Shards: Moonwatcher Evil au W...

By Moonseabeam

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Moon was and is to perfect. She was able to handle all the voices in her head without going insane, she is sh... More

Please Read
First Unofficial Day. 7/10
Start of Day 2. Going okay.
Almost the end of the day. Weird.....
End of day. 10/10 I think?
Half of 3rd day! 7/10. Nothing bad- Okay, I take that back.
Beginning of fourth day... Hell. 0/10
Middle of 4th day. 8/10! *gasps*
End of day 4. 8.7/10. Pretty good, not including Sora feeling insanely guilty.
Start of day 5. Scheming. No comment.

The middle of the day. Good.

175 7 12
By Moonseabeam

Moon and the rest of the Jade winglet walked out of the A wing to find a sea of dragons scurrying around, rushing to their next class. Moon closed one of her eyes in pain. It was worse then in the prey center. And to make it even better, a lot of dragons were ramming into her, causing her lose her balance.

"You got it?" Turtle asked.

"Yep." Moon said, struggling to regain her balance.

"We have to get to the C wing, which is over there and then to the right." Qibli said, pointing to the other side of the hall. "Should take us about 3 minutes."

Moon bit her lip.  Moon wouldn't be able to handle 20 more seconds of all the noise. Moon tried focusing her mind on Turtle's mind to ease all the noise.

Moon settled down, when the weird voice from this morning said, 'Geez. Have you got any training?'

'Shut up, you I don't even know your name, you have no right to say that I have no training, or whatever.' Moon thought back.

'Okay calm down.' They said.

'How are you even in my mind? Are you another mindreader? Do you go to this school?' Moon thought.

'Yes I am a mindreader, but I do not go to this school.' The voice said.

Moon narrowed her eyes. Why would another mindreader be at the school, but not go to it? As well, if they were one from the volcano, then they wouldn't be able to reach me over here.

'Volcano? I guess more time has passed then I guessed. Moon what year is it?' The voice asked.

Knowing they would just pluck it from her mind anyway, she thought, '5006.'

'WHAT?!?!?! 'The voice yelled, before disappearing.

Moon blinked, but then thought, 'I think I'm going insane.'

Turtle turned to moon and said, "Are you okay?"

"Yea." Moon said, noticing that she was hissing lightly. "Sorry."

"No prob." Turtle said. 

Moon settled herself back into Turtle's mind for the rest of the walk to the next class. It took about 5 minutes to get there.

"Finally!" Qibli said, sitting at one of the matts.

"It was your fault we went into 6 different classes." Winter hissed, also sitting down.

"Calm down, you are almost late, all of you!" The teacher hissed. "Sit down!

Everyone who was still standing sat down, and then put earplugs in. The teacher made a, "What are you doing?" Look, but he couldn't ask us to take them out sense it was not class time.

After a moment of silence, the teacher then said, "Why are yo-" Only to get cut off by the bell.


After a few seconds after the bell, everyone took out their earplugs, and turned there attention to the teacher.

"Oh." He said. "That is why you put in earplugs." Then after a second he then said, "Well hello, my name is Webs. I am your history teacher, and I thought the founder all they know about history." He then turned to the chalkboard behind him, and began to write something.

"Go ahead and get out your history scrolls out, and go to paragraph 1." Webs said, still writing something down.

Moon reached for her pouch, and pulled out her history, as well as Kinkajou, Winter, Umber, Turtle, and Carnelian.

"Okay, now time to began. Th-" Webs started.

"Um, I don't have a scroll." Qibli said, raising his hand.

Webs raised an eyebrow. "It should have been with all of your things in your cave"

"Uh, I didn't get anything, but..... Oh." Qibli said, remembering that he had multiple scrolls on his bed, and thinking that it was way too cold, he decided to make a fire with the scroll, thinking that they were some scrolls that Thorn made him bring that were just some little kid stories.

"What?" Webs demanded.

"Well, uh." Qibli struggled.

Winter rolled his eyes and said, "The idiot burned them."

"SERIOUSLY?!" Qibli said, shaking Winter to death, while Winter having a blank stare on.

"Is that so?" Webs said taking his gaze off of Winter, and putting it on Qibli.

Qibli jumped back, "Uhh....." 

Webs sighed and said, "Go to Tsunami and ask for a scroll."

Qibli then started to walk out of the room, but then Webs said, "Also." 

Qibli then stopped in his tracks, and turned to Webs.

"Good luck. This is her only free period." Webs said, sharpening his chalk, which Moon questioned.

Qibli gulped at Webs words, and went out of the room to get a scroll.

"Anyway." Webs said after Qibli exited, turning to the board. "We will be learning about Scorching, wars, ancient history, and evolution. 50% of you grade will be from tests and quizzes, while the other half will be assignments, and other things." Webs said, pointing at a the words on the board.

Moon nodded. Webs looked pleased that someone was listening to him, and went back to talking. Moon drowned out his voice. She looked at the others.

Turtle, and Winter was paying attention, Umber was listening, but not exactly processing the words, and Kinkajou was literally sitting towards the exit to the cave, and not the teacher. 

"Kinkajou?" Webs snapped, closing his eyes.

"Yes?" She said, turning around.

"Turn around and listen please." Web snapped again, with his eyes still closed while rubbing his temple.

"Yes sir." Kinkajou said, turning back to the exit.

Webs opened his eyes, and said, "I JUST ASKED YOU TURN AROUND, WHY DID YOU NOT TURN AROUND?!"

"I did turn around, though." Kinkajou pointed out.

"NO YOU DID NOT!" Webs said.

"She did turn around." Carnelian said.

"She did." Winter said, supporting the Skywing. Moon looked into his mind, surprised that he did that to try and piss of the teacher.

"SHE DID NOT." Webs said.

"She did." Umber said as well, earning nods from everyone, half of them trying to piss of the teacher discreetly.

"WELL... I.... FINE. JUST TURN TOWARDS ME." Webs said, turning towards the board again.

Kinkajou was then facing the board by then. Moon then decided to listen to the lecture, with nothing else to do.

"So, you will all need to fill out this sheet, for me to know what you all know about scorching." Webs said, holding up a piece of paper.

Kinkajou raised her hand.

"Yes Kinkajou?" Webs said.

"What's scorching?" She asked.

"Would anyone like to answer that question for her?" Webs asked. No one raised their hand. "Starflight, how about you?" He said pointing to Moon.

"Um, my name is Moon." Moon corrected.

"Yes." Webs said. "Now answer the question."

"Uh, well scorching was when the scavengers were everywhere, and they stole some dragons ' eggs, and the dragons joined up into groups, that made up the tribes today." Moon answered.

"Correct Starflight." Webs said.

"I'm not Starflight." Moon said, trying to correct him again.

"Yes." Webs said again. "Now, scorching and history that happened close to scorching will be the main focus on the history for this semester. In the second semester, we will focus on the time around the 2000s, and in the last semester, we will learn about more resent history that people will have more common knowledge of."  Webs continued. "Now, Starflight, will you hand out the paper for me?"

Moon had a little rage and annoyance growing in her mind, "I'm not... Oh whatever." Moon said, muttering the last part, before getting up and handing out the sheets.

After handing out the sheets, Moon sat back down and filled out the sheet. It was pretty basic stuff. Just like, 'what was the first tribe?' and some other common knowledge. Moon peeked at Kinkajou's sheet.

Moon knew that Kinkajou could read and write, but Kinkajou just put, ' >:3' and some other stuff like that on the paper before turning it in.

Moon stood up, and put the sheet on Webs desk before sitting down. A moment passed, before Qibli burst into the room, screaming, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, HELP!!!!!" Before hiding behind a shelf.

"Three moons, what is it now?" Moon muttered under her breath.

Tsunami then burst into the room, saying, "WHERE IS HE?!?!"  With a very, and I mean very mad look on her face. THAT SON OF A BITCH!!! she thought, looking around the room.

There was a moment of silence, before Carnelian and Winter, pointed at the shelf that Qibli was hiding behind of.

Qibli then ran out of the room screaming.

"QIBLI!" Tsunami roared before running after him.

A moment after Tsunami left, Webs said, "I warned him." before going back to reading the papers.

*time skip to after Tsunami calmed down*

"YOU GUYS, PUT IN THE PLUS, IT'S GOING TO BLOW!!!" Qibli yelled at the top of his lungs.

Everyone sweatdropped, and ran over to their bags and put in their earplugs, covering their ears.


Kinkajou started to run out of the room saying, "YES, HISTORY IS OVER!"

"OY, SHUT IT!" Webs yelled at the hyperactive Rainwing, only to see her not listening.

Qibli took out his map, and said, "By the looks of it, we have Death and Herbology next? Do they have to put in the death part?" 

Moon perked up with a twitch of excitement. 

"By the looks of it, it's C3, so it's right there." Qibli said, pointing to the other side of the room.

Moon sighed in relief all those voices were hell to walk though for even more then 10 seconds.

The winglet walked into the classroom, to see a Nightwing. Moon was surprised at first, knowing that Nightwings were born on the volcano which didn't have any plants to study. Moon got closer to the seating area, and began to notice that this wasn't a Nightwing. It was a Rainwing!

A Rainwing? Qibli, Winter, Umber, and Carnelian thought.

 As she got closer, she noticed that she was black except the edges of her wings and webs had a pale violet color with small spots of white on them.

The Rainwing seemed to notice the group, and said, "Oh, hello! You can take a seat over there." pointing at the seating area. The group sat down at those words. The Rainwing was rummaging though some bottles, muttering, "Nope. Nah. Oh, hell no. Oh here it is." She said, picking up a bottle with a rainbow tint to it. 

The Rainwing then came to the group, sitting down. "I suggest you plug your ears right about now." She said.

Moon flinched, before putting in her earplugs.


"I'm glad that during lunch, they are going to fix the bell." The Rainwing sighed. "Anyway, my name is Nerium, your Death and Science teacher. 

Why death? Everyone thought.

"Your probably wondering why there is 'Death' in the name of this subject." Nerium said, making Moon almost swear that she was reading everyone's mind.

"Well the reason is because you will learn about some deathly stuff here." She said. 

Winter raised an eyebrow.

Nerium rolled her eyes, and then held up the bottle. "See this? Pretty rainbow, right?"

Moon's eyes widen. She knew what that was. Moon raised her hand.

"Yes, Moon?" Nerium said.

"Um, I know what that is, and are you sure that you should bring that out on the first day of school?" Moon asked quietly, but nervously.

Nerium blinked, but then laughed. "I see you know a lot about this then. Don't worry, I'm going to put it in the box there, and do something there with it completely sealed. I'm an expert in this. No worries."

Moon's stress lessened a little bit, but she was still nervous.

The others looked at Moon in confusion until Turtle's eyes widened as well, and said, "Wait... Is that what I think it is?"

Nerium laughed again and said, "Yep!" 

Turtle's eyes widened even more, "Which one?" He said, and everyone else became even more confused.

Nerium put the bottle in a glass box, with a small plant inside as well, smirked, and then said, "You'll see. Now watch the plant." Before opening the bottle from gloves on the outside.

For a second nothing happened before the plant suddenly became livelier, and looked more healthy.

"Wow." Kinkajou said. "That doesn't happen every day."

Then right after Kinkajou said that, the plant suddenly started to decay, before it looked dead.

"Wait, what happened to the plant?" Carnelian asked, confused.

Nerium smirked, and said, "The liquid I placed inside of there is from lake Kivu."

"What?" Everyone except for Turtle and Moon said.

"You see, lake Kivu is a crater lake, which stores carbon dioxide, which can be very deadly." Nerium explained.

"But then why did the plant grew lively before dying?" Winter asked.

"Most plants take in carbon dioxide, and release air that we can breath, but any pure amount of a oxygen can kill a dragon, and the same thing applies to plants with carbon dioxide. " Nerium explained. (Ps, I don't know if any of this is true, so look it up if you want an accurate answer. This applies for everything I write.)

"Ohh." Kinkajou said, "I don't get it." 

Nerium sighed. "Of course you don't." She said. "Anyway, your grade in this class will be 70% tests, quizzes, and experiments, while the other 30% will be homework, and stuff like that. You guys will have no homework today, sense it's the first day of school. In the first semester, we will learn about craters lakes, and medicine antidotes."

Moon and Turtle nodded.

"What is antidote?" Kinkajou asked.

Nerium facepalmed.

*time-skip of trying to explain what antidote meant*

"Earplugs!" Nerium yelled, putting in earplugs of her own.

After everyone put in their earplugs, the bell rang.


"Now get out of here, you class to get to!" Nerium snapped.

After the group left the classroom, Qibli took out his map again, and groaned, "We got Math next, in B wing."

The group walked to the B wing, and looked at Qibli, who then said, "It's B3." 

Kinkajou then rushed into their math class saying, "MATH SUCKS!!"

Qibli then grabbed a piece cloth, and then wrapped it over Kinkajou's mouth to muffle whatever she said next about math.

Winter then walked into the classroom after Qibli with Umber, and then Turtle and Moon walked into the classroom. 

Moon saw Starflight in the classroom, scolding Kinkajou for, "Saying such a rude thing about an important subject." Moon sat down on one of the mats, and took out her math scroll, knowing that Starflight would most likely ask everyone to take out their math scrolls.

"MATH IS DUMB!" Kinkajou shouted.

"IT IS ONE OF THE FIRST SUBJECTS THAT CAME TO MIND!" Starflight said, looking at the ground next to Kinkajou.


Starflight flinched, and then said, "YOU SHOULD NEVER CITISISE THE BLIND AND DEAF, KINKAJOU!"

Moon stopped listening after that, and tried to focus on Umber's mind, to try and stop hearing Kinkajou and Starflight's thoughts about how Math is either dumb or important.

After a few minutes of Starflight and Kinkajou fighting, everyone except Starflight and Kinkajou put in earplugs, and covered their ears, bracing themselves.

Kinkajou immediately covered her ears before hearing the sound, realizing that the bell was about to ring.


"AH. GOD, TSUNAMI, YOU NEED TO PICK A BETTER BELL!" Starflight yelled to Tsunami, knowing that she is in a different wing.

"Anyway,  time to learn. Take out your math scrolls." Starflight said, followed by the shuffles of Moon's classmates taking out their scroll.

"Uh, teacher?" Qibli asked.

"What is it?" Starflight asked.

"I uh. May have burned my scrolls, thinking they were something else?" Qibli said quickly.

"Go to Tsunami, she is in charge of the school, so she has all the extra scrolls." Starflight said.

Qibli gulped before walking out of the room.

"Now." Starflight said. "70% of your grade will be tests and quizzes, 20%  will be based on how well you did the assignments that I assigned, and the other 10% will be based on you behavior in my classroom. We will be learning multiple different kinds of math based on how fast we get though one." Knowing everyone in this class, we wont move fast, that's for sure.

Everyone nodded, and then heard a faint, "AHHHH, HELP!!!!" SHE'S GOING TO KILL ME!! but ignored it.

"I will not be assigning homework this week, sense it is the first day, No, sense you don't want to be like Webs. He thought, but then said, "but expect homework in the future." rambling a little more about what they would be doing in this class.

Moon looked out the window-like hole in the side of the classroom, seeing Tsunami chasing Qibli with a rope, but paid no attention, knowing that she would have to get used to it, knowing Qibli.

Moon looked back towards the teacher trying to drown out everyone's thoughts, and focus.

After a few minutes, Qibli burst into the classroom, panting, before sitting down.

"So how did you convince her?" Starflight asked, wanting to know how to get Tsunami to do what he wanted for once.

After a second, Qibli said, "I didn't." Making everyone in the room gulp in fear.

"Well good luck at lunch and your other classes, after the bell rings, you have a lunch break for an hour." Starflight said. "You can get ready to go if you want. I suggust you either get lunch after everyone else has got theirs, or get your lunch by hunting. Oh right, the lunch stands don't open until after 15 minutes."

Moon put her scroll back into her pouch, when Kinkajou came over to her, bouncing and saying, "Moon!! Want to eat with the winglet together?"

Moon shook her head apologetically, and said quietly, "Sorry, I agreed to eat with some other people this morning."

"Then you can bring them to our table!!" Kinkajou said, still bouncing.

Moon thought for a second, but then said quietly, "One of them has anxiety."

"Then we'll give them lots of hugs!!" Kinkajou exclaimed.

"Do you know what anxiety means?" Moon asked.

"Nope!" Kinkajou said cheerfully.

Moon sighed, but then said, "I'll ask them if they want to but no promises."

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..." Kinkajou said, walking back to her pouch.

Moon put in her earplugs, along with everyone else.


Qibli rushed out of the room to face a sea of dragons, trying to force their way to the cafeteria.

A sea of dragons' thoughts raced into Moon's mind, giving her a migraine. Sure there was thoughts from other classrooms before, but before it was all, "ugh, this class is boring." But now it was, "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY, I NEED FOOD!!!!"

Moon took in a sharp breath, and walked outside. Moon looked both ways. She noticed that at the end of each wing there was a ledge and an opening for dragons to leave and enter from there.

Moon went towards the exit, followed by Kinkajou's drowned voice saying, "Hey! Where are you going?"

"Trying out a route!" Moon called back.

"Okay!" Kinkajou said, turning back to the direction everyone else was going.

Moon pushed though all of the dragons going the opposite way, making it to the ledge. Moon then spread her black wings, and took off.

Moon went strait out away from the mountain for a second before circling back to see that there was a small bridge circling around the mountain. 

Moon flew around until she found her self at one of the smaller entrances to the main hall. Seeing all the dragons trying to fly up to get to the prey center, Moon walked over to around the spot they all agreed to met at, and then flew up, trying to avoid all the dragons.

She then spotted the ledge with the mini cave, and settled herself onto it, taking out the goat she caught earlier.

Moon waited for a bit, listening for Sora's and Turtle's minds, even though she knew that she couldn't hear Turtle's mind.

She sighed, and then she heard, "Boo."

She jumped, stumbling off the edge with her goat. She then spread her wings, flapping them a few times, catching herself before hitting the ground.

"Are you okay?" A voice called from the ledge.

"Ya, I'm okay Turtle." Moon said, picking up the goat before flying back up to the ledge.

"Is Sora here?" Turtle asked. 

Moon shook her head before saying, "No."

Turtle looked around before pointing in a direction, and saying, "Oh, look there she is."

Moon looked in the direction that Turtle was pointing, and sure enough, there she was.

Sora went over to the ledge saying, "Hi." 'I hope I wasn't late.'

"Oh yeah, Sora, our winglet really wants to eat together, so I said if you want to, we will." Turtle said.

Sora blinked, but said quietly, "It's alright, we can eat with them."

Moon smiled lightly before saying, "They will probably be in the cafeteria."

Sora smiled and nodded before taking off.

Turtle and Moon followed as they went into the cafeteria, seeing a lot of disappointed dragons in line for lunch.

Ugh, what's taking so long? One Icewing thought.

"I guess that everyone wasn't informed that the food stands don't open up until after 15 minutes." Moon said quietly.

Sora nodded.

"Oh, look, there's our winglet!" Turtle said.

Moon looked over and saw Kinkajou and Qibli standing on top of the table, yelling, "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!!!"

The trio walked over, and Moon said, "You know what, I'm not going to ask." before sitting down, knowing that Kinkajou will tell them, or she would hear it their thoughts.

"So that's your friend?" Kinkajou asked, bouncing up and down.

Moon nodded.

"Hi." Sora said shyly.

"Oh, Sora!" Umber said, a little surprised. "I'm glad that you made friends!" Didn't expect that.

Rage bubbled up inside Moon.

"Sit down! There's so much I want to know about you!!!" Kinkajou said.

Sora panicked a little from her anxiety, but sat down next to Kinkajou anyway.

"I'm Kinkajou." She said "What's your favorite color, is it yellow? Yellow is my favorite color, oh, what is you favorite animal? I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE SLOTHS, do you like sloths, oh, I one time tried to get a sloth to do that adorable smile that they all have, but one time- one time, I did the smile, but it just- Oh yeah, do you have any pets, I don't have any pets, but sense I am basically BFFs with the queen, I sortta have her pet as my pet. Oh my GOSH, have you heard that-"

"Okay, that's good." Umber said quickly, cutting off Kinkajou before she knocked Sora out with questions.

Moon sliced off most of the fur, head, hoofs, horns, and tail of the goat, making Kinkajou scrunch up her face in disgust.

Even though Moon was raised with vegetarians, she still preferred meat over fruit.

Moon took some cloth, and wrapped the head in it.

She then took the horns, head, hoofs, skin, and put them into her pouch before ripping off a piece of the goat, and eating it.

"That's gross." Kinkajou said, looking at the goat. "Why would you keep parts of the corpse, and why do you even like that, they taste terrible."

"says the dragon who's never eaten meat." Moon muttered, before ripping off another piece of goat with her teeth, and swallowing it.

This Mudwing is so obnoxious, I could-. I hope there's an art room here.  Mother would be pissed at the fact that I like to fly. Some dragons thought.

Moon took another bite of her meat, listening to the voices.

I swear, if this Mudwing makes one more noise- Oh look, the Seawing princess. Every dragon in the room thought. 

Moon looked up from her goat, to see Kinkajou squealing in a direction.

Moon looked over her shoulder to see the Seawing princess. 

She was wearing multiple ropes of pearls, and had perfectly groomed scales, glistening in the sunlight coming in though the leaves covering the window-like holes, making it look as if her fins were blossom petals while her scales were pearls.

Moon then looked at her friends, to see everyone except Turtle and Kinkajou, acting complete normal. Moon narrowed her eyes. She saw that Turtle was tinkering with a bracelet he was wearing, and acting more nervous then normal.

She then turned back to her goat, picking at the fur that was left behind, before taking another bite.

"Hello everyone!" The seawing princess said in a sickly honey voice behind Moon, to see more then half the room not listening to her. "Oh, my favorite fish! Can I have it?"

"Uh, this fish?" A Nightwing that Moon noticed was Mightyclaws said.


"The one I'm eating?" Mightyclaws asked again.

"You heard her, now give her the fish!" Another Seawing said behind the princess hissed. "She's a heir to the throne! Give her the fish. Now."

'But she's not my princess...' Mightyclaws thought.

"Hey, hey, what's going on here?" Clay said, 'heroically limping over' from other dragons' definition.

'Drama~' all of the Rainwings, Mudwings, and Nightwings in the crowd thought.

"He's not giving the fish to the princess!" The Seawing hissed.  

"Mother would want me to have it." The princess said.

"I'm sorry Anemone, but we don't have any official rules for the prey center, so whoever gets their claws on in first get's to eat it." Clay said, clarifying.

'that is how this is going to work? I don't like this at all.' Anemone thought, but nodded, and said, "Oh, I see."

Moon took the last bite of her goat, and looked to see both Turtle and Sora had finished as well.

"I'm going to go my cave, if that's alright." Moon said quietly, putting the goat bones into her pouch.

"What? Why?" Kinkajou whined.

"Because I want to clean the skin, bones, head, and horns of the goat. I'd rather not carry around an animal head." Moon said, watching Kinkajou fake retch at the statement.

"Where is your cave anyway?" Qibli asked.

"It's cave 2F." Moon said quietly.

Qibli nodded, before scribbling her cave in his map scroll.

"Well see you next period." Qibli said.

"See ya." Everyone said, waving Moon off.

"See ya." She said exiting the prey center, only to be pulled to the side by an unknown force, covering her eyes, and pulling her into a room with no other dragons.

'Is she? Only one way to find out. God, I really don't want to fish my own fish.' The dragon thought, before realizing Moon.

'so it's a student?' Moon thought, as the mystery dragon uncovered her eyes.

Moon looked at the student 'What?' she thought putting on a confused face. She looked out of the room, and into the prey center. 'Yep. They're still there.' Moon thought looking back at the dragon in the room. ' ... But they're here too.' Moon looked back and forth between the two. She also noticed that everyone was frozen except Moon and the dragon.

The dragon in the room sighed, and said, "Are you done?"

Moon stared at the dragon for a second before saying, "What. The hell is going on?" wryly.

The dragon sighed again. " Look, I know that your friends with Turtle, so what do you want." they said, not answering the question.

"What?" Moon asked.

"He's apart of the royal family, if your trying to gain his trust to kidnap him or something, no one cares about him, much less pay for him. So what. Do. You. Want." The dragon said. 'no one cares about turtle, and if she wanted money, she would kidnap Tsunami or Anemone.' 

"I just want to be his friend. That's it. No strings attached." Moon answered.

The dragon narrowed their eyes, as if not believing her. 'if she's telling the truth, or not, I should probably erase her memory for safety either way.'

"Also." The dragon continued. "If you lend a hand on any, and I mean any heirs, I'll kill you."

Moon realized that this dragon most likely had animus powers, and was about to erase her memory.

The dragon began the enchantment. "I-" 

"Um, again, how are you over there but over here?" Moon asked, cutting her off so close, that it made it seem on accident.

The other dragon growled lightly, and thought, 'Well, I'm going to erase her memory anyway.' before looking away from Moon, and turning their gaze to the wall.

 Moon then took a pen and began scribbling as much as posable onto her other hand without the other dragon noticing.

The other dragon sighed again, but said, "Well simply put, I'm an animus." Still looking at the wall.

Moon stayed quiet, still scribbling, quietly, as much information as posable onto her hand. 'She's going to look over to me!' Moon's mind shouted, quietly slipping the pen into her pouch, and acting normal.

After a second, the dragon hissed, "Well? No comment?"

"No comment." Moon said, pivoting, and speed-walking out of the cave.

"HEY, GET BACK HERE!" The dragon shouted, somehow not getting the attention of other dragons, before muttering something, and disappearing.

Moon blinked, and looked around. She had this weird cold feeling. And how did she get over here? Moon then shook off the feeling, before heading to her cave.

Moon entered her cave, and headed over to the ledge attached to the wall closest to her bed. The ledge had some wooden draws under it, so Moon suspected that is was supposed to be something like a desk. She took off her pouch, and set it down, taking out the horns, skin, and seeds and plants she found this morning, and putting them onto the ledge/desk.

Moon then went out of her cave to grab a water from the fountain, and went back in her cave, and dipped the fur that was stained with blood in the water, and sprinkled salt onto it, pushed it to the side.

She then dipped the horns into the cold water, wiping them off afterward, and putting them into one of the draws.

Moon then dragged some wood in the corner, and lit it, putting the water over it. She then took the head of the goat, and put it into the water, letting it sink to the bottom.

Moon then took the plants and seeds she found earlier, and observed them.

It seemed that Moon had got 6 seeds of thyme and 3 strips of the plant, 2 ginkgo seeds and 25 leaves, 2 seeds for both angel's trumpet and devil's trumpet, and a seed for a deadly nightshade, which surprised Moon a bit.

With the nightshade seed in her claw, she tilted it, to see that there was something written on her hand in messy and rushed handwriting.

Moon put down the seed, and squinted at her hand. It read, 'Don't mess with any heir a dragon will kill you if you do they're an animus they erased your mind so you don't remember they can make a clone of themselves, they asked want I wanted with turtle sense he is heir and no one cares about him they're a student at the school they dont know mindreader I can read their mind' It was definitely her hand writing.

'What happened?' Moon thought, rereading the scribbles. 'I'll need to remember this.' Moon then erased the writing off her hand with the water, before going back to plants, this time listening to the minds of people passing by.

She took out some pots that she brung from the rainforest, and filled them up with wet soil. 

she then put the seeds in, before putting them next to one of the leaf-covered window.

Oh no. The voice said.

'what?' Moon hissed back.

Oh no. They said again.

'What?!' Moon asked again.

Moon, please don't do this, I know what's going to happen, and I know what route this is going to turn out into, please, please, don't get involved with healing and poison, I'm begging you! The voice suddenly panicked.

'Why? I don't even know you.' Moon hissed. 'Are you the animus that erased my memory?! What happened?!'

Calm down, that wasn't me. The voice said, trying to calm down Moon.

'How would I believe that?' Moon thought back. 'If it wasn't you, then who was it?!'

There was a pause before the voice said, I cant tell you.

Moon groaned internally. 'If your not going to tell me, then I wont give up my poison and antidotes. Not that I was going to anyway.'

If I tell you, you will seek the dragon, and die. The voice said.

Moon raised an eyebrow. 'And why do I have to give up poisons and antidotes?'


'Hello? ..... Hello!' Moon thought before sighing in real life.

Moon then pulled out the bones, and tossed them into the water, making a small splash.

She then pulled the goat horns out of the drawer. The horns were about 11 inches. Moon ran her talon against the horn, until stopping at the base. Moon then thought for a second, before cutting the horn at the 3/4 point, having some blood spilling out.

Moon then took out a bowl, pouring the excess blood into it, and pushing the bowl to the side. She then began to carve a knife out of the horn, first drawing a line 2/3 in, before carving out a knife shape. Moon then sharpened the edge, and picked up the 1/4 of the horn she cut off, and carved out the inside, making a sheath for the horn knife.

She then thinned the sheath out at the end, so when the knife was inside it, it looked as is it was a small, normal, horn.

Moon was about to try and make the horn look more natural, when she noticed that she had about 5 more minutes until the bell was about to ring.

Moon put everything away, putting out the fire, and putting the pot under her desk, knowing that if her roommate saw all of this, she would probably think that Moon was a psychotic murderer, or something.

Moon then put on her pouch before walking out of her cave, and walked over to the edge of the floor. She then spread her wing, before taking off, and heading to the ground.

Moon pulled out her school map, scanning it to see what her next class was.

She saw that her next class was art, in room A3. Moon walked over to the A wing, only to get a headache.

'Wow, I was right, this will be a long day.' Moon thought before walking over to A3, and entering.

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