๐‘๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ก โ”โ” F. Catton

By -saintsiren

17.4K 922 179

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1.1K 68 2
By -saintsiren

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"CHRISTOPHER is the oldest. He's a third, can you imagine that? I know my family is a bit extra but hearing my name across three generations would be a bit unoriginal. He's a nice bloke CJ — what everyone used to call him, almost thirty now." Felix breathed out, lying on his dorm room floor with the cascading rays of golden light spread across his bare chest. "Then there's Charles or Charlie. Irish twins, him and CJ, because they were born less than a year apart. Mum says it was because Christopher the Second wanted to trap Desdemona. I mean I've seen her and I understand."

"Is that your plan then? To trap Cali?" Oliver dared to ask, rather reluctantly, with his shadow looming over Felix.

Felix halfheartedly laughed at the question he didn't deny, instead, he continued listing the Danforth's.

"Then there's Camden: the wild one. Farleigh used to be obsessed with him before he got engaged. But then again, it's obvious they still shag from time to time," his amusement faltered when he moved on to one of the younger brothers, "Then there's Colton."

"Who's with Monika?" Oliver shifted on the window seal, intrigued by the shift in tone.

Felix chuckled, "She's not with him, mate. And that guy doesn't care who he's with."

"Did you two used to be friends?" Oliver wondered although it was clear.

Felix took a drag of his cigarette, pondering his response.

"Yeah, something like that. Just like the twins. Cade and Caspian. The youngest brothers, twenty-two now, were a racket. They all are at times, that and extremely handsome. Some went to Exeter, and the rest just live off their dad, understandable because investment property makes a ton. And Sanguine houses; their business is real estate and that's where new money is at or has been I don't fucking know. I mean Olly you should see the houses they own in this country and all the others. Huge, fat houses."

Oliver pressed, "Sounds like a treat, but why aren't you close to the twins?"

Felix frowned, "Just fell out over something stupid that's all."

"Where are they now?"

"Stretched across the globe imagine, they all like to shift like tectonic plates. One Danforth for every continent," and Cali's here with me. "Cali's parents are here, in their estate, all loved up, it's sickening but cute I suppose."

Oliver hummed, "Must be nice for Cal."

"You'd think that. But they don't give her any attention, make her feel like shit. It's horrible, all that love and they can't share it with their children especially not the only girl."

"Well, now it makes sense," Oliver decided to say, confusing Felix who angled his head up.

"What does?"

"The way she acts. She clings to you like she needs your attention," Oliver explained, earning a look of confusion.

"I wouldn't say that."

"I thought that was obvious, seems like a performance, a show that she puts on just to get something out of you, that she can't get from her mum and dad,"

Felix sat up, scrunching his face in contempt, "Don't be a prick," his reaction stunned Oliver, "Have some compassion, Olly."

"I-I do, I was just making a connection," Oliver stammered.

"We have a tight bond. That's all it is," Felix exclaimed, voice strained by the tainted view of Calypso.

It was wrong in his opinion, she didn't cling to him, no, she's a part of him.

Oliver gulped, "Come on mate, you know that's not true."

Felix remained silent, choosing not to feed Oliver's curiosity and continued smoking in the excruciating heat. Summer in England wasn't lovely, it was thick and inescapable, like Oliver Quick, or so Farleigh said.

Oliver itched to say something else, redeem himself but he didn't know how to play it, instead, his mind drifted to Calyspo.

Calypso fucking Danforth.

Oliver remembered the touch of her lips against his skin. The blush that kissed his cheeks, how his heart skipped when she neared him, the warmth of her essence spread to him like the heatwave they were in now. The Calypso impact wasn't a myth, it was real and he felt it. And yet he couldn't stand how much Felix took it for granted. The kiss of a goddess was fruitless to a guy like Felix. And until he saw them together he wouldn't believe they were made for each other like Farleigh hammered into his head. And if Calypso was so adamant about being with other blokes, she didn't deserve Felix's love or protection, not like him.

"So fucking hot," Felix murmured as the smoke escaped his lips.

Oliver's eyes darted over Felix, "I know."

He knew not to press Felix about Calypso, not right now, instead, he was too disgusted by the stench of the dorm room.

He sniffed, "What's that smell?"

"Erm... I don't know," Felix blinked.

Oliver groaned in disgust, "No. No, no, no."

"What? What are you on about?" Felix sat up once again frustrated by him.

"It's disgusting, Felix," Oliver got off the window ledge and decided, "Right, I'm cleaning up."

Felix's frown didn't leave his face, "It's fine."

"Only rich people can afford to be this filthy," Oliver remarked, picking up a bin and darting around the messy dorm room.

Felix gently scoffed, "Fuck off."

"I mean, you've got fucking pizza on the floor," Oliver walked over his legs, picking up more things to shove in the bin.

"Mate, stop it. I'll do it later. It's fine."

"No, you won't, mate. No, you fucking won't," Oliver let out a condescending laugh, "You'll never do it."

"Yes, I will."

"No, you won't."

"Ollie, yes, I will. I said I'd do it later." Felix tried suppressing his temper, feeling small despite himself.

"No, you won't," Oliver repeated with a scoff.

"Ollie, fucking stop! I'm not a fucking child!" Felix snapped finally, darting up from the floor to snatch the bin from him. Oliver looked quite shaken, but that didn't matter. "I can do it myself!" Felix felt pressured to pick up a few things. "I'm just... I'm just... I'm just hot. It's fucking boiling in these rooms. They'd rather we all die of heatstroke than ruin the fucking wood fucking panelling by putting in air conditioning."

Oliver stumbled back, "Stressing about the exams?"

Felix huffed out a chuckle, "I'm not stressed about the exams, Ol," he shot him a look, rolling his eyes, "You're driving me fucking..." he trailed off, realising why so many of his friends might have been right. He sighed, putting down the bin. "I've got some revising to do. I think I might, er...I might catch you later, yeah?

"King's Arms later?" Oliver tentatively proposed, pained by how the conversation descended.

Felix avoided looking at Oliver as he sat down at his cluttered desk, "Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Erm..."

Oliver shuffled back towards the door, "I'll text you, yeah?"

"Okay," Felix looked down, sending a glance when the door was about to shut. "Of course."

When he was alone he let out a deep breath and picked up his phone to call the one person on his mind.


"Why can't I come and visit America with you Cam? Because of your fiancé? He's the worst and you don't like him," Calypso spoke into her phone, lying across her bed, holding up a battery-charged fan.

She didn't want to come across as needy or desperate, fuck no. but the boiling temperature made it so she didn't have much of an emotional filter. The window had been open but all she got in return was hot air so she shut it.

She heard her older brother laugh, "So?"

"So you want me to be alone again for the summer? You all came by and didn't talk to me," she huffed.

"So why do you want to come to Los Angeles with me and the fiancé you fucking hate?"

"You hate him as well you just said. Look, being in Upton is dull, getting off with the same people is shite," she expressed, bringing the fan closer to her face.

"Why do you think we all hate coming back?" Camden groaned.

"Fine. Never mind, I'll just figure it out. Look have you said happy birthday to the twins?" it was their birthday today and Calyspo was checking in with all her siblings, despite them never doing the same to her.

"Cade's in China."

"Japan," Calypso corrected, sitting up.

"And Caspian told me he's back in England."

He didn't mention that to her. "Oh."

"Didn't like foreign air. So he's back."

"Right, but –" she heard a knock at her door.

"You sound busy. Bye Callo." he hung up.

She didn't get to respond, the knocking grew louder, "Come in. Fuck."

Felix calmly pushed open the door, now wearing a white vest in the thick heat, he smiled when he walked in, breath hitching when she was only wearing one of his shirts and a thong. Her hair was slicked back into two space buns. Fuck, she was beautiful.

"Lix, were you trying to break down the door?" she joked, mustering up a beaming smile when she ushered him into her neat dorm room.

Everything was tucked away, only her revision notes for the end-of-year exams were out on her desk and a few hair products were sitting at the foot of her bed. Posters of various film stars clung to the walls: Pam Grier, Pamala Anderson and Lucy Liu, as well as singers like Amy Winehouse, Corinne Bailey Rae and Lily Allen. A few plants were over in the corner with drying roots that had to be watered. There was a smell of fresh fruits and cigarettes in the air but overall the dorm was immaculate.

Just like Calypso.

Oliver would love it in here, Felix concluded and fought the urge to lash out at the idea.

"You didn't answer your phone," Felix mumbled, bringing her in for a hug and she happily wrapped her arms around him.

Sweat clung to them but they needed each other.

"Sorry, I was chatting to Cam," she spoke into his sculptured chest, "It's the twin's birthday and no one seems to care."

"You do, you always care," it was one of the things I love about you. His hands absentmindedly trailed down her neck, before she reluctantly pulled away.

"I guess. What's wrong? It's fucking hot and you've left your dorm."

"Needed to get out," he weakly answered as she guided him to sit on her bed.

He shuffled backwards until his back hit the wall, he pulled her bare legs over his lap, unintentionally putting her at an angle where he could see between her legs.

"Somethings bothering you, spill," she patted his face as she leaned backwards on her elbows, "is it Oliver?"

"How can you tell?" he sighed at the thought of the Oliver Quick. He didn't want to think about him whilst he was with Calypso, not with her looking like how she did.

"Everyone's talking about him. And my guess is that you've finally had enough," Calypso said, internally wishing he had.

"What do you think of him?" he asked, picking up the fan to blow in his face.

"Frankly, I don't think of him."

Felix pouted, "Cali."

"Not being mean. It's the truth, he's unremarkable and stares entirely too much," Calypso exhaled when Felix faced the fan towards her.

She knew he was a bootlicker like Michael Gavey stated, and he was odd, but she wouldn't judge him for clearly being from a poor family, he was just... suffocating.

His brows pinched together, "At you?"

"And others. All the girls are creeped out by him."

"I thought you liked to be looked at?" he paused, turning off the fan to examine her, "and which girls, MJ?" He, of course, knew Annabel wasn't a fan of Oliver, Farleigh despised him and the rest weren't ambiguous about their views. "And Annabel and India right? The two you've been shagging on the side."

She bit back a smirk, "Oliver told you then. Good."

Felix was doing his best to not flip out, his body stiffened when he was told about the ordeal. It was jealousy. He was jealous and he was prepared to embrace it as long as it was worth it.


"Do you care?" Calypso rebutted.

"If you swing that way?"

She gently shook her head, "I don't swing, I glide. But it was just a bit of fun."

"And you wanted me to shag them too?"

"I've heard you stopped anyway."

Felix shrugged off any of their advances for months. He was glad too. Sleeping with other people... sure it was an option, a pointless one. With every thrust, every moan, he saw her, panting underneath him drawing him closer to his release, with her name on the tip of his tongue as he moaned. And just like that, the wave of reality would come splashing over him and when he opened his eyes she wasn't there, it was someone else, he was always disappointed and the girls were too embarrassed to say something and so they didn't, silently envious of Calypso Danforth: the girl who selfishly stole Felix Catton's heart.

"I have," he found his voice, staring into her eyes it was impossible not to say anything. "You should too."

"Is that a demand Sir Felix?" he grunted at her tone of voice.

"And if it was?"

"I would listen," she pulled up her leg, tracing her foot over his thigh, to his crotch, emitting a groan from him.

Felix could barely suppress the bliss he felt, in that second.

"Then stop," he was pleading, pleading for a release, but it wasn't gonna be that easy.

She was satisfied with his answer, but moved her foot away, "Done."

Felix tossed back his head in frustration, he was so close. So fucking close.

At that moment he wasn't gentle, he couldn't be, her gasps filled his ears when she was pulled onto his lap, straddling his thighs, gripping the straps of his vest.

"Fuck..." he tugged her closer, drunk from the lust swimming in her eyes and more importantly her scent. "Are you wearing a different perfume?"

She licked her lips, "Dropped the mango scrub. Replace it with apple and change from Chanel to Beyoncé's range," she leaned in, their chests were practically kissing each other. "Do you like it?"

"I fucking love it."

Their eyes danced between their lips and everywhere else. There were no obstacles, no flings, just their clothes and the heat trapping them to her dormitory, where the sunlight shone brightly and passion soared.

But Calypso still decided to pull back, "So are you gonna tell me what Oliver said to hurt your feelings?"

He grumbled, "Let's not talk about him."

She raised a brow, "You were obsessed with him yesterday."

"I wasn't obsessed. He clings to me. Like my fucking shadow and then proceeds to treat me like a child. Says rich people don't clean up after themselves," he decided to leave out the statements he made about her.

"We don't," she deadpanned, knowing the state of Felix's room.

Felix's grip tightened on her waist, "You do."

"And? We're not all the same. But if you feel that way about him. Stay away."

"Is that a demand, Lady Calypso?"

She chuckled, heart swelling at the sentiment, "Do you want it to be?


"Then it is."

"Stay away from him Cali, too," he whispered.

She smiled, "Done."


"It's like comparing the Gruffalo to Cleopatra, Farleigh," Felix commented, making his cousin cackle as they occupied the King's Arms.

"What is?" Calypso asked, joining him with Monika who sat next to Farleigh.

India was getting off with Harry in the corner, or was it Jake? No one paid attention, Annebel's whereabouts were unknown, Alicia was asleep and they were just grateful that Oliver was absent.

"Felix was telling me about how you're staying at Saltburn for the summer. It'll be good to have someone else around to torment," Farleigh informed, covering for his cousin who snaked an arm Calyspo who was on the adjoining chair, wearing her glasses along with a suggestive outfit.

"Is that your way of saying you'd miss me if I didn't come?" Cali fluttered her lashes.

Farleigh turned up his nose, "No."

"You fucking liar, yes it is," Felix laughed, pointing in his face.

"You have a tell, Farleigh," Monika stated, leaning on her elbow, eyeing him.

Farleigh cocked his head to the side, "And what is it?"

"You don't have that normal level of American cuntiness clinging to it," Calypso answered, making them all laugh.

"Fuck you but also thank you," Farleigh winked, then sipped on his pint.

"What are you doing after exams Nika?"

"Being grateful that I didn't off myself before then and then going away to Gran Canaria. Mum wants to take me," Monika informed, combing a hand through her silky locks.

"Lucky you," Farleigh mused, catching the stiffening of Calypso's shoulders.

Felix rubbed at her neck, fingers attempting to ease the tension.

"Yes, lucky me."

"We need pictures," Calypso proposed, nodding to Monika.

"Yes pictures, dad sent me a scrapbook as if I don't have storage on my Ericcson," Monika ushered them all to lean across the table, even India and her fling who were far too incoherent to object, "But cram in."

"Say tits and teeth," Calypso said.

"Tits and teeth," they tipsily repeated.

"Class," Monika grinned at the picture on her phone she would have to print off as everyone returned to their places. "Now I say shots are on Felix."

"I agree," Calypso nodded, playfully jabbing the guy, who shrugged.

"Second that," Farleigh turned to her, "but River go and help him, or he'll drop everything."

The pair didn't hesitate to get up, leaving the others to gossip.

Farleigh tutted, "Sluts, the pair of them."

Monika nudged his shoulder, "Best way to live."

Over by the bar, Felix ordered whilst Calypso leaned against the damp counter.

"You've actually dropped your revolving door of girls," She said, surprised.

"I could say the same to you," she blinked at him rather slowly, as he took the tray of shots from the bartender. "What?"

"Just shocked, that's all," she knew Felix tended to be all too malleable if someone spoke the right combination of words.

He smirked, "You know why I did."

"Do I?"

"Prefer your company. I always do," He lowered his tone, stepping closer.

"And my face I bet, still imaging me when you were with them?"

"I was because you're so fucking' irresistible," his words almost had her knees buckling, but luckily he had a grip on her waist.

"And I have the entire summer in your grasp," she whispered.

He was elated that she couldn't slip through his fingers this time.

She lifted a shot, "Too the fucking summer."

He did the same, keeping intense eye contact.

"To the fucking summer," the glasses clinked as they threw back the shots, missing the lonely look on Oliver's face as he retreated out of the pub.

Monika called out, "Don't drink them all!"

Farleigh yelled, "Fucking greedy!"


john boyega as 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝗶𝗶
daniel ezra as 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
ncuti gatwa as 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
malachi kirby as 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
michael ward as 𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
louis cordice as 𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵


those are my face claims for the danforth brothers. imagine them how you like, provided that they are dark-skinned. i picked them because they're fine dark dark-skinned black brits who i adore in their projects. being dark-skinned in london, let alone england is tough especially if you go to a majority caucasian school. the danforth mens' presence weighs heavily on my girl cali's heart but she tries to not let it show, using her charm to disguise her insecurities. a fact that oliver pointed out but coming from him a "stranger" felix wouldn't want to hear it.

during the canon argument between felix and oliver, i admittedly thought it was an overaction, but the heat and the fact oliver hadn't left felix's side for months definitely contributed to that, but i added more tension to the mix by making oliver diss cali, the very girl felix puts on a pedestal.

now it's cemented that cali is off to saltburn soon, what events will transpire?

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