Until I Found You

By evrimalasyaa

4.2K 250 191

8 years after spending the night together at a party, fate brings Kivilcim and Ömer back together. Was it a o... More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

Part 1

830 24 2
By evrimalasyaa

It was a cold and dark winter night. The type of cold that would pierce through every inch of exposed skin and instantly form goosebumps all over your body.

It was Kivilcim's last semester before graduating university. Her classmates had a bonfire gathering with friends and students from other schools attending.

After spending the last few years of school studying hard and avoiding the nightlife to focus on her studies, Kivilcim decided to go out to her first party and probably the last one before graduating with her best friend Fatma.

"Kivilcim, you can't go out wearing that! At least try, my friend. You will drive away anyone interested with that outfit."

"What's wrong with what I am wearing? It's just a hoodie and jeans. It's cold outside, Fatma!"

"No one wears a hoodie to a party the whole school is going to. I am sure there are heaters everywhere. You need to look sexy! It's your first party and there will be a lot of cute guys there! Maybe you'll meet "the one"!"

"Fatma... I have no expectations and I won't be meeting anyone there. We'll just go hang out for awhile and leave."

"Here, wear this top. Black is sexy and there's a nice cut in the front. It'll do."

"Ugh, fine! I'll only wear it so I don't have to hear your lecture later."

"I know you love me! I love you too"

Kivilcim and Fatma made their way into the party. It was certainly packed and loud music could be heard from inside and outside of the home. There was a large heated pool outside and a blazing bonfire not very far from the party.

"Woahh, whose house is this and did you hear about this party?"

"A friends friend told me about it but whoever it is, they must come from old money. This place is huge." Fatma said "Let's go get some drinks"


Kivilcim and Fatma grabbed a cocktail from the bar and hung out by the pool. Steam was rising from the surface and evaporating into the air. Standing next to it felt good as the air was chilly.

"Kivilcim, don't make immediate eye contact. But that tall guy over there in the black coat is checking you out."

Kivilcim turned her head to find the guy she was referring to and they made eye contact. She was immediately impressed and noticed him smiling at her.

"He's... cute."

"Kivilcim, when someone says don't look, you immediately look and make it obvious."

"But what did I say? I am not here to meet anyone. I have final exams coming up and then I need to get my dream job after I graduate. I don't have time for a man"

"Oh my god, oh my god... kivilcim, don't freak out, but he's coming over here"

"What? Why?" Kivilcim said, with her back turned to him. She tried not to freak out as she heard footsteps approaching them.

Kivilcim took a large sip of her cocktail, trying to distract herself.

"Hello, ladies." Omer said.

"Hi" Fatma said smiling.

"Hello" Kivilcim said in a neutral tone.

"Can I get you both anything to drink?" Omer said, his eyes fixed on Kivilcim.

"Umm sure, since you're asking. Can I get a Shirley temple?" Fatma said. Kivilcim elbowed Fatma.

"And for you?" Omer couldn't keep his eyes off Kivilcim and she noticed.

"I am still working on this, thank you" Kivilcim said, raising her glass.

"Mehmet, can you bring us a Shirley Temple for my friend here?"

The waiter nodded his head and walked away.

Fatma looked to Kivilcim and raised her eyebrows. They were both amazed by how polite he spoke but also how respected he was to have people listen to his demands. It was quite attractive.

"Oh, is this your house?" Kivilcim asked

"No, you could kind of say I am working. My Dad is forcing me to observe and learn the ins and outs of the hospitality business. Our family is actually catering for the party. I am graduating soon so in order to stay in the family business, it's something I have to do!"

"Is that something you want to do? Can he just force you to do something you don't want." Kivilcim asked. "Sorry, if that's too personal or straightforward, but the way you said it, it doesn't come off as something you're interested in."

"Well, it really depends on the project. There's some meaningful ones out there, but everything is as my father says. How about you? What are your plans after graduation."

"After graduation, I am really interested in becoming an educator! I love teaching and connecting with kids."

Omer was mesmerized by the way Kivilcim spoke. The way she spoke with her hands and they way her eyes smiled as she spoke.

"Kivilcim, I am going to go check on that drink!" Fatma walked away winking at her and making a heart shape with her hands as he came out of Omer's sight.

"Fatma! Don't get lost"

"I'll text you!" Fatma shouted as she disappeared into the crowd.

"Don't worry, I am here. I won't allow you to get lost" Omer said.

Kivilcim giggled at his thoughtfulness.



They both giggled as they made heavy eye contact and took a sip of their drink.

Omer broke the silence. "Is she your sister?"

"Who Fatma? No, she is my best friend, but more like my second sister. We live in the same building and our mom's are great friends."

"She seems like a sweet friend."

"She is. I wouldn't be where I am without her support. She gives me clarity." Kivilcim squinted her eyes and decided to ask him a question that popped into her mind "Hmmm do you like her?"

Omer almost choked on his drink when she asked such a direct question.

"Umm, as a person, sure. But I have my eyes on someone else." He said staring at her lips.

The music suddenly changed to a slow dance.

"Do you care to dance?" Omer asked politely.


"Yes!" Omer smiled.

"I've never danced before, let alone danced with anyone else."

"That's okay, follow my lead." Kivilcim, hesitating at first, eventually put her drink down. Omer extended his hands and Kivilcim followed his lead.

Kivilcim gasped as Omer pulled Kivilcim closer, their face just centimeters apart. Her eyes felt heavy in lust. While she has never danced before, he made it felt easy.

They danced close to each other for a few minutes. Her head rested on his shoulders as they moved around in small steps and his hands rested on the small of her back.

"You're good at this. Not a lot of guys know how to dance."

"My dear, I am not like the other guys you know."

"Is that so? What else can you do?"

"You follow me tonight and I'll show you." Kivilcim tried to hide her smile by putting her cheeks on his shoulders.

"Get ready for the spin. 3...2...1..." Omer artlessly released one of Kivilcim's hands and twirled her, pulling her back in with her back against his chest. She could feel his hot breath on her neck. Her skin was immediately covered in goosebumps. He began to turn her so she'd face him. His fingers slowly dropped down from her arm to her waist. His gaze never left hers. Her skin suddenly felt hot. It was as if butterflies formed in her stomach. She almost melted into his touch but came back to reality. She quickly removed herself from his grasp and became nervous, stepping back a little.

"I... I need to go... I am going to go look for my friend."

"Wait... Be careful. There's someone—"

Suddenly, as kivilcim was turning around, she ran into the waitress with a round of drinks in her hands. The cold, colored drinks spilled all over Kivilcim, staining her pants and making her shiver.

"Are you okay? Let me help you." Omer took his coat off, wrapping it around Kivilcim. "Let's go inside"

They both made their way up the stairs and entered a vacant room. Omer locked the room behind him and led her to the restroom. "You're shivering. Take off your shirt."

"Excuse me?"

"Your shirt. It's all wet. It will get sticky soon because of the syrup." Kivilcim looked down noticing the sugar and shiny syrup glued onto her shirt and breasts.

"Can you turn around, please?"

"Of course. Sorry. I'll go get you a towel."

As Omer left the bathroom, Kivilcim quickly took off her shirt and stood there in her bra and pants. She grabbed the small hand towel from the counter and began dabbing her sticky skin. When she looked up at the mirror, she noticed Omer standing behind her.

"You... umm. Here you go." Omer cleared his throat and held out the towel.

She turned around to grab the towels from Omer. "Thank you."

They both couldn't take their eyes off each other. The air in the room felt heavy, but that didn't stop Omer from taking a step closer to her until her back was touching the counter. He was so close he could hear her release the breath she was holding. "You're so... beautiful. From the moment I saw you, I couldn't take my eyes off you." Omer whispered, as he tucked her hair behind her ears.

Omer broke their distance by approaching Kivilcim's soft lips. When he broke the kiss, she took a few seconds to take in what just happened and returned the kiss, turning an innocent kiss into hot lust. Without separating their lips, they made their way into the bedroom. Kivilcim helped Omer to take off his clothes, craving his skin to skin touch.

He carefully lay Kivilcim on the bed, exploring her exposed skin with kisses. Kivilcim closed her eyes as Omer slowly removed her pants and left a trail of kisses up her body. She smelled sweet from the traces of sugar and syrups on her chest. He paused, waiting for her to open her eyes. When she did, he began to lick her breast, tasting the sugar and alcohol. She raised her hips from pleasure, taking heavy breaths as he got closer to her lips.

"Are you okay?" he whispered. He gently tucked her long bangs behind her ears and placed his hands beside her face.


"If you want me to stop--"

Kivilcim craned her neck up to close the distance. Their tongues danced in unison for minutes. When their lips parted, they were both out of breath. Omer reached down to touch her wetness. He started with moving his fingers in circles and then slowly penetrating her opening with his fingers. She groaned and hissed in pleasure, her sounds making him hard.

He increased his pace as her moans got louder, stopping when her legs shook with pleasure. In one quick move, he grabbed his hardness, waiting for her to open her beautiful brown eyes. As they both looked into each other's souls, she could feel his erection against her and she became impatient. Their eyes spoke to each other, they didn't even have to speak to understand one another.

Omer took this as a signal and entered her. Kivilcim gasped at the feeling of him inside her. He began to rock his hips into her. Kivilcim ran her hands up his hard chest and onto his back where she clawed her nails into him as her pleasure increased.

She tightened her grasp, muffling her screams against his shoulders when she finally came. He quickly followed. When he removed himself, he layed behind her keep her close. "That felt amazing" Kivilcim whispered. They both took a moment to catch their breaths

Omer kissed her hands gently. "I am going to the restroom, I'll be back." When he returned, he noticed the bed was empty and her clothes were gone.

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