Part 17

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The Paper Girl – Adopted by the Ways

A/N: Hey guys. So it was announced on the news that gay marriage is now legal all across America! About time! So I also thought I'd write you this one on double time since it's now SUMMER VACATION and I have really little to do now since I barely have any friends left. So I hope you all like it and enjoy onwards!

Part 17

'Let me go!' I cry out, wriggling like mad in the man's arms as his companion stands in front, trying to calm me down; clearly worried someone will hear me. It won't be me they hear.

'OW! She just bit me!'' The man called out as he shifted his arm to cover my mouth with his hand, but I clamped my teeth down and he regretted it. His grip loosened slightly and I try to make a break for it, but they realize this was my intention so the arms clasped tighter.

'Don't hurt her!' The new guy said, frantically looking between the deserted street and me.

'She-won't-keep-still! Stop! We just want to talk to you!' The guy gasps as I kick him in the shin, but he doesn't let go. But when a voice shouts out, I very nearly feel their blood run cold.

'GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!' Gerard appears at the corner with Mikey, who disappears instantly, clearly running back inside for help. Gerard rushes forward and I'm flung to the floor as the guys hold their hands up in defeat as Mikey appears again, this time with Ray, Frank and Andy. Gerard helps me up instantly but guides me behind him towards Mikey and Andy, Frank and Ray holding onto Gee, as he looked ready to kill.

'Mike, go get security!' Frank calls and Mikey nods before rushing back inside, as Andy wraps an arm around me as Pete, Joe and Patrick all appear.

'What's going on?' Patrick asks as he see's Ray and Frank bearing their teeth at the two guys up against the wall, but holding back Gerard who looked livid. 'Mikey said someone tried to run off with Mitch!'

'They did!' Gerard yelled and Ray and Frank visibly controlled their grip on their friend.

'Whoa, dude, you got this all wrong!' Said the guy who I've seen everywhere. His friend looked nervous and his ears were going red, but his eyes never left me as I stayed close to Andy and Mikey as he returned with two members of security.

'Harry! Want to help me out here?' The first guy said to his companion, who tore his eyes from me and looked between his friend and Gerard, who took a step towards them, but the security guards stood between as one spoke into a walkie-talkie, asking reception to phone the cops.

'It's not what it looks like!' The new guy croaked and I heard the faint trace of a British accent in there. 'I'm serious, we were never going to harm her!'

'What were you doing then? Taking her out for ice-cream?!' Gerard snapped.

'You don't get it! Mitch, don't you remember me?!' The man, I suppose he's called Harry, said. All eyes turn to me and I shake my head. As far as I can remember I've never seen him before in my life.

'What, have you been stalking her for so long you expect her to remember you?' Franks states, clearly growing more agitated like Gee.

'No! Mitch, it's me! You must remember me! I'm your half-brother!'


The waiting room is hot and stuffy and I've read the poster on drink driving across from me around a hundred and eighty two times now. I have a brother? What a freakishly weird day this is. I'm sat on my own as someone talks to Gerard in the next room. My supposed 'brother' and his friend are somewhere else in here, but I don't know where. All I know is that he went through the same procedure five minutes ago, where a police officer took me into a room down the corridor and wiped the inside of my cheek with a cotton bud to gather some cells. For a DNA test. We learnt about DNA and shared genes in Biology a few months back. It was only basic stuff, but I wasn't paying attention at the time; me and Tara were sending paper airplanes across the room as a method of communication after Mr. Mackenzie separated us for talking too much.

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