Twilight plus one

By fluffymeowcat

142K 3.8K 389

❝Why fight my monsters when I can embrace them?❞ Emily Lily Rose. A hybrid. A werewolf and a vampire. Someone... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 I'm in what century now?
chapter 3 Home sweet home
Chapter 4 different era and chapter 5 combined
chapter 6 Why is Carlisle carrying a limp body.
Chapter 7 Yeah I have a new sister sarcastic much?
Chapter 8 Fist hunt....Joy
Chapter 10 My big teddy bear brother!!!!!
Chapter 11 Emmett my brother... what can I say
Chapter 12 Big brother bear.
Chapter 13 Jealous
Read please :)
Chapter 14 Meeting the Quileutes
Chapter 15 Alice and Jasper
Chapter 16 Meeting the Denali coven
Chapter 17 Twilight. (Baised on the book and the movie)
Chapter 19 Brothers got a crush
Chapter 21 Take a chance, make a change and breakaway
Chapter 22 First meeting
Chapter 23 Emmett and the bear (short chapter)
Chapter 24 Willie
25 Hey batter, Batter swing! NOT AT ME!
Chapter 26, showing my true self.
chapter 27 Crazy,psycho, tracker.
Chapter 28 We lost a human in a airport
New moon: New begging's.
Chapter 29 He Changes His Attitude Like The Weather.
Chapter 30. Put The Gun Down.
Chapter 31 Black heart.
Chapter 32 Say something.
Chapter 33 My Last Breath.
Chapter 34 Heaven Knows. (Re-written.)
Chapter 35 Going home
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37 Were not all suicidal. . . well at least i'm not.
Chapter 38 "Here we go."
Chapter 39 "Adding it to my collection."
Chapter 40 "Bella, the Caffeine Junky."
Chapter 41 "Welcome to the Family."
Chapter 42. Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 43 Eclipse: Letting the Spectrum In.
Chapter 44 Dig Up His Bones
Chapter 45. Surprise surprise.
Chapter 46. The Race.
Chapter 47 The Argument.
Chapter 48 The Truth.
Chapter 49. The miscommunication.
Chapter 50. Through The Valley
Chapter 51. When I Was Younger.
chapter 52 Medicine Man
Chapter 53. Cloaked Figures.

Chapter 18 Biology

3.4K 101 7
By fluffymeowcat

                                          WARNING SHORT CHAPTER

Everything belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Except for my own characters.

Song- Tremble for my beloved-collective soul.


Hey guys over 800 reads. AJSDHAJBNJKASHAYSJH A to me that's a lot. I joined around January. Love all you guys. Please enjoy.


                                                                        Chapter 18

Edward and I were in our seats I sit directly behind him.

"Mr. Molina" A voice said. I looked up. Mike. He was my lab partner. I think he moved on to Bella. Hopefully.

"Hey, Mike," Mr. Molina greeted. He noticed Bella. "Oh, yes. Miss Swan." Bella waved awkwardly and went in front of the fan that was blowing towards us. Her scent smelt delicious. . . like strawberries. To me it wasn't mouth watering, but to any regular vampire it would be. I looked at Edward. His muscles in his back locked up, he quickly put his hand over his mouth, trying to not kill her. His other hand gripped the table and was leaving indentions of finger prints.

'Edward don't you dare breath. And stop gripping the table, what did that table ever do to you?' I thought to him.

"Hi. Can I have the pass? Thank you. Welcome to the class. Here. Here's  your stuff, okay? And I got a seat for you right here so come over. The last one. Just follow along till you catch up." Mr. Molina instructed. He led Bella to the only seat open. Wow! Really? You just had to do that, didn't you Mr. Molina. You had to sit her next to my brother. the vampire trying hard not to kill her. This cant get any worse.

"Hey, Emily" Mike greeted me. And I was wrong. I cant exactly say 'hey Mike cant talk know my brother is trying to kill the new girl'.

"Hi Mike." I smiled at him. Mike looked a bit in a daze. That guy is so weird.

"Mike if you could pay attention " Mr. Molina said to him. I looked back at Edward. He wasn't doing so well. Her smell was different then the others, but I think it didn't bother me because I'm a hybrid. I glanced at the clock we had forty-five minutes left of class. Great. The time past quickly though.

'Hold on Edward.' I thought.' keep calm. Think of us. Your family. You can do it.' Before the bell rang Edward got up in a flash and walked out the door. Why to make it look like your normal. I followed him out. But I couldn't find him any where. I sigh in frustration and walked to my other classes. The end of the day came faster than I had expected. Usually when the end of the bell rings Edward is there waiting for me, but not this time. I looked around. Nope. Not even a small scent of Edward any were. Barley anyone was in the hall way. Oh well. I walked outside and waited by Emmett's Jeep. A few moments later I saw Alice and my other siblings.

"Alice did you see what happened?" I asked frantically.

"Yeah. I feel so bad. Edward is in the office trying to change his class for the period." She said.

"What, Why?" Rosalie asked. I sighed and told her the story. "He better not screw anything up. I don't want to move again.

"Cant you think about anyone but yourself." I growled witch earned a growl back.

"Sorry if I don't want to move again Emily!" She spat.

"Alice can you see if he's okay?" I asked her. Concerned for my brother.

"Who cares lets go." Rosalie said impatiently. I barred my fangs at her and stomped towards the school. I walked into the school and headed towards his locker. I made a sharp left only to bump into someone.

"I'm so sorry. . . . Edward?" I looked up to see him wearing a torn face. I know that face. 'That's I'm afraid and I don't know what to do face' I sighed holding back the tears. I took my car keys out and shoved it into his hand. "Go. Take it. You have time. But Edward lets get a few things straight.  One: Running is not solving any problems. Two: You scratch my car, You. Me. Issues. Three: Take as long as you want, but not to long. Don't take any longer than three weeks. Four: Be careful brother and I love you. Keep Tanya away from you. She's not your type." I hugged him. We were the only ones in the hallway know. I felt tears fall down my cheeks. Every time I say goodbye to someone they never come back.

"No Emily I will come back. I just have to get myself straighten out." He kissed me head and left. I looked around I was left alone in the hallway. Mom and dad are going to be crushed. I walked out of the school and flashed to my family.

"Where's Edward," Jasper asked feeling my sorrow.

"He's gone. Probably to Alaska. I gave him my Cobra." I told them. I felt so sad. I had to let my anger out. How dare this little human take away my brother. But on the other hand I know it's not her fault.

"Well lets go its raining and its messing up my hair." Rosalie complained.

"Yeah. Wouldn't want you to melt" I told her sarcastically. "I'll run home. I need to clear me mind." Before any one could answer me. I ran into the forest. I ran to a very small clearing. I sat there for what seemed like for hours. And yet I was still pissed. I wanted to let my anger out on someone.

"NO PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!" Someone screamed. Ugh! Now's not the best time. I shrugged my shoulders. Why not. I followed the pleas of the victim. When I stopped I saw two men holding a girl down. I cleared my throat. They all looked at me. I smirked.

"That's not how you treat a lady." I told them smirking. One of them came towards me. I looked directly in the girls eye." Do you have a car?" I asked her. She nodded quickly. "Good leave and you don't remember anything." I compelled. She ran away. The two men looked pissed. They came towards me. " Now, now gentlemen, lets have some fun."  I smirked. I felt my fangs coming out. The looked scared. "What do you say?" Before they answered I lunged at them.

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