Part 16

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The Paper Girl – Adopted by the Ways

A/N: So I would have had this up earlier but Tumblr was calling my name...well, I live on that site as we all do so...yeah...anyways I hope you liked the last chapter. It's time for something that could either make you love me or kill me...or both if you like that sort of it is at long last, enjoy.

Part 16

' just creeping the hell out of me.' Tara mutters in my ear as she, Tommy and me walk down the school corridor towards the end of lunch. The creepy thing? People are smiling at us. Us, the schools biggest losers next to Kevin Hales who is widely know for having a serious accident in the school pool. Well, more specifically, according to Tommy, they're smiling at me. It seems everyone has seen the Twitter post. Or maybe they saw it on Tumblr, or Facebook; it's over every piece of social media on the Internet. It's freaking me out a little bit. Not everyone in the world knows my face, but everyone here does, and they're smiling.

'They're hoping they'll be famous if they hang out with you.' Tommy says as a group of 10th graders call out a 'Hi Mitch' and a 'How's it going Mitch?'

'Like I said,' Tara says as we reach her locker and she dumps her books and collects the math's we need for the double lesson this afternoon. 'It's creeping the hell out of me. Holy shit.' Tara hisses as a group of super cool eleventh graders head our way. Eleventh graders here never look in our direction yet they are clearly heading towards us. Oh great, one is wearing a MCR shirt. Brand new by the looks of it as well, since the tag is hanging out of the collar.

'Hey Mitch, we're ditching last lesson today to head to McTubby's burger bar. Wanna come?' I stare flabbergasted between Tommy and Tara before my mouth is wet enough again for me to speak.

'Um, sorry, I can't today, maybe some other time?' I say and they all nod eagerly before all walking off.

'Ok,' I say, 'someone hit me. Did that really just happen?' The bell buzzes and we head off towards maths.

'It's amazing the power Twitter has over peoples lives.' Tommy grins and I punch him on the arm as someone else smiles at us. We arrive in the math's department and Tommy heads over to his group of skater guy friends from his engineering class that are heading into a different math's class than us. Tara and me head to the back where we normally sit. One kid up front turns and gives me a friendly smile. But there is one person who isn't pretending to like me here. In fact, I'm sure Myra hates me more since I've been getting slightly more attention than her. You can guess she's not too happy about that. In fact, Myra turns up to math's early today rather than strutting in ten minutes late like normal. She glances around the classroom and her eyes fall on me and Tara who are sharing a set of headphones to hear Pierce The Veil's new song, The Divine Zero.

And what does she do? She walks up to in the seat directly in front of us and with a flick of her golden dyed hair, the girl sitting there runs faster than light and Myra sits down. She narrows her eyes at us. I don't look her directly in the eye, but Tara is more than happy to stick up her middle finger at her before returning to listen to the song.

'3 years of no new songs, then this, I now understand what you Sherlock fans go through.' Tara mutters with a grin and I stare. She has no idea the pain the Sherlock fandom goes through.

'Maybe I'll write to BVB and ask them to go on a hiatus longer than Fall Out Boy?' I grin back and Tara glares.

'Don't you dare do such things to my babies!'

'You know it freaks me out when you call grown men who are three times your height 'your babies', right?' Tara just grins before quickly tugging the headphone out of my ear before stuffing them in her bag as Mr. Harris up front clears his throat.

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