Glitch with my Rebirth - MCU...

By Taylorbeanbetch

42.1K 1.9K 616

Lexi Ross a 22 year old Autistic woman who dies taking two bullets for her best friend Rich while they were b... More

Chapter 1 - Ah shit, here we go again..
Chapter 2 - Battle of New York
Chapter 3 - Family Meeting
Chapter 4 - ๐Ÿ”ž Button! ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 5 - ๐Ÿ”ž Winter is coming ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 6 - ๐Ÿ”ž Carrot on a stick ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 7 - ๐Ÿ”ž The Deal ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 8 - Cobra Kai ๐Ÿ
Chapter 9 - Cloudy Night
Chapter 10 - ๐Ÿ”ž WORTH IT! ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 11 - Mew Mew?
Chapter 12 - ๐Ÿ”ž Your sons an idiot ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 14 - Fifth times the charm
Chapter 15 - ๐Ÿ”ž Handy for a Telly ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 16 - ๐Ÿ”ž Ideas are born ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 17 - ๐Ÿ”ž HEIMDALL!! ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 19 - V3nom
Chapter 20 - ๐Ÿ”ž Training ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 21 - Lap Kitten
Chapter 22 - ๐Ÿ”ž Punishment ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 23 - Jafar's Melon's
Chapter 24 - ๐Ÿ”ž First Time ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 25 - The Avatar ๐Ÿ”ฅ ๐Ÿ”๏ธ ๐ŸŒฌ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’ฆ
Chapter 26 - Training the new hires
Chapter 27 - ๐Ÿ”ž Nuts ๐Ÿ‹
Chapter 28 - Clit Dick
Chapter 29 - Look at his wee clothes!
Chapter 30 - Defeat. (End For Now)
~ Skills ~

Chapter 18 - Daddy?

1.1K 65 15
By Taylorbeanbetch

- Two Days Later -

I roar like a lion and easily throw Wade off me, tossing him across the room. He squeals out like a girl and hits the wall with an 'oof'. He holds his hand up with a thumbs up. "Good job! More claws, don't be afraid to do damage if they try to hurt you kitten."

"Again." I say with a huff, wiping the sweat from my brow with the back of my hand.

"Flower, you've been at this for hours. You've perfected it." Bucky says from the sidelines, Jafar wrapped around his neck.

"I don't want to be caught like that again." I say with a feline growl, side eyeing him.

"There's nothing more I can teach you my Padawan." Wade says as he pulls himself off the floor, cracking his back with a grunt.

"Fine, if there's nothing more to teach me then I need to leave." I say crossing my arms. It's time for the superhero training montage.

"What why?!" Bucky says with alarm, his eyes wide and wild.

"Because, the more animals I befriend, the stronger I become. I want to be able to pimp slap Hela when she comes out of her time out." I state with a huff my brain calculating which animals I should be friend.

"You're not fighting Hela." Wade says with a frown, resting his hands on his hips like a scolding mother.

"I will not let hundreds of thousands of people die and their home be destroyed Wade." I say while gesturing my hands around wildly.

"If you're leaving then you need bodyguards. Multiple." He states with a raised brow.

"I'll come with-" Bucky pipes up.

"You're still technically a wanted man Bucky." I tell him flat out with a sigh.

"You're not going if I'm not going doll." He glares at me my eyes widen at this and I growl.

"Try and stop me." I hiss at him. Sick and tired of being told what to do.

Bucky stands up and strides towards me with a look of displeasure. "Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa!" Wade intervenes holding his hands up.

"I'm going." I turn and walk out of the room, heading straight for my bedroom to grab my things. Tony stands just outside my room. Just as I'm about to ask him what he needs my prey skills feel hunted once more, the hairs on my body standing on end. Behind me? I use my scorpion skill and strike behind me, hearing a hiss of pain. Readying my claws and Rooster feet I roar at them. I turn and see Steve, my eyes widen in shock. What the fuck? Steve why-

Steve holds his abdomen, rushing me. I grab a hold of him with my strength and easily throw him down the hall. Fuck this, they're acting weird. I need more space! I book it towards the living room, Tony hot on my heels pressing something on his watch. Rabbit ears form and I hear something launching after me. I use quick strike and speed to kick myself off a wall and dodge out of the way, whatever it was sails past me. What the fuck was that?! Was.. WAS HE TRYING TO IMPRISON ME?! My prey and predator skills scream at me to run.

"Fuck!" Tony curses. Following my animal instincts I book it to the open patio. "SHIT NO! LEXI!" He screams out rushing over to me. "WAIT! DONT GO!" I jump up onto the chair and activate my rabbit jump leaping off of the tower into the free air.

He hits the railing and looks at me with wide eyes as I plummet to the ground. I activate my glide and large chicken wings sprout from my back, I fly myself down the street leisurely. I hear Tony roaring out a scream behind me. I dive to the ground and quickly begin to run full speed. Why are they doing this? What the fuck is going on? Why were my skills so on edge?

I need to hide. Something feels off. Leaping over a street, clearing the cars people yell at me in fright. I zig zag through the crowd. Snatching a jacket someone was selling and sliding it on. Using my claws I chop off my hair as I flee, snagging a hat and glasses as well. Leaping over another street I pant loudly like a fleeing rabbit. Finding a dense crowd I slide myself in, using my mouse skill silent steps. I cover myself with the hood keeping my eyes locked onto the ground.

"Shit shit shit!" I hear Tony's robotic voice as he lands, looking through the crowd frantically. Jarvis scanning faces, I turn and walk away at a normal pace. My heart racing in my chest. "Fuck! Lexi! Come back! It's not safe!!" He calls out to me and I walk down the street out of sight. My skills telling me it's only safe when I'm out of the city.

- Tony POV -

"Shit. Jarvis send the containment." I tell my AI, booking it to her room to try and buy some time. For the past three months I've built a special facility just for her to keep her safe. I designed a special iron man suit that launches itself at her. Enveloping her and controlling her movement, similar to a straight jacket. It would allow us to get her to the facility.. I know she wouldn't go willingly...

What I didn't expect was for Steve to come up behind her and fuck it all up! I had a plan goddammit! She booked it to the patio and jumped off of a fucking building! If I sent the containment armor she would just plummet, it's not made for flight with a person.. Just rocket propulsion to arrive and contain its target.

- Lexi POV -

I managed to make it out of the city. Having gotten a good chunk of money out of a couple ATMs using Stark's card I had in my cheek. I took the maximum allotted amount and stored it in my skill just in case. He no doubt tracked me so I had to book it once I got the cash. He's probably having Jarvis monitor CCTV in zoos in New York as well.. So I need to get far away and off grid for a while. Using the cash I took I got a greyhound to California. Deciding to visit zoos and aquariums there, maybe even go into the desert and find some animals.

- California Zoo -

"Yeah, life's been really hectic lately Lancelot." I tell the beautiful Harpy Eagle as he perches in his pen. Eagerly listening to me.

'You humans and your problems.. Goodness gracious.' The eagle shakes his head with a fond smile.

"Humans are wastes of space if you ask me. We ruined this planet." I say and the bird nods his head in agreement.

'Your structures have gotten quite large and animals too few I hear.' 

"Yeah.. Animals used to run wild over two hundred years go.. Then we massacred them.." I say with a sigh, a bunch of people look at me weird. I shrug it off.

Lancelot the Harpy Eagle - Flight
With massive wings you are able to fly the skys.

My eyes widen in surprise as I look at the notification. Holy shit!! Awesome!! 'Get something interesting?' Lancelot asks with a smirk, having told him about my gift.

"Yeah.. I.. I can fly now.. Thank you Lancelot." The eagle fluffs up with pride.

'You can thank me by telling them I want fish, not beef.' They bow their head to me and I nod. 'Here they come now.' A keeper enters the pen holding a bucket of beef chunks. Lancelot lets his displeasure be known.

"I missed you too buddy!" The keeper says with a smile, not reading the animals obvious displeasure.

"Ma'am? Lancelot doesn't want that beef." I state to her in the other side of the cage, pointing to the bucket.

"What?" They look to me with confusion and a scoff.

"He's not excited to see you, he's pissed. He wants fish, what kind Lancelot?" I ask him with a brow raised.

'Perch! Or trout, I love trout.' The bird cry's out to me and I nod my head.

"Perch or Trout." I say to the woman with a smile. "I'm a mutant by the way, I can understand and speak to animals." Easiest way to explain it.

"Seriously?" They ask me with a brow raise.

"Lancelot, back me up here?" Lancelot nods his head to me. "Head up, head down. Dance in place, now spin. And cry." Lancelot copies my commands to the T, leaving the keeper looking at me with fright.

"See? He said he wants Trout and Perch. He hates beef." I say with a kind smile.

"I.. okay.. Every animal..?" They ask me meekly.

"Every animal. Made friends with a brown recluse spider once, nice lady." I shrug my shoulders with a grin.

"C-Could you help us? One of our Tigers hasn't been acting herself lately and the vets can't figure out why." The keeper admits with a grimace.

"Sure." I say eagerly. "Anything to help an animal."


The keeper leads me through the back of the zoo towards the temporary tiger cage they set up. Thick metal bars separate us and the big cat who lays on a bed of straw. "Hello." I say to the tiger crouching down to be on their level.

'you.. you can speak..?' The tiger grumbles out, looking up to me.

"Yes, I can speak. This lady tells me you aren't acting like yourself. What's wrong?" I tilt my head.

'my teeth.. they hurt so bad.. I can't eat..' The tiger cry's out to me in pain, tears in her eyes.

"It's her teeth, she's in pain." I tell the keeper. "Which teeth?"

'The front long ones.. They hurt so bad! Make it stop!' The tiger begs me with yawls of pain.

"Front canines." The keeper nods her head writing this down. "Don't worry, they're gonna fix you right up now that they know what's wrong." I tell the tiger with a smile.

'Thank you speaker..' The tiger smiles at me thankfully.

Tiger - Eyes in the back of your head
An effect that mimics a tigers ears, making people think you are looking at them when they attempt to attack you from behind.

- Evening - Forest -

Overall today's been pretty productive, I've been all around Cali today. Met some cool animals and helped a few others, I feel like aquaman now ever since I left the aquarium.

Tortoise - Shell shield
Form a turtle shell shield on your arm. Able to block attacks.

Zebra - Lost in crowd
Able to confuse people following you by entering a crowd.

Silverback Gorilla - Dominance.
You assert an air of dominance, should they question you pound your chest.

Dolphin - Swim speed
Swim as fast as a dolphin at top speed!

Beluga - Insulation
Cold water doesn't effect you anymore!

Sailfish - Rapier
Able to slash your foes with this unbreakable rapier!

"I feel like a fucking DND character.." I say with a huff as I hunker down next to my fire. Wearing my Bear skill to keep warm while my food heats on the fire. Located in the middle of a forest I flew too using my new skill.. it was a learning curve for sure.  I combined my chicken and eagle skills which allows me to fly and glide for long periods.

My rabbit ears perched and in constant motion, listening for anything that may approach. I stoke the flames with my Sailfish sword, making use out of it. Using the turtle shield as fire pit so I don't harm any of the plants.

Hearing movement behind me, I activate my tiger skill. Tiger ears sprout just below the rabbit ears, making it seem that I turned around and looked directly at whoever or whatever approached. The movement stops suddenly. "Whoever you are come on out." I say turning to look seeing nothing but inky blackness. My tiger ears disappear.

"I see you are using your ability's well." A male voice I don't recognize comes from the forest.

"Who are you?" Doesn't sound like an animal.. hunter maybe? But how would they know about my abilities? I could just be a rabbit mutant for all they know.

From the foliage steps out a man with a large rack of deer antlers adorned with jewelry growing from his head, thick cloven hooves replace his feet. Covered in thick brown fur wearing an golden embroidered cloth around his body. "No night vision yet I see." He says with a smile approaching the light of the fire.

"I ask, yet again. Who are you?" My scorpion tail poised and ready to attack.

"My apologies for startling you.. I am Cernunnos." He bows his head to me in greeting. Wait... Like from Smite?

"The Gaelic god of animals?" I say with wide eyes.

"The very same." He says with a smile, sitting down opposite me on the fire. "I am happy you have heard of me."

"The hell are you doing in California?" I ask him with confusion. Thinking that he would be in Ireland, or the god place that Zeus rules. The one from Thor: Love and Thunder.

"Looking for you actually." He says with a kind smile.

"Why?" The hell?

"I'm your father." I scoff at him rolling my eyes. Yeah fucking right Darth Vader.

"My father's name is Mark Ross. You're not my father." I am not covered in fur with fucking hooves thank you very much.

"Yes, your souls father is Mark Ross.. But this body I sired with the goddess of love Aine, my wife." He states to me sitting back to get comfortable and I squint at him.

"That mother fucking cat.. This was the twist other then the obsession." The obsession thing wasn't even a twist was it? It was a fake out. This was the big fucking reveal. The reason I have my powers is because I'm a goddamn god. Could.. could the obsession be from this Aine lady? It's possible..

"We were forced to sire this body by the order of that being. We could not say no lest we face his wrath." I huff out angrily, crossing my arms. Cernunnos nods his head in agreement to my frustrations.

"Fucking cat.." I glare into the flames. "I'm your kid, so what?" I say to him. I'm used to not having a father figure in my life. My mother was good enough to fill both roles.

"I simply wished to know who inhabited the empty shell I created.. And I must say I am pleased with who I found. A human who loves animals just as much as me and my wife do." He smiles at me fondly, approving of the person operating the flesh mech.

"Animals deserve more than humans.." I state with a shrug. "Being able to talk to animals was always a childhood dream of mine.." I toss another log onto the fire.

"They are amazing creatures are they not?" He looks at me with fondness.

"Yeah.. I've made so many friends since I've been here." I smile up to Cer- my father. "So.. I've got questions.. What's the lifespan?" Am I immortal or do I have a cap like Asgardians?

"Thousands of years.. I have been alive ever since the humans in Ireland first explored the woods. I protected the creatures when humans tried to over hunt.. over the years.. it grew harder and harder to stay secret.. I am 5,120 years old." Yeesh, fuck that noise. This is why I always choose werewolf over vampire. Living that long is fucking scary.

"Damn. That sucks." I say with a huff.

"It does indeed suck-" Cernunnos stiffens his deer like ears flicking to the forest, standing up from the fire. "I'm afraid I must go daughter. A rather odd human is on their way.. I shall see you again." He smiles at me and disappears with the wind blowing away like leaves.

"Well shit." I say to the empty night.. that's not so empty.

"What a delicious smelling morsel.." A deep gravelly voice comes from behind me, turning I see Venom walking towards me. Oh god. Shivers go down my spine at the voice.

"Uh... Hi there." I say to the giant symbiote meekly heat rising to my cheeks.

"Hello morsel." Venom smiles to me, getting rather close. They sniff me eagerly. Oh god don't panic-

"Please don't eat me Venom." I ask him pleadingly. I am into a lot of things.. VORE IS NOT ONE OF THEM!

"We would never eat you morsel.." Venom pulls back and looks me in the eyes. Great another one.. gotta admit I ain't that mad. Big bara Venom. "What is your name?"

"Lexi." I tell the giant creature who sits down a ways away from the fire.

"A beautiful name.." They smile at me, I blush a bright red and cough into my hand. I am such a monster fucker.. why is he so hot? The real question many ask themselves when they see Venom, why am I attracted to him? He secretes top energy.. and the tongue.

"T-thanks.. What are you doing out here?" In the middle of fucking nowhere no less?

"Smelt you on the wind. Smelled good, so I tracked you." Of fucking course you did.. will I ever get a moments peace? With the cat cackling manically at my misfortune, it's a no.

"Huh... Okay.. You want some chocolate?" His eyes widen even bigger and he nods eagerly. When in doubt, woo them with food.

Reaching into my mouth pouch, Venom looks at me with confusion. I pull out a long toblerone that I stuffed in there and hand it to him. "How did this fit in there?!" Venom asks in astonishment, looking at the food then to me then to the food.

"Chipmunk cheeks." I shrug my shoulders with indifference. Venom eagerly begins to eat the chocolate.

"Why are you out here morsel?" Venom asks once he's finished his food.

"Getting away from people who are trying to cage me." Venom growls lowly at this, knowing exactly how it feels.

"Would you like me to eat them?" He offers with the intent to follow through.

"You and Vaggi would get along great." I snort out a laugh shaking my head. "No thank you, but thanks for the offer V."

"Would.. would you like to come with me? Eddie has a cabin." Venom offers me meekly.

"Eddie?" I pretend not to know, Venom peels back himself and shows Eddie Brocks face who's staring at me. "That was horrifying and very 'The Thing'. But hello, pleasure to meet you Eddie."

"Eddie has a room you can sleep in." Venom says eagerly.

"Honestly..? That beats sleeping out here in the woods, sure why not. Let me put out the fire first." I shrug my shoulders and quickly douse the flames with water.

- Tower - Day After Heimdall Rescue -

A punch is thrown and he spits blood out of his mouth onto the floor laughing loudly with a smile on his face. Body secured firmly to a chair with heavy rope and handcuffs. "Fuck.. Her little cunt was so tight around my cock-"

Another punch in thrown nearly dislodging his jaw. Spitting more blood out of his mouth and a tooth he grins at Bucky who's trying his hardest not to kill the bastard who deflowered his girl. "She's the one who instigated it you know.. She seduced innocent little Steven.. Began to ride him, he broke her hymen. But Jake was the first make her squirt all over us and soak the couch.. and the first to fill her full of cum-" Bucky roars and punches him again, knocking the chair over to the floor with a clatter.

"I came inside her next.. Her pussy was like a vice around me, writhing and sucking at me so beautifully. Her slick was making my boxers soaked.." Bucky kicks him in the stomach, Marc grunts out in pain. "Poor Steven got it last, barely enough cum in the body.. But she loved every second of it, milking him of every drop... She chose us to take her virginity.. not you fuckers." Marc grins wildly up at Bucky with a loud laugh.

Bucky snaps and smashes Marc's skull with his boot. Blood and brain matter splattering all over the room. The body goes limp against the chair. Bucky heaves air in and out. He begins to kick the body more and more, leaving the chest nothing but a bloody cavity. Blood stains his pants and boots, he stares down at the corpse. Shaking his head he leaves the room to go change.

Khonshu stands in the corner of the room invisible, staring down at his avatar. He waits till the Winter Soldier leaves the room. Kneeling down he begins to heal Marc back to his former self. After all..

An Avatar can only leave his god if the god wishes him to.

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