The Paper Girl - Adopted by t...

By AdrenalineRush98

21.9K 978 915

Mitch's life seems to be a rock bottom, with no family and stuck in a school with egotistical bullies. But af... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 16

762 29 28
By AdrenalineRush98

The Paper Girl – Adopted by the Ways

A/N: So I would have had this up earlier but Tumblr was calling my name...well, I live on that site as we all do so...yeah...anyways I hope you liked the last chapter. It's time for something that could either make you love me or kill me...or both if you like that sort of it is at long last, enjoy.

Part 16

' just creeping the hell out of me.' Tara mutters in my ear as she, Tommy and me walk down the school corridor towards the end of lunch. The creepy thing? People are smiling at us. Us, the schools biggest losers next to Kevin Hales who is widely know for having a serious accident in the school pool. Well, more specifically, according to Tommy, they're smiling at me. It seems everyone has seen the Twitter post. Or maybe they saw it on Tumblr, or Facebook; it's over every piece of social media on the Internet. It's freaking me out a little bit. Not everyone in the world knows my face, but everyone here does, and they're smiling.

'They're hoping they'll be famous if they hang out with you.' Tommy says as a group of 10th graders call out a 'Hi Mitch' and a 'How's it going Mitch?'

'Like I said,' Tara says as we reach her locker and she dumps her books and collects the math's we need for the double lesson this afternoon. 'It's creeping the hell out of me. Holy shit.' Tara hisses as a group of super cool eleventh graders head our way. Eleventh graders here never look in our direction yet they are clearly heading towards us. Oh great, one is wearing a MCR shirt. Brand new by the looks of it as well, since the tag is hanging out of the collar.

'Hey Mitch, we're ditching last lesson today to head to McTubby's burger bar. Wanna come?' I stare flabbergasted between Tommy and Tara before my mouth is wet enough again for me to speak.

'Um, sorry, I can't today, maybe some other time?' I say and they all nod eagerly before all walking off.

'Ok,' I say, 'someone hit me. Did that really just happen?' The bell buzzes and we head off towards maths.

'It's amazing the power Twitter has over peoples lives.' Tommy grins and I punch him on the arm as someone else smiles at us. We arrive in the math's department and Tommy heads over to his group of skater guy friends from his engineering class that are heading into a different math's class than us. Tara and me head to the back where we normally sit. One kid up front turns and gives me a friendly smile. But there is one person who isn't pretending to like me here. In fact, I'm sure Myra hates me more since I've been getting slightly more attention than her. You can guess she's not too happy about that. In fact, Myra turns up to math's early today rather than strutting in ten minutes late like normal. She glances around the classroom and her eyes fall on me and Tara who are sharing a set of headphones to hear Pierce The Veil's new song, The Divine Zero.

And what does she do? She walks up to in the seat directly in front of us and with a flick of her golden dyed hair, the girl sitting there runs faster than light and Myra sits down. She narrows her eyes at us. I don't look her directly in the eye, but Tara is more than happy to stick up her middle finger at her before returning to listen to the song.

'3 years of no new songs, then this, I now understand what you Sherlock fans go through.' Tara mutters with a grin and I stare. She has no idea the pain the Sherlock fandom goes through.

'Maybe I'll write to BVB and ask them to go on a hiatus longer than Fall Out Boy?' I grin back and Tara glares.

'Don't you dare do such things to my babies!'

'You know it freaks me out when you call grown men who are three times your height 'your babies', right?' Tara just grins before quickly tugging the headphone out of my ear before stuffing them in her bag as Mr. Harris up front clears his throat.

'If you two at the back are done discussing your social lives, we will start.' Some people snigger at us out of habit but soon the class is quietly chatting to themselves as we follow the instructions in out math's books as Mr. Harris sat on his laptop. Me and Tara have a suspicious that the fifty-year-old walrus-resembling math's teacher is a Tumblr blogger. You never know, do you?

I open my math's book, but before I could even start question 1, my attention is directed as Myra turns in her seat to glare at me.

'You need to watch your back, you attention seeking whore.' She hisses and I roll my eyes.

'Piss off Myra. I'll take your threats seriously when you learn to keep your legs closed, especially in the P.E storeroom.' I look up and see her eyes blazing with the look that says she's going to tear me into pieces.

'Say that again, bitch!' She hisses. 'God I feel bad for those losers who adopted you. Having to live with you all the time, maybe that's why that freak of a dad of yours is in a suicide cult band. You're all just a bunch of freaks.'

At that I climb out of my chair in a second, the sound of chairs scraping back against the floor echoes, Myra copying me as we stare straight at each other.

'What is going on back there?' Mr. Harris looks up from his laptop to see Myra standing half a head taller than me, despite I am standing up also. Myra smirks at me before turning on the water works, which are just as fake as her extra long extensions.

'Mitch was s-saying horrible things to me for no reason!' Myra sobs and two of her friends run to her side to console her whilst I just stare wide-eyed from behind my glasses.

'You've got to be kidding me!' I say and this is the wrong thing to do in my defense as Mr. Harris sighs and pulls open his desk draw.

'Mitch Baker, or Way, whatever your name is these days, take this to room one-five-seven. Thank you.' He waves the detention slip as I sigh and pack my things away, Myra still sobbing (conveniently not hard enough to smudge her mascara) as I take the slip from Mr. Harris and leave the classroom, contemplating just how stupid the whole situation is. I'm not even half way down the corridor when I hear Mr. Harris shout 'Out! Out! Out!' And the classroom door bursts open and Tara comes grinning out, a detention slip of her own in her hand.

'What did you do?' I ask as she comes running up, zipping her Asking Alexandria hoodie up as she walks.

'Myra decided to try and be smart with me so I told her the smartest thing that's ever come out of her mouth is a dick. She didn't take it too well, tried to kill me there and then.' Tara says with a grin and we walk down the stairs to room 157 to find the room empty, aside from a sheet of paper with a list of student's names who had attended detention. They must have moved rooms.

'Just put our names down and lets leg it. Maybe we can find the 11th graders at McTubby's?' Tara laughs and I roll my eyes so much I'm surprised they're still in their sockets. 'Hey, if you promise to let them visit your folks then maybe they'll pay for our food.' She says as she skips in front of me as we head down the font steps.

'Why are the only things that cross your mind wither food or covered in war paint?' I ask and she just smiles devilishly. 'Ok stupid question.'

'Where are you going?' Tara asks as I head towards the main road.

'What? If I walk home now I'll be home on time, school's nearly over but I ain't waiting for Myra to come out and kill me.'

'Fair enough. Will I see you reblogging on Tumblr tonight?'

'You're telling me you spend nights not drooling over your BVB dedicated dashboard?' I sass and Tara sends me a two-finger salute before heading down the opposite side of the road towards her own house. I plug my headphones into my ears, listening to Hum Hallelujah by Fall Out Boy as I walk, making my way through the streets and the rest of Infinity on High. After about half an album of walking, I look at my watch and see it's gone the usual school home time. And to confirm it, I see the yellow school bus turn the corner and briefly stop at the point where I normally climb off. I pick up the pace and walk down the next street, crossing the road and heading through the gate and up the drive, noticing the car is gone, but the door is unlocked.

'Hello?' I call as I drop my unused keys on the sideboard, kick off my converse and walk into the living room where Gerard and Frank were going head to head on Guitar Hero.

'Whoever you are, if you're going to rob us, don't touch the Oreos.' Gee says, as he doesn't look up from the television screen, clearly trying to catch up to Frank who was looking smugly at the screen. I smile and sit down on the sofa as the battle out the last few chords of Rock and Roll All Nite by KISS.

'Take that Way!' Frank raises his arms as the song ends and the game declared Frank the winner. 'Mitch! C'mon, your old man is the easiest guy to beat on this game.'

'Least I can reach things on the top shelf.' Gerard says with triumphant smirk, until Frank punches him on the arm and he winces in pain.

'C'mon Mitch, show Gee how it's done.' Frank grins and hands me the plastic guitar and I sling the strap over my shoulder.

'Take your pick of weapon.' Gerard bowed before the list of songs available on screen and I scroll down and select Dammit by Blink-182.

'Prepare for your doom, kiddo.' Gerard grins as he positions the guitar and plays in perfect time to the chords as I bumble along.

'C'mon Mitch! I'll buy you an ice cream if you wipe the floor with the old man!' Frank cheers as he jumps around like a hyper little kid in time to the music.

'And it's happened once again
I'll turn to a friend
someone that understands
Sees through the master plan

But everybody's gone
And I've been here for too long
To face this on my own
Well I guess this is growing up
Well I guess this is growing up

'What? Hey, no fair!' Gerard calls as once the chorus comes on board I manage to topple his high score on screen, taking the lead.

'And maybe, I'll see you, at a movie, sneak preview...' I chant along as Gerard tries catching up, determined not to be beaten for a second time.

'Aw come on!' Gerard pouts as the song ends and he is booed off stage. 'I'm so glad my career isn't riding on this score.'

'Well, I guess this is growing up, Gee.' I give him a toothy smile and he wraps an arm around my neck and madly ruffles my hair up.

'Hey! Watch it dude!' I cry as I manage to break free. 'Round two anyone?' I look between the guys and Frank looks at his watch.

'I wish. But we gotta move it if we want to get there on time, Gerard.'

'Yeah, maybe later Mitch. We've got to meet the guys at the studio. Do you want to come along? Lyn-Z took Bandit to the dentist, she's worried Bee has way too much sugar.'

'Yeah sure.' I grab my jacket and tug my shoes on and head outside to where Frank had parked his car across the road and I hadn't even noticed. We climb in and Frank drives us into the centre of town, chatting to Gerard as I text Tommy on my phone. He sends me a joke and I feel my face going red with attempts to not laugh out loud.

'Oh! Red face! Mitch is texting a boy! Gee, you'll have to get on the guy's case!' Frank had seen me through the rear-view mirror and I go even redder.

'It's that Tommy kid isn't it?' Gerard asked with a grin. 'Aw you two are so cute together!' Gerard squeals like a teenage girl and I bury my face in my hands.

'We're not going out! I swear to god Iero!' I glare at Frank as he laughs at my red face.

'Yeah, but I bet you want to be his girlfriend, don't you!' He says and both of them watch me as I try to come up with an answer. Upon seeing I'm stumped, they just grin at each other and laugh.

'Oh shut up.' I mutter and go back to my phone until the car parks in the parking lot of a creamy white building under the strong Californian sunlight. We walk into the lobby where I am given a visitors pass and Gee and Frank give small waves and hellos to several people as we climb some stairs and head through a corridor into another lobby on the third floor.

'You bringing fans in with you now, Way?' A guy calls out brightly as he passes with a clipboard. Gerard laughs as I blush and zip my jacket up, hiding the Fabulous Killjoy's tee I'm wearing.

'This is my new daughter, the one I was telling you about?' The guy and several others come over.

'You're the famous Mitch! Nice to meet you, I'm Brian Schechter.' The man holds his hand out and I shake it, knowing him to be MCR's manager.

'Didn't know it was 'Take your daughter to work day'.' Brian laughs and I feel my face go red. 'C'mon then you two, the others are already here.' I follow Gerard as he keeps an arm over my shoulder and we head down another corridor towards what looks like a conference room. When Brian said 'the others', I was sure he meant Mikey and Ray, but they weren't the only ones in there. When Frank opened the door, I heard a familiar voice call out:

'Hey guys look! It's my glasses' buddy!' Patrick bounds up and serves me a high five and we both absently push our own glasses up our noses.

'Hey Patrick.' I grin. 'What are you-' I trail off and see behind him, sitting with Ray and Mikey, are the remaining members of Fall Out Boy: Andy Hurley, Joe Trohman, and, of course, Pete Wentz.

'Guys, this is Gee's new daughter, Mitch.' Patrick says to the rest of the band and they smile.

Yep, it's fangirl central inside my head.

Please don't go crazy. Please don't go crazy. Please don't go crazy.

'Aw, she's a fan girl too.' Joe grins and jumps from his seat. 'Sup Mitch, I'm Joe, that's Andy,' Andy comes over to and shakes my hand. '...and that unsociable thing sitting in the corner is Pete.' True enough Pete was sitting at the table, clearly absorbed in his phone, the screen highlighting the pink of his hair showing under his hat.

'What brings you hear, Mitch? Wanted to see how much Gee talks about you at work?' Andy laughs and I groan.

'He doesn't talk about me does he?' Mikey laughs from behind a cardboard coffee cup.

'Always goes on about you and Bee, and about how good you're art work is, thanks to your art teacher.' I close my eyes and make a mental note to glare at Mr. Michaels to make his brain explode out of his head.

'I thought we weren't telling anyone yet, not even family?' Patrick asks as he turns to Gee, who smacks himself on the head.

'I forgot that's what we were going to do today, sorry Mitch, erm, here...' Gerard roots in his pocket and pulls out some quarters. 'Sorry you'll have to wait in the lobby. You can go get yourself a coffee and I won't be long.'

'Ok, well, bye.'

'You'll have to use the coffee machine on the first floor, Mitch,' Brian begins to tell me. '...because someone used up the last in the machine on this floor.' At this, Mikey becomes very interested in the strap of his watch and I try not to laugh.

'Okay.' I close the door behind me and walk downstairs with a smile, rolling the coins in my palm as I walk, plugging on headphone in my ear and pressing shuffle and get She's My Wiona. I reach the coffee machine and press a few buttons and a cup slides out.

'Hey, you're Gerard's kid, right?' A woman at the reception desk begins talking to me and I don't know what to do other than nod with a sheepish smile. She smiles brightly at me. 'Just as coffee mad I see. The sugar's are behind the box.' She points out a tray of sugars and I thank her as I add some and milk before stirring it with a wooden stick.

'Hey can I drink this outside?' I ask just as she begins typing on her computer.

'Yeah sure, just use your visitors pass to get back inside.' I nod and pull open the heavy gleaming doors and step outside, hearing the traffic around the corner and he sound of a passing car stereo. I turn around the side of the building to where I was sure I saw a bench earlier, intending to sit and drink my coffee and wonder what MCR is discussing with Fall Out Boy. Maybe they're going on tour or something? As I turn the corner, I see the bench, but someone is sitting there.

Him. It's him. Him, and another guy, with wild brown curls. They notice me and stand up at once.

'Wait!' The second guy calls as I turn and intend to run back inside, all ready to tell Gerard about this guy and his friend, but before I could even turn the corner or call out, a hand clamps around my mouth and a pair of hands drag me back. My coffee falls from my hands and spills on the sidewalk as I kick out, the one holding me has lifted me off the ground so my legs fly helplessly around as I try to call out from behind the hand. I see the other guy next to the one holding me and they're both talking rapidly, but the fear has risen in my ears so all I hear is a mad buzzing.

Scared out of my wits, I try and break free. But nothing seems to be working.

He's got me.

A/N: That's it for now! Cliff-hanger time! I've been too nice lately! Enjoy another little wait with this one! Again, sorry about the ait on this one, I hope it was worth the wait for all of you. I'll try and get the next one up sooner since I break up this week so it's summer time! Please vote and comment and I'll be back soon!

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