the peaceful Tennyson

By PiratePhox4

16.6K 471 257

When an elderly man and his three grandkids go on a summer road trip, they encounter mysterious, and other wo... More

S1E1: And then there were ten
S1E2: Washington B.C.
S1E3: The Krakken
S1E4: Permanent Retirement
S1E5: Hunted
S1E6: Tourist Trap
S1E7: Kevin 11
S1E8: The alliance
S1E9: Last laugh
S1E10: Lucky girl
S1E11: A small problem
S1E12: Side effects
S2E1: Truth
S2E2: The big tick
S2E3: Framed

S1E13: Secrets

467 21 13
By PiratePhox4

We begin with a news-station helicopter following police cars chasing a speeding armored vehicle.

Reporter: "We're live on the scene of a high-speed police pursuit of an armored car stolen earlier today from the federal reserve in Denver. It is believed the thieves also have a hostage"

The armored car speeds past the Rust Bucket. Suddenly, a large crystal grows out from the pavement, completely destroying the undercarriage of the car. The effect made it spin and completely stop.

The police cars surround the vehicle. One of the criminals gets out of the vehicle with the hostage, and the other holding a rather large rifle. He aims his rifle at the police car and shoots it and it flies to the air, just after the police inside it went out. Diamondhead appears behind the thug.

Reporter: "Wait, what's this?"

The thug aims the rifle at Diamondhead but he fires a shard to his side, scaring him. Diamondhead smiles. He traps the thug by making a large crystal emerge from below him.

Reporter: "Yes. It looks like we have another alien sighting!"

The other thug walks closer to Diamondhead with the hostage. But a stone mace hit him on the head, knocking him out, and letting go of the hostage. Diamondhead smirks, as Bash stands behind the thug.

Reporter: "We don't know where these strange creatures come from, but they seem to be here to help"

On the Chimerian Hammer, Vilgax watches the broadcast from his rehabilitation chamber.

Vilgax: "The Omnitrix... wasted on pointless heroics!"

Bioid: "Shall I dispatch more drones to retrieve it?"

Vilgax: "No.."

His chamber opens. One of the medical robots crawls out, only to be crushed by a massive metal foot. Vilgax emerges out of it, fully rehabilitated and with a few different features.

Vilgax: "I will see to this task myself! And perhaps a little more"

Behind him, a floating ball of energy formed, before being shaped into a head. Which gave a wicked grin.

In the RV, Ben suddenly wakes up, screaming.

Ben: "Aaah!"

Max: "Another nightmare, Ben?"

Ben: "It was that weird alien from my vision. Only bigger, uglier and scarier"

Gwen: "Sure you weren't just looking in a mirror?"

Max: "It was just a bad dream, son. We can talk about it in the morning.."

Ben: "It seemed so real. He looked right at me and said, ”I'm coming for you now”"

Max is shocked.

Max: "Change of plan, we're hitting the road right now"

Ben, y/n, and Gwen look at each other.

Y/n: "this is... New"

Gwen: "Grandpa, it's 3 in the morning"

Max: "Best way to beat the traffic"

Max starts the RV and drives. Y/n sighs, and gets up, bubble gum in hand(who was now stitched back together), moving into the passenger seat.


Later in the morning, they drive past a field.

Ben: "Uhh, Grandpa, what's with the lead foot?"

Max: "I wanna make Mount Rushmore by nightfall"

Y/n: "wow grandpa... Didn't know you liked mount Rushmore so much.."

Ben: "I'm so bored.... Let me play a game!"

Gwen and Ben sat at the booth. Gwen on her computer.

Gwen: "I would but I think this'll be a good lesson for you to learn how to entertain yourself"

Ben frowns. Then he makes a mischievous face.


On Vilgax's ship, which is flying above Earth, the activation signal of the Omnitrix is detected.

Vilgax: "The Omnitrix has been activated. Pinpoint its location. I have you now. No sign of that amulet, however"

???: "but they won't be too far apart..."


Gwen begins to have trouble with her computer.

Gwen: "Hey! What gives?"

Upgrade reveals himself on the screen.

Upgrade: "Sorry. You are a loser... and always will be"

Upgrade pops out to scare Gwen and goes back in.

Gwen: "AAH! Ben, get out of my computer!"

Upgrade: "What? I'm just ”entertaining myself”"

Gwen: "This is my private property! And you're getting your cooties all over it!"

She tries to shake Upgrade out but Upgrade takes control over the whole computer, even sprouting mechanical legs.

Upgrade: "Oh, what's this? A diary?"

Gwen gasps, and attempts to catch Upgrade, but he dodges

Upgrade: "”Dear diary, my cousin Ben is such a-”"

Gwen: "Doofus! Knock it off!"

Max: "Ben! Now is not the time to go alien! Do you understand?"

Upgrade comes out of the computer.

Upgrade: "I was just fooling around"

Max: "We can't afford to attract attention right now"

Upgrade: "What kind of attention could I attract in here?"

The Omnitrix times out and Upgrade changes back into Ben.

Max: "Nevermind"

Ben and Gwen look at each other, confused. As y/n looked at max with a suspicious look.


On Vilgax's ship, the Omnitrix signal is lost.

Bioid: "We have lost the Omnitrix signal"

Vilgax: "No matter. I've narrowed down its location"

Vilgax looks at various screens showing images of Ben and y/n's heroics as various aliens and Skylanders.

Vilgax: "I know just how to draw this earthling out"

Vilgax smashes one of the screens.
The Chimerian Hammer slowly descends over a bison-filled field. The hanger of the underside of the ship opens, and a swarm of Mechadroids and a red large mace. The mace doesn't fly, so it just falls to the ground with the Mechadroids following it. It then begins rolling, leading its force on its way to Rapid City, destroying the welcome sign along the way.

Back in the RV, Ben and Gwen notice fire and smoke coming from Rapid City.

Ben: "What's going on over there?"

Max: "I'm sure the local authorities have the situation well in hand"

In Rapid City, the Mechadroids are wreaking havoc and causing mass destruction. People run around in panic. The large mace destroys buildings while rolling. Two Mechadroids blast a gas station, causing a massive explosion.
Ben notices the huge explosion from the RV.

Ben: "Looks like IT'S HERO TIME!"

Max: "Ben, I don't think that's the best idea-"

Ben: "Time to turn up the Heatblast on these guys"

Ben selects Heatblast, slams the dial and transforms into what he dialed up. The Rust Bucket halts. Heatblast jumps off and propels himself at a high speed towards Rapid City. Gwen, y/n and Max look on. Y/n then smiled, and set bubble gum down in his seat, and steps off the RV, cupping his amulet, transforming into Spyro, and taking flight after heatblast.

People continue to run amok while the Mechadroids attack Rapid City. Suddenly, Heatblast shoots fire at the Mechadroids and destroys a few of them. He lands and creates a circle of fire around him.

Heatblast: "Hey! Why don't you pick on someone with real firepower?"

Several Mechadroids surround Heatblast.

Heatblast: "Oh, man. I didn't mean all at once! Why do I get the feeling you were expecting me?"

A few of the mechadroids were destroyed by an airal attack from Spyro. The purple dragon then charged down, and rams a few more.

Heatblast: "thanks for the backup partner!"

Spyro: "we have to take these things out before they can cause more damage"

Heatblast nods, as they both stood back to back. They released their fire power, destroying the mechadroids with ease.

They both smile, but suddenly, an electrical net is fired at Heatblast, pinning him to a nearby building. Heatblast shakes his head. Spyro was about to help him, only for a second net to be fired at him, and pinning him next to heatblast.

Then is when they noticed the large mace rolling towards them. It stops rolling and opens up.

Heatblast: "Huh?"

The inner compartment opens and Vilgax steps out. Vilgax's appearance is much more revealing, and he's much taller. His body's also covered with armor, and he has several cylinders attached to his arms and shoulders.

Heatblast: "YOU! You're the alien from my visions"

Spyro: "that's what you've been seeing? I'd be scared to.."

Vilgax: "At last, we meet. The being that has caused me so much trouble"

Heatblast: "Who are you?"

Vilgax: "I am Vilgax. And I have come for the Omnitrix"

Heatblast: "And, uh, I'm guessing you're not with the good guys"

Heatblast amplifies his heat and burns the electrical net. Heatblast propels himself at Vilgax and repeatedly punches Vilgax with his flame-enhanced fists. But Vilgax is unfazed. Vilgax picks Heatblast up and throws him. Heatblast accidentally propels himself, making him go hurtling through several building at a high speeds. He lands under a pile of rubble. He shakes off the pain in a short time and burns through the rubble.

Spyro watched as vilgax chased after him. He took the chance, and melted his own net, and freed himself. He stretched his wings, ready to fly and help Heatblast, but something bit his wing.

Spyro: "ow!"

Spyro looked at his wing, seeing some sort of green creature biting his wing. Spyro flails his wing, knocking the green creature off of him, only to see hundreds more stare him down.

Spyro: "uh... Have we met? You guys look familiar-"

They all then pounce at him. Startled, Spyro released a fire ball, burning multiple of them to a crisp. Surprised, Spyro smirked.

Spyro: "huh. Guess the only advantage you guys have is numbers!"

Spyro sent relentlessly fire balls at the green creatures. Even shoot three at once. It took no time at all for all of them to be melted away.

He then took off into the sky to assist heatblast, but as he got closer to where he was, he saw the RV drive away. So he dives down, and lands on top of it, climbing inside, and transforming back to y/n.

Max: "good. Your here. We don't have to make another stop"

Y/n: "what's.. happening...?"

Gwen: "we're as in the dark as you are..."

Suddenly, Mechadroids attack the Rust Bucket.

Gwen: "Two robot goons, closing in fast!"

Max: "Hold on"

Max speeds and swerves to avoid their attacks.

Gwen: "We can't keep this up forever"

Max: "Things are gonna get a whole lot worse if we don't get to Mount Rushmore"

Ben attempts to use the Omnitrix but falls off-balance as the RV swerves. Y/n, to not fall over himself, sits at the booth, and held onto bubble gum.

Gwen: "Why?! What's at Mount Rushmore?"

Max: "Gwen, this is not the time to explain. You're gonna have to trust me"

Ben: "Well, I'm not going down without a fight"

Ben transforms into Stinkfly.

Stinkfly: "YES!"

Max: "Ben, wait!"

Stinkfly ignores him and heads off to fight. When Stinkfly flies out of the RV, he heads for the two Mechadroids to stop them. He dodges their lasers. He lands on top of one as they try to shoot him down. The other attempts to shoot him, but Stinkfly uses his slime to cover the blaster, causing it to self-destruct. Stinkfly then uses the end of his tail to drive it through the engine of the Mechadroid he's on, destroying it.

Stinkfly: "Float like a butterfly, but sting like a Stinkfly!"

Vilgax jumps a long distance and tackles Stinkfly, and Stinkfly manages to get back in the air, though Vilgax grips on his tail.

Y/n: "I'm going out to help him"

Y/n transforms into warnado, and takes flight out of the RV. Just as he does, Vilgax lands in front of the Rust Bucket. Max hits the brake and takes a U-turn.

Warnado: "what do you want with my partner?"

Vilgax: "so you are the one who bares the amulet"

Warnado looked shocked.

Warnado: "how did you know about my amulet?!"

Vilgax: "I have a partner of my own"

Suddenly, strange looking sharks start attacking warnado. He formed a tornado, blowing a few away, but some bit down on his shell. Vilgax takes the moment to jump away, and chase after Stinkfly.

???: "how does it feel? Being bitten into pieces by my DOOM SHARKS!!!!"

Warnado scoffs, and tucks himself into his shell, and starts spinning, forming a tornado around himself, destroying the doom sharks.

???: "hm. Didn't see that coming"

Warnado went to leave, but a laser stops him. He turns back, and the floating head grinned. Then, the doomlander from forever then formed before him.

Doomlander: "be afraid of, the bananas!"

???: "that parts a work in progress. But BEHOLD!-"

warnado: "I don't have time for this"

Warnado suddenly changed into slam bam, and charged at the doomlander, but the floating head shoots a laser at him, allowing the doomlander to send a barrage of attacks.

???: "take that you skyloser!"

Just then, the red mace vehicle pulls up, the door opening. Slam bam looked confused, so the doomlander takes the chance to stab his scepter in his chest. Causing the four armed yeti to scream in pain. He's suddenly forced back into y/n, as he falls down unconscious.

???: "bring him to me. Understand?"

Doomlander: "yes. Lord kaos"

The doomlander throws y/n's unconscious body into the mace vehicle, as it closes, and rolls off. The floating head, kaos, and the doomlander, disappearing.


Later, they were all on Vilgax's ship.

Vilgax: "A child. I should have suspected as much. The Omnitrix being used as a play-toy!"

Ben is affixed to Vilgax's extraction device. His right hand and legs are restrained to energy and his left arm is in a cylinder to extract the Omnitrix.

Ben: "Hey! I've saved a lot of people by going hero!"

Vilgax: "You hold the key to a power struggle so ancient, so vast, it is beyond your feeble comprehension. Picture an entire army, each in command of an Omnitrix and all at my command"

Ben looked to the side. Y/n was locked in a box of everything. The doomlander, and a tall troll like figure standing on either side of it. Y/n's amulet in the troll's hand.

Vilgax: "I will be invincible. I will rule the Universe! And the only thing standing between me and my destiny... is you!"

An array of tools rises up from the floor around Ben. Y/n looked on. Terrified... He never felt so useless before now. Wait... Has he felt useless before? Memories began flushing into his head. What was going on in his head. First those small green creatures, and now this...

The troll noticed his distress, and kneeled down.

Glumshanks: "hey. If your getting head pains, I could get you some tea or-"

Doomlander: "glumshanks, you fool! Don't talk to the prisoner! Or else Lord kaos will have your head!"

Suddenly, a figure walks into the room. He was short, bald, a weird symbol on his forehead, had in a black cloak/robe. And..... He was extremely short. Y/n was short. But that was mostly because of his age, but this guy? He was barely any taller than y/n was, and looked MUCH older than him.

Kaos: "so at last we meet. Face. To. Face"

Y/n: "u-um..."

Kaos: "to stunned to speak? BWAHAHAHAHA!! of course you are! Your in the presence of the strongest portal master in all of Skylands!"

Y/n: "portal master..? Skylands..?"

Kaos froze. He stared at y/n confused.

Kaos: "uh.. what?"

Y/n: "I know of the Skylanders... But I didn't know they were from somewhere... I thought they were just.. a group. Nothing more. And what's a portal master?"

Kaos: "did... Did we get the right guy?"

Doomlander: "he had the amulet Lord kaos! He must be!"

Kaos: "but he knows nothing! How am I supposed to return to Skylands  if he doesn't even know what he is!"

Y/n: "I'm a portal master...?"

Kaos: "see?! Ugh! I'm going back to the portal"

Kaos walks away, the doomlander going with him. The troll, glumshanks, sighing.

Y/n: "so.. um..."

Glumshanks: "sorry about him. He gets grumpy without nap time"

Meanwhile, vilgax holds up rather large energy blade. He walks towards Ben. He is interrupted by beeping, which comes from the RV. It crashes through the wall, and runs through two of Vilgax's crew, and slams Vilgax against the wall. The RV goes back a few yards in reverse. Vilgax slowly gets up.

Ship's Computer: "Warning! Hull breach! Power surge!"

Max walks out of the RV with the weapon ready. He takes aim at Vilgax.

Max: "Claws off my grandsons, Vilgax!"

Ben: "Grandpa?!"

Y/n: "grandpa!"

Vilgax: "Tennyson!"

Glumshanks: "oh boy..."

Max fires at Vilgax, and he's sent through the wall. Max drops the weapon and runs towards Ben.

Ben: "Grandpa... You know this guy?"

Max: "It's a long story"

Max and Ben notice the extraction cylinder that was holding the Omnitrix begins to crackle with electricity, and a power surge occurs. Ben transforms into XLR8.

XLR8: "Hey!"

He then transforms into Diamondhead.

Diamondhead: "What's going- Yaaa!"

Then he transforms into Wildmutt and roars.

Max: "Power surge must have affected the watch"

Wildmutt transforms into Four Arms. He uses his immense strength to break free The extraction cylinder that was holding the Omnitrix begins to crackle with electricity, and a power surge occurs.

Gwen walks out of the RV, and rushed to y/n. She stops, and looks at glumshanks,who looks between her, y/n, and the amulet.

Glumshanks: "uhh..."

Glumshanks runs off, dropping the amulet as he did so.

Y/n: "thanks..."

Gwen: "no problem. Now let's get you out of here"

Gwen looks around, before finding a control panel. She struggles with it, as some mechadroids flew in to attack them.

Y/n: "Gwen, duck!"

Gwen ducks, as a mechadroid shoots at her. Instead, hitting the control panel. The box flickers, before disappearing. Y/n gets up, and grabs his amulet, putting it back around his neck.

Y/n: "life element. Type two"

Y/n had transformed into stump smash, and assisted Ben, who was constantly changing between forms, fight off the mechadroids. Currently, Ben was upgrade, and merged with a mechadroid.

Upgrade: "Try picking on someone your own size!"

Upgrade manipulates the Mechadroid to slash through the remaining Mechadroids. A tiny piece of debris lands on Gwen's head. Gwen frowns.

The Chimerian Hammer loses altitude. Max deals with one of the Mechadroids.

Max: "I've got to get this ship under control"

Upgrade: "He can fly a spaceship?"

Stump smash shrugs.

Upgrade then Gets hit by a Mechadroid. Stump smash goes to help, but he too gets knocked down by a mechadroid.

Gwen: "At this point, nothing surprises me"

Max tries to control the ship and Vilgax, unexpectedly, walks out of the room he was blasted into and grabs Max. He tosses him towards the breach in the hull. Max stopped just short of the edge and Vilgax walks over to begin crushing him.

Upgrade|stump smash|Gwen: "Grandpa!"

Max struggles to break free.

Vilgax: "Your weapon won't help, Tennyson. As you can see, I'm much stronger than in our last encounter"

Both upgrade and stump smash gets rid of the final mechadroids. But upgrade runs towards Vilgax.

Upgrade: "NOOOOO!"

He tackles Vilgax and they fall down towards Mount Rushmore. The other tennysons are horrified.

Suddenly, another shout is heard behind them.

Kaos: "how did you escape?! No matter! I'll just dispatch of you myself!"

Kaos runs forward, and tackles stump smash off the ship, sending them both flying down with Ben and vilgax. Kaos' body then turns blue, and turned into that giant floating head. He shoots lasers from his eyes, burning stump smash I to the ground. Right atop mount Rushmore.

Stump smash is barely able to stay awake, as he looks over, seeing a dried up ripjaws.

Stump smash: "I... Think we have a problem..."

Ripjaws: "your Telling me..."

Vilgax jumps to the top of Mount Rushmore and walks towards the two. Kaos floating down next to him.

Vilgax goes to grab ripjaws, but he suddenly transformed into XLR8 and zips away. Stump smash barely stands up, and changes into lightning rod, and formed a bolt of lightning in his hands, and throws it at kaos and vilgax. Both of which didn't flinch from the attack.

Then, XLR8 sprints towards Vilgax from the other side, at a rapid pace.

Vilgax realizes XLR8's presence at the last moment as XLR8 slams into Vilgax. There is a puff of smoke. After the smoke has cleared, it is revealed that Vilgax has remained in the same spot while XLR8 has been weakened and falls down.

XLR8: "Ohhh.. I'm gonna feel that tomorrow"

Vilgax: "For you, there is no tomorrow. Neither of you!"

The steroid boost cylinders in his arms grow and recede into his arms, increasing his muscle mass substantially. Kaos meanwhile, grew his giant head into a larger... giant head. XLR8 just manages to dodge Vilgax's blow. Vilgax ends up smashing the ground and completely demolishes Theodore Roosevelt's face.

Kaos opens his mouth, dozens of doom sharks are flung out, flying at lightning rod. He changes into Hex, and raised a bone wall to shield himself. But the doom sharks easily broke through them, and start attacking him directly.

Meanwhile, vilgax throws blow after blow at XLR8, who easily dodged it all.

Vilgax: "You can't escape me!"

XLR8 sees an opportunity and tries to attack Vilgax but Vilgax grabs him, spins him around and toses him into a rock. XLR8 then transforms into Diamondhead and projects crystal shards at Vilgax.

Diamondhead: "Special delivery!"

Vilgax covers himself. He swipes at Diamondhead but he dodges. Diamondhead runs close to Vilgax and punches him a few times but this only results in Diamondhead's hands getting damaged.

Diamondhead: "Oh, man! Guess I should have seen that coming"

Hex is then Thrown into diamondhead, knocking them both down.

As vilgax bends down to grab them for himself and kaos, diamondhead transforms into ghostfreak, as hex purposely changed into ghost roaster. Vilgax's hand passing through both of them.

Ghostfreak: "YES! Sometimes, I love this watch"

Ghostfreak waves at Vilgax and kaos, Before both he and ghost roaster phases into the ground.

Vilgax deflates his arms back to normal, as kaos returned to his tiny self. Vilgax sees his ship pass overhead and crash into the field below.

Kaos: "well. We're gonna need a new ride. Eh?"

Vilgax looked at him unamused.

Kaos: "...not a fan of jokes. Got it"

Inside the ship, Max drives the RV.

Max: "Better hang on to something. This may get a little bumpy"

Gwen whimpers and covers herself. Max breaks through several walls and makes it to the ship’s stern.

Gwen: "AAAAA!"

Nearby, the two ghosts emerge from the side of Mount Rushmore, only to see the ship crashed.

Ghostfreak: "Oh, no!"

Ghost roaster: "he gave to hurry!!"

The two quickly fly towards the ship.

Meanwhile, Max and Gwen made it out of the ship, but the RV is damaged and they are weakened.

Max: "You all right, Gwen?"

Gwen: "At times like this, going back to school doesn't seem so bad.."

They hear a crash in the back. As they both look back to see, Vilgax appears in front of the RV. There are sounds of glass shattering.

Ghostfreak and ghost roaster arrives and finds the RV to be empty.

Ghostfreak: "Grandpa?"

Ghost roaster: "Gwen?"

They fly through the RV and emerges out of the back.they sees Vilgax having captured Max and Gwen. Kaos standing in front of him.

Ghostfreak: "NO!"

Ghostfreak transforms into Wildmutt. He roars at Vilgax.

Vilgax: "It's your choice... You or them"

Wildmutt surrenders. Vilgax drops Max and Gwen and walks towards Wildmutt. Vilgax reverts Wildmutt back into Ben.

Vilgax: "How noble"

Vilgax grabs Ben and walks towards his ship.

Vilgax: "don't waste any more time kaos"

Kaos smirks, and held out his hand.

Kaos: "the amulet, if you'd please?"

Reluctantly, ghost roaster reverts back, and takes off his amulet. He then held it out, as kaos snatches it from his hands, and cackles, running after vilgax.

Y/n ran up to max and Gwen, as they start to regain consciousness.

Max: "Vilgax, no! Don't go back in there!"

Vilgax hops onto the ship with kaos behind him, as it begins to take off. He looks down towards Max.

Vilgax: "Foolish earthling. Why won't I-"

An alarm goes off

Vilgax: "The auto-destruct launch sequence has been initiated!"

Vilgax drops Ben and attempts to stop the sequence but the console crackles with electricity, rendering it inoperable.

Vilgax: "TENNYSON! You are a thorn in my side"

Vilgax is blasted again with the weapon by Ben. The blast causes wreckage to fall on Vilgax and pins him down.

Ben: "Guess it runs in the family"

Ben then turns to kaos, and held out his hand. Kaos scoffs, and was about to attack Ben, but something fell on his head, knocking him unconscious. Ben smiles, and grabs the amulet.

Ship's Computer: "Commencing self-destruct launch"

Vilgax: "NOOOOOO!"
Ben runs towards the damaged hull and transforms into Heatblast.

The Chimerian Hammer explodes and Heatblast flies through the huge explosion and out of it, on a fire board, unharmed.

Gwen, y/n, and Max find Ben in a smoking crater, sitting on a pillar in the middle of it. Ben smiles at them.

Gwen: "Not bad for a doofus"

Ben: "Grandpa, we need to talk"

Ben then tossed y/n's amulet at him. Y/n caught it, and smiled. But then, that smile faded...

Y/n: "grandpa... I'm not really a tennyson.. am I?"

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