The young queen. The story of...

By GloriousSnake

778 145 3

"Come here, my dear," Loki purred, extending his hand for Ophelia to grasp. She took his hand, joining her lo... More



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By GloriousSnake

Loki awoke from his peaceful slumber, the soft, bluish light of the room gently illuminating the ethereal vision before him. He found himself enveloped in Ophelia's tender embrace, her slender form pressed closely against his.

As his gaze drifted over her delicate features, Loki couldn't help but be captivated by her otherworldly beauty. The thought, that she was his, made his heart beat faster and a smile appeared on his face. Ophelia's alabaster skin seemed to shimmer in the soft illumination, radiating an icy elegance that was uniquely Jotun. Her hair, as white as freshly fallen snow, cascaded in a silken waterfall around her, framing her face like a celestial halo.

Ophelia's face, the epitome of grace and refinement, held an otherworldly allure that left Loki breathless. Her high cheekbones and delicate jawline accentuated her regal presence, while her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of icy blue, sparkled with intelligence and warmth. Her lips, rosy against her pale skin, held the promise of countless sweet kisses.

Loki's heart swelled with love and admiration as he traced the contours of her face with his fingers, marvelling at the exquisite details that made her uniquely Ophelia. He couldn't help but feel fortunate to wake up to such a stunning sight each day.

Ophelia stirred in her sleep, her eyelashes fluttering as she slowly awakened. Her eyes, still drowsy with sleep, met Loki's, and a soft smile curved on her lips. In that moment, Loki realized that no words could ever capture the depth of his feelings for this remarkable queen who had stolen his heart.

With a tender kiss to her forehead, Loki whispered, "Good morning, my love," as they began a new day together, their hearts entwined in a love as enduring and beautiful as the frost-kissed world around them.

"Good morning, Loki" Ophelia responded and smiled at the man beside her.

"I can't believe I am a queen, I cant believe we are courting" Ophelia murmured, her lips gently brushing against Loki's as they shared a tender kiss. The realization of her new role weighed on her, and she sought solace in Loki's presence.

Loki caressed her cheek lovingly. "You don't have to face this burden alone, my queen," he reassured her. "I'll be by your side every step of the way, guiding you through the challenges of ruling."

Ophelia's fingers traced absent patterns on Loki's chest as she confided, "You know, I tried almost everything to change my mother's mind. I didn't want to rule. It's so frightening, the weight of responsibility."

Loki's eyes filled with understanding as he said, "You're not alone in your fears, my love. We'll face this together, and I promise you'll grow into a wise and compassionate ruler."

Ophelia sighed softly and shifted, reclining on the bed with her head resting on Loki's lap. She gazed up at him, her icy blue eyes holding a hint of sadness. "I would have preferred it if you could rule with me," she admitted, her voice filled with longing.

Loki brushed his fingers through her white hair and leaned down to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "Perhaps one day, my queen. For now, let us cherish the moments we have together, ruling both our hearts with love."

They remained like that, entwined in each other's arms, finding strength and solace in their shared love and the promise of a brighter future for Jotunheim.

The intimate serenity of the morning was abruptly shattered by an unexpected intrusion. The sound of insistent knocking echoed through the chamber, startling both Ophelia and Loki from their cocoon of affection.

Ophelia sighed, reluctantly detangling herself from Loki's embrace. "Who could it be at this hour?" she wondered aloud, pulling the covers up modestly.

Before they could respond, the door flew open with surprising force, and a young servant boy stumbled into the room. His eyes widened in shock as he took in the sight of his queen and Asgard's prince nestled together on the bed, their expressions caught somewhere between surprise and embarrassment.

The servant's cheeks turned a bright shade of crimson, and he stammered out an apology. "I-I'm so sorry, Your Grace! I didn't mean to intrude," he hastily mumbled, his gaze firmly fixed on the floor.

Ophelia couldn't help but chuckle at the young man's flustered state. "It's alright, you didn't know," she reassured him gently.

Loki, on the other hand, couldn't resist a sly grin. "Quite the way to start the day, isn't it?" he teased, causing the boy to turn even redder.

Ophelia playfully swatted Loki's arm, and the young servant finally managed to regain his composure. "I... I brought a message from your mother, Your Grace," he stammered, holding out a sealed scroll.

Ophelia gracefully accepted the scroll. "Thank you for delivering this. Could you kindly place it on the table?"

The young man, still blushing, nodded in response. He quickly deposited the message on the table and hastily exited the room, closing the door behind him.

Once they were alone again, Ophelia turned to Loki with a wry smile. "Well, it seems our morning has been quite eventful already."

Loki chuckled, pulling her back into his arms. "Indeed, my queen. But even interruptions can't dampen our love."

"Stop it, Loki!" Ophelia laughed as the mischievous god peppered her arms and face with playful kisses.

She gracefully untangled herself from the bed, then reached for a dressing gown, swiftly draping it over her nightdress. As she made her way toward the parchment the servant had delivered, a mischievous glint lingered in Loki's eyes, threatening further antics.

Ophelia carefully unfolded the scroll, her brow furrowing as she read its contents. Loki's curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn't resist asking, "What does it say?"

Ophelia's gaze lifted from the parchment to meet Loki's eyes "Mother wants to meet us over breakfast in her study." she replied, her voice carrying a mix of emotions.

Loki's expression turned serious, and a hint of anxiety crept into his voice. "Are you sure I should go? I mean, what if she doesn't like me?" he muttered, his insecurities surfacing.

Ophelia reached out and gently touched his cheek, her eyes filled with warmth and reassurance. "Loki, don't talk like that," she said softly, pulling him into a warm embrace. "I'm certain she will love you. And even if she doesn't approve, it doesn't matter. I love you, and that's what truly matters."

Her words brought a small smile to Loki's face, and he reciprocated with a sweet kiss. With newfound confidence, he stood and began to dress himself. "Alright, then. Let's get ready," he agreed.

Together, they prepared for the meeting with Ophelia's mother, knowing that their love would be their strength, regardless of the outcome.

Ophelia stood before the mirror, carefully selecting a simple yet elegant golden gown for the upcoming meeting. She started styling her hair, her gaze drifting to Loki, who stood behind her. She watched him through the mirror, silently admiring his presence.

Loki, still in the process of dressing, caught her gaze in the reflection and couldn't help but smile. His raven-black hair was slightly tousled from sleep, and the fatigue from their late-night escapade still clung to his face. Yet, Ophelia couldn't deny his inherent beauty, and she found herself momentarily lost in her admiration.

Loki's voice, filled with amusement and a hint of mischief, broke the silence. "Dear, it's rude to stare," he remarked, his smirk evident in both his tone and his reflection in the mirror.

Ophelia blinked, her cheeks flushing with a soft pink hue as she quickly averted her gaze from Loki's image. "I didn't stare," she muttered, feigning innocence, and continued tending to her hair, her heart dancing with affection for the charming Asgardian prince.

The mischievous grin on Loki's face only widened as he watched her reaction, savouring the delightful moments they shared before their upcoming meeting.

They continued with their morning preparations, Loki assisting Ophelia in tying her elegant gown, while she returned the favour by helping him attach a dark green cape to his attire. It was a shared moment of intimacy, a simple yet profound act of mutual support.

After some time, they stood together, fully prepared for the day ahead. With a final glance in the mirror to ensure they looked their best, Loki and Ophelia were ready to leave her chambers and face the awaiting breakfast meeting with her mother.

Ophelia was about to step out of her room when Loki suddenly halted her with a warm smile. "Wait, aren't you forgetting something?" he inquired, a playful glint in his eyes.

Ophelia turned towards him, her expression one of genuine curiosity. "What? I have everything I need, don't I?" she replied, a hint of puzzlement in her voice.

Loki approached her, his hands hidden behind his back, and he flashed a mischievous grin. "Close your eyes, Ophie," he requested, and without hesitation, Ophelia obeyed, shutting her eyes tight.

A gentle touch on her forehead made her open her eyes, and there, she felt the cool weight of her crown being placed on her head. She blinked, momentarily taken aback, before Loki's voice reached her ears, filled with warmth and affection. "Now you are ready," he declared, his fingers tracing a soft path along her cheek.

A rosy blush graced Ophelia's cheeks, but a wide, appreciative smile curled on her lips. "Thank you, Loki," she murmured gratefully, her heart fluttering in response to his sweet gesture. "Now, let's go," she added, offering her arm to him as they embarked on the day's adventures together, Ophelia's confidence boosted by both her regal attire and the unwavering support of her beloved prince.

As Ophelia and Loki made their way through the palace, they were met with nods of respect and bows from the palace workers who crossed their path. Ophelia, always humble and down-to-earth, couldn't help but pause to address them.

"It's not necessary, please," she gently implored as another servant offered a bow.

Loki watched her with admiration, struck by the kindness and humility she displayed. In that moment, she reminded him of his own mother, Frigga, who possessed a similar warmth and grace. Ophelia's ability to connect with people, even as their queen, was a quality that drew Loki to her more and more with each passing day.

Finally, they reached Gwendolyn's study, a room filled with the wisdom and history of Jotunheim. As they entered, the former queen's eyes lit up with delight.

"Oh, dearies! Here you are!" Gwendolyn exclaimed, her voice carrying the warmth of a mother's love. She rose from her chair and rushed toward her daughter, enveloping Ophelia in a loving embrace.

"Good morning, Mama," Ophelia greeted her with a bright smile, returning the hug.

Loki stood nearby, feeling a bit awkward and nervous about the upcoming meeting. He wasn't sure how Gwendolyn would receive him, and the butterflies in his stomach seemed to multiply.

Ophelia, always considerate, turned to Loki and held his hand, a reassuring gesture that didn't go unnoticed by Gwendolyn.

"Sorry, you had to wait," Ophelia apologized, her voice filled with genuine concern. "We just woke up."

Gwendolyn smiled, her motherly instincts kicking in. "No worries, my dear. The party lasted into the early hours of the morning. It's only natural that you're still tired from all the festivities."

She noticed Loki's discomfort and decided to put him at ease. "Loki, dear, how did you like the party?" She asked, her tone friendly and welcoming.

Loki, appreciative of her efforts to make him feel comfortable, smiled and nodded. "Thank you, it was truly enjoyable. I had a great time," he replied, stealing a glance at Ophelia as he remembered the magical moments they had shared on the dance floor the previous night.

Gwendolyn's smile widened as she observed the exchange between Loki and Ophelia. She could see the affection and genuine connection between them, which put her at ease.

"I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed the celebration," she said, her gaze softening as she turned her attention back to Ophelia. "My dear, I'm proud of how you handled the coronation. You looked every bit the queen you were meant to be."

Ophelia blushed at her mother's praise, feeling a surge of warmth and pride. "Thank you, Mama. It means the world to me that you're proud."

Gwendolyn turned back to Loki, her eyes assessing him kindly. "Loki, I know you've been a close friend to my daughter, and I've heard about your bravery and loyalty. I'm pleased to finally meet you properly."

Loki nodded respectfully, appreciating her warm welcome. "Thank you for having me, Queen Gwendolyn. It's an honor to meet you as well."

Gwendolyn waved her hand, dismissing the formalities. "Please, Loki, you may call me Gwendolyn."

Ophelia beamed at the exchange between her mother and Loki, grateful that they were getting along. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the two most important people in her life were beginning to form a bond.

"Now, let's have breakfast and discuss our plans for the day," Gwendolyn suggested, leading them to a small dining area within her study. As they sat down, it was clear that this meeting was a significant step in strengthening the bonds between their realms and their family.

The three of them enjoyed a hearty breakfast together, discussing various matters related to the governance of Jotunheim and the potential collaborations with Asgard. Gwendolyn listened attentively to Ophelia's ideas and plans for her reign, offering valuable insights and guidance along the way. Loki also chimed in with suggestions, showing his commitment to supporting Ophelia in her new role.

As the conversation flowed, Loki couldn't help but admire Gwendolyn's wisdom and grace. She possessed an air of authority and warmth that reminded him of his own mother, Frigga. He realized that Ophelia had inherited not only her mother's beauty but also her kindness and leadership qualities.

Ophelia couldn't have been happier as she watched her mother and Loki interact. It was a rare and precious moment to see the two most important people in her life coming together in harmony. She felt a deep sense of gratitude and contentment.

After breakfast, Gwendolyn cleared her throat, her face displaying a slight discomfort. Ophelia observed her mother with growing anxiety. "Mama, is everything alright?" Ophelia finally asked, her voice tinged with concern. Gwendolyn sighed before responding, "Yes, yes, it's alright. I just have some concerns about your and Loki's relationship."

Ophelia's heart raced with worry. She feared her mother might disapprove of their love, and her next words only deepened that fear. "It's just, if you decide to officially court and possibly have a family in the future... you know, Ophelia, you are part Jotun-part Vanir, and Loki is Asgardian," Gwendolyn explained, her words laden with a maternal tone that couldn't entirely mask the underlying worry.

Ophelia furrowed her brow, her mind grappling with the implications of her mother's cautionary words. "Yes, I know, but what's wrong with that?" she asked, her eyes searching for reassurance. Loki, too, wore a puzzled expression, his gaze fixed on Gwendolyn, waiting anxiously for her response.

"Ophelia, I am not sure if you can have any offspring," Gwendolyn gently admitted, her words hanging in the air, charged with a mix of concern and compassion.

"Mother! It's embarrassing! Please!" Ophelia screeched at her mother's words. Her face turned deep red, and she instinctively pressed her hands to cover her eyes, as if shielding herself from the discomfort of the topic.

Gwendolyn persisted, her maternal concern outweighing Ophelia's attempts to silence her. "No, Ophelia, it is important. Your backgrounds are quite different," she continued, unswayed by her daughter's discomfort.

"Stop it, Mother! Don't talk any more!" Ophelia implored, rising from her chair and moving closer to Gwendolyn. "You are scaring him away!"She whispered and cast an apologetic glance at the now beet-red Loki, who sat in his chair, clearly caught off guard by the unexpected turn of the conversation.

"Loki, dear, can you excuse us for a moment? We will be right back," Ophelia declared, her voice carrying a mix of urgency and reassurance. With a firm but gentle grip, she guided her mother out of the room.

Slowly nodding his head, Loki signaled to Ophelia that he had heard her, though his mind was a tumultuous whirlwind of thoughts. Still too stunned from the unexpected topic, he remained unmoving in his seated position, his gaze fixed on the closed door through which Ophelia and her mother had just exited.

Confusion clouded his features. They were both relatively young, with Loki being just 1200 years old. The idea of having children hadn't even crossed his mind. Now, as Gwendolyn brought up the topic, the foundation of their budding relationship seemed to tremble. They were just starting their journey together, and the notion of offspring loomed over them, unexpectedly becoming a point of discussion that threatened to alter the course of their path.

In the corridor outside, the atmosphere hung with a tension that mirrored the weight of the conversation. Ophelia's eyes pleaded with her mother to choose a more private setting for such discussions, understanding the potential impact on Loki and their budding relationship. Yet, Gwendolyn's concerns, though uncomfortable, had been voiced, leaving an air of uncertainty hanging between mother and daughter.

Ophelia, once she had closed the door behind her, turned to her mother with a mixture of frustration and concern etched across her face. "What are you talking about?!" she cried, throwing her hands into the air in exasperation. "You are scaring him away, Mother!"

"He has to know what is expected from you both in the future," the older queen calmly explained, her tone carrying a sense of duty and foresight. The weight of the conversation lingered in the corridor, and Gwendolyn seemed determined to convey her concerns to Ophelia, even if it meant addressing uncomfortable subjects.

Ophelia's frustration and concern deepened as she engaged in a heated exchange with her mother. The urgency in her voice reflected the intensity of her emotions. "Yes, but that's the future! We have known each other for almost half a year, and one month of it, I was here and he in Asgard! The relationship is fresh, Mother! Too fresh to discuss such things!"

Gwendolyn, standing firm in her perspective, responded with a tone that carried a sense of practicality. "There is no point in a relationship when you will have struggles in the future. It is easier to end it in the beginning."

"No-no. Wait a minute! We are not ending anything!" Ophelia insisted, her determination to preserve their relationship evident in her voice.

The corridor became a battleground of conflicting views, with Ophelia grappling to uphold the present and Gwendolyn attempting to instil foresight and preparedness for the challenges that might lie ahead. The tension between mother and daughter lingered, each woman standing her ground in the face of the looming uncertainty.

"But you have to understand, Ophelia! You have to continue your lineage!" Gwendolyn pressed, her words carrying the weight of tradition and responsibility.

"Then I will give the throne away," Ophelia declared, her resolve unyielding.

"To whom?" Gwendolyn inquired, a note of irritation seeping into her tone.

"I don't care. If it means I and Loki can be together, without any problems, then I will do it," Ophelia asserted, challenging the conventional expectations placed upon her.

"And what of Jotunheim?" Gwendolyn probed further.

"What of it?" Ophelia retorted, unwilling to sacrifice her personal happiness for the sake of royal duties.

"I can't believe you would give up your realm for a man!" Gwendolyn expressed her disbelief.

"Then you made a wrong choice giving me the throne," Ophelia shot back, her frustration with the limitations imposed on her becoming increasingly evident.

"Yes, I start seeing it now," Gwendolyn conceded, acknowledging the growing divide between mother and daughter.

"Great. Excuse me, then. I have places to be," Ophelia declared, opening the door to retrieve Loki and escape the stifling atmosphere of the conversation.

"Ophelia, wait! I didn't mean it like that!"

"Loki, let's go," Ophelia declared, determination resonating in her voice. "Let's find a calmer place. We need to talk."

"Ophelia..." Gwendolyn attempted to halt her enraged daughter, but Ophelia was resolute, furiously stomping away, desperate to distance herself from her mother.

Gwendolyn sighed, the weight of the words she had spoken to her daughter hanging heavily in the air. An uncomfortable silence settled over the room as Ophelia and Loki departed from the scene. Oh, how she wished the Norns would be merciful to her youngest.

"Ophelia? Where are we going?" Loki inquired as he struggled to keep up with the young queen, who was half-running through the corridors.

"Away. I don't care where, but we are going away."

"What do you mean?"

"She crossed the line this time."

"It's about the 'offspring' topic?"

"Yes. She could make me the heir, she could order me to be the queen, she could send me to travel the nine realms, but she can never, NEVER, tell me who I can or can't love and be with!" Ophelia hissed, a lone tear escaping her eye.

"Come, let's go to the north tower; no one can disturb us there." She added and headed towards her quiet sanctuary.

As they reached the tower, Ophelia locked the door behind them and threw herself on a couch. Loki sat next to her and slowly caressed her head.

"Do you know what's worst, Loki?" she mumbled.

"She actually said that she is not sure I am suitable for the throne. After all I went through! After all the pain!"

"I believe she didn't mean it like that."

"And what did she mean then?"

To that, Loki couldn't answer. It was clear that the mother and daughter had a difficult relationship.

"I'm just so tired, Loki!" she whimpered, hugging Loki tightly.

"Hush, don't cry, love."

"All these secrets! All these demands! Everybody wants something from me! I don't want to be a queen; I don't want to rule a realm! I'm not ready, but no one understands! And then mother basically says we can't be together because we can't possibly have children! I'm 1000! I don't even know if I want children, I don't know if you want children! And she is like..."

"Hush, Ophie. Breathe. It's alright, dear. We will be together, everything will be alright. We will find a way through this."

"But you want children, right?" she asked, teary-eyed.

"In the future, I think yes. But we have time! We can think of a solution! Don't burden your mind with that right now. You have a realm to rule."


"Shhh! Relax now."

With that, Loki pulled her even closer and rested his chin on her head, his hand tracing patterns on her back. The soft glow of the sunlight from the tower's windows embraced them, creating a cocoon of solace amid the storm of emotions. The distant sounds of the castle below faded away as they found comfort in each other's presence, momentarily escaping the challenges that awaited them.

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