Reborn as a Snake! (1.) [COMP...

By SimplyUnst4ble

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I was walking back home one night from work, when I unexpectedly got caught in the crossfire of a bank robber... More

- Information Board -
1. - So.. I was reborn as a Snake?
2. - Exploring the Forest.
3. - The Abyssal Being inside the Ruins.
4. - A Promise to the Abyss.
5. - Time to Start my Adventure, I guess.
6. - Life as a Snake.
7. - Finally, Something New!
8. - Overcoming the Dungeon.
9. - My First Evolution?
10. - Conquering my First Dungeon!
11. - Back to a Boring life... Or Not.
12. - I'm Done. I'm Off to Explore further on!
13. - Well... Guess I have a Stalker now.
14. - Snake VS Kitsune.
15. - Yet Another Vow.
[Special Chapter] 1. - A Primal Dragon & A Kitsune.
16. - Time to Move On.
17. - Time for My Second Evolution.
18. - POV from Humans.
19. - Second Dungeon Down!.. What next?
20. - Improvement & Tests.
21. - Visiting the Town of Ordial
22. - Beginning As an Adventurer.
23. - My First Quest.
24. - Again, a Classic Isekai Troupe..
25. - First Issue of The Promise.
26. - Trio of Adventurers.
27. - New Friends? I Guess?
28. - Back to The Forest.
29. - Snake VS an.. Assassin?
30. - Are You my Friend or Foe?
31. - Conquering an Infestation
32. - Guardian of The Monster Heart.
[Special Chapter] 2. - Origin of The Serpent.
33. - Again... Evolution? Ugh..
34. - Meeting with a Heavenly Knight.
35. - Harcone.
36. - Trail of a Suspicious Convict.
37. - A Lair Hidden in Plain Sight.
38. - The Gorgan Child.
[Special Chapter] 3. - Eve of a Christmas Night
39. - A Village in The Woods.
40. - Talk with The Gorgan Elder
41. - Adventuring Guilds, Dungeon Raid.
42. - Raiding the Fire Princes Domain.
43. - A Hidden Flame.
44. - A Trial Hidden in The Domain.
45. - Ancient Fire and The Fire Prince.
46. - Battle Against the Fire Prince.
47. - Faofa & The Fire Prince.
48. - Land Forgotten in the Blazes of History.
[Special Chapter] 4. - The Dragon, The Kitsune and The Prince.
49. - End of The Raid & The Guildmasters Suspicion.
50. - Meeting With the Guildmaster.
51. - The Journey Resumes.
52. - An Infestation? Great..
53. - Here we go Again.. Evolution.
54. - A Journey, that is Too Long.
55. - The Noble Girls Determination.
56. - The Deadmans Graveyard.
57. - The Lair of the Ancient One.
58. - The Ancient One & Faofa.
59. - Meeting with The Guildmasters Friend.
60. - A Demonoid in the Graveyard.
62. - Meeting of 24.
63. - Return to Ordial.
64. - So.. I was Wisked to a Hidden Dungeon?
65. - A Man Laid with a Curse.
66. - Reunion with Jio.
67. - A Secret to Keep.
[Special Chapter] 5. - Mind Dimension Observation.
68. - A Snake among Humans.
69. - My First Night Out.
70. - Journey to the Mountains.
71. - Village Uphigh in the Mountains.
72. - So... THIS is an Alchemist..?
73. - A Dungeon in the Mountains.
74. - The One who Calls Blizzards.
75. - The Darkness clashes with the Blizzard
76. - The Day, the Blizzards Disappeared.
77. - Of course... It's the Hand Sons again..
78. - Well, We're raiding!
79. - Busting down a Lair.
80. - Duel Against the Void Lord.
81. - Case Closed, Back to Ordial.
82. - Talk with Nobility & The Preparation for Departure.
83. - Farewell Ordial.
84. - Thanatos Del Death.
[World History #1]. - Tale of Blessings & Catastrophes.
85. - Village of Embers.
86. - A Scorching Path.
87. - Evolution & The Primordial Volcano.
88. - Continued Ascendance.
89. - Clash Against a Primal Dragon.... Or Not?
90. - The Spring of Mists.
91. - Forest of Spirits Pt.1
[World History #2]. - The Corruption & The Light.
92. - Forest of Spirits Pt.2
93. - Finally, the Corruption is Gone.
94. - The Snake of Abyss.
95. - The Abyss Disappeared.
96. - Faofa - The One who Devoured the Abyss.
97. - Farewell to the Spirits.
[Special Chapter] 6. - Heroes Summoning.
98. - Faofa VS The Heroes.
99. - A Happy Reunion...Or I hoped..
100. - Adventurers & Heroes.
101. - The Schemers.
102. - A Brewing Storm.
103. - So I DIDN'T kill that Kitsune After all?!?
104. - A Fox in Cats Clothing.
105. - Entering the Finish Line.
106. - Olhade the Terror Storm.
107. - Karma.
108. - Battle Against the Cursed Paladin.
109. - So... it's the 'Final' Battle?
110. - This is Only the Beginning.
[Special Chapter] 7. - Story of Faofa.

61. - Meanwhile, in Ordial.

609 30 2
By SimplyUnst4ble

        While Faofa was at Jios home in the Deadmans Graveyard, Lady Arian and her escorts finished their road and reached the Town of Ordial, were they were greeted by the general public with smiles and happiness, as they made their way over to the Adventuring Guild in Ordial.

After reaching it, the guards all lined up infront of the building to stand guard, as Arian and her maids, Lei and Ai entered the building.

Immediately after entering the receptionists looked over to them, before one of them told another to go inform the Guildmaster of Arians arrival.
In the meanwhile, the Lizardman Receptionist that Faofa was used to approached Arian and her maids.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Welcome to the Ordial Adventuring Guild Lady Arian. We've been waiting for your arrival."

[Arian] "A Lizardman as a Receptionist? You don't see that everyday.."

Arian joked lightly, smiling.
The Lizardman let out a small laugh, before clearing his throat.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Allow me to bring you to the Guildmaster."

He stated, before taking the lead and leading Arian and her maids up the stairs to the second floor of the guild.

   In the Guildmasters Office..

     Gidou was still in the middle of discussing some things with the A-Rank adventurer party that had returned to him a couple of days ago.
Their reports and discussions were dragging on for multiple days at this point, as they tried to figure out what to do next.

Then, the Female Dwarf Receptionist entered the office.

[Kaeda] "Guildmaster - Lady Arian has arrived."

Gidou looked towards her, before sighing.

[Gidou] "That was faster than anticipated... Very well, I'll prepare to meet with her."

He replied. Kaeda nodded before leaving.
Gidou turned to face the Adventurers

[Gidou] "I suggest you all take a couple more days off and rest. After that, you'll all head back to the Abyssal Woods to investigate any nearby dungeons."

[Un (Human Warrior in the Party)] "Understood Guildmaster.. We'll be going then."

He replied, before getting up and leaving with his entire party.
After the party of adventurers exited into the hall, they passed by the Lizardman Receptionist and Arian with her maids, who were on their way to the Guildmasters office.

Arian threw a slight glare of jealousy at the Adventurer party, feeling a bit envious of them. She herself, when younger, dreamed of being an Adventurer, however due to being born into nobility... She was unable to become one, no matter what.

After that, the Lizardman Receptionist led them inside the office.

[Lizardman Receptionist] "Guildmaster, they have arrived."

He stated, as Arian and both of her maids entered the room.
Gidou nodded, before gesturing to the Lizardman to leave. The lizardman nodded, quickly bowing towards Arian before leaving the office, closing the door after himself.

[Gidou] "Lady Arian, I've long awaited your arrival. Please, take a seat."

He pointed towards the couch.

[Arian] "Thank you Guildmaster of The Ordial Adventuring Guild."

She thanked him, bowing slightly before walking over and sitting in the couch, while Lei and Ai simply walked over and stood behind her.

The Guildmaster walked over to the other couch, just infront of the one where Arian had sat down, before sitting down and looking towards the young lady.

[Gidou] "Please, call me Gidou."

He stated, pointing to her formal way of calling him just now. Arian giggled lightly before sighing.

[Arian] "Very well - Gidou, I believe we shouldn't waste time and get to the point of this meeting."

She stated, turning serious very fast. Gidou stared at her for a couple of moments, before sighing, turning more serious as well, before leaning forward slightly.

[Gidou] "Then I'll get to the point - We've confirmed that the Primal Dragon of Abyss, Arabor has vanished from the ruins he was imprisoned."

Gidou announced immediately, putting Arians maids at a slightly alerted composure. Arian looked down, thinking for a bit.

[Arian] "And how did you confirm this?"

[Gidou] "Simple. After Arabors presence completely vanished, I sent out a party of A-Rank adventurers to investigate the ruins and find out what happened. Inside, they found some intriguing stuff."

He stated, explaining a bit more.
Arian grew a tad bit more interested.

[Arian] "What stuff?"

Gidou then took out an envelope, before with one hand, opening it and placing three pictures onto the table.

The pictures were as follows - a photo of the two massive doors within the ruins, that led to Arabor being open.
The Magic crystals at the top of the cave having dimmed down.
And at the Top, Arabor being nowhere to be found.

Arian inspected the photos a bit closer, with her maids also leaning in to take a better look.

[Gidou] "Whatever happened in those ruins, it's obvious that Arabor didn't vanish just into thin air. Something or someone entered the ruins and most likely screwed with his seal."

Gidou stated.

[Gidou] "However, there is no way to know for sure - all we have are these photos and the fact that he's gone."

[Arian] "And does anyone else besides me and you know about this?"

Gidou shook his head in denial.

[Gidou] "The general public? No. However, the Duke and a couple of Adventurers I trust do. However, outside of that, no one else knows."

Gidou replied.
Arian looked a bit nervously at Gidou, before shaking her head and placing the photos back onto the table.

A silence took place as Arian dove into thoughts, overthinking the situation that was presented to her at hand.
After a couple more moments, she looked at him seriously.

[Arian] "So then- What do we do now? We know Arabor is gone, however, what do we do with that information? We can't conceal it forever."

Gidou sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

[Gidou] "I am aware of that... To be frank with you, the thing me and the Duke are currently most worried about is what moves the Holy Capital may take."

Gidou responded, looking at her a bit nervously.

[Gidou] "After all, it was heroes from the Holy Capital that sealed Arabor inside the ruins in the first place - if word about his vanishing was to get to them, it could cause unnecessary conflict."

[Arian] "You have a point there... However, that doesn't answer my question about what we should do about this right now."

Gidou went silent, thinking for a moment.
A couple moments later, he sighed heavily.

[Gidou] "I don't know. I currently sent the same A-Rank adventurers back to the forest to investigate any nearby dungeons to see if anything has changed there."

He replied.
Arian looked a bit jealous once more.

So the Adventurers she passed by earlier were the ones Gidou had sent to investigate the ruins?
Lucky bastards.. not only do they get to be adventurers, but they also are high ranking AND get to partake in such an important mission.

[Lei] "Lady Arian..?"

Lei whispered to her, noticing her jealousness.
Arian quickly shook her head, before calming herself down.

[Arian] "Very well - we can figure out the details later. What else have you done?"

[Gidou] "Well... I sent a letter to an old friend, requesting some aid - if we're lucky and she comes, I'll go and investigate the ruins a bit more thoroughly together with her."

He replied, causing Arian to get a bit more jealous for a bit, however she managed to keep her composure and not make her envy obvious.

[Gidou] "However, past that, nothing else."

[Arian] "I see... And has the Holy Capital taken any action?"

Gidou went silent, before his expression took a slightly more 'grim' expression.

[Gidou] "They have, however, it is unrelated to Arabor."

Arian grew more intrigued.

[Arian] "Let me guess - they took action as soon as the Guardian of the Southern Monster Heart died, didn't they?"

Gidou nodded.

[Gidou] "They sent Holy Knight Harcone to investigate the situation surrounding that."

Arians eyes widened a bit at the mention of Harcone.
She looked at Gidou with a slightly terrified expression.

[Arian] "D..Did you say Harcone..?"

She asked.
To her knowledge, Harcone was the strongest of the Holy Knights, to the point where he is technically a Heavenly Knight.
He was known for his calm and rational way of thinking, however also for his ruthlessness when it came to fighting.

She couldn't lie, even if she wasn't Harcones enemy, she herself kinda feared the knight.

Gidou nodded again.

[Gidou] "Currently he is at the sight of where the Guardian was slain, so he isn't here in Ordial right now. However, he is said to return after committing a full investigation."

Gidou explained.
Arian looked a bit relieved at this statement.

Gidou sighed again.

[Gidou] "Anyways.. I think we should focus on another thing at hand, unrelated to Arabor and stuff."

Arian looked at him curiously.

[Arian] "What other thing..?"

Gidou got up from his seat, before walking over to the window behind his desk, looking out of it for a couple of moments, before exhaling heavily.

[Gidou] "I heard, that the Meeting of 24 is going to happen."

He stated lightly.

Upon hearing this Arian looked at him slightly shocked, before getting up.

[Arian] "If this is a joke, it isn't funny—"

[Gidou] "I wouldn't joke about that."

Gidou cut her off and looked at her seriously, sending a slight shiver down her spine.

    Meeting of 24 -
An event known all throughout
The land as a special day in the year,
Where the 12 High Grades of the Holy Night Order
Meet with the 12 Demon Lords of this world.

This meeting is usually only held, during dire

        On the Border of the Holy Capital
            And the Demon Lands...

    Within a giant fortress that stood right on the border of the Holy Capital and the Land of the Demons, 11 of the 12 High Grades of the Holy Night Order, entered a giant banquet hall.
Then, a couple of moments later, 11 of the 12 Demon Lords entered the banquet hall as well.

All 22 attendees took their seats on two sides of the long banquet table.
Then, two demon guards on one side of the hall and 2 Holy Knight guards on the other side of the hall hit their spears against the ground.

[Demon Guard] "Rejoice! The Great Demon Emporer, Lyvan has arrived!"

[Holy Knight] "Attention! The King of the Holy Night Order, Krason has arrived!"

The guards on each side announced, as the two announced individuals entered the banquet hall from both sides.

Krason was dressed in heavy and thick white armour, with gold and occasional red trims on it, while Lyvan was a wearing a thick coat and robes, which were primarily coloured red, black and purple.

When the two figures entered, all 22 of the other attendees got up from their seats, as the two individuals walked up to their respective 'chairs' and stood infront of them.

Ione rose his hand into the air.

[Ione] "In the Authority granted to me by Lord Krason - I announce the Meeting of 24 as officially begun!"

He announced, sending a slight round of applause through all the attendees.
After that, everyone sat down, as the meeting, began.

Hey, hey!
I know it's a bit disappointing that
This chapter wasn't about Faofa and
What not, however, I wanted to take
My time and devote a few chapters to
'World Building' and setting up the Plot

So, for the next few chapters, I won't
Focus on Faofa as much.

See y'all in the Next Chapter:
62. -
"Meeting of 24."

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