Pure Bliss ✔️

By veronicasoli

220K 9.9K 2.6K

Innocence is subjective. When push comes to shove: things change. And sometimes you just have to try not to e... More

Chapter 1: I'm Not Complaining
Chapter 2: Not my Name
Chapter 3: Wishing
Chapter 4: Miracles Happen
Chapter 5: Bully Magnets and New Friendships
Chapter 6: To Bark is to Bite
Chapter 7: Rainy Day
Chapter 8: Drenched
Chapter 9: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Chapter 10: Florida Zoos
Chapter 11: Eleanor and her Threats
Chapter 12: Pucker Up
Chapter 13: Dreamland
Chapter 14: Christian
Chapter 15: Party Invite
Chapter 16: Friendly Matters
Chapter 17: CATastrophe
Chapter 18: Six Feet Under
Chapter 19: Amy Barns
Chapter 20: Smile
Chapter 21: The New Girl
Chapter 22: Jennifer Glass
Chapter 23: Prom Night
Chapter 24: Stanford
Chapter 25: To Mars and Back
Chapter 26: Heroes Don't Always Wear Masks
Chapter 27: One Step at a Time
Chapter 28: Half of a Whole
Chapter 29: Board Games and Vows
Chapter 30: Cat Fights
Chapter 31: The Nurse
Chapter 32: Take Me to Church
Chapter 33: Bad Blood
Chapter 34: Confrontation
Chapter 35: The Ride Home
Chapter 36: Reconciliation
Chapter 37: Projects and Presentations
Chapter 38: Bleachers
Chapter 39: The Queen's Broken Crown
Chapter 40: Family Matters
Chapter 41: Forever True
Chapter 42: I Love You
Chapter 43: Congrats Grad
BONUS CHAPTER (2) (Short a/n)


6K 190 78
By veronicasoli


The Epilogue is below these few short messages. THERE ARE BONUS CHAPTERS AVAILABLE TO FOLLOWERS ONLY. EXCLUSIVEly on Wattpad

WE'VE MADE IT!! There will be a book 2 in Eleanor's perspective, it's called "Business Contract". It is placed in years after they graduate and you do not need to have read this before reading the next book but, now you know there will probably only be two books in this series. I hope you like "The Business Contract".

I hope you liked it. If you have any questions or comments please write them here an I will get back to you asap.

I wanted to dedicate this novel to my amazing readers and hope to get it published some other time, after editing all those Grammer errors of course.

I hope you all enjoyed it. Love you! It was a fun journey going through this book, too bad it had come to an end.

Epilogue is below this line!

I smiled at Noah as we found our seats on the airplane.

I'd never been on one before and this would be an amazing experience.

"Ready babe?" Noah asked, kissing my cheek as the flight attendant began walking around handing peanuts and asking what we'd like to drink.

"Water please." I grinned as she handed Noah and I a bag of peanuts and water. "Thank you." He grinned cheekily at me, as though he were saying thank you to me.

I could feel heat burning in my cheeks as his gray eyes bored holes into my body. It was as though he could see my soul and I could see his.

"Good Morning everyone, out flight to California will begin in a few mintes. Please fasten your seat belts and turn off all electronic devices. We hope you enjoy your flight." A loud speaker went on as a different flight attendant was handing out headphones to each passanger.

A video began on everyone's screen. It would be a three hour flight, and I would enjoy it dearly with Noah.

I felt the plane move beneath me as the ground began getting further away. I felt anxious. This is so cool!

I grinned at Noah who was staring out my window seat. He had an amused look in his eyes.

"What're you laughing at?" I said.

"Did you forget to turn off your communications device?" He smirked as I gave him a playful slap on the arm. He remembered the night we'd met outside the bar. When he'd saved me from the ruthless drunk guy trying to kill me.

"Don't you mean your phone." I laughed at our inside Joke as the plane was now well above ground.

"You're. .." He laughed along playfully, pausing for an instantaneous moment at a loss for words.

"Perfect, beautiful, amazing? I've heard it all come up with some hung new." I giggled, placing as kiss on his cheek as the kid behind us began kicking our seats.

"Stop it kid." I couldn't help but laugh as Noah turned around.

"Then stop kissing. That's gross." It was a boy, maybe twelve or thirteen years old, so immature.

"You mean, stop doing this?" Noah chuckled, turning toward me and pressing a kiss on my lips. My heart fluttered and I felt as though I may have atrial fribulation.

"Stop! Or I'm telling mom." The kid gave us his most disgusted face. Noah turned to me, a huge playful grin on his face as his steel eyes gestured to the kid and back to mine, making my heart melt as it kept skipping beats.

"And what will you tell her?" I asked, my most innocent look masking my face. "That you saw two college students kissing?" It felt great to officially call ourselves college students. Wow, we'd actually achieved it and accomplished goals.

"You're in college?" The kid asked wide eyed. "Then it's ok. Mom says your not allowed to kiss until college." The boy said, his voice calming down a bit, toning down his disgust, "But don't kiss in front of me. Your ruining my holy eyes." I smiled brightly as I felt Noah shake from laughter beside me.

"Ok kid, you have a nice day." Noah's bright smile shined in amusement.


After three hours of sitting in that boring airplane, my legs felt like they couldn't move a single centimeter. I just wanted to lay down and sleep for the rest of my life. I guess this is what jet lag feels like.

We stepped out into the giant airport of Los Angeles. We were going to spend this weekend exploring the cities around the schools. Unfortunately we didn't both end up going to Stanford but he went to UCLA for their medical program. It was so cute that he wanted to be a doctor and I must admit he'd be a great one since he's so good at saving people's lives. I smiled inwardly. Our inside jokes, our history, everything was just right and perfect.

He linked our hands together. I don't think I'm ever going to get over the way my heart rate accelerates when he's around and how my breath stops when his eyes land on me and how the butterflies in my belly explode when he touches me.

I love him. That's all there is to it. And not that kind of love I had with Christian, he was my first everythin in a time in which I hadn't known any better.

I was never truly happy with Christian, everything in his presence seemed to turn to drama. He was not meant for me. Nor for Eleanor, she deserves better. But I'm in no place to judge.

Noah and I walked hand in hand and grabbed our suitcases. I had left my parents this morning, my mom in tears.

I recall one phrase she'd told me that I'd deeply regard forever. Good luck my sweetheart, Aw Bill, I can't believe our little Pure is all grown up and going to college.

I looked around at the plain white walls of the crowded airport. Families collecting their bags in order to prepare to leave. Giant smiles on their faces. Things were official. My acceptance to Stanford and moving to California with Noah felt so unreal, too good to be true that I felt as though I were in a daze.

Noah grabbed our suitcases and carried them outside with me. I held tightly onto his arm as a new change felt like it was coming in my life. The bright lights if the outside world indicated that this was real. This was not a dream. I really was going to spend the next four years and hopefully longer with the love of my life.

I smiled at the thought as I looked up at Noah's chiseled jaw. It was as though god had sculpted him specifically and taken extra time till perfection. My eyes met with a group of girls stating at me, a tinge of pain stung my heart as jealousy arose. There was no need to be jealous, he loves me and I love him. Jealousy is only there without trust. And I trust Noah with my life.

He placed the suitcases on the ground and called for as taxi, placing his arms around my waist as round hugging me from hmbehind, kissing the roof of my head as we stood there.
Tingles burst through me. Would these feelings ever go away?

I smiled widely as I looked up into his gray eyes and he spun me around in the airport as people began watching.

The taxi parked in front of us, just as our lips were about to touch. I smiled, a look of regret that the taxi was here was both on our minds.

"Where to?" The man driving the taxi asked as we placed out bags in the trunk and sat down beside each other.

"The nearest hotel please sir." Noah said as the man pulled away from the sidewalk and began driving.

"So," the taxi driver began, trying to make conversation, "newly weds?" He asked.

"What?" I asked, pulling myself from the daze that was Noah's eyes.

"Are you two going on a honeymoon here?"

"No sir, why do you ask?" Noah chuckled politely as the man driving the cab looked at us through his rear view mirror.

"You two have that look on your faces, where you don't stop smiling at each other." He declared, grinning at us as I felt my cheeks heat up immensely.

"No, we're not newly weds. We're dating." I said.

"Ah but why not stick to that commitment you'd man, why haven't you asked this beautiful young woman to marry you yet?" I felt Noah's arm tighten around my waste possesively. Was he jealous? I felt a grin approach my face.

"Do you know how much longer?" Noah asked.

"Thirty minutes, you're not getting rid of me so soon." The taxi man laughed.

"We've only dated for three weeks." Noah said.

"Doesn't matter. I met my wife at Ata coffee shop and asked her to marry me that same day. I just knew she was the one." He chuckled.

"Did she say yes?" I asked curiously.

"Of course not." He laughed, " it took her seven months to come around. Everyone knew it was going to happen eventually." He grinned widely.

"Yeah Noah, take his advice." I joked, meeting my eyes with Noah as he looked as though he were seriously contemplating it. I placed my head on his chest feeling a bit tired

"We'll be at the hotel soon." He whispered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer. It was as though the cab driver had run out of words as Noah and I sat in the corner of his cab cuddling into one another.

I felt my eyes begin to shut, but I forced them to stay open. Ten more minutes. I kept telling myself until I let the darkness absorb me.


"Pure, wake up, we're here." Noah kissed my cheek as his warm smile came into view.

I blinked the sleep away from my eyes as his intense gray gaze sent my heart fluttering away. His scent filled me up inside and made me feel whole.

"I love you." I mummbled randomely, feeling the sleep wear off as a half smile appeared on his face as his pecked my lips and carried me out of the taxi. He paid the taxi man and grabbed our bags.

He was doing everything. I smiled, he was too cute.

We walked into the hotel's front lobby. It was fancy, decorated in a modern way allowed for a lot of light to enter.

The young woman sitting at the front desk stared at Noah wide eyed. Of course, who wouldn't? He was beautiful.

"H. . Hi, how can I. . .help you?" She asked him nervously as though she's never seen a guy in her life.

"We need a room, we're going to be spending a few days here." Noah said as I stood lazily beside him, my hands playing with the ends of my messy hair.

"Oh," She looked at me, an accidental frown fell on her but as soon as it appeared it was gone, "of course. Would you like the honeymoon suit?" She asked casually now, the nervousness gone from her voice.

"Anything will be fine." I interjected before Noah could say yes and spend extra money that was unnecessary. "We have two hundred dollars for spending here, what's your cheapest room." I looked at Noah who was staring at me in amusement.

"Oh, we have suite 601 available. With all due respect, may I ask why not the honeymoon suite? I mean you appear to be honeymooners after all." I smiled politely, internally glaring at her.

Why was everyone in California so nosy today?

"Because we're saving up" Noah looked all me, a humorous tint in his eyes as I could send a huge joke coming on, "for the baby. It's a week old!" He said as I gave him a look of disbelief.

"Oh." The girl said, taking my credit card and handing us the keys to room 601.

"You're crazy," I said to Noah as we walked into the elevator. "Would you ever," I began feeling as though an awkward conversation was coming on, "want to have kids?" I bit my lip, feeling embarrased all of the sudden and staring at the floor of the elevator . We'd only been dating for a short amount of time, maybe this talk would scare him away.

He placed his finger on my chin, lifting my eyed to meet his. "Anything you want, it what I want. And if that means kids someday, I wouldn't dream of anything less." He whispered as his lips brushed against mine, sending shivers down my spine and causing my heart to constrict.

My mind was going crazy. How the heck did I ever get so lucky?

I smiled at him as he closed the small distance between our lips, slowly moving in synch with one another as a ding of the elevator pulled us apart.

We stepped out onto the second floor of the hotel as he carried our suitcases off the floor, giving polite glances to the people stepping into the elevator.

"601, here it is." I bit my lip as we walked into the room. It wasn't too big. But it was decorated very nicely. There was a giant glass window leading into a balcony and a giant king sized bed in the center. A small kitchen was hidden beside a wall and the bathroom had a curtain rather than a door separating it all. If this was a regular suite, what does the honeymoon suite look like?

Probably no walls. I laughed to myself as Noah set our bags down on the floor beside the door and walked into the bathroom.

I dug into my suitcase, looking for comfortable sweatpants to wear since I had been in these clothes for the past few hours and the sun was setting quickly.

I took off my shirt and placed it neatly on the bed as I began looking for my pajama shirt.

"Hey Pure, the water is. . ." He began but paused as I turned to look a him. His gray eyes seemed to darken a bit. I looked aht him confused for a second until the realization that I was only in my bra and sweatpants hit me.

Temptation. Temptation. I felt the ground beneath me shake as I stared into his amazing eyes. His eyes never left mine for a split second.

"Damn it." He whispered, his voice barely audible, "what a temptress." Noah smirked, a half smile on his face as he took off his shirt. My heart beat a million times a minute as I stared at his rock hard abs." My eyes are up here." He laughed as I felt my cheeks heat up.

He walked up to me, placing his shirt onto me. My heart rate quickened as his hands traced my side as he placed the shirt over my head.

His touch sent tingles down my spine as his gray eyes seemed to darken even more, emotions flooding through them.

I could almost sense the tension in the room as nobody was willing to break it.

"Pure, I'm sorry." He whispered as his lips came crashing onto mine. I was confused at his random apology. My heart rate rising as I realized he was kissing me. His bare chest, I gave myself the oppurtunity to wrap my arms around his neck as he lifted me up. I sat on the bed.

"Noah." The word escaped my lips as he began tracing kissing down the length of my neck.

He left a trail of kissing up and down my neck stopping at my collar bone as he pulled away slightly, looking into my blue eyes.

The want was evident on his face, was I ready for this?

I looked at him for a second longer, nodding in approval as he continued his warm kisses throughout my body.

"I want to kiss every inch of you." He whispered as his lips made their way back to mine as I smiled against his lips.

This is what love feels like.

All my life I'd never experienced such a strong emotion toward someone. And now I did. Love toward Noah and I felt as though we would last forever.

Book 2 is out! It's Called "The Business contract" the cover picture is at the top. Follow me to read bonus chapters.

It was an amazing ride writing this for you all and I loved every second. But all good things must come to an end.

I love each and every one of you and thanks so much for sticking with me this far.

Also, to read more about Pure Bliss and Noah, be sure to check out chapter 5 of The Business contract.

This is the official end. It was a nice ride!

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