Face Claims and Forms for rps

By N3on_P3tals

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Face claims and forms for group rps and apply fics More

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Call For Me

17 3 23
By N3on_P3tals

"Please, call me Dr. Madlock"

Full name: Atticus Madlock

Preferred name: Atticus

Nicknames: Atty or Atti, Sweetart, Jelly, Scones, Attic.

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Poly Pansexual


When he dyes his hair:


Three main traits: Sweetheart, Anger issues, Gentleman

Personality: Atticus is always looking out for other people, just being used to taking care of or looking after other people like they are his own. He tends to be a worried wart at times, being a sweetheart though wanting to know if the people that are close to him or even general people he cares about the most. He always pays more attention to other people than himself, at times making him a liability due to forgetting to take care of himself or even eat at times always worrying about other people. He gives numerous compliments and affection, if he is close to someone they are going to be more thought out and heartfelt because he knows that person more. He also can be slightly dense with some things, not naive or anything just dense not exactly thinking though things especially if it can help anyone he is willing to do it, not questions asked. Now, his personality will switch because of his mental illness tending to get mood swings like a lot to the point where most of it just turns into anger issues at a certain point. He tries not to but he also just gets distracted too easily as well, he is Alfie's brother after all.

Strengths: Brave, confident, open-minded, determined, loyal, friendly, sweet, always cared about other people, will sacrifice himself if needed, honest, patient, always soft with people.

Weaknesses: Emotional, his mood swings, getting anger issues quickly, trusts people too easily, slightly naive, a little dense.

Likes: Essential oils, candles, candle making, studying, learning new things, reading, comic books, mixology (he knows how to mix cocktails and drinks fancily), knowing that the people he cares about are okay, PDA, organization, blanket forts, hanging out with the people he loves the most traveling, soap making.

Dislikes: Rivers and streams, blood, lying to the people he cares about (if he lies to someone he has a good damn reason to cause he rarely lies), woods, cabins, getting lost, mess or clutter, animal cruelty, closed spaces, mannequins, statues, clowns, escape rooms.

Hobbies: Soap making, reading, studying, candle making, pottery, mixology, traveling.

Habits: Tapping his foot against the ground when he is nervous, doing small breathing exercises or hand movements when he is trying to relax himself, clicking his tongue when he gets annoyed or just simply shoving someone grabbing them by the waist to be them out of the way.

Backstory: Ummm...No 🙄

Family members:

- Alfonzo (Alfie) Madlock/Younger Brother - Alive

- Aleksander Madlock/Older Brother - Deceased

- Alice Madlock/Mother - Deceased

Alonzo Madlock/Father - In jail

Original soulmate: N/A

Did they have their soulmate mark removed?: No

How long did they know their soulmate: Two years actually before he accidentally got well, he doesn't want to be rude but bored of them.

Reaction to not having a soulmate?: More so shocked and not very pleased

Are they looking for another soulmate?: Yes

Do they use fake kiss?: Yes, he feels bad because he feels like he is cheating but he also is not sure how to break it off so he decided to just slowly back away until his partner realizes and they can break up like that.

Theme song: Save Your Tears - The Weeknd


"Hey, I promise it's okay to cry, okay?"

"I was once poor, I just now have a 5,000 car and then this cool looking mansion but I live in this small house, it is way better. Here take the keys to my mansion though, it's the least I can do"

"I would never lie to you I promise, I just incredibly suck at actually saying the truth than telling a lie"

"You want this? I gotcha, i'll be right back"

"Here, I got us some tea, blankets, and everything else for this snow winter morning together"


"You want me to get in the car with you? Why?...oh Alfie is in there, okay!"


- Polylingual, knows a multitude of languages actually

- He is 6'0 in height actually

- He used to be bullied and poor but now he proved everyone wrong with being wealthy and being a famous doctor now.

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