Benley:One Shot Collection

By BenleyFicWriter

5.3K 129 16

A collection of 20 Benley one-shots More

A New Nickname
He Had It Coming
A God Amongst Men
Fake Love?
Not leaving you
If You let Ben Shenan Once
He'll Shenanigan
Time Travel
Still Mine
Opposites Attract
Space Love
Doctors Make The Worst Patients

4 In The Bed

322 6 0
By BenleyFicWriter

"Grandma" Miranda's grandkids ran into her room and jumped on her bed

"I thought you were asleep" She sat up and looked at them

"We needed a story" They laughed in unison

"Wait a minute, didn't I just tuck you two into bed" Ben walked in and laughed

"Yes, however, you didn't read us a story" Their granddaughter pushed her glasses up on her face

"And we always get a story" Their grandson nodded

"Ben you didn't read them a story" Miranda looked at him

"I thought they'd go right to sleep. Aren't you kids exhausted" Ben got in bed

"No Grandpa, because we are not old" Their granddaughter smiled

"You know I see why they named you after your grandma" Ben looked at his wife "You got her sass"

" And what does that mean Ben Warren" She crossed her arms

"It means that Mandi is just like you. Even down to her looks" He chuckled "And I am a lucky man"

"Am I like you since I'm named after you" His grandson Benji asked

"Oh absolutely. You're good-looking, strong, and intelligent" Ben nodded

"Just like your father. Which he got from me" Miranda laughed

"I taught your dad everything he knows" Ben whispered to Benji. He was proud to be Tuck's dad but even prouder to be Benji's granddad. He could've named him Tucker but instead, he named him after Ben. Of course, Tucker acted like a little child over it. Ben didn't care though. He was too filled with pride to even worry about Tucker.

"And did you teach Uncle Joey" Mandi asked

"Of course I did, That's why he is a fine doctor" Ben nodded

"Benjamin Warren are you taking credit for all our kids" Miranda looked at him

"of course not. You did a fine job raising Pru" He laughed

"Grandpa don't you know by now don't play with Grandma" Mandi looked at him

"Yeah Grandma don't play" Benji nodded

"She was Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial" Mandi smiled "That's the boss"

"She was your boss" Benji added

"Right but then I left the hospital"

"And now you're fire chief" Benji smiled "He's the boss"

"Are you going to retire since you're old" Mani asked

"Little girl, I love you but you gotta stop calling me old" He shook his head

"And it's time for you to go to bed anyway" Miranda poked them

"We still need a story" Mandi crossed her arms

"Once upon a time there were two little kids who needed to go to bed so their Granddad kicked them out of his room and told them to go to bed. The end" He laughed

"Nooooo, that's not a story" Mandi shook her head

"It was and made me ready for bed" Ben yawned

"Grandma" Mandi pouted

"Get in the covers and we'll tell you a story" Miranda smiled

"Yay" The children cheered and climbed into the covers between Miranda and Ben much to Ben's dismay. He just wanted to get some sleep. Not two little munchkins with cold feet and cold hands. Why were kids' hands always so cold? He thought to himself.

"Okay comfortable" She looked at them

"Yes ma'am" They both nodded

"Tell us how you met Grandpa" Benji smiled

"We know that one. They met at the hospital in the OR over the patient who woke up." Mandi looked at her brother

"Oh yeah and Grandma yelled at him" Benji laughed

"and I still got the date" Ben laughed

"Tell us about Daddy being born when the bomb was in the hospital" Mandi smiled

"But we know all about that one too. Dr.OMalley helped her because Grandpa Tucker was having surgery" Benji looked at his sister

"Oh yeah. That's why Daddy's middle name is George" She nodded

"See you kids don't need a story. Tell yourselves one" Ben mumbled "So go to bed"

"Grandpa tell us a firefighter story" Benji patted his arm

"Ooo yeah tell us a firefighter story" Mandi clapped

"Fine" Ben sat up "Okay so let me tell you about the time I had to man the scene of 4 alarm fire"

"Yay" They clapped excitedly

"And it was snowing and you had to do with your eyes closed too right going up and down a hill barefoot" Miranda said sarcastically

"Whatever" He looked at her "Anyway kiddos. So this fire was spreading and spreading throughout this mini-mall, right? People are trapped inside and everyone's looking at me like what do we do and I'm thinking and I'm thinking and I look at the map and I start directing them like one station go there and another station go there and another go there and I'm watching this fire get knocked down in front of my eyes and It is like a Broadway show. I mean it is beautiful. The way all the stations were working together getting it done and it almost made me want to cry. But your grandfather perfectly executed not only the rescue of 19 people but also got an out-of-control fire under control"

"you're a hero" Benji laughed

"Yeah a hero" Mandi clapped

"Ben this story is not making them sleepy in the slightest" Miranda laughed

"Okay now let's calm down a bit and tell a calm story" Ben laughed " Lay your heads down"

The kids nodded. They laid their heads on the pillows, pulled the blankets up some more on themselves, and excitedly anticipated their next story

"What story don't you guys know" He tapped his chin

"Tell us a surgery story" They looked at Miranda

"I've told you all the surgery stories I can think of" She shook her head

"She probably doesn't want us to know the really gory ones until we are older" Mandi pushed her glasses up on her face

"You look so much like a younger version of your grandma when you push your glasses" Ben laughed

"Climbing trees and reading books. I'm going to be a surgeon too someday" She smiled "A pediatric surgeon or maybe a neurosurgeon or maybe a Cardiothoracic surgeon"

"You are a very brilliant little girl" Miranda smiled

"Yeah I want to be a doctor too" Benji nodded "I'm going to be an ana-ana- grandpa how do you say that word"

"Anesthesiologist" Ben smiled

"Anesthesiologist" Benji repeated

"The gas man like grandpa" Mandi giggled "Right Grandma"

"An anesthesiologist has a very important job. As illustrated in the story of how I met your grandfather. Things can go terribly wrong if the patient wakes up mid-surgery. That was wrong of me to say to your grandfather. They do more than sit there and reasonable hours sitting in the OR reading magazines or doing crosswords. Do not think it is okay to diminish their job. They are a crucial part of the surgery team. Do not think that just because you hold the scalpel you are more important. Everyone matters. And you are part of a team in that hospital never forget that"

"I think that was a better apology than the one you gave me then" Ben laughed

"All these years of marriage and raising 3 kids with you is apology enough" She disregarded him

"I love you Miranda Bailey and I love our family so if that is my apology then consider your apology accepted" He smiled

"Are you guys going to be married forever and ever" Mani asked

"Better be, Because he promised me 60 years and we aren't there yet" She winked

"Wouldn't he be like a billion years old in 60 years" Benji asked "You want a billion-year-old husband"

"How old do you think I am" He asked "Don't answer. Anyway aren't you supposed to be sleeping" Ben looked at him

"We need a story" Mandi shrugged "Can't sleep without one"

"How about your grandma sings you a lullaby instead" Ben suggested "since we don't have a story"

"Oh yeah I love when grandma sings" Mandi smiled

"Me too" Benji nodded "Please sing God Bless The Child"

"Okay. Close your eyes" Miranda softly whispered to them

They shut their eyes tight and gripped the blanket. She leaned in closer to them and softly began to sing to them.

Them that's got shall get
Them that's not shall lose
So the Bible said and it still is news
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child
That's got his own
That's got his own
Yes, the strong get more
While the weak ones fade
Empty pockets don't ever make the grade
Mama may have, Papa may have
But God bless the child
that's got his own
That's got his own.

She looked at them and they were soundly sleeping. She took off her granddaughter's glasses and put them on her nightstand. She looked at her husband and Ben was sleeping as well. She chuckled and laid down herself.

"Voice of an angel" Ben whispered

"Thought you were asleep" She whispered back

"Your grandson has his elbow in my chest" Ben moved him over

"They don't have to sleep in here" She looked over at him

"I like this" He smiled "Reminds me of when Tuck was little and then Pru"

"Yeah, I like this too" She smiled

"Wanna know the best part"

"What's that"

"We can send these kids home to their parents" He chuckled

"Goodnight Ben Warren" She laughed

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