Pretty Virgin Rhodes (STRICTL...

By smil3_books

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'Where Roses Grow' - π™π™ƒπ™Šπ˜Ώπ™€π™Ž Never mix business with pleasure, they say. Never date a rich man, they say... More

1. Meeting the CEO
2. The Skirt That Seeks Attention Unknowingly
3. Throwback on a B*tch
4. Doing Him A Favor
5. Am I Getting Fired? *cries*
6. That Red Dress
7. My Boss & His Morals
8. Gulf Was Never My Thing
9. Roses Brought Back Memories
10. Misinterpretation
11. Whiskey Makes You Do Crazy Things
12. Whisky Numbs Pain
13. The Night It Begun - Part One
14. The Night It Begun: Part Two
15. Take Me Somewhere
16. Small Things, Big Memories
17. 24 Hours to Make You Fall for Me
19. How to be a Fake Girlfriend
20. Pretty Feet
21. Wild Imaginations
22. Be My Date
23. Dine, Wet and Feelings
24. The Photos
25. Don't Hate the Game, Hate the Player
26. Soft Kiss in a Car Park Theatre
27. His Little Secret
28. Sit on the Desk and Look at Me
29. Blair Never Gave Up
30. Have to Let You Go
31. Three Days Alone with my Ex-Boss
32. Day One - Nasty, Nasty
33. Day Two - Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes
34. Closure

18. Jealously at its Peak

63 10 7
By smil3_books

I tried to ignore the jealousy that tugged in my gut as I saw Blair's name flash over the screen. Blair—a name that seemed to carry more weight than it should, one that evoked thoughts of inadequacy and insecurity in me.

"You haven't made me fall for you one bit?" Eleanor's voice broke through my thoughts, pulling me back to the present moment.

I blinked, taken off guard by the question. "Please, I'm like gravity—irresistible and impossible to escape," I said, infusing sarcasm into my tone to disguise the agony raging inside me.

Eleanor laughed, and the sound was like a tune, easing the strain in my chest. "Is that so?" she taunted, reaching out to lightly brush my ear.

Beneath the lighthearted conversation and enticing grins, though, a tempest of jealousy raged inside of me, threatening to overwhelm me. I wanted to confront the doubts that had been eating away at me and question Eleanor about Blair. However, I was aware that I couldn't take the chance of pushing her away due to my own concerns or causing a rift between us due to my jealousy.

I need to be honest with myself and figure out what I truly want before moving forward with my relationship. It's important to address these feelings and make a decision that is fair to both Athena and myself.

With my tactics, I could possibly make her fall in love with me in a short time. But I don't want to rush anything and regret it later. Better be safe than sorry. For some reason, I took her hands and brought her body up so she could stand. I gently stood behind her, carried her hair to the right side of her shoulder, and gently hugged my hands around her waist with my face buried in her neck.

I could feel her heartbeat against my chest, and in that moment, I knew I never wanted to let her go. Our connection felt deeper than words could express.

I could feel her heart beating faster as she leaned back into my embrace, but I knew it was important to respect her boundaries and not move too quickly. Taking things slow would allow us to build a strong foundation for a potential relationship.

But do we have a relationship? What do you call this?

"I just don't know what to feel about this," she said softly.

I remained silent, not knowing how to respond to her.

Her emotions seemed to be a tangled mess, and I could sense her inner turmoil. Perhaps giving her some space to process her thoughts would be best. 

I paused, choosing my words carefully, "I understand, Eleanor. It's normal to feel unsure sometimes. We don't have to rush into anything. Let's just take things one step at a time and see where it leads us." giving her the opportunity to gather her feelings and come to a decision on her own time.

In this way, she won't feel rushed or overwhelmed by the circumstance, allowing her to make more comfortable and confident decisions. It is critical for both of us to speak openly and honestly during this time.

As she turned around and dropped her hands at her sides, her words hit me like a punch to the gut. "That's very thoughtful, but we have to stop this."

As much as I didn't want to hear that, I knew I had to respect her wishes. After all, it was my fault. I had been the one who kissed her, igniting a spark between us that I wasn't sure I wanted to explore.

"We still have around 20 hours," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "After that, we can stop this interaction with each other. Will that work for you?"

She gave it some thought before nodding reluctantly. "I think so."

"I want a better answer than that," I pressed, unable to shake the feeling of disappointment.

"Fine," she sighed, meeting my gaze with a mixture of resignation and determination. "After 20 hours, all of this is over."

I swallowed hard, my heart heavy with regret. "Well, we don't want to waste time, do we?" I said, trying to inject some levity into the conversation. "I'll make you fall so hard, your head hurts when you're not with me."

I could see a glimmer of uncertainty in her eyes, but she stayed silent as she considered my remarks. Finally, she said quietly, "I guess we'll just have to wait and see." With a heavy heart, I realized that our future together was unresolved.

Knowing that our time together was short, I gave her a sad smile. But for the following twenty hours, I promised myself to live in the this moment to treasure every smile, every laugh, and every look that is stolen. Since the memories we made together would endure a lifetime, even though our time together was short. And perhaps, just perhaps, I might persuade her to risk anything more during those valuable hours.

With his eyes glued to the blazing flame and its warm glow illuminating his face, Amir comfortably sat on the sofa. His messy hair and rustic appeal gave him an image of effortless confidence. His fingers wandered aimlessly around the edge of his glass, the amber liquid creating a mesmerizing sensation.

The whiskey's smokey scent invade his senses as he slowly took a drink, lulling him into a deep state of calm. He was lost into a calm frame of mind by the comforting background sounds produced by the fire crackling.

"Come here."

I felt my heart stop for a moment. The way it rolled off his tongue made shivers run down my spine. All I could think about was the little time I had left with him. This was the right thing to do. I have to put a stop to this, even though I hated to admit that I had feelings for him.

I dragged my feet towards him, and he stood up, wrapping his hand around my neck, looked me in the eyes, and passionately kissed me. I felt my body floating, my eyes closed, and my heart thudding with a fast pulse.

"Can we shower together? I promise I will keep my hands to myself," he said between kisses.

I hesitated for a moment, torn between the desire to be close to him and the need to maintain boundaries. Eventually, I nodded in agreement, unable to resist the pull of his touch. 

We never break eye contact. We were standing opposite each other, never breaking our contact. He slowly pulled a strap down my arm, undressing me slowly. What have I agreed to? Showering with him?

He pulled my dress down going all the way down as he removed my clothes, never breaking eye contact. He stood to his feet and his eyes scanned my body in my undies. He licked his lips and his breath was heavy. He reached for the waist of my underwear to pull it down but I placed my hand on his to stop him.

"No one has seen know..." I said, softly.

"I don't judge," his raspy voice made shivers ran thought my body, "I will not do anything that you're not ready for. I just want to shower with you. We have limited time."

"Okay," I whispered, my voice barely audible in the silence of the room. "Okay, let's shower together."

He removed my underwear but didn't break eye contact. I was now—you know what. He took my hand and motioned to remove his. I went with the flow, knowing this would be our very last moments, or maybe it was the beginning of something more.

 As we stood there, vulnerable and exposed, a sense of intimacy and connection washed over me. In that moment, I realized that our physical actions were just a small part of the deeper emotional bond we shared. 

He took my hand and lured me inside the shower. The waters are beating on our bare skin, making me weak to my knees. The water makes our hair and bodies wet, but we never break eye contact for some reason.

The water makes our hair and bodies wet, yet we never lose eye contact for some reason. His gaze pierced into mine with such intensity that it left me breathless, as if he could see deep into the depths of my soul. In that moment, words were unnecessary because our eyes said volumes, revealing a shared need and understanding that went beyond physical attraction.

"Can I kiss you?" His raspy voice startled me, breaking the spell that had enveloped us in its intoxicating embrace.

But as I searched his eyes, I saw something there that mirrored my own desires—a longing that mirrored my own. And in that moment, I knew that I wanted nothing more than to feel his lips against mine, to taste the sweetness of his kiss, and to lose myself in the heat of the moment.

"Yes," I whispered, the word barely audible above the rush of water and the pounding of my own heartbeat. "Yes, you can kiss me."

Without hesitating, his cold lips were on mine, and my eyes closed slowly. Our bare bodies against each other—I didn't want this to end. I think I might have feelings for him. But in the back of my mind, I knew all this was wrong. But I started thinking, What if he was using me? What if this was his way of getting between my legs?

I was so lost in the moment that I strayed from the possibilities.

Theresa stood up, stating her point across, "We have competition. We have to make it number one on the charts. We have the best selling products in the state. Valeo Globals cannot be trusted."

We were in a meeting, and it so happened that I was there, with Mr. Bezos sitting in his chair as he was listing his employees.

Mr. Bezos leaned forward, his demeanor composed yet attentive. "Competition is inevitable, Theresa. It's what drives innovation and keeps us sharp. But tell me, what sets us apart? Why should our customers trust us over Valeo Globals?" 

Theresa squared her shoulders, ready to defend our company's honor. "We innovate faster, we deliver quality, and above all, we prioritize customer satisfaction. Valeo Globals might have their numbers, but they lack the personal touch and commitment that defines us."

He then leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face as he considered Theresa's response. "You're right," he finally said, "Trust is the foundation of our success. Let's continue to prioritize quality and customer satisfaction in everything we do." 

 Theresa and Mr. Bezos discussed plans to enhance the company's reputation for excellence, emphasizing the importance of maintaining core values for long-term success in the global market.

Both partners agreed on the importance of focusing on core values for long-term success in the global market. Theresa was impressed by Mr. Bezos' dedication and brainstormed innovative strategies to maintain reliability.

The meeting came to an end. I followed Mr. Bezos downstairs since I was his assistant and there were no strings attached since we had made an agreement to stop interfering with each other. It's hard, but I have to understand. Outside was Athena exiting a black limo.

Her hair was in a neat up-do style, and the dress she was in lay perfectly on her curves. She walked towards Mr. Bezos and said, "Hey baby." She pecked his lips and straightened his tie.

He pecked her lips and stared at her. "You ready?" he said.

My heart sank to the ground, but you can't blame him; we made an agreement to stop fooling around.

"Yes," she said, taking a look at me. "Hey, Eleanor, I didn't see you there," she said, tilting her head to the side to look at me.

I forced a smile and replied, "Hey, Athena. You look stunning as always."

Athena's smile faltered for a moment before she turned back to Mr. Bezos.

With a cold stare, Mr. Bezos said to me without looking at me, "You can go home early. I'm done with you for the day." He took Athena's hand, and they both went in the limo with me standing in the middle of nowhere.

Feeling dismissed and hurt, I watched as the limo drove away, leaving me feeling abandoned and alone. I realized then that my relationship with Mr. Bezos was purely professional, and Athena was the one who truly had his attention. And that's how its suppose to be

My phone began to ring and I stared at the CALLER ID. GREG was calling. I quickly answered the phone with a small smile on my face.

"Hey, I haven't heard from you in a while," he said, his voice echoing through the phone, breaking the silence of my afternoon.

"I have been busy with work, but I'm off early today."

His response came swift, tinged with curiosity, "What do you have in mind?"

I thought for a minute, "Nothing, to be exact."

"I get off work in an hour," he continued, his tone eager, "is it okay if we hang out for a bit? I may want a small favor from you."

"Fine, no problem. I have to head home first to get changed, then we'll meet."

"Alright, see you!" he hung up.

Upon arriving home, I quickly shed my work attire and slipped into something more comfortable, relishing in the brief respite from the day's responsibilities. As I glanced at the clock, I realized that it was time to head out, prompting me to grab my keys and make my way back into the bustling city.

I met with him. He was driving a crappy car if I'm being honest. But I am one not to judge. With a smile, I approached the car and hopped inside, closing the door behind me as the engine hummed to life.

"Nice seeing you," I greeted him warmly, settling into the worn seat.

He returned the greeting as he started the car and pulled away from the curb, navigating through the maze of traffic with practiced ease.

"You got coffee stained all over your shirt," I pointed out, noting the splotches that marred the fabric.

He chuckled, a wry grin spreading across his face. "Let's just say I had a rough day at work," he admitted, his tone tinged with resignation. I nodded in understanding, knowing all too well the feeling of a day that seemed determined to test one's patience.

"So, about that favor," he began, his voice taking on a more serious tone as he glanced over at me.

I met his gaze, and my curiosity piqued. "What is it?"

He hesitated for a moment, as if gathering his thoughts, before finally speaking. "My parents are planning to host a huge dinner party with all these wealthy people, and they've been pressuring me to find a girlfriend," he explained, his words coming out in a rush.

I furrowed my brow, trying to make sense of his request. "And you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?" I asked incredulously, unable to hide my surprise.

He nodded, his expression earnest. "Fake girlfriend. I know it's a lot to ask, but you're the only one I can trust with this," he admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

"Alright," I finally agreed, steeling myself for the week ahead. "I'll do it."

"Thank you," he smiled. 

I have to say that, my updates as so slow I hate to say this. I'm really trying my hardest to update more in the future. Looking forward to make frequent updates. Thank you for reading today's chapter. 

with love, Krystal.

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