𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆...

By greys_kies

3.3K 99 218

☾ *̣̩⋆̩ ✧ ───「 𝖘𝖍𝖊 𝖍𝖆𝖘 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖔𝖓 𝖎𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖉, 𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙'𝖘 𝖜𝖍𝖞 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖑𝖑 �... More

☾ - 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖉𝖚𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 - ✧
⇒ 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖔𝖓𝖊: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖊𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌
☾ - 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖌𝖚𝖊 - ✧
☾ - 𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝐈𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝐈𝐈𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝐈𝐕 - ✧
☾ - 𝐕 - ✧
☾ - 𝐕𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝐕𝐈𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝐈𝐗 - ✧
☾ - 𝐗 - ✧
☾ - 𝐗𝐈 - ✧
⇒ 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖙𝖜𝖔: 𝖎𝖋 𝖎 𝖈𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖉
☾ - 𝐗𝐈𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈 - ✧
☾ - 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖚𝖉𝖊: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖗'𝖘 𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 - ✧

☾ - 𝐕𝐈𝐈𝐈 - ✧

117 7 3
By greys_kies

{──────────── ☾ ✧ ────────────}

{──────────── ☾ ✧ ────────────}

nova slowed as she saw the gym in the distance, afraid of the anger and consequential scolding she would receive from coach ukai. she didn't know him very well, but it was safe to assume from what she knew of his gruffness that he would not be happy with her wandering around after he'd explicitly told her not to get lost.

sugawara noticed her falling behind, and gave her a reassuring smile. "it's okay, miako-san. the important thing is that you're safe, and i wasn't that angry when i found you, right?"

nova didn't answer him, and only stared at the ground as they approached the entrance since she did think he was fairly angry before.

she sighed softly as sugawara led the way into the gym and announced their arrival with hinata following close behind after waving to her. she breathed in and completed her breathing exercise before peeking inside the doorway. seeing that no one was looking directly at her (yet), she slowly stepped inside and started walking toward shimizu, who was looking at her with relief.

she stopped, though, when she heard ukai call to her by the volleyball net.


she flinched and turned to the coach, twisting her hands all the while. he sighed when he saw her clearly anxious form and continued to speak in a gentler tone (it still sounded raspy though). "can you come over here?"

she nodded and walked closer to him, letting her hair fall in front of her face to cover it. she looked down at ukai's feet to see one of them tapping on the ground and decided to focus on that instead of the man's angry face.

"look at me."

nova sighed softly and glanced up at the man before looking to the side, incapable of staring directly at him. "i was this close," he held up a hand with two fingers less than an inch apart. "to calling your mother. do you realize how much danger you could have been in? how upset your mom would've been?" miako nodded. ukai nodded also. "now, are you hurt?"

nova immediately shook her head, wanting to get away from him as soon as possible.

"okay, good. don't let this happen again. you're not allowed to walk alone from now on, you hear me?" she nodded slowly, a bit disappointed about having to have a companion but mostly relieved that she'd still be able to walk around if she needed to.

ukai waved a hand at her in a shooing motion. "okay, get out of here, then."

nova quickly turned and started to head towards shimizu again, but stopped when a pair of green sneakers stepped in front of her. she recalled sugawara's words as she looked up to meet golden-brown eyes. "ukai-sensei isn't happy, and don't even get me started on tsukishima..."

the blonde boy stared down at her with folded arms and an unreadable expression on his face, eyes narrowed as he looked over her form. nova fidgeted as her hands clenched into fists under his intense gaze.

tsukishima met her eyes again as he finished his inspection. "do you realize," he started, stepping closer to her to make sure that no one else heard him. "how idiotic that was?" he finished in a hiss, eyes burning with anger.

nova nodded and looked down at their sneakers, only a few inches apart. she spoke to them instead of him, too afraid to face his anger.

"i am sorry. i just wanted to leave the gym for a bit. i felt like i would have a panic attack if i didn't get fresh air."

tsukishima sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, making his glasses slide down a bit. "why didn't you at least tell me? or yamaguchi."

nova shrugged and looked up at him for a moment before returning her gaze to their feet. "you were already training. by the time i walked outside, the team was too far ahead."

tsukishima shook his head slowly at her. "i can't believe you thought it was okay to walk alone in a city like this... do you even know how dangerous it is for girls like you to walk alone?"

nova tilted her head at him. "girls like me?"

tsukishima stared flatly at her for a few seconds before pushing his glasses up. they glinted in the sun coming through the gym windows, so that nova couldn't see his eyes. "from now on, walk with either me or yamaguchi. got it? i heard what coach said, you can't walk by yourself anyways." he tilted his head down towards her, and nova could see now that his eyes didn't look so angry. they almost looked like they showed concern, but tsukishima usually looked like he didn't care about anything. it was probably nothing, she wasn't good at determining what people were feeling anyway.

nova blinked slowly at him, before nodding her head. i was going to ask if you'd be okay with walking with me anyways...

apparently done talking, tsukishima turned and joined yamaguchi to stretch with the rest of the team. it looked like she'd gotten back when their training was almost done.

she caught yamaguchi's eyes and he sent her a relieved smile. "i'm glad you're okay," he mouthed. nova nodded to him before finally joining shimizu again.

"what was that all about?" the black-haired girl asked, eyeing tsukishima curiously, who looked as if he had never gotten upset in the first place. (it was starting to make nova uneasy how his face could go back to being blank so easily.)

nova sighed softly and leaned down to pick up a stray water bottle. "please do not make me explain."

☾ ✧

shimizu sat wearing a pair of disposable gloves as she squinted down at nova's hand, slowly painting her index finger with navy blue nail polish. this was one of the activities that nova had found out could happen at a 'slumber party,' and she'd told shimizu that she could paint her nails as long as she wore gloves to avoid skin-to-skin contact, and germs, of course.

shimizu happily agreed, seeming way too excited to nova, but the younger girl had no complaints so far. shimizu was very good at only painting her nails, and not getting any polish on her skin.

"shimizu-san?" nova asked quietly, playing with her new fidget cube with the hand that the older girl wasn't currently holding. shimizu hummed in response, focused on her nails. "are we friends?"

shimizu paused in painting her nail to look up at her in surprise. "of course."

nova nodded hesitantly. "i just wanted to make sure. when i was researching slumber parties, i read that they are done amongst friends." shimizu laughed softly and focused on her hand again.

they sat in relative silence for a bit while shimizu finished painting the rest of her nails, with the only sound coming from nova's phone, which played her music quietly. shimizu straightened up from her hunched position and looked over her hands one more time for flaws before instructing nova to leave them alone to dry for ten minutes.

"and then," she continued, taking a sheet of stickers from her nail bag and displaying them to nova. she squinted at the designs to see different sizes of gold stars. shimizu smiled at the younger girl as her eyes brightened a bit (not that nova could tell). "i can put these on top of the polish! i saw them at the store when i was buying more colors and i thought of you." nova nodded and thanked her quietly.

shimizu smiled softly. "you're welcome. i like doing fun things like this, so it makes me happy too."

while they waited for nova's nails to dry, shimizu got into a more comfortable position and gave her a sly look. "so, what's going on with you and tsukishima?"

nova stared blankly back at her. "i do not understand the question."

shimizu folded her hands in her lap as she thought of how to explain. "well, earlier, when tsukishima spoke with you when you came back from your walk, it looked really tense. i've never seen him so upset."

nova furrowed her brow a bit, confused as to why shimizu was bringing this up again. "he was angry at me for walking alone. that is all." shimizu just gave the girl a gentle smile. "he must care about you to get so upset over it."

nova nodded slowly. "hai. we are friends."

"of course, miako-san..."

"you can call me miako, shimizu-san. we are friends," nova offered, thinking of how yamaguchi and tsukishima didn't use honorifics with her.

shimizu's face broke into a smile. "in that case, you can call me shimizu, or kiyoko, even."

"shimizu sounds fine," nova stated flatly. shimizu nodded, undeterred by her bluntness, and glanced at the clock hanging above the sofa in her living room. "we can put the stars on now. it will look very cute, like you." she laughed softly, while nova shifted nervously at the comment (compliment?).

as shimizu put on the gloves and the girls settled across from each other at the living room coffee table again, shimizu asked nova another question. "didn't tsukishima wear a shirt with a star on it one day?"

nova nodded hesitantly, not liking how she kept mentioning her friend. shimizu smirked, placing a gold sticker on her ring finger. "interesting..."

"shimizu, why do you have that strange look on your face?"

☾ ✧

nova sat with her eyes closed at the dining table, exhausted from the day's work. helping with the training camp each day was taking its toll on her body. she didn't open her eyes, even when she heard the boys come in to eat their dinner. she heard someone settle next to her, and peeked through her eyelashes to see who it was.

sure enough, it was tsukishima, with yamaguchi sitting on his other side. she quickly closed her eyes again and tried to ignore hinata's chattering from across the table. she wanted to take a shower and then sleep, but she had to wait for shimizu, which meant that she'd have to help the girl clean up after dinner so that she could leave faster. therefore, she wanted to rest as much as she could now so she'd have enough energy to clean up later.


nova ignored tsukishima's voice, uncaring of whether he was speaking to her or yamaguchi (the most likely choices).


she still didn't move, but flinched a bit when she felt a hand nudge her arm. she looked through half-lidded eyes at tsukishima, who had a slightly annoyed expression on his face. his face changed though when he saw her drowsy look. "oh. i didn't know you were trying to rest."

nova didn't respond and just closed her eyes again, hoping he'd leave her alone now. she heard him stand (she'd eaten with tsukishima enough to know the sound he made getting up) and start speaking quietly to someone behind her.

soon enough, she heard him sit again and the sound of a ceramic being placed in front of her.

"open your eyes."


"i'll touch you again if you don't."

slowly, nova opened her eyes and gave him a blank look, who reciprocated the expression. she noticed there was a plate of her usual dinner in front of her now, albeit a smaller portion than she usually ate. this didn't matter to her though, since she didn't get a plate from shimizu for a reason. she was too tired to feel hungry.

"you need to eat." tsukishima nodded to the food. "i don't care if you're tired. shimizu-san said you haven't eaten anything since lunch, and that was hours ago."

nova looked down at her plate, then up at tsukishima, then down at the plate, before finally settling on tsukishima again.

he raised an eyebrow at her and leaned his head on his hand. "i won't eat it you don't," he said indifferently, leaving his plate untouched.

nova grew nervous then. tsukishima already eats less than the other boys... he uses more energy than me each day. he needs to eat. sighing softly to herself, she took off her mask and took a small bite of her gyoza.

she watched tsukishima as she chewed, wanting to make sure that he'd eat now. he nodded with a subtly pleased look before starting to eat again.

nova felt confused and a bit annoyed at what had just transpired. why does he care whether i eat dinner or not?

unfortunately, not resting meant that she had to see hinata and kageyama eat their food across from tsukishima. this wouldn't have been a problem, except that the way they ate gave nova anxiety. they were stuffing their faces with food and it looked to her like they weren't even chewing before swallowing. she heard a groan and looked around tsukishima to see yamaguchi looking queasy while staring at the duo.

she placed her chopsticks down and opened her mouth to speak to the boys, but tsukishima beat her to it.

"where does that appetite come from?" he muttered, an appalled? (nova couldn't tell, it was a new expression) look on his face as he watched hinata and kageyama devour their food.

nova quickly added, "please slow down. you could choke." tsukishima deadpanned when the boys immediately listened to her, while seemingly ignoring his comment.

hinata swallowed the food in his mouth before giving her a sheepish look. "sorry, miako. i'm just soooo hungry. ukai-sensei made us do really intense drills today since the match with nekoma is tomorrow."

nova gave him a flat look as she finished the rest of her food, glad that tsukishima hadn't brought her the usual amount that she ate. if being tired made her unwilling to eat, watching that display did. she also noticed how hinata didn't use honorifics with her for the first time, but she decided not to comment on it. "i'm a part of this club too, hinata-san. i saw you practicing earlier."

hinata blushed while kageyama and tsukishima snickered at him. "right."

nova nodded and turned to yamaguchi, who still looked queasy, and was staring blankly down at his food. "are you alright, yamaguchi-san?"

the boy blinked and focused on her to reply, but tsukishima quickly leaned down to block nova's view of him before he could. she leaned back at the close proximity, startled by the sudden movement.

tsukishima smirked at her reaction and slowly straightened up again, adjusting his glasses on his nose. "he's fine. i can't blame him for his reaction. that was genuinely one of the most disgusting things i've ever seen."

kageyama glared at him, but his mouth was too full to reply. tsukishima smirked back before turning to nova, who'd quickly checked on yamaguchi while he was distracted. the freckled boy gave her a thumbs up and had tentatively started to eat again, so he must've been okay.

tsukishima gave her empty plate a cursory glance before giving her a small smile, immediately going back to his indifferent expression and frowning a bit, as if he hadn't meant to do it.

nova blinked, mind going blank. smile, not smirk.

"good luck resting," he said, nodding to nishinoya, who'd suddenly slid over from the other table while he spoke and was currently shouting at kageyama and hinata to eat more because they were puny and would shrivel up and die if they didn't (even though he was shorter than hinata and just as scrawny looking).

nova sighed and just decided to get up then, taking her plate with her. if i can't rest, i might as well try to start cleaning up in the kitchen.

she didn't notice tsukishima watching her leave out of the corner of his eyes, or the slight frown that tugged on his lips because of her departure.

☾ ✧

nova sat playing with her fidget cube in karasuno's bus. so far, she hadn't gotten sick, so although she still despised buses, she thought she might survive if she limited herself to only being in one when she had to. such as, when the team was going to a match, which they were now, against nekoma.

as usual, tsukishima sat next to her (when she asked why he kept sitting with her, he said it was because she didn't try to talk to him, unlike yamaguchi) while yamaguchi sat across from them. sometimes he would sit behind or in front of the pair if there was a seat available, but there wasn't this time. so, he was sitting with ennoshita across from her and tsukishima.

it had been a quiet drive so far, but nova was trying to fight off panic as the minutes ticked by. she knew this was going to be the longest bus ride yet since nekoma was located in tokyo which was far from miyagi, but she was starting to feel her usual symptoms of claustrophobia.

her fidgeting got to the point where tsukishima could feel the movement, and he peeked at her from the corner of his half-lidded eyes. he'd basically been sitting in a slightly slouched position with crossed arms since he'd first sat down, and had been ignoring her up to this point.

nova frowned back at the boy when she noticed his gaze (the face mask made it a moot gesture but it was becoming a habit for her when it came to him).

tsukishima huffed quietly and rolled his eyes. "could you stop fidgeting? i'm trying to rest."

nova apologized softly and tried to still herself, but it was easier said than done. eventually, tsukishima straightened up a bit and moved one of his headphone's speakers off of his ear.

"that was useless," he muttered, narrowing his eyes at nova for a moment before glancing at her hands, which hadn't stopped playing with the fidget cube since she'd sat down in her seat. he sighed softly and started to speak quietly.

"the king and shorty had a competition last night to see who could bathe the fastest. just when i think they can't get any more stupid..."

nova frowned, her hands slowing as she thought of who he meant, before remembering his nicknames for kageyama and hinata. "who won?"

"neither. they somehow got out of the shower and arrived back at the room at the same time. they still fought over whose foot touched the ground first, though. idiots."

tsukishima quickly brought up a hand to cover his smile as he snickered at the memory, and glanced at nova for her reaction. she thought it was an... interesting story, but she was trying not to have a panic attack, so most of her focus was on herself. so she only replied, "that is an unusual outcome," and focused on her fidget cube again.

tsukishima frowned slightly when he saw that his attempt at distraction hadn't worked. he stared at her hunched form for a few more seconds before speaking again. "is that even helping?"

nova sighed and glanced up at him before focusing on the cube again. "yes. slightly. i won't be able to completely calm down." she frowned slightly under her mask. "i despise buses..."

tsukishima tilted his head towards her at the muttered comment. he was used to listening attentively to her at this point as she always spoke quietly, so he heard her just fine.

"because of the germs, right?"

nova nodded morosely. "hai." he didn't really need to know she was claustrophobic also.

tsukishima stared down in thought before pulling out his phone. he tapped on it for a few seconds before holding it out to her.

she looked from him to the phone, confused as to what he was trying to do. he sighed, opting to stare at the phone screen instead of her as he explained. "this is a mind game i like to play it when i'm..." his lips pursed as he glanced up at nova and then back to the phone, looking annoyed for some reason.

"...nervous." tsukishima finished quietly, looking like he regretted speaking at all. nova didn't notice though, having decided to take the phone as soon as she heard, 'game.'

soon enough, she was completely immersed in the game. there were different kinds of challenges that centered on different subjects, such as math, reading, and writing. when you successfully completed a game for a section, your score for that subject increased. there was intermediate, normal, advanced, and expert. nova saw on tsukishima's profile that he was on the expert level for all of the subjects. she was curious to know what his rankings were and was unsurprised when she saw that.

tsukishima looked down at the screen to see what she was doing and frowned when he saw her looking at his profile.

"you better not bring my scores down to intermediate," he warned, giving her a stern look. "i didn't give over my phone just so you could make me look stupid."

nova didn't look up from her exploration of the app. she'd probably get it on her phone now, it seemed really interesting. "as i have said before, i am in the same class as you, therefore i cannot be stupid," she reminded him. tsukishima only rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

for the rest of the bus ride, nova played on his phone while tsukishima rested, occasionally peeking at his screen to make sure she didn't fail any challenges (he was serious about his ranking).

he'd succeeded, though. nova had stopped fidgeting in her seat.

☾ ✧

nova stood at the end of the lineup as karasuno's team stood across from nekoma's. she didn't understand why they had to greet the other team when they'd speak to each other before the game started anyway, but regardless, she was the assistant manager and had to do as she was told.

she caught sight of kozume shifting nervously further down across from her, and when she accidentally met gazes with him, he blushed slightly and just started to fidget more.

i was right then, nova thought, opting to stare at the ground until this awkward standoff was over. he is a part of the nekoma volleyball club.

she tensed when she heard a squawk from further down the line and looked around tsukishima's tall frame to see hinata gaping at kozume, who unfortunately stood right across from him. i don't know how he'll be able to avoid hinata in this position, nova thought, watching kozume try (and fail) to ignore hinata's gaping.

finally, the two groups wordlessly split up and started to walk towards the entrance. with no warning, hinata came up to nova and pointed to kozume, who was somehow walking without bumping into anyone while playing a game on his phone. "let's go talk to him! why would he not tell us he's from nekoma?"

without giving nova a chance to respond, he tried to grab her wrist, but she quickly moved it towards herself out of his reach, feeling a spike of fear. neither her nor hinata noticed tsukishima's glare towards him for the action.

hinata was unfazed by her reaction. he only pouted at her and clasped his hands together in a pleading motion. "please? i think he'd want to talk to you again anyways."

nova sighed and nodded her agreement since they were all walking in the same direction anyway. hinata beamed and waved her forward. "yay, come on!"

she followed at a much slower pace as hinata darted ahead, calling out kozume's name. the ombré-haired boy was about to go through the open doors of the building they'd be playing in, but turned to face hinata at the shout. nova reached them a few seconds later and heard hinata stutter, "you're with n-n-nekoma?" the red jacket that displays 'nekoma' makes it pretty clear.

kozume blinked at hinata and then glanced at nova before looking away. "oh. yeah."

"why didn't you tell us?" hinata whined, slumping and closing his eyes with a pout.

"because you didn't ask..."

"i thought you most likely were from nekoma," nova stated, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "you were lost, and hinata mentioned how you had volleyball shoes."

kozume nodded shyly in response, but hinata was hearing none of it. "but you said 'see you soon.' you must've known something," he protested.

"your t-shirt said 'karasuno high school," kozume stated simply, and nova fought the urge to roll her eyes at hinata's stupidity. hinata just gave the boy a suffering look.

all three of them startled at a sudden intimidating, "hey, hey, hey," from behind kozume.

nova turned to the new person, a boy with one of the ugliest hairstyles she'd seen so far. it was mostly buzzed, except for one blonde stripe down the middle of his head. at least it is straight, nova thought, trying not to wince.

"what business might you have with our setter?" he continued, looking down at hinata with the same aura as tanaka when he tried to look scary. nova thought they seemed pretty similar also when she thought about it more.

she took a step back with a frightened hinata beside her just in case, not wanting to be harmed by the taller boy. "it's fine," kozume said to him, seeming undeterred by his face.

"you, too... what business do you have with our first year?"

nova quickly moved closer to kozume, out of the way of the staring standoff between the new boy and tanaka, who'd appeared behind hinata. the orange-haired boy followed nova's lead, and all three of them watched their stand-off, hinata with considerably more fear than nova and kozume. she wasn't as afraid now because kozume had taken out his phone and was playing a game, another one that she knew.

"clash of clans," she stated, pointing to his screen. kozume glanced at her before focusing on the game again, nodding his head slightly while humming. "do you play?"

nova shook her head, and noticed how he wilted a bit at her response. "oh. okay."

"i'm glad that i met you before, it makes me feel less anxious," nova said, feeling relaxed around him for some reason. maybe because he was quiet, but something about him was calming to her.

kozume blushed a bit and fidgeted with his phone. "um... i'm glad too," he muttered, meeting eyes with her for a moment before going back to his game. nova didn't try to talk to him again, just went back to watching tanaka and the other boy, hoping they'd be finished with their intimidation tactics soon since they were blocking the doorway.

thankfully, sugawara and a boy from nekoma's team scolded their respective teammates ("stop the 'city boy' thing. it's embarrassing.") and they both mellowed out, moving out of the doorway in the process. kozume gave a short wave to hinata and nova and headed through the doorway, while nova decided to follow shimizu, who she saw walking near her.

she heard an exaggerated gasp from the boy with the one-stripe hair and glanced over to see him staring at her and shimizu with white eyes and an open mouth. shimizu nodded to him politely despite his gaping, while nova just stared at the ground, feeling awkward.

he really is similar to tanaka, nova observed, looking up at the boy when he wailed that, he'd make someone regret this? and then ran into the building with his teammate calling out that he couldn't escape. i don't know how kozume deals with him every day...

☾ ✧

"wow, the ceiling's so high!"

nova looked up at hinata's exclamation, and indeed, this was the tallest ceiling she'd seen so far. "you're going to get a crick in your neck," tsukishima stated offhandedly as he passed, and nova slowly tilted her head down at the comment. why would you care?

she sighed and made her way over to the bench to sit until the game started, but was struck by a sudden thought. turning, she made her way over to nekoma's side, trying to ignore the ensuing stares from both teams.


the ombré haired boy looked up from his (lackluster) stretching, eyes widening slightly from their usual slits at her appearance. he got up, ignoring his teammates gaping as he led nova to the side of the court. "what are you doing over here?" he asked quietly, glancing to the side nervously.

"i wanted to tell you something," nova said, blinking up at him. he blinked back at her in shock, before gesturing for her to continue. nova tried to focus on his eyes as she spoke, although it was hard for her. it was easier for her to practice eye contact with him though (as opposed to tsukishima).

"i will pay attention to you as well as my own team. i like you better than some other people on karasuno's team, and i don't care that nekoma is technically our opponent. i look forward to watching you play."

kozume blushed a bit at her straightforward statement, clenching and unclenching his hands as if he was holding a phantom phone. "um, okay," he muttered, letting his hair fall in front of his face and glancing at her in between the strands. "i don't care about that stuff either."

he hesitated, before continuing to speak in a softer tone, as if he was afraid someone would overhear. "does that mean you'll cheer for me?"

nova thought about the statement a bit before shaking her head. "if cheering is what i have seen some girls do when they scream at a player, then no," she replied, thinking of the girls at the practice match against aoba johsai.

kozume frowned but nodded slowly. he pointed a thumb over his shoulder at the group he was with before he walked off with nova. she noticed now that the one boy with spiky black hair, whom she saw shaking hands with sawamura (the captain for nekoma?), was giving them a curious look while doing his stretches.

"kuroo will get mad at me if i don't go back," kozume said reluctantly, giving nova an uncertain look. she only nodded and bowed to him. "i apologize for interrupting."

kozume balked a bit at the sudden action and made as if to grab nova's shoulders to straighten her up, but stopped himself.

"you don't need to apologize. if anything, you did me a favor," he said in his soft-spoken way (nova was already becoming used to the tone, it was almost comforting), then added, "please stop bowing," when she didn't straighten up still.

she did as told, fidgeting anxiously (why am i so awkward), and started to walk over to karasuno's side's bench when kozume called her name softly.

she turned to see him staring at her directly for the first time in the course of their conversation, an expression on his face that nova couldn't place (typical).

"call me kenma. i don't care for honorifics, remember?"

nova hesitated before nodding. it didn't feel right for her not to use honorifics, let alone call him by his first name.

kenma, though, smiled shyly at her confirmation, giving her a small wave and heading back to join his teammates. nova saw the spiky-haired boy ruffle his hair when he was close enough and say something to him with a smirk on his face before glancing at her. that was her cue to turn back around and head to her spot on the bench.

she sighed softly when she sat down and caught tsukishima's gaze, who she'd noticed looking at her when she first walked over to nekoma's side, as well. he was frowning at her, which wasn't anything new.

he looked away quickly when she caught eyes with him, morphing his face into a blank one. nova furrowed her brow and dropped her gaze to her sneakers. is he mad at me?

{──────────── ☾ ✧ ────────────}

[author's note]

if you are comfortable with it, please star if you liked this chapter (feedback for me :/)

my bias towards kenma is atrocious. there are only a few people that i tolerate in the show though lol what can i say. any feedback on my writing would be appreciated if you'd like to comment :)

i hope no one minds, but i will not have every chapter be over 5000 words now. some may still be, but i don't want the chapters to feel drawn out, and i feel like i am forcing myself to write more when i don't have to sometimes. idk if it matters though, most ffs on wattpad seem to be short anyways.

i will try to post again soon. please be mindful of germs.

─── lillian

{──────────── ☾ ✧ ────────────}

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