Summoning Japan: Flights of t...

By KageNishi

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That day, iron and blood rained down on the Folk Strait... This is a fanfiction of Minorou-sensei's "Summonin... More

Part 1: Strait of Iron and Blood | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Pearl Harbor in Another World
Chapter 3 - Border Sea
Chapter 4 - A Spinning World
Chapter 5 - Operation Saiyuki In Effect
Chapter 6 - Pearl Harbor Interception
Chapter 7 - Glory and Setbacks of the Gra Valkas Empire Naval Air Force
Chapter 8 - Common Sense and Uncommon Sense
Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze
Chapter 10 - A Fleet of Patchworks
Chapter 11 - The Injured Overlord and the Watchdogs
Chapter 12 - A Man's Flowery Road
Chapter 13 - Hybrid Front
Chapter 14 - The Hyūga Gets Hit
Chapter 15 - All Weapons Free
Chapter 16 - Strait of Iron and Blood
Final Chapter - Japanese Celgaia
Extra Chapter - ASM-2X Development Secrets
Part 2: Civilization in the Wake of War | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Dolphins That Crossed the Sea
Chapter 3 - The Birth of Yamut
Chapter 4 - Aluminum Storm
Chapter 5 - Dancing Meetings and People
Chapter 6 - Naguano's Adventure
Chapter 7 - The Depressing Party
Chapter 8 - Creeping Ones
Chapter 9 - Each of the Four Is Different
Chapter 10 - Second Battle of the Folk Strait
Chapter 11 - Geopolitical Recommendations
Chapter 12 - The Superpower's Pride
Chapter 13 - Japan's Confession
Chapter 14 - Dragon Carrier Izumo
Chapter 16 - Fall of Valkyries
Chapter 17 - 1:48
Chapter 18 - Shaking Bridge
Chapter 19 - The Witching Hour
Chapter 20 - Operation Super Hammer II
Chapter 21 - Eve of the Storm
Chapter 22 - Ancient Weapon Pal Chimera's Fierce Might
Chapter 23 - Footsteps of Ruin
Chapter 24 - Air Raid on Ragna
Chapter 25 - The Enemy Overhead
Final Chapter - Political Turn
Part 3: Irnetia Crisis | Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - Operation Ragnarök
Chapter 3 - Misplaced Buttons
Chapter 4 - Shadow of the Pal Chimera
Chapter 5 - Battle of Irnetia
Chapter 6 - The Blue Rainbow of Death
Chapter 7 - Titan of the Dawn
Chapter 8 - Red Coast
Chapter 9 - Hymax
Chapter 10 - Out of Competition
Chapter 11 - The Lone Wolf Captain
Chapter 12 - The Lone Wolf and the Wolfpack
Chapter 13 - Excessive Interference
Chapter 14 - Magic Bulge
Chapter 15 - Stuck in Hell
Chapter 16 - Hell with a Chance of Silver Lining
Chapter 17 - Fire, Smoke, and Magic Bullets
Extra Chapter - The Secret Behind the Magic Bulge's Creation

Chapter 15 - Leiforia, Nightmare Again

332 20 0
By KageNishi

Mineis was leading a squadron of 10 Yamuts in flight.

"This is the Alpha Leader. Our enemy is the Antares. We have no chance against them with scissor maneuvers. Focus on energy fighting with vertical maneuvers for a decisive hit-and-run."


Almost simultaneously with the response, contacts appeared on the radar.

"Radar contact! 12 enemy units, engage!"

The Alpha squadron split into two. One climbed, converting kinetic energy into potential energy. The other matched the enemy's altitude, descending slightly. Facing each other were 5 units and 12 enemy riders. Neither side attempted to change course, resembling a game of chicken. The 5 planes fired rocket missiles and evaded simultaneously. However, none hit. The enemy riders maneuvered to flank the 5 evading Yamuts.


Mineis led 5 units in rapid descent, attacking the enemy riders in a horizontal motion. At a lethal range, they launched their rockets.

"What the!?"

The enemy riders decelerated and ascended rapidly. The rockets missed, and Mineis' flight ended up in front of the enemy riders.

"This is 7. Alpha Leader, providing support."

Yamut Unit 7 positioned itself behind the enemy rider chasing Mineis.

"Stop, it's a trap!"

Mineis went full throttle, and with a roar from the twin F3 engines, accelerated. He escaped the pursuing enemy rider, but Unit 7 was shot down by another enemy rider attacking from below.

. . .

"Attention all units, this is Ainank Tower, training complete. Return to the airport."

Following the control tower's instructions, the 10 Yamuto returned to Ainank Airport.

. . .

"It's been a while since my partner and I broke a sweat. It wasn't bad at all. If the opponent had been a real Antares, we might not have won."

Wuji was in a good mood after the 10-0 victory. However, Mineis and his crew who were defeated didn't share the sentiment. They were still inexperienced with the Yamut. However, that was not a comfort. The Gra Valkan military didn't go easy on rookies just because they were rookies. They saluted each other, and the interspecies combat training was dismissed.

"That was tough. It seems Emor being a major power is no joke," Kessler said jokingly but with a strained tone.

"We'll bring them down before the Operation Super Hammer."

Mineis vowed to himself with bloodshot eyes.


Escort Flotilla 1 and Mirishial's 1st Magic Fleet departed from Otaheit and circumnavigated the southern Mu Continent to head towards the Baltica Sea.

"Here are the latest satellite photos, sir."

Rear Admiral Nagumo, a man troubled by being often mistaken for a descendant of a famous admiral from the Pacific War due to his name, received the printed photos.

"It seems the only enemy presence around the Mu Continent is the fleet to the north."

"The enemy doesn't seem eager for a fleet showdown," the Chief of Staff replied. "After this, we might be in for a drawn-out game of whack-a-mole."

"Well, we have satellites, so the element of surprise is unlikely. The Gra Valkas Navy's submarines can move underwater, but they usually surface during normal navigation."

"Vigilance is crucial, but Operation Super Hammer should succeed. The real issue is Super Hammer II."

"We can't touch that one. It's all handed over to the Holy Mirishial Empire. For Japan, it's a profitable venture if it succeeds."


One platoon of the Special Operations Group under GSDF Major Tsuge reached its destination one day after crossing the border.

'Runway with hangars, an ammunition depot. Are those anti-aircraft gun emplacements, and are those dual-purpose cannons? Let's mark them as attack targets.'

A squad member approached Tsuge without making a sound.

"We found the entrance to the underground passage, sir."

"Well done. Set up cameras."


The man who just reported had a Ranger emblem. However, it was not uncommon in the Special Operations Group. Seventy percent of the unit members had Ranger emblems.


The JASDF 8th Air Wing's 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron arrived at Ryusei Base from its main base at Tsuiki Airbase. Large aircraft like the E-767 Kai, KC-767, and C-2, which they were escorting, had already landed. Lieutenant Colonel Misora, the commander of the 6th TFS, descended from his F-2. His colleague, Captain Chikata, approached.

"After Cartalpas, now it's Mu. Quite a journey."

"At least it's not a day trip this time."

Mechanics from Mu gathered around.

"Nice to meet you."

The chief mechanic-like figure saluted, and Misora and the other pilots returned the salute.

"Take good care of the aircraft."

"Yes. We have experience with the Yamut."

Misora confirmed with Chikata. "What's a Yamut?"

"That's what they call the T-4 Kai. Originally, it seems to be a term referring to ancient Japan."

The mechanics were already starting to move the aircraft towards the hangar. Seeing their efficiency, Misora felt a bit relieved.

. . .

"Look, it's the F-2. I would've preferred to be on that one," Kessler spoke to Mineis.

The Yamut squadron had moved from Ainank Airport to the Ryuusei Base closer to the front lines in preparation for Operation Super Hammer.

"Those planes can beat even the wind dragons."

"It depends on the pilot," Mineis countered. "Even the Yamut should be able to beat the wind dragons."

Kessler patted Mineis on the shoulder.

"Relax. The wind dragon is just a training partner. It's only serving as a simulated enemy assuming the characteristics of Antares because its speed is similar. Judging from the results of the First Battle of the Folk Strait, the wind dragon is considerably stronger than Antares. Our goal is to defeat Antares."

"...There were wind dragons that die in the Folk Strait."

"Antares doesn't have the maneuverability of the wind dragon. We can bring down Antares with Yamut's energy fighting."

Mineis followed Kessler's advice and relaxed his shoulders.

"That's right. We can win! I've already taken down three!"

"I've got four. I'm gunning for being an ace."

The pilots who had never beaten the wind dragons regained their composure, rejuvenating their spirits.


The day of Operation Super Hammer begins.

The 30 Yamut units under Mineis were the first to take to the sky. The wind dragon force, consisting of 12 riders, was scheduled to join later.

"Alpha Leader to all units," Mineis contacted via radio. "Our mission is a diversion. Attract as many Antares as possible."

"This is Bravo Leader, would it be alright if we shoot down a few while we're at it?" Kessler interjected.

"Of course. However, returning alive is an absolute condition. Understood?"


The Yamut squadron approached the border and immediately received interception from 8 Antares.

"This is Bravo Leader. Leave this to us, Alpha Squadron, go to Leiforia!"

"What's going on?"

"Well, I thought we'd secure the ace status first... and besides, I've always wanted to say that line."

"Sheesh... Well, I'll take you up on that offer then."

The Yamut of the Alpha Squadron lowered their altitude, accelerated, evaded the Antares, and headed towards Leiforia, leaving the interceptors engaging in dogfights with the Bravo Squadron.

. . .

The Gra Valkas Imperial Army anti-air surveillance post in Leiforia was overwhelmed.

"According to reports, there are approximately 30 enemy planes."

"The urgently scrambled Antares have been breached. Launch more immediately!"

"Those are Marins, what the hell are they doing!?"

"That Vega over there, clear the runway. Get into a combat formation!"

"Not enough Antares? Ask the Navy! There should be aircraft carriers in the harbor!"

Amidst the shouts and chaos, shocking information came through.

"Radar contact. 15 enemy planes approaching at a speed of... 1.000 kilometers per hour? Those are not Marins!"

"The new Muish planes?"

"Be careful. Those might be Japanese-made!"

"Contact from the Navy. The aircraft carriers are deploying carrier-based planes."

The Pegasus-class aircraft carrier Matar that was docked at the pier set sail... but immediately afterward, flames erupted from the carrier. The harbor erupted into chaos.

"What's going on!? An accident?"

But it wasn't just the Matar. The Taurus-class heavy cruiser Electra, Canis Major-class cruiser Furud, and Leo-class cruiser Lazarus in Leiforia Bay were also exploding.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Sirens echoed through Leiforia's harbor. However, there was no enemy in sight.

. . .

At the FIC of Escort Flotilla 1's flagship Izumo, Rear Admiral Nagumo was reviewing the results of the attack.

"All hits confirmed. Only six destroyers remain in the remaining defense fleet."

"Very well. Continue the attack."

The attack from 100 kilometers away using the SSM-1B caught the Gra Valkas Navy completely off guard.

"Remind the Mirishial 1st Magic Fleet to wait to enter the bay until the destroyers have been swept. The enemy has torpedoes."

On the flagship Caladbolg of the Mirishial 1st Magic Fleet, Commander Lettal Kauran watched the transferred images from Escort Flotilla 1 using equipment loaned from Japan.

"Impressive. All hits from three times the maximum range of this ship... So, this is the guided magic bullet."

Captain Tagus heard Lettal's muttering.

"It's a relief that Japan is an ally. If we had fallen for the Gra Valkas Empire's sweet talk and turned Japan into an enemy, those projectiles would be heading our way."

"Indeed. But considering that the Ravernal Empire also possesses those, it's hard to relax."

"Let's focus on the battle in front of us for now."


A communication officer reported.

"Transmission from Escort Flotilla 1: 'Hold the assault until the enemy small ships are neutralized.'"

"I see. Let's observe a little longer."

Before Lettal finished speaking, the second wave of SSM-1B was launched.

. . .

A spectacular battle was taking place in the sky above Leiforia.

"Alpha 7, break right."

Mineis gave instructions to his subordinates, and as the Antares tried to flank Unit 7, he fired rockets. The Antares initiated evasive maneuvers, but it was too late, and its left wing was blown off. Spiraling out of control, it crashed into the city below. He couldn't confirm if the pilot bailed out or not.

Mineis checked the remaining rockets.

'Only one shot left. Kessler did well to shoot down four.'

Kessler's Bravo Squadron, however, did not come to Leiforia. Interceptors kept coming, and they returned to the Ryusei Base when they ran out of rockets during combat.

"This is Alpha Leader, any plane with ammo shortage, withdraw immediately," Mineis commanded, and most of the Yamuto units withdrew.

'The heck, are they missing a lot? Wait, were there units staying in the operation area with no ammunition? Surprising they weren't shot down!'

When he realized it, the Yamut units were reduced to just Mineis himself. The Antares closed in, attempting to surround him.


Mineis opened the throttle and fired all the remaining rockets at the Antares trying to pass in front of him. However, none hit.

'Seems like I won't hit them unless I get behind.'

Attempting to use the speed difference to escape, Mineis was pursued and caught by one Antares. Acceleration from low speed was faster for propeller planes than jets. The Antares fired its 20 mm gun, while Mineis rolled the aircraft sideways to evade.

The Antares that fired the 20 mm gun exploded.


Mineis noticed new blips on the radar. The IFF system identified those as allies, the wind dragon force.

"People of Mu, you did well. Leave the rest to us."

The deep tones of the dragonfolk resonated through the manacomm.

"You're five minutes late."

"It's within the margin of error."

'Oh boy...'

While thinking so, Mineis gratefully withdrew from the battlefield. The skies above Leiforia transitioned from jet planes against propeller planes to propeller planes against dragons.

. . .

In Leiforia Bay, six destroyers were on fire. On the flagship Caladbolg of the Mirishial 1st Magic Fleet, Lettal received a report from the communications officer.

"Transmission from Escort Flotilla 1. 'Obstacles have been cleared. We're finishing our attack,' that's all."

Lettal casually ordered Tagus. "Battleship, advance."

"Full speed ahead on both sides."

Following Tagus' command, the Mithril-class magic battleship accelerated to fulfill its mission.

. . .

The Gra Valkan command center in Leiforia was in the midst of chaos.

"After Mu's new planes, now wyverns!?"

"Antares Squadron, what are you doing? You're fighting wyverns!"

A rebuttal came from the squadron.

"Those are not lizards. Those are dragons."

The command staff was astonished, but there was no reaction to the reply. Immediately afterward, shells struck the command center.

. . .

"First barrage hit!"

The gunnery officer on the Caladbolg seemed about to cheer, but the gunnery chief applied the brakes just in time.

"Those are stationary ground targets. This is within our basic duties."

Tagus nodded to the gunnery chief and turned to Lettal.

"Provide support to the wind dragons. The next targets are the runway, followed by the radar base."

In response to the fleet commander's request, the Caladbolg fired her main guns in unison.

. . .

Escort Flotilla 1 observed the situation on the radar.

"This is strange."

Nishi, Escort Squadron 1's commander and the only female commander in the JMSDF, made a remark without addressing anyone.

"The impact points of Mirishial's shells are extending beyond the expected positions in our program. It seems they're accelerating while in flight."

"Does this mean that Mirishial's shells are equipped with thrusters?"

To Nagumo's, the Nishi tilted her head.

"Well, that's... It seems the inner workings are indeed different from our naval guns."

Upon hearing this, Nagumo watched the footage. Blue tails are trailing behind Mirishial's shells.

. . .

On that day, the former Leiforians were awakened to a nightmare. The Caladbolg, which had finally advanced near the entrance of Leiforia Bay, mercilessly showered the city with a rain of shells, targeting military installations, administrative facilities, and areas where Gra Valkans resided. Regions with many former Leiforians were carefully avoided.

The Gra Valkans realized that naval artillery bombardment was not their monopoly. Those shells with the blue tails became feared as the "Blue Rainbow of Mirishial."

. . .

"Magic radar contact! Multiple aircraft approaching from the east. Distance approximately 70 nautical miles."

Lettal, who received the report on the Caladbolg's bridge, immediately commanded the communications officer.

"Request support from Escort Flotilla 1."

The communications officer complied with the order but quickly reported.

"Reply from Escort Flotilla 1. 'Already taken care of. However, be advised to remain on high alert for anti-air defense.'"

"Prepare all anti-aircraft gun positions," Captain Tagus issued the order. Thankfully, the concern turned out to be unnecessary.

. . .

Thus, Leiforia once again experienced a rain of shells, and the city was engulfed in flames.

The first half of Operation Super Hammer was a success.

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