Trapped By A Taurus

By hazelmonroe99

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Meet Giselle a rounded and sensual Taurus hailing from the heart of Alabama. Giselle's journey unfolds agains... More

Alabama 2003
Bougie Bitchez Fuck Up Too
Trifling Shit
He's Mine: Mari
Familiar Faces
Two Can Play
Don't Trust No Nigga
Creeping Still
Mari's Dilemma
She Ain't You: Drique's Part
New Things
Pride's Part"
Back To Us
Comfort Inn Ending

For Ahlirah

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By hazelmonroe99

Man, it felt like life was movin' at a hundred miles per hour. Here I was, tryna juggle all the craziness that came with bein' a new mama, and Drique, he was still hustlin' and in college. But despite all that, he stepped up in a big way.

Next thing I knew, he was rentin' us a whole apartment for our daughter and me. We weren't stayin' at mama's house no more, nah. We were takin' a leap of faith and makin' moves to Montgomery, Alabama. It was a fresh start for our little family, a chance to create a home of our own.

I couldn't believe it, man. Drique, the same dude who had bounced to Duke University without lookin' back, was now investin' in our future. He knew he had to be there for our daughter, and he was provin' it in actions, not just words.

We packed up our stuff, said our goodbyes to mama and grandmama, and headed to Montgomery. It wasn't easy, adjustin' to a new city, a new life, but we were in it together. We were buildin' somethin' special, somethin' our daughter could be proud of.

And let me tell ya, Montgomery embraced us like family. The people, the vibes, it was a whole different world. We started connectin' with other young parents, joinin' baby groups and support networks. It was a whole community that came together to uplift and empower each other.

Drique, he kept workin' hard in college, jugglin' his classes and still findin' time to be present for us. He became a regular fixture at doctor appointments, diaper-changin' sessions, and midnight bottle feedings. He was there, holdin' our daughter close, showin' her the love she deserved.

Montgomery became our new stompin' ground, a place where our daughter could grow up feelin' loved and supported. And I'll forever be grateful to Drique for takin' that leap of faith, for showin' me that change is possible, and for givin' our little family the chance to thrive. 

Although he drove hours just to show up for our daughter when he could i still couldn't find it in myself to forgive him fully. He was the first boy i gave my heart too and i lost my virginity to him. Latasha Green and i didn't get along at all in school. She was one of those girls that was jealous of people because they grew up around love. It was sad that she had a fucked up childhood but that doesn't make it okay for you to be nasty to everyone around you. 

I wanted to press her so bad about my nigga but that would only make me look like a fucking clown and i wasn't going out sad behind him. I strtd working for a senior care home after my six weeks for our daughter Ahlirah was up. When i would get home at night it would be dark and of course i would have to tend to Ahlirah,exhausted and all. I walked into my job one day and in my bosses office sat Latasha Green. She was dressed in a black and white suit and had her hair pinned up. Chile, you are applying to be a caregiver not a office secretary or some shit. I rolled my eyes because i knew the bullshit would begin. 

"Giselle! I am glad you walked by. Latasha was just telling me how she went to school with you. Latasha, Giselle has been a star employee since she arrived here last summer. Giselle i will have you training Latasha. please let her know what is expected of her and our company creed.''My boss Rebecca Lane said smiling. 

''I can do that." i smiled fakely. Deep inside i was pissed off. Not only would i have to work with Latasha Green i would have to train her also. I stood at the door as Latasha finished up paperwork than walked her to the front building. 

''Come back tomorrow at 9.'' I said to her getting ready to turn to walk away when she stopped me. 

''Damn...Its like that hey how are you doing nothing??''

''Latasha you know you and i have never been cool plus i caught you with my babyfather."'

''You are still holding onto middle school beef?and who is your baby daddy?''

''You made middle school a living hell for me and you know damn well its Tyrdrique."

''Whoa...hold up. I may have been an asshoole but i really didn't know you and Tydrique were together. I was dating him for a whole year. I was actually wondering for awhile if you was the sidehoe."She said. 

''Side hoe? I could never be that girl. Tydrique and i were dating for two years already before i found out about yall. Anyway...yes he's my babydaddy. Don't think just because we work together we finna be cool. i still wanna whip yo ass. You just do your job and ill do mine.'' I said walking off. 

''Now i ain't messin with Drique anymore but since you wanna act tough imma tell you who still is.'' she said. 

I stopped in my tracks and turned to her. 

''Watchu talking about?''

She snickered and shook her head. I walked back towards her feeling my hands shake a little bit.

''He messing with some Spanish girl at Duke University. Her name is Tyana . My cousin goes there and she told me.''

''Oh really. we will see.'' I said nervously walking away. I walked to the break room and poured myself a cup of water. I was hyperventilating and sweating. So this whole time that we have been back a couple and he's been going to college he been messing with a whole other chick. I asked to leave work early then went to my friend Kelly's job before heading home. Kelly was  a hairdresser and doing her last  clients hair before i walked in. 

''We going on a road trip bitch.''I said 

"'Whats going on?''

''Why Latasha Green tell me Drique got a bitch at Duke?''

''Latasha? I thought yu ain't fuck with Latasha. Yall talking now?''

''Girl..she works at my job now and i was forced to train her."

''Bitchhhhhh.''She exclaimed. 

''I know..listen ill have my mom watch Ahlirah... i need to go up there.''

''I been missing north Carolina anyway. Lets goo girl.'' She said finishing up the clients hair. After she cleaned up her shop we headed over to the dycare to pick up Ahlirah. When we got to my moms house she was listening to music and drinking. 

''Ma i need you to watch Ahlirah for a couple days.'' I said bringing Ahlirah to the kitchen in her cafr seat still. My mother bent down and took Ahlirah out of her car seat and kissed her all over. 

''Whats going on?''

''Kelly and i have to go to North Carolina to take care of something.''

''You better not be sneaking up on Drique.''


''Giselle...if your gonna be with that man your gonna have to learn how to trust him.''

''Well now i have a reason not to trust him again so can you watch her or not?"

''You know i got my grandbaby just be back before wednesday.''She said

"Okay," I said, planting a gentle kiss on Giselle's cheek before bending down to shower our little Ahlirah with affection. With a hopeful smile, I walked out of the house, knowing that this was the beginning of a new chapter for us.

We hopped into the car and made our way back to my crib, where I gathered some clothes for the journey ahead. Giselle needed her stuff too, so we swung by her place to pack up her belongings as well. Man, it felt good to be takin' these steps together, building a life for our little family.

The drive to North Carolina was long, but it didn't feel tedious with Giselle by my side. We kept each other entertained, snacking on some good ol' road trip treats and sharing stories and laughter. I couldn't help but talk Kelly's ear off, excitedly sharing my dreams and goals for the future.

When we finally arrived in North Carolina, the sun was just starting to peek over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. It was a beautiful sight, a symbol of the new beginnings that awaited us.

We decided to book a hotel room to catch up on some much-needed rest. Exhausted but filled with anticipation, we crashed into the soft hotel bed, allowing our bodies to sink into the comfort. As the afternoon rolled around, we woke up, refreshed and ready to see wassup with Drique. 

Dressed in a white tee, shorts and running shoes, i tied my hair back and wiped all the makeup off my face in case i had to fight today. 

"Girl don't get to this college tripping and get us both locked up.''She said. 

''I'm chilling as long as she's chilling. I just wanna know who she is and how long they have been messing around.' I said 

We drove over to Drique's college and i was on my third cigarette. Students were in the field talking and some playing football while others listened to music. We got out of the car and walked up the pathway to a group of boys dressed in lettermans and sitting on a picnic table.

''We looking for some little Spanish chick..anyone happen to know the shawty that be running around with Tydrique Martin?''I asked. Kelly was too busy checking out some niggas that was rapping to hear the conversation. 

''Drique's girl? yeah you talkig bout Mari...whatchu want with her?''One boy asked

''Don't worry about it where can i find her?'' i asked. 

''She's usually in the gym...but whats your name you fine as hell.''A boy with dreads asked. He was cute too but i wasn't hear for none of that.

''Giselle...''i responded walking away. Kelly followed me into the school and we walked around for awhile until we reached the gym. There was a whole squad of girls in the gym listening to music. There was a lighskinned girl, thick wearing a tank top and spandex shorts stretching. I knew she was the girl we were looking for because all the other girls were darkskinned like me..

"Don't go in there tripping Gi.''Kelly said grabbing my arm. 

''I'm cool. But if some shit pops off you riding or sliding ?''

''I'm riding you already know sis just be cool unless we gotta fuck something up..''She said. I opened the door and we walked in. The music on the radio continued to play. Several girls looked our way. I walked up to the middle of the gym and placed my hands on my hips.

''Can we help you?'' a girl with long braids and long eyelashes asked. 

''I'm Giselle ...I'm looking for Mari.''I said

The lightskinned thick girl that i eyed before we walked in looked my way and stood up from stretching. 

''I'm Mari..who are you?''

''I'm Giselle ...i need to speak to you bout something real quick.'''

She looked confused and put her hands on her hips tryna figure out if she knew me.

''Anything we gotta talk about you can say it in front of my team.''She said. 

''Okay. since you wanna be smart. I'm Giselle. Tydrique's girlfriend. We have a 7 month old daughter named Ahlirah... i came all the way from Alabama to find yo ass.''

''Wait what? Drique didn't tell me had a girlfriend or a baby."She said 

I could hear a few girls whispering and laughing at her. Kelly placed a scarf on her head in case shit got crazy. 

"Well i drove all the way up here to tell you he does. A bitch i know has a cousin that goes here and she told her...Stay away from my man...and that goes for all you bitches..''I said pointing at all them. 

"The issue ain't with me staying away its if HE wants to stay away.''Mari snickered. I put my bag down and gripped Mari up by her shirt. A few of the girls tried to walk towards me but Kelly was on go mode.

''AND nobody better touch her or we all gonna be rumbling.''

'' will never be his main... i can stop yo time right now..''I yelled punching her in the face. Just as i was about to lay another punch down Tydrique walked in and gripped me up. 

''Giselle! Stop!''He yelled. I bit my way out of his reach while Mari picked her glasses up off the floor and put them in her purse. She was crying and her friends were consoling her. 

''You up here fucking these bitches knowing you got me and Ahlirah at home.''

''Can you please relax..''

''Drique you told me you ain't have no girlfriend at home... i been fucking with him for 4 months now.''Mari said. 

'' and i just be fucking..this is my baby mama , my did you even know i was up here Giselle.''He yelled.

''Latasha's cousin told her and Latasha told me.''

A girl with blue and black braids got off the bleachers and walked towards us. 

''I'm the cousin that told her."She said. 

''Naijah you knew he had a girlfriend at home and didn't tell me?''Mari yelled 

''Mari...i told you two months ago after that party and you acted like you didn't care."Naijah said. 

''Well thank you Ni for telling her.''Kelly said while eating a bag of chips. God she was so non chalant sometimes. 

''So what are we doing drique? you gonna be my man or fuck with your ghetto ass babymama.''

''Sweetheart you don't make no rules. I'm not going anywhere but you are."'I said to her. 

''I'm not fucking with Mari...Mari it was cool but i gotta family at home.'' He said

''You bout to not have no family.But i know what imma do imma move up here cuz now i see yo ass really can't be trusted after all the shit you said to me.''I yelled. 

Drique grabbed me by the arm and we walked out of the auditorium. Kelly followed behind us. He pushed me up against the lockers.

''You see why i be cheating. You never listen to me, always tripping damn . you can't even have a day of peace with you.''

''Everything was all good until you started fuckin around. We had it so good Drique how is this my fault?''

''You was always out somewhere with Kelly made me wait two years just to hit you really thought that i wasn't gonna creep up in something come on now Gi you gotta give me some credit here.''

''Credit for what? I had integrity and had morals..i gave you my virginity...i felt as though you were real enough and good enough for that then you turn around and fuck other girls on me.''

''Giselle. if we gonna make this work i need more time with you.. I told you you don't gotta work and you still working. I told you you don't gotta get nothing for Ahlirah and you still buy her things. You barely dress up anymore nothing. Like where is the girl that i fell for ?''

''You want me to submit to you and be the old Giselle then stop giving me reasons to masculine. ''

''I can't even look at a bitches ass on tv without you becoming possessive..Thats all I'm asking for is you to submit to me and trust me...I won't have no reason to fuck with another bitch if you are doing what i ask for you to do.''

They often say that Taurus and Libra's are the best couples but man do Libra's put the L in lying. He was romantic yet indecisive, indecisive but also not one for conflict and loved to love..Everything had to be balanced for him.

"I ain't even tryna be in yall business but yall gotta tighten up for Ahlirah...Drique you be tripping when it comes to Gi. She can do all the things you did to her and you would be fucked up about it."'

''I respect all that Kellz but right now I'm tryna figure shit out between Gi and i alone can you wait for her in the car..thanks.''

Kelly cut her eyes at him and walked off. 

''I'm moving up need to move in and i don't wanna see you around her again....I promise you won't see me or Ahlirah again if i find out you still fucking with her.''I said shoving him away and walking down the hall. The other students whistled and shouted out compliments as i walked out of the building and to Kelly's car. 

We stopped at a Mcdonalds before getting on the road. As much as i wanted to leave Drique that day i held on for Ahlirah..I was still in love with him and could see us going far if he would just tighten up. He was right tho... i was falling off bad. I ain't dressed up or popped out in awhile. I was willing to do anything to save our relationship. 

It began to rain and i turned on WDAS. Kelly kept talking my ear off about her family and who she had a thing for from the hood. I was zoning out . I Can't Stop Loving You by K.E.M came on the radio and tears fell from my eyes. It was one of me and Drique's song.

" think about the day I met

The perfect stranger

I think about us

And I think about the day

I got wrapped around your finger

I think about us"

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