If only...

De karadan_

98.2K 3.2K 565

"If I just had one wish ... i will wish I had a time machine, to Get rid of some of these memories. I would... Mais

01.no different
02.The acquaintance party
06.She is a nice person
08.I think I love her.
12.a party
13. Drunk
15. I want you
17. She cares
19.in her bed again
21.everything is clear now
22.my childhood
23. She was special.
24.She's gone
25. Visit
26- she love her !
27. she deserves better.
28. leave her alone
29.i can't leave her alone
31. you need help
32. i love you.
33. vulnerable
34. just sex
35. heaven 🔞
37.who are you ?!
38. I'm losing her.
39. grateful

36. goodbye

1.4K 62 19
De karadan_


After a night that was like an unattainable dream, I woke up the next morning, but as expected, I was alone and Mon was not around.

clean clothes, a warm bed but she wasn't there ...it seemed that she had carried me into the room after I slept.  I was hesitant to leave the bed because I didn't want to face what was waiting for me.  I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed and it was 9:07 am.
Escaping was not a solution. I needed one last attempt because what had happened the night before. I was ready to fight the world in order to live it a second or third time.... I got out of bed still feeling tired and sore in my sensitive area. It had been an unexpected night. Mon was shockingly goodto be honest ....I went to the bathroom and all I could think about was Mon's lips, her warm embrace, and her long, charming fingers.  I put on my clothes after I finished my shower and went downstairs, praying for a miracle to change my fate.

" um... Good morning."
I said that as I headed to the table that was prepared with a delicious breakfast.

"Good morning."
Mon said that coldly as usual and placed a cup of coffee in front of me and sat on the opposite side To the window who was in the kitchen with a cup of hot coffee and then she started putting food on her plate. The silence was strange and tense and I decided to drink my coffee and eat without saying a word until she finished her breakfast, but suddenly Mon broke the silence and asked:
"How was your sleep?"

"perfect "
i said that and focused on my food
because it was impossible for me to tell her that I was still feeling pain after she dug my pussy with her long fingers to show me heaven a thousand times last night and I'm ready to ride them again and again and ... i just wanted her, you doesn't understand.

How can I change your mind so you can give me another chance?
How can I prove to you that I love you and am ready to do anything to win your heart Mon... i love you,  i swear to God I love you "
after I noticed that she finished her breakfast, I decided to say what was weighing heavily on my chest, and all she did was look at me with a raised eyebrow.

" then leave and stop trying to force me to live with you under the same roof....Stop hurting yourself because of your stubbornness. If you really care about me, leave me free.... Thank you for trying to help, but you are actually making things worse. I want to stay alone and you must respect that sam, that's what I'm asking for"
Mon said that and then drank from her cup of coffee while looking out the window at the tree that was in the small back garden. 

"What if I bought the house next to yours, I won't bother you i prom....."
I said that optimistically, trying to convince her, but she interrupted me and said what made me realize that I was really hurting her.

"Do you know why I left a few days ago for a whole day?
because I needed to grieve for my father, so I went To the cemetery and I sat next to his grave to give myself a chance to cry, think and clear my mind because in this house I cannot do that because you are here"
Mon closed her eyes and sighed and then added,
What happened last night was just sex and we were both drunk, so don’t think that what happened between us is possible to be more than a friendship in the best of circumstances.... I forgive you, yes, but I am still disgusted by my memories of what happened one day between us."
  She finished her words while looking directly at me, then she sighed, combed her hair back with her fingers, and began drinking her coffee again.  My bleeding and confused heart was telling me to stay but my mind was telling me that I had to let her move on and give her the space she wanted because apparently I was suffocating her.... i love her so i need to do whatever make her happy.

"Do you promise me that you will be okay?"
I said that in a weak voice, trying to prevent my tears from falling. 

"Yes, I promise"

"okay, I'll start packing my luggage and call a taxi."
I said that and left the table, heading upstairs with heavy steps and I could barely stop myself from sobbing and crying.

"There's no need for a taxi, I'll give you ride."
Mon said that in a cold voice behind me to stop me, and all she did was  I nodded in agreement and then continued on my way to pack my luggage.

Less than an hour later, I came down with a bag containing my things. Moon was in front of the TV, sitting on the sofa, and she had already changed her clothes. Apparently she was excited to get me out of her life.  She looked at me to see if I was ready, then she went upstairs and came down, then took her car keys on the table.

"so... are you ready to go?"
She asked me while looking at the keys in her hand and avoiding looking at me.

"Yeah...I'm ready."
I said that in a weak voice and tears began to escape to show that I was leaving by force.

"I'll call someone drive your car to your house later. Don't worry."
Mon said that while she was fastening her seat belt and starting the car's engine.

"It doesn't matter....I'll send someone to pick her up later."
I said that and turned my face toward the window and allowed my tears began to fall, I felt that everything was meaningless and that I had already lost her with no hope of ever getting her back. 
The road was quiet and neither of us dared to say a word.

"I forgot to send you my address."
I said that in a weak voice after I realized that I had not told her the address because I no longer lived in the same apartment that I owned while we .... we were together.

"No need, I know your home address" Mon said that coldly as she focused on the road, while I looked at her questioningly without understanding. 

"I'll take you to your family. You still haven't fully recovered and it's not a good idea for you to be alone."

"Mon, please stop the car and let me take a taxi. I'm not going to my parents' house in this miserable state and receiving bullisht that I won't be able to handle.... My plate is already full."
  I said that annoyed while looking at her. 

"As a friend, I ask you to spend some time with your family until you regain your full health, then you can go wherever you want...You still have a cough and a slight fever, and you need them to take care of you.... No matter what you are going through, you will not find anything better than your family warm embrace... listen to  Someone who has not seen his mom and lost his father weeks ago."
Mon said that seriously and with an unusually warm voice while still focusing on the road. I could feel the sadness and pain in her voice and the sincerity in her intention. She cared about me but still sent me away from her. 

"You don't hate me and you still care about me, but you still refuse to give us another chance!!... please stop doing that "
I said between sobs as I looked at her.

"You're sick because of me, and I'll be worried if I don't make sure you're with people who can take care of you."
Mon said that with sincerity, without back and forth.

"There's no need for you to feel guilty because I'm sick and I'm willing to do that over and over again for you.... because i love you and I will say it again  and again until One day you will be able to hear me"
I said in a weak voice, resigned to what was happening because I would never be able to refuse any of her requests, even if it meant staying with my parents for days.

For a moment, Mon reminded me of my old self. I used to do the same thing.... When I was with her 5 years ago, I felt like I wanted to hug her and just be near her. I was worried about her and didn't even want to see her frowning, but I was constantly denying it, and as a result, I lost her because I wasn't brave to say what I felt, on the contrary, I made her regret and feel disgusted by what she felt towards me. I cursed myself and hurt the girl who loved me sincerely and purely.

"You are repeating my mistake that I made five years ago... when I let you go without knowing that you were not just ""One of the girls"" for me, you were special. I had different feelings for you... so different that I was afraid of what I felt... I thought that if I pushed you and kept you away from me, what I felt for you would disappear but... but I was wrong.... I have loved you since Five years, and what happened during the previous years is that I loved you more and more and you are making my mistake now Mon.... You are now no different from the old Sam whom we both curse and hate her now."
I said that while resting my head on the seat behind me while I was crying and looking at Mon, who tight had her grip on the car steering and her cold aura back.

"I don’t hate anyone. actually, I am grateful to you because you made me come out of my pink bubble....Thank you Sam for helping me to grow up
and I hope you will come out of your bubble as well."
Mon said that in a cold voice after a silence that lasted for a few moments. I know that the topic was targeting her and making her angry, but the idea that I would stay away from her was making me want to throw myself out of the car before I reached our destination.

I had nothing to say....Gradually, what I said made her angry and annoyed with me, because if Mon hates something, it is the talking about what happened in the past, and anyone who sees her reaction when she hears something about the past...our past in particular, immediately awakens her demons, and that was more  It is enough for me to shut up and stop being selfish....Yes, I love her, but I have no right to torture her....Our ride to my parents home was silent after that discussion because we had nothing to say and it seemed like it was the last page of our story whether I accepted it or not.

When we arrived at my family's palace, they opened the gate immediately as if they were waiting for us to arrive. Mon entered the car and stopped in front of the door of the house exactly where my mother, sister were waiting for us with a smile and clear joy on their faces.

" I know that I have no right to talking about that, but your sister said little about the situation between you and your mom and it seems that there is a misunderstanding between both of you that has continued for many years....maybe it's the time for you to allow your mom to show her love for you.... I do not know what happened between you, but it seems that she is trying to change. Give her a chance sam, she's your mom"
Mon said that. suddenly, seriously and warmly, as she fastened her seat belt and turned off the car engine, then she looked at me directly while I looked at her with wide eyes with incomprehension and amazement because I did not expect that she cared about me or my relationship with my family but....GOD what she was doing made me want to die for her, i love her more  and  more and more....I raised my hand and tried to touch her cheek, but she turned away from me and said
Come on, don’t keep them waiting too long. They missed you and were worried when they knew that you were sick.” 

"Before you leave ...look into my eyes and say that you don't feel anything for me."
I said that while holding her hand. She turned her face to me and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. Then she sighed and focused her eyes and looked directly into my eyes.

"You're nobody to me, just Someone I had sex with five years ago.
Maybe I had feelings for you in the past and maybe those were just stupid thoughts and voices in my head like you said that night....But today, you are nobody to me and I assure you that you will never be. I hope you 'll move on soon and find someone love you and make you happy without without complications"
she said coldly, seriously, and without hesitation. Then she opened the car door and got out. If she had put a bullet in my head at that moment, it would have been much easier than what she said. I was still sitting in the car looking at her while she greeted my mother and sister...They were looking at her with respect and admiration. Then she came and opened the car door for me and extended her hand to me....i opened the seat belt and hesitantly I took her hand because I did not trust my feet to carry me with the chaos that I felt at that moment because of what she said and the pain that was squeezing my heart. 

"OH MY LORD..My little girl, you have lost a lot of weight and you look pale."
My mother said that in a dramatic way that I was not used to. Then she hugged me and suddenly I felt Mon’s palm relax and then the warmth disappeared when she gently let go of my hand.

"jesus, you look like shit sam !"
My sister Eve said that then she hugged me and I hugged her but I didn't have the energy to answer. I was numb, just nodding my head like an idiot, my thinking was confused, and my heart was bleeding.

"My dear, please do not bother. I will call one of the servants to take Sam things."
My mother said that while looking at Mon. I turned my head and saw Mon taking my things out of the car silently, as if she wanted to give me privacy with my family.

"It’s okay, Mrs Moore,i got this...Also, these are Sam's medications. She must take them after every meal except one. She must take it once after lunch... did not happen yesterday, but at night her temperature rises, so she must be monitored until she completely be well."
Mon said that while explaining the medicine to my mother with seriousness and respect.

"I don’t know how I can thank you. Please stay for lunch. It’s already ready....This is the least we can do to thank you dear"
My mother said that while looking at Mon with admiration and respect, and the way she was talking wiyb Mon was true not Expected,

"thank you, Mrs Moore, but I have something urgent to do today."
Mon said that with a warm smile that I haven't seen in a long time. She looked at my mother, who embraced Mon and asked her to make up for her refusal with another visit.
My mother, the poor woman, did not know that her pathetic daughter, who had always She was calling her a loser was really pathetic stupid loser.

Mon, who was surprised when my mother hugged her, gradually raised her hands and hugged my mother as if she were a little girl was enjoying the hug. I don’t know why, but that pained my heart. The fact that Mon would one day experience a mother tenderness... it wasn't fair.

After my mother left Mon she hugged me and showered me with kisses as if I were a girl, to be  honest i was more than okay and I didn't mind that...I was really feeling weak and numb.
my sister was talking to Mon to say goodbye and thank her, I looked at Mon. Five years ago, she was shorter than Eve, but she is almost as tall as Eve now... the love of my life became attractive and charming.

"It is good to see you after a long time, Mon, you are no longer the little girl, You have become different and attractive."
Eve said that she has always been  directly, not knowing how to keep her mouth from throwing her thoughts without thinking.

"It's good to see you too, but I can't say the same thing, because nothing is different about you. You are always beautiful."
Mon said that with an attractive smile as she put her hands in Her pocket.

" well well, I didn't see that coming, you have sweet mouth girl... anyway, thank you for bringing this monkey hom, my dad going to dance to see her spend some time with us... finally"
Eve said that, laughing.

"my pleasure"
Mon said that with nice smile.

"by the way, I'm sorry about what happened with your father...."
Eve said that suddenly, which made my mother look at Eve and Mon with incomprehension. It was clear that she didn't know, but it's good that she didn't ask for details.
Because of Eve's question directly, Mon's smile that i was enjoying seeing it from where i was standing.

"it's okay... then I guess I should go... it's good to see you again Eve"
Mon said that and raised her hand for eva for handshake but Eve hugged Mon andMon did the same...
then mon turned her eyes to me and my mother,

"it's good to meet you Mrs. Moore"
said that to my mother respectfully and then looked at me 

"Take care of yourself, Sam and .... and  allow yourself to be happy. You deserve that."
Mon said that to me with a smile. I couldn’t stop myself, so moved and hugged her while I was trying to prevent my tears from falling because I didn’t want to make a scene, but I couldn’t do that. 
Mon hugged me too ....After we parted from the embrace, she gave me a tissue to wipe away my tears with a gentle smile that made my heart tear. Everything was screaming that it was the last goodbye...that I was seeing her for the last time.

"Please take care of yourself and remember that you are not alone. I will always be here for you, waiting for you to forgive me and give us..."

" I will be fine, and all I want is for you to move on and be happy. I have already forgiven you and I will be happy to see you forgive yourself sam" Mon interrupted me and said that seriously, then she sighed and said:
go inside, it’s cold, and don’t forget to take your medicine, and stop crying. Your mother seems worried... Okay?!... take care of yourself, Sam.”
mon said that, then she smiled at me. She took her steps back and said goodbye to everyone with a smile and left.
I could not contain myself at that moment and I cried without caring about what my family would think because I felt like my world was collapsing and everything was suffocating. A feeling inside me was telling me that I should have tried harder and that I didn't.  I shouldn't have let her go.


i see your comments , all of you want happy ending 😂❤

but let's see what i have for you 👀

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