A Two-Faced Soul-The Daemon R...

By AlexiMcNathair1207

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*Trigger Warning: This story contains content and themes which may be distressing to some readers, so reader... More

~{ Prologue: } ~
Chapter One: A New Coven Member
Chapter Two: Kiddnapping
~{ Interlude: } ~
Chapter Three: An Unexpected Ally
Chapter Four: The Rescue
Chapter Five: Aftermath
Chapter Six: Embrace The New Brood
Chapter Seven: Qualifier
~ { Interlude: } ~
Chapter Eight: Training
Chapter Nine: The Peacock and His Hens; Part 1
Chapter Ten: The Peacock and His Hens; Part 2
~ { Interlude: The Peacock And His Hens} ~
Chapter Twelve: The Peacock and His Hens; Part 3
~{ Interlude: }~
Chapter Thirteen: Uneasy Alliance
Chapter Fourteen: Betrayal
Chapter Fifteen: Old Rivalries
~ { Interlude: }~
Chapter Sixteen: War's End
~ {Epilogue: }~

~ {Interlude: }~

12 0 0
By AlexiMcNathair1207

Eve arrived in her secondary compound, having fought in the war for almost all her life she had learned not to keep her operation in one place. She fell to the floor of the small lab she had created for her contact to work in, tears streaming from her face, a mix of rage and pain coming out from each and every scream. 

The lab was not very big, but it was big enough for their goals, little more than an office truth be told it had a mix of scientific equipment and magical tools. On one of the tables sat a sword, a Heavenly-Blade in fact. Well what was left of it, massive chunks had been cut free from the thing and currently sat in various states, some where it was beakers filled with bubbling liquid, other's where it was test tubes of fine dust, while the hilt of the weapon, with a small sliver of the blade, remained in tact.

"Eve," Spoke Richard Steinovitch looking up from his work.

"In a moment you mauling worm can't you see I am grieving." She snapped reaching to her hip where her own Heavenly-Blade sat, before reining in her anger, she needed the man alive.

"Yes yes, judging by the fact you are alone I'm guessing that the stupid lug you committed the original sin with is dead, however you came to my lab so I assumed you would want an update on my work."

She took a deep breathe in, I will have my vengeance but for now I will stick to the plan. She thought to herself before standing to her feet.

"Yes father Steinovitch," She almost snapped.

Calling that man by a title held by priests sickened her, she knew what he had done at Project Divine Spark. The whole supernatural community did, for they all agreed what he was doing was an abomination not science, however she recognized his genius and needed that genius so she would bite back those feelings.

"With the blade and chains you provided me I have successfully learned to extract the magic from a magical weapon and replicate it without the need for the spell to be cast." He picked up a link of the Abyssal chain in a pair of surgical forceps and looked at them with an almost fanatical fascination. "Where did you get these chains from, they are remarkable, if I'd had them for my wor..."

Before he could complete the sentence she cut in curtly. "Good have you tested you process?"

"I have indeed, I provided that vampire with bullets with the Abolition spell from the blade, and he tested them and they worked wonderfully. I take it my services to you are done now?"

"No, perfecting the process was only stage one, I will have need of you for stage two when it is time."

"I eagerly await such an honorable task your most gracious Fallen Angel."

 She ignored the heavy sarcasm in his tone, alone with the venom of the words Fallen Angel, and walked over to a door at the back of the lab. Painted onto the door there was a small symbol, one which was that of her true allegiance.  She opened the door and stepped into the room beyond.


The were a series of Yin and Yang Symbols carved into the floor in a ring now where the alter had once sat. At the very center of the ring was a Communicatio lapidea. Unlike other's of it's ilk however, which were transparent crystal formed of Veil-Magic, this one was different. It was grown from pure Entropic-Magic, a spell she was only able to cast thanks to the leader of her little group. Directly in front of her, on the other side of the Crystal, was the first of three statues, this statue was of your stereotypical Grimm Reaper. Who did exist in this world, their one job was to collect the souls of humans who died of natural causes. However, that was not what the statue represented. One the left side of the Crystal formation stood another statue, that of a knight complete with plate armor and a helmet in the shape of a skull, bearing a short sword in it's right hand, and pile of coins in the left. Finally on the right was a statue of a human, an underfed human at that, holding his stomach as if in pain.

She walked over to the Crystal and touched it once, the first of the statues, the one on the left eye's begun to glow. 

"Lady War," The voice spoke, distorted and almost unrecognizable were it not for the name of the person, or at least the Moncure they were given, you couldn't even tell the voice belonged to a woman. 

Eve gave no repones, although it was true they weren't meant to know each other's identities, she knew who that voice belonged to. She despised the woman, they had all joined this little group for various reasons, and as far as Eve was concerned 'Lady Famine's' reason for join was weak and she'd betray them as soon as she could.

The knight statues eyes were the next to begin to glow and the voice spoke. "Lady War, I hope you have good reason for calling this meeting."

"I do Lord conquest." She replied with an heir of respect to her voice, she had no clue who the man was so would treat him like the man was God himself until she knew otherwise.

"Then let us hear it," Spoke the final voice emanating from the final statue, the one person each member of this group knew, for she had founded it. 

Known as Lady Death, she was the leader of their little order, why she had founded this group she kept close to her chest, and it was on her insistence that each member of the group did not know the identity of the others, although Eve and Famine knew each other before they even joined. What Eve did know for sure was the fact that Lady Death had promised that if Eve helped her with her plans, not only would the Great-War become a war again, but she would put Eve in charge of the Fallen so long as she helped when asked.

"The alchemist has successfully created a way to replicate a Heavenly-Blade's power, I thought you should know."

"Very well, I shall use my contacts to secure God's-Flight, it will take time but I shall do it, Lady War when the time comes I shall send it to you, you will defend it until such a time that we can move on to phase three."

"As you command my lady," She replied bowing out of respect, although it was out of habit as no one could see the other's through this communication spell.

"Lord Conquest how goes things on your end?" Lady Death asked coldly.

"I have gathered all the martials you asked for, although it took me a while. I can begin construction of the chamber at your say so." He replied.

"Good, move to the Convergence point and begin construction, however for it to be completed I'll need access to large amounts of Nexus Crystal."

"I can handle that," Eve responded coldly.  "Suredale school has the largest Well in all of the Mortal realm, shouldn't be too hard to secure."

"Good," Lady Death replied. :"We still need the Catalyst however, when I have him I will send him back to you Lord conquest. Do not lose him this time."

If he was going to give a reply it was cut off by Famine. "I would request that he be charged to my Lady Death, as when Conquest last had him he allowed him to escape."

"No, I have my ways of controlling him, now see to your tasks."

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