the PMC hummed in response before going into thought.

(y/n): "Hmm... How 'bout this? I go into the city and look for Blake while you three get ready."

He smiled, as Ruby hummed in thought and put her finger on her chin.

Ruby: "Alright. If you find her, call us ok? We'll meet you by the docks?"

She sounded a little concerned. Which was understandable considering her friend/teammate has been missing for the last couple days.

(y/n) nodded in response as Ruby smiled, still a little sleepy.

Yang: "Be safe out there."

She smiled at the PMC, who waved and smiled back before walking away.

City of Vale

(y/n) was walking down a street to a shop that sold the bindings he uses to cover his body. He knew about the shop thanks to the Dust till Dawn shopkeeper, who told him about it.

The shop was a general store of some sorts, which was great for (y/n), as he has bought many things from there ever since his few weeks of attending beacon. Which kinda turned him into a regular customer, and also let him get to know the owners a bit too.

He walked until he reached it's entrance, he looked up to the sign which read: "Vale's Own Emporium"

He opened the door, which rang a bell. He closed the door behind him before seeing one of the owners/employees of the shop: a young leopard faunus woman, with neat long creamy-yellow hair and some black streaks going down to the tips. She was wearing an apron over her casual clothes.

She was standing behind the store's counter, seemingly waiting for (y/n) to arrive while smiling to herself.

???: "Morning (y/n). Here for your bindings?"

The PMC smiled once he saw her.

(y/n): "Heya Flore. I just ran out, so yea."

He walked over to the counter and began to take his money out. The woman, named Flore brought out a few rolls of bindings from under the counter and placed them ontop.

Flore: "Here they are! You already know how much they're going to be."

(y/n): "Right. So, how's the business, and the family?"

He put the amount needed for the bindings before taking them and putting them inside his duffle bag.

Flore sighed as she took the money and counted it before putting it in her apron. She leaned herself on the counter as she looked at him.

Flore:*Sigh* "The business? Not doing very well to be honest, customers aren't exactly flooding in. But thanks to you, we're able to get by."

She smiled and wagged her tail a little as she said that. She kept slightly wagging it as she continued.

Flore: "But my family's doing well! My little brother's doing well in school and overall my Family's in good health."

(y/n): "Hm. What about you? You said you were studying culinary arts right?"

He smiled at her as he adjusted the slings of his bag and rifle. The faunus hummed happily in response.

Flore: "Mhm! One day, I'm going to open my own restaurant here in the city! That way, my family won't struggle as much with the shop."

(y/n): "That's good to hear. And hey, maybe I'll be your first customer."

The faunus giggled a little at that

Flore: "I'll hold you on that"

(y/n): "Heh I'm sure you will. Anyways, I should get going, I have some things to do today."

(y/n) was about to walk away before deciding to ask the leopard faunus something.

(y/n): "Before I go, you wouldn't happen to have seen a cat and monkey faunus around here have you?"

This made Flore look down to the counter in thought for a bit. She hummed before looking at the PMC.

Flore: "Hmm. I think I have. Cat girl with long black hair and a blond monkey boy?"

(y/n): "Yea"

Flore: "Then yea. They stopped by here to look around before going. A few blocks down a believe."

(y/n): "Alright. Thank you Flore, have a good day. Say hi to your mom and dad for me!"

He waved her off, as the faunus returned the gesture.

Flore: "I will! Have a good day, stay safe!"

(y/n) walked out of the store and began walking down the street again. Unaware of what I'm about to do to him.

(y/n) was walking for a little bit, looking around for Blake. But while doing so, he got that feeling again. He was being watched.

Though it felt more intense. He looked over his shoulder and saw... Nobody

(y/n) groaned a bit in agitation as he kept walking. Trying his best to dismiss the feeling.

He stopped at an ice cream parlor as he looked at it in interest. Perhaps a nice glass of ice cream will take his mind off of things.

(y/n): "Hmm... I do have some money left over."

He went inside and went over to the counter before sitting down on one of the stools.

The owner of the parlor saw him as he greeted him.

Owner: "Hey kid, what would you like?"

*[F/IC]= favorite ice cream*

(y/n): "I'd like [F/IC] please"

The owner nodded as he went to prepare his ice cream. Then, the shop's door opened.

(y/n) turned his head around to see who it was: It was a young woman holding a parasol and had a peculiar theme to her.

That theme being similar to... Neopolitan ice cream?

(y/n): 'An ice cream person, is she made of ice cream?' ._.

He turned his head back to the front, not wanting to be rude and stare at her. The woman sat down on the stool next to the PMC and set her parasol down next to her.

The owner noticed her as he smiled.

Owner: "Hello Neo, the usual?"

The woman, now known as Neo nodded. The owner gave (y/n) his ice cream first before getting started on Neo's.

(y/n) looked at his ice cream before picking up his spoon. However he hesitated.

(y/n): 'This looks too good to eat' Q-Q

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the neopolitan themed girl looking at him with an eyebrow raised.

(y/n): "What? This ice cream just looks too good. I possibly can't eat it."

Neo shook her head and motioned her chest and shoulders up and down as if she was silently chuckling.

She then rested her head on her hand and looked (y/n) up an down. As if she was... Sizing him up. She then took notice of his AK and looked at in curiosity.

(y/n) slightly narrowed his eyes at her as he took a bit of his cream.

(y/n): "So um... What brings you here?" *Nom*

The girl looked at (y/n) and shrugged in response before patting the counter with her hand.

(y/n): "Just out to get some ice cream?"

Neo nodded, making the PMC nod his head in agreement.

(y/n): "Real" *Nom*

Neo looked at him confused before shaking her head in dismissal. Then, the owner gave her a glass of neopolitan ice cream.

Owner: "Here you go, enjoy"

Neo nodded to him before she began eating her ice cream. While doing so, she would catch quick glimpses of (y/n); who was just enjoying his ice cream in bliss.

(y/n) then finished his cream as he pushed the glass away from him and sighed.

(y/n): "Man that was good"

He stood up and put the rest of his left over money on the counter. The owner came over and began counting it.

Owner: "Hey kid, you're a little short."

(y/n): "Really?"

Owner: "Yes, so better pay up before you face the consequences."

He held out his hand towards the PMC, who desperately looked through his pockets. But didn't find any more money.

(y/n): "Fuck" Q-Q

He cursed himself under his breath, but the owner seemed to have heard him.

Owner: "Was that a 'Fuck I don't have enough money for ice cream' Fuck?"

(y/n): "Uh.... Mayhaps?"

The owner got a little upset as he grabbed (y/n)'s shoulders from over the counter and looked at him with wide eyes. Scaring the PMC a little

Before the situation could escalate however, Neo held out a few Lien bills towards the owner.

Owner: "You're offering to pay for him?"

Neo nodded in response as she kept holding out the bills. (y/n) smiled awkwardly as he shook his head.

(y/n): "Y-You don't have to, it's fine"

The girl shook her head and motioned her hand towards the owner, seemingly insisting for paying for (y/n).

Owner: "Hm... Fine, but YOU. Better have enough money next time, please."

He seemed to instantly calm down, making (y/n) scratch his head in confusion before looking at Neo; who finshed her ice cream and paid for it.

After doing that, she stood from her seat and grabbed her parasol before walking to the shop's exit. But before she did, she turned to (y/n) and motioned for him to follow her.

(y/n): "You want me to walk with you?"

The girl nodded, making him think. Should he walk with a random woman who paid for his ice cream?

(y/n): 'She was kind enough to pay, so she can't be bad. What's the worst that can happen?'

He shrugged before him and Neo walked out of the shop together, and began walking in some direction.

(y/n) looked at her before scratching the back of his head.

(y/n): "Uh- Thank you. For paying."

Neo nodded and smiled as they kept walking before turning around a corner. And that's when things went down.

Around that corner was Roman, along with a group of goons. But these weren't the goons he saw when he first met the criminal.

Instead of black and red suits, they had White hoods and masks that kinda resembled animals.

Roman: "Good, you've managed to bring him."

He took his cigar out of his mouth and threw it on the ground before putting it out.

(y/n)'s eyes widened in shock. He just fell for a trap.

(y/n): 'Damnit'

Roman looked at him and smiled.

Roman: "Well. Well. Well. If it isn't sweatpants. We've been looking for you."

(y/n): "For what reason exactly?

He began to slowly back away, but he didn't get far as Neo used her parasol to stop him.

Roman: "C'mon now. No need to be like that, we just want to have a little talk."

(y/n) stayed silent as his guard was all the way up, he prepared himself to draw his pistol at any moment.

Roman: "We want you to give us those little weapons you have on you."

(y/n): "Yeaaaa no."

Roman: *Sigh* "You leave us no choice then"

Time seemed to slow down when he snapped his finger, as the hooded goons drew out swords and smgs. Roman drew his cane and Neo readied her parasol.

(y/n) took a deep breath before quickly drawing his P226 and shooting it at one of the goons.

Multiple bangs were heard as the goon was struck in the legs. Making them groan in pain.

The rest of his attackers were stunned for a bit as they covered their ears, mainly Neo, as she was the one closest to the PMC.

Speaking of the neopolitan, (y/n) jumped back a bit before sweeping her legs. Making her fall to the ground.

Neo: *Fall*

Quickly regaining their composure, Roman and the rest of the goons began their attack.

Roman fired his cane at the PMC, who managed to barely jump out of the way and fall to the ground. (y/n) then fired his pistol at the goons holding smgs, hitting them in the lower torso.

He loaded another mag into his pistol before picking himself up and began running away.

Roman: "Grrr after him!"

He ordered as the goons began running after him along with Neo, who picked herself up and began chasing the PMC.

Turning around a corner, Neo and the goons saw that (y/n) was gone. Neo looked around before snapping her fingers, signaling the goons to search for the PMC.

Before they could however, (y/n) made his appearance from above as he jumped off a balcony he was on. He had his AK drawn this time as he landed ontop of a goon, making them fall to the ground.

He aimed his rifle at another goon before putting his finger on the trigger. He aimed at their legs and fired it.

Goon: "Ahh!"

Before he could fire again, Neo attacked him with her parasol, which had a blade instead of the parasol part.

He parried the blade with the AK before jumping back, but Neo closed the distance by dashing forward and pushed him to the ground.

(y/n): "Oof!"

He quickly recovered. But instead of shooting his AK at them, he was fiddling with his jacket sleeve. Which went unnoticed.

Neo went up to him and put her blade up to his face, to prevent any sudden moves. The none injured goons went up to apprehend him and his equipment.

They put a blindfold on him and pulled him up. After that, Roman's voice was heard.

Roman: "You put the blind fold on him, good. Make sure to gag him too, so he doesn't talk."

A goon did just that.

Roman: "Now then, let's go, we still have a shipment to steal."

He said before (y/n) felt his headphones being taken off his neck.

Roman: "I'll borrow these if you don't mind."

He looked at the PMC, who wasn't even trying to struggle to break free.

Roman: "Hm... Kid, you'll take him back on a bull head. I'll go ahead with the shipment heist."

He said to Neo, who nodded as everything suddenly went... Silent

Vale Docks
A Few Hours Later

Team Rwby and the monkey faunus: named Sun Wu Kong Had foiled Roman's plan to steal a Schnee dust shipment.

Roman got on a bullhead which was about to take off while Ruby was on the ground watching.

Roman: "Well Red, Seems like you've done it again! But we've got something to make up this loss!"

Ruby: "What?"

She was confused before Roman dropped something from the bullhead. Ruby caught it, making her gasp in horror as she realized what was in her hands.

(y/n)'s headphones

Done. Would you look at that? A chapter.

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