Broken Soul

By BrandyBecker

717 12 16

Love: . an intense feeling of deep affection. Love can make you do stupid things, but what happens if love to... More

Thinking Outloud
Moving Forward
Moments: Continued
New Agenda
On The Road Again
New Look
Creepy House
The Drop
No Emotions
Rotten Eggs
Badass Gothic Girl
Red Head
Authors Note

Last Suitcase

20 0 0
By BrandyBecker

We drove back to Ashland, mo. Jaxton didnt ask why nor try to argue. Lanky boy sat in the back of the car listening to his music writing stuff down on paper as we went. I sat there, thinking about what would unfold. What other secrets would come out of the wood work. I knew i could handle it, hell i handled seeing someone burn on the stake, i shot someone, i removed a bullet from my dark nights body. I was officially a bad ass. I couldnt help but smile at that. Who would have thought that goodie good girl was

Three days and many truck stops later we arrived. We pulled up at a house that my mom used to take me to when i was little. How i forgot about this i dont know. Lanky boy and Jaxton got out of the car having to follow me this time. As i walked up to the house i prepared myself for ANYTHING that could possibly happen.

I didnt knock on the door i just let myself in. Nothing looked familiar the only thing that i recongized was a picture hangimg above the kitchen table. I must have looked about two, my hair in two pig tails and bright pink dress. My mom holding my hand and the Dealer on the left. I stopped dead in my tracks. As i walked up closer i noticed something strange. My mom was holding the dealers hand. They was smiling. I took a steo back. This isnt what i came here for.

As i walked further into the house i heard my mom crying in one of the bedrooms. There she was in the corner of the room, knees up to her chest, liquer bottles surrounding her like they was her people. I walked tentavily towards.

Anastai: Mom...

Anna's Mom: Baby, come here!

She had her arms outstretched for me but i didnt go near her. I couldnt. I had questions and i needed answers. I wouldnt let her sidetrack me. No matter how hard she tried.

Anastai: i know about the 1.5 million. I know you used to work with/for jaxton and the organization. I know you came to the bridge the other night and shot Brittany.

Annas mom: i never wanted you to know. I couldnt pay back that money! You hear me?! I couldnt! Your father told me he would take care of it. He lied Anna!!!

Anastai: i never knew my father. Who is my dad? Did he work for the organization as well?

Annas mom: your the father was the dealer. I had barely turned 15 when i got pregnant. I didnt know about his age until after i had you and joined. Anna he was known as the dealer. I never knew his name. He wouldnt tell me...

Oh my fucking god! I killed my own father! I stood there in that tiny little bedroom shocked to my core and again words seemed to have failed me. Luckily for me my mom didnt care. She was doing the talking.

Annas mom: The dealer let me go after he found out he was the father saying he didnt want to get me or you hurt. He said he would take care of the mistake. It was a mistake Anna! A simple mistake! I had went to a seller to get information. Gave them the wrong name and when me and the seller both found the mistake it was too late. See that night i went to the seller the person i was getting information on to take down was your father. He was worth 1.5 million. When your father found out about it he said he would take care of it. Little did i know that he didnt.

I left and took you back home. Thats when the letters started to come in, the phone calls, even the stalking. I killed Brittany because she had information on me. That briefcase she had had everyones information in it. Including your lover boy. Even though he was safe in the organization that didnt mean that his information wouldnt be worth something to another organization.

I killed her to save myself. She had to die! She knew to much. Anna you have to believe me. Please! Come back home with me and lets forget all of this.

Anna: Im not going back home with you. Im staying with Jaxton. Im done mom. I have a family of my own on the way now. Im done. You screwed up i didnt. I shouldnt have to pay for your mistakes.

At that i walked out and sat on the porch. Jaxton followed behind me. We was both caught up in what we had just found out that we didnt notice lanky boy hadny followed. I went to get up to go get him when i heard the gun shot.

Jaxton held me back, wouldnt even let me see what had just happened. I stood there in his arms fighting him tooth and nail to find out what happened. But he just wouldnt let me go.

Lanky boy came out with yet another suitcase. Blood on his hands. He walked to the car and got in. Not even saying a word.

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