the peaceful Tennyson

By PiratePhox4

16.5K 468 257

When an elderly man and his three grandkids go on a summer road trip, they encounter mysterious, and other wo... More

S1E1: And then there were ten
S1E2: Washington B.C.
S1E3: The Krakken
S1E4: Permanent Retirement
S1E5: Hunted
S1E6: Tourist Trap
S1E7: Kevin 11
S1E8: The alliance
S1E9: Last laugh
S1E10: Lucky girl
S1E11: A small problem
S1E13: Secrets
S2E1: Truth
S2E2: The big tick
S2E3: Framed

S1E12: Side effects

459 23 11
By PiratePhox4

A red sports car speeds down a road. The driver checks his rear-view mirror with a smile on his face.

Robber: "Ooh, they'll never catch me!"
The Rust Bucket drives after him on that same road. Gwen, sitting in front with Max, looks out her window.

Gwen: "There he is!"

Max: "You sure?"

Gwen: "Totally"

Max smiles. A motorcycle with no driver passes the Rust Bucket and drives off after the car. The motorcycle is black with green stripes and has an eye in front. Upgrade. Joining him from behind was drobot in the sky above.

As the robber's car whips through dense traffic, Upgrade decides to steer away and take the sidewalk, as drobot kept the eye in the sky.

Back on the road, Upgrade notices a car-carrying semi behind the car. Upgrade pulls a wheelie and aligns with the back ramp of the truck, using it to launch himself in front of it. The robber sees him and steps harder on the gas. Coming up for both of them is a light going from green to yellow to red. The robber decides to run it, and makes it just before an RV starts driving in front. Upgrade slides underneath the RV and catches up.

Upgrade: "Hey!"

Robber: "Huh?"

Drobot swoops in for the assist, and flies evenly with upgrade. He then shoots a quick laser at the trunk, blowing it clean off. Stolen bills come flying out of the trunk.

Upgrade: "Some people just can't hang on to their money!"

Out of the side of upgrade's front wheel, Upgrade forms an energy spike. He speeds up to the car's back wheel and drives the spike into it, causing the car to spin out of control and safely crash into some parked cars. Upgrade drives himself up to the reeling driver to show himself, no driver and all.

Robber: "No way!"

Upgrade burns rubber, pushing exhaust in the robber's face. He runs off once police cars start coming in the distance. As he turns the corner, he stops at a parked ice cream delivery truck.

Upgrade: "Well, I did just nab a bad guy..."

Upgrade gets out of the motorcycle and opens the back hatch. There's tons of boxes of ice cream.

Upgrade: "Now we're talking!"


Max and Gwen watch the robber get arrested, y/n walking up to them from the side.

Robber: "Look, I'm telling ya. Tha-that motorcycle, i-it was driving itself!"

Max: "Where's Ben?"

Y/n sighed, and points behind himself, and right at the ice cream truck. They walk up to it, as Max opens up the back, inside is a shivering Ben holding a partially bitten popsicle.

Max: "You okay?"

Ben's nose is dripping. He sneezes and rubs it.

Max: "I'll, uh, take that as a no"

Later, Back inside the Rust Bucket, Ben lies in bed and Max takes a thermometer out of his mouth.

Max: "Well, 101. Sorry, Ben, it's official: you have a summer cold"

Gwen: "Maybe from now on you'll think twice before having snack time inside an ice cream truck!"

Ben feels a sneeze winding up. He grabs some blue clothing and uses it to rub his nose.

Gwen: "Hey! That's my new blouse!"

He sneezes right into it. His voice is stuffy.

Ben: "Maybe from now on you'll think twice about leaving your new clothes just lying around!"

Y/n: "both of you make valid arguments"

Y/n sits down at the booth, and holds bubble gum in his arms. Gwen then goes back to pulling various things out of a box.

Gwen: "Cold tablets, decongestant, cough suppressant, hospital mask..."

Ben: "I don't need all that junk"

Gwen: "They're not for you, dweeb! They're for me! Once a bug like that gets out, there's no stopping it!"

Ben: "Why don't you just lock me away in some closet somewhere until I'm better?"

Gwen: "Can we, Grandpa? Pretty please?!"

Max: "All Ben needs is a dose of my famous "San Ju Yen Pien" cold remedy. Let's go! Chinatown's just down the block"

Y/n: "oooh! Chinatown!"

Now In Chinatown, a parade is going on. Many people are watching a red dragon puppet and some costumed actors walk past. Max and the kids walk out of a drugstore with a green jar.

Max: "You know it's so hard to find fresh potaikadon root anymore. It's all freeze-dried nowadays"

Ben: "Can I get a milkshake or something? Ugh, my throat is killing me!"

Max: "Don't worry. The stinkweed honey in the San Ju Yen Pien coats your entire esophageal area!"

He hands Ben the jar. Ben opens the lid and smells what's inside.

Ben: "UGH! And that's a good thing...?"

Gwen: "So, where exactly did you learn how to make this stuff, Grandpa?"

Max: "I picked it up from a monk in Guangdong, China"

Gwen crosses her arms.

Max: "They have plumbing in China, too, you know!"

Y/n: "they do?"

A councilwoman starts to make a speech at a podium in the center.

Liang: "Ladies and gentlemen, I want to thank all of you for your support of my downtown redevelopment program. It's truly a dream come true!"

A wasp lands on her microphone. Some more buzz around the crowd. Hundreds more show up. The crowd starts panicking. The councilwoman looks above her and sees a man, Clancy, standing on a hovering "raft" of bugs.

Clancy: "Better make that a nightmare, councilwoman!"

His eyes glow and thousands fly into the crowd.

Gwen: "Wasps!"

They swarm everyone, chasing them out of the center. Someone drops their ice cream, someone else falls into some boxes, others drop to the ground as the swarm flies just above them. Councilwoman Liang looks up at Clancy.

Clancy: "You're NOT tearing down our apartment building. We won't let you!"

Liang: "You're the nutjob who wouldn't leave!"

Clancy: "Nice to know we've made an impression"

His eyes glow once more. Thousands of bugs instantly swarm Liang, from her legs up to her neck, lifting her up to Clancy.

Liang: "What are you doing?"

Clancy: "Just bringing you home for dinner... You're the MAIN COURSE!"

Her eyes widen. Ben wipes the snot off his nose and activates the Omnitrix.

Ben: "This looks like a job for...ah, aH, AH-"

He slams it down, turning into Wildmutt. Wildmutt completes Ben's sneeze, while his snot-covered gills try to locate his surroundings. All that he's able to see is a few dots in a black void. He scratches his chin, desperately trying to sniff around. He starts running in a direction until he smacks into a venue, gets up, shakes his head, and runs elsewhere, this time smacking into a pole. After getting up, he lets out a low growl, starts gagging, then leaps away.

Gwen: "Has Ben gone rabid or what?"

Max: "Ben's cold must be affecting Wildmutt's sense of smell! With his schnoz clogged, he can't tell where he's going!"

Y/n: "ok then.. grandpa, take bubble gum. I'll chase after bug man"

Max takes bubble gum from y/n's hands. As the small boy took off into a sprint, his hands cupping the amulet.

Y/n's body is then covered in that green light of the life element. His body morphing, before running forth was the vegetation dragon, Camo.

He climbs up a building, looking down at Clancy. As he ran, he looked down, seeing Gwen riding wildmutt, only for him to knock into the boxes and runs off, bucking them into them and causing one to fall on her and trap her.

The boxes are full of fireworks, some littered on the ground with her. In the swarm, a random wasp cuts a line of lanterns. One lantern rolls out of control, catching itself on fire. It rolls up to a banner right in front of Gwen and lights it up. As she struggles the fire grows in front of her.

Gwen: "HELP!"

Without thinking, camo jumps down to the ground, and runs towards Gwen, before changing into wham shell, and aims his mace at her, spraying water over the lit fuse, and accidentally on Gwen as well.

Gwen: "thanks for the save.."

Wham shell nods, as max runs up to them both, only for all three of them to witness wildmutt run by with a trashcan on his head. Wham shell looks up in the sky, not seeing Clancy.


Back in the Rust Bucket.

Ben: "Ouch! Oh man, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse!"

Max: "Here, this will help"

Max hands him a jar of the green-colored cold remedy. Ben sniffs it.

Ben: "Ugh! Yuck!"

Max: "Don't worry, it smells worse than it tastes! Or, is that the other way around...? It's not just you I'm worried about. Seems like your bug has spread to all your aliens as well. No telling how it'll affect them"

Ben agreeably looks at the jar and takes a swig of the drink. He instantly cringes.

Ben: "That was so grim..."

Max: "Heh, don't worry. After ten or so doses, you'll start to get used to it"

Ben: "Ugh... I don't know what's worse, the cold or the cure!"

Gwen: "Got it!"

Gwen has been busy searching on her laptop. Y/n sitting across from her.

Gwen: "Bug guy said something about knocking down his apartment building. Well, the only apartment downtown left for demolition is at 8610 Chester Street!"

While Max is listening to her, Ben sneaks the San Ju Yen Pien under a drawer.

Meanwhile, At Clancy's apartment, spiders crawl up Liang's dress.

Liang: "Please...don't hurt me!"

Clancy steps out from the shadows.

Clancy: "Mmmm, black widows... You shouldn't make any...sudden moves"

Roaches watch Clancy as he continues talking.

Clancy: "Our grandfather built this building. We grew up here! Just me and my little friends... They are the only ones who understand, and no one is evicting us!"

Outside, The Rust Bucket pulls up to the tattered broken building.

Gwen: "Nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live here"

Max: "Let's all stay together"

The Tennysons move through a hallway, keeping weary of holes in the crumbling floor. With every step, a loud creak. Max has to lower himself under a fallen beam. Spiders crawl on the beams above them. Ben splits up, looking down the rest of the hallway, while Gwen, y/n, and Max investigate a room. Max reads some newspaper clippings, tacked to the wall. Most have pictures of bugs; one headline about cockroaches reads "BUGS SURVIVE NUCLEAR BLAST".

Max: "They've gotta be here somewhere!"

Gwen kneels down at a gigantic nest in the room. Spiders and flies chitter as she gets near.

Gwen: "Something tells me we're getting close..."

Y/n: "that's good. But simultaneously, bad"

Max: "Where's Ben?"

As they walk to the door, a big giant shadow steps in, with four eyes and antennae.

Gwen: "MEGA BUG!"

The creatures steps into the light! ...And it's Four Arms, holding his fingers up like antennae.

Gwen: "Ha-ha, real funny!"

Four arms smirks.

Four Arms: "I thought so"

Suddenly, a cry for help from Liang echoed through the building.

Max: "That came from right above us!"

Four Arms: "I'm on it"

Four Arms bursts through the door frame and grabs Gwen and Max with his lower arms. Gwen notices his armpits are covered in pink hives. She plugs her nose and fans it. Max too. Four Arms sniffs himself.

Max: "It's your hives. The cold must have turned them into puss-filled pockets of-"

Gwen: "Pure putridness"

Four Arms: "I can't help it. I'm sick!"

Gwen: "You're telling me! I'd rather be freezing cold on slam bam"

Y/n rolled his eyes, and transformed into terrafin. He and four arms leap up into the floor above. Four arms drops Max and Gwen, who spot Liang curled up on the floor, spiders crawling all over her. Max runs over to her.

Liang: "Stop! Black widows!"

Gwen: "There's gotta be some way to help her-"

Just then, Four Arms violently sneezes. His green mucus flies all over Liang. Surprisingly, she's now completely rid of them.

Four Arms: "Oops"

Terrafin: "unethical. But works"

Liang: "Eugh... Thanks.."

Four Arms: "Don't mention it"

As Max helps her up, Clancy appears from the shadowy ceiling beams above them.

Clancy: "You are trespassing"

His eyes light up. Many red bugs suddenly swarm into a big wave, towering over Four Arms and knocking him back. They then turn to terrafin , and do the same. He was sent flying, but blocked the attack.

Clancy leaps to another beam and hisses.

Clancy: "We will rule mankind!"

The wave of bugs turn towards Max.

Gwen: "Grandpa, look out!"

He dodges before they break a hole in the spot he was standing on. Termites suddenly swarm under Gwen's feet.

Gwen: "Termites! Ahh!"

The floor is quickly eaten from below her. Gwen hangs from the edge of the dent in the floor. Liang helps her up.

Four Arms: "You want to be king? Get ready to be crowned!"

Four Arms starts charging toward Clancy. His eyes light up and thousands of red bugs swarm Four Arms' feet and travel up his legs. He suddenly starts hopping on one foot and scratching his infested leg.

Four Arms: "Aaaagh! Aaants in my paaants!"

Four Arms starts scratching all over. Max jumps out of the way before he comes hopping into him. As he scratches, he punches holes in the walls and bashes beams.

Clancy: "You're destroying our home!"

Terrafin steps out of the whole he was in, and heard Clancy. He then smirks, and smashed his knuckles together. He then rushed towards multiple support beams, and starts punching them. One good punch each took them down, as the ceiling to start crumbling.

Clancy: "Nooo!"

Clancy's eyes glow in anguish. Wasps come, forming a bubble around him.

Gwen: "The whole place is coming down!"

Terrafin: "that's the plan!"

Liang: "We have to get out of here!"

Max: "No time!"

Terrafin: "everyone, get to me!"

The entire apartment building comes crashing to the ground, all with the Tennysons, Liang, and Clancy still inside.....

Soon, some rubble begins to move. It's then thrown aside, as chop chop shrinks his shield to its normal size.

As everyone stands to get their footing, the omnitrix begins to time out, returning four arms to Ben.

Ben: "Ugh, it's a good thing I can't feel my head"

As they get up, Clancy rises out of a small pile of bugs. He grabs handfuls of them, all dead.

Clancy: "No, no, NO! ...You will all be sorry. We will exterminate the entire city!"

Clouds of wasps suddenly come from all corners of the sky and meet in the middle, dropping down as a tornado, picking up Clancy, and carrying him away.

Liang: "This has been a really weird day..."

Gwen: "Welcome to our world"

Ben: "At least my hives are gone!"

Liang: "Where'd that smelly four-armed guy go? I wanted to thank him"

Chop chop: "he is my partner. He had urgent matters to attend. I will relay the message to him in your stead"

Max: "Can you find your way back home?"

She nods and walks away.

Ben: "So, where do you think 'bug-brain' crawled off to?"

Max thinks and spots a local power plant off in the distance.

Max: "Only one way to exterminate a whole city..."


The Rust Bucket rushes off to the plant. Ben sits in the front seat, shaking.

Ben: "Turn on the heat, Grandpa! It's freezing in here!"

Max: "It's already on, Ben. But you're shaking like an earthquake! Gwen, get him another dose of my San Ju Yen Pien!"

Ben: "No-no-no! I mean...I just finished it off! Heh. All gone! I'm sure it's gonna start working ANY MINUTE now!"

Gwen: "Wow, listen to this! Ants can lift 10 times their own body weight, grasshoppers can leap 100 times their length, and cockroaches can hold their breath for over an hour!"

Ben: "We don't need their résumés, we need to know how to squash them!"

Gwen: "Duh! I'm saying insects are pretty tough little suckers! Short of another ice age or a tanker full of pesticide, looks like holding a "bug barbeque" is our best option!"

Ben: "And I know just the chef..."

Y/n: "and I got four. Five if you want to be technical about it"

They arrive at the plant, bugs in the air outside. Inside, the Tennysons walk down an empty hallway. An alarm suddenly goes off and red lights start flashing.

Ben: "What's happening? I-Is that bad?"

Gwen: "No. I'm sure anytime an alarm goes off inside a nuclear plant, it's good news!"

Plant Intercom: "Core temperature rising. Approaching critical"

Max: "He must be fooling around with the reactor's controls. Let's go!"

They run to the control room. Smoke and electricity is billowing out of a bunch of broken control panels.

Plant Intercom: "Core temperature critical. Meltdown imminent"

Max: "All the controls are smashed! We'll have to shut it down manually"

Ben: "How do we do that?"

Max points to the main cylindrical core that the control room overlooks.

Max: "Just outside the reactor core, there's an emergency override system"

Gwen: "Let me guess? You learned about nuclear reactors from a monk in China"

As Gwen leans on a panel, she spots a bug crawling up next to her. Clancy walks in to the tune of his flies' buzzing.

Clancy: "Came for a front row seat?"

Ben: 'If this place goes nuclear, you're gonna wind up blowing along with the rest of us!"

Clancy: "We don't think so"

Clancy holds out his hands. Cockroaches come out of his sleeves and surround them. They come out of his pant legs too and travel up his body. Wasps, cockroaches, and others swarm his entire body and grinning face. They form into a giant bug-filled figure.

Clancy: "When the reactor goes super critical, we'll be snug as bugs in a rug!"

Gwen: "Of course! Scientists think cockroaches are the only things that would survive the blast!"

Ben: "So, the guy's gonna wear a bug suit to protect himself from the meltdown?"

Ben and y/n walks closer to Clancy, both transforming. Heatblast and ignitor respectfully. But something was wrong with heatblast...

Gwen: "Wait! Something's weird about you..."

All of Heatblast's fire is now strangely blue.

Heatblast: "We don't have time for you to diss me! You guys shut down the reactor, we'll take care of Bugsy"

Heatblast leaps at Clancy, but he smacks him away into ignitor, knocking them both into a window. As he walks over to them, Gwen and Max run out of the room. Clancy sees them.

Clancy: "You can't escape us"

He sends a swarm of bugs flying after them.

Heatblast: "That's it. Time to turn up the Heatblast around here!"

Ignitor: "was the pun necessary?"

Heatblast: "yes"

Heatblast cups his hands and throws them forward, but nothing shoots out. He instead sneezes.

Heatblast: "Hey, what happened? You should be a bunch of briquettes by now... My cold! it froze my flames!"

Ignitor: "then I suppose I'm alone here-"

Clancy punches him into the wall, before doing the same to heatblast.

Clancy holds Heatblast in his hand and throws him across the room. On his knees, Heatblast looks up as Clancy knocks ignitor's sword out of his hands, and grabs his leg, throwing him into heatblast.

Heatblast: "Oh man. Maybe we could talk about this?"

Suddenly, out of his hand, ice starts shooting out and freezing Clancy.

Heatblast: "Hey!"

He and ignitor stand up, and Heatblast freezes a bit of Clancy's arm. Clancy pauses, then decides to run toward them, ramming them through the window and into the reactor room.

Inside, Max is accessing the emergency override controls, while Gwen is working up a sweat sweeping away a swarm of bugs.

Gwen: "Grandpa, I can't hold these bugs off much longer!"

Plant Intercom: "Meltdown in 30 second"

The swarm quickly stops as Heatblast freezes them in midair. He and ignition then Ride the frozen end of the projectile down to the ground.

Heatblast: "Somebody call...for a hero?!"

Gwen: "I don't get it. Since when are you an automatic ice cube maker?"

Heatblast: "Heheh. I guess for some aliens, 'getting a cold' isn't just an expression!"

Max: "I can't override! All the manual controls have overheated!"

Ignitor held out his arm, as his sword was flown into it.

Ignitor: "i may have a plan"

Right as he said that, Clancy gets to his feet and starts to charge the two of them.

Max: "look out!"

Heatblast cups his hands and charges an ice blast. He then whips around and fires it, completely engulfing Clancy. Ignitor then became slam bam, and smacked the ground, adding a second layer of Iver over him.

Plant Intercom: "Core meltdown in ten-"

Slam bam: "stand clear! Ben, I would require some assistance"

Heatblast: "assistant granted!"

Plant Intercom: "Nine - Eight-"

Slam bam puts his hands on the ground, as ice begins to form at the reactor core. Heatblast using his new ice ability to do the same.

Plant Intercom: "Seven - Six - Five - Four-"

Steam starts coming out. Gwen and Max are slack jawed as ice surrounds the core.

Plant Intercom: "Three - Two..."

They continue, more and more ice covering it. And then...

Plant Intercom: "-Core temperature falling"

Heatblast collapses. But slam bam catches him. The entire core is covered in ice.

Plant Intercom: "Returning to below critical limits"

Gwen: "All right!"

Max: "Way to go, you two!"

Heatblast: "Thanks, heheh. Now, can we please get some hot chocolate or something?"

Slam bam: "hot chocolate sounds rather good right now"

He sneezes as they look at the Clancy cube, still not moving.


The Rust Bucket drives off. Ben lies down in the back.

Ben: "Bad guy's on ice, the reactor's chillin', and I think that that steam knocked out the last of my cold!"

Max: "Don't you just love it when everything works out?"

As Gwen gets a milk carton out of the fridge, she spots a cockroach by her foot and raises it to crush it.

Gwen: "Sorry, Mr. Roach. This is going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me! Ugh..."

Suddenly, thousands of bugs enter through the Rust Bucket's door and windows.

Gwen: "Ahh! Company! Lots of company!"

She drops her milk. Ben leaps away from the walls. Max parks the RV and gets out of the driver's seat, as does y/m get out of the passenger seat. The door is suddenly opened by Clancy, still in his bug suit. He steps inside and retracts the swarm from his face.

Clancy: "We didn't appreciate that cold shoulder you gave us at the power plant!"

Max tries to punch from behind. Clancy grabs him and throws him back. As he diverts his attention to him, Gwen grabs a fire extinguisher and Ben tries the Omnitrix.

Y/n goes to attack Clancy, as max is pushed to the floor. But Clancy pushed him down, and pulled bubble gum out of his arms. Y/n looked terrified, as Clancy started to rip it's arm off...

Max: "Uh-oh..."

Max ducks, as y/n, suddenly transformed into eruptor, punched Clancy across the face. Causing him to drop bubble gum, and it's arm. Eruptor then kicks Clancy out of the RV, and jumps out with him. Clancy was about to stand, but eruptor didn't let him, and throws another punch. And another. And another. And another. The heat increasing with every one.

The bugs began to burn into ash, as Clancy is left alone to stare at the angered eruptor. Max then picks up the pieces of bubble gum, and shouts.

Max: "y/n! Calm down! I can fix it!"

Eruptor turned back, and saw the damaged bubble gum. He transformed back, and ran towards Max, who gave him the pink bear. As y/n just stood holding his stuffed bear, max went to call the cops. His cousins watched in awe....

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