
By arimakata

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What would you do if the person who taught you that love can be painful was in front of you again? Will you... More

I. The Day Everything Began Again
II. One in a Million Chance
III. All Things Start and End
IV. Final Day of the Activity
V. Theme I Want to Write About
VI. The Day Everything Began
VII. The Decision
VIII. Big Day Preparation
IX. Inamorata
X. Second Fan Signing Day
XI. Father's Approval
XIII. When Past and Present Meet
XIV. The Vacation Date
XV. An Unforgettable Night
XVI. The Writer's Portrait
XVII. For My Fifth Book
XVIII. The Painter's Secret
XIX. Not Once, But Twice
XX. A Father's Caring Love
XXI. Picking Up the Pieces
XXII. The Art Gallery
XXIII. You Have Me
XIV. Sorrow and Misery
XXV. To You, The One I Loved

XII. Graduation Ceremony

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By arimakata

It's been a while since I last went inside and visited the university. Well, it was also the very place where Theresa and I flourished as the most hated but the happiest couple around the campus. Even though many years have already passed, I can still see those glimpses of our past selves.

The cafeteria where we enjoyed every meal despite the deadly stares of the people around us, the windows of the art room where I always try to take a glimpse of her doing things she loves, and even the stage where I always see her lively smile as she won countless awards for her skills.

It was all set and done but all of it felt like it just happened yesterday. It felt weird but never failed to make me smile.

I was with Mom while we were heading to the stage where the graduation would happen. Since my brother will take part in the ceremony as its valedictorian, Harry went earlier than us. As someone who's at the top of his class and will lead a speech in front of hundreds of people, it's pretty understandable that he's quite nervous and needs more time to prepare. Even if I was in his place, I would do the same.

It took us a while to find where the ceremony would be held since during those four years after I departed, a lot of things changed inside the university. There were new buildings, and they even changed the location of some areas inside the campus. As far as I remember, the head of the university changed, and it led to these improvements. Though some things changed as time passed by, I can still feel that the old university I enjoyed still lingers around. The area may change but the vibrance I felt was still the same as before.

While we were walking towards the hall, we saw a very familiar face. Like what Gerald told me, Theresa was present.

Unlike what we're wearing, she looked more formal than us while carrying a shining pouch along with her beautiful face but despite her fierce look, it is still visible that she was quite nervous once she saw us.

At first, I thought that she'd run away from us or even try to avoid being noticed. Who would've thought she had the courage to come towards us despite having such a past with us? She not only walked towards us, but Theresa also started to talk to Mom.

"G-Good morning, ma'am. It's been a while since we last met.", Theresa uttered anxiously.

It's a surprise that Theresa went for it since I know that she's informed enough that Mom might still harbor negative feelings towards her. As for Mom, she was just standing there for a second as if she was reflecting after Theresa greeted her.

Soon enough, she walked towards her carrying a serious face that even I couldn't stand. Theresa was a little terrified and closed her eyes for a second. Without knowing mom's true motives, she started to look more anxious as mom's eyes were on her as seconds passed by.

"Ma'am, is there something wrong? I know I upset you before and I truly understand that. If you still hate me for doing such thi-."

Mom hugged her out of the blue and started to be emotional. Theresa was frightened about what Mom might do to her, but she got caught off-guard when mom did it. After receiving such a thing from Mom, she also got emotional, and tears started to fall from her eyes.

"How are you? Are you still okay after everything that happened? Didn't I say before that you shouldn't call me like that before? You are no stranger to us, okay?"

"If you have time, visit us. I bet we will have a lot of things to talk about.", Mom added as she hugged Theresa.

"Are you not upset with me? I left Yael as if there was nothing between us at all. I've done an unforgivable thing especially that was a time when everything felt hard. He suffered because of me. Are you sure you do not despise me?", Theresa asked.

"To be honest, I always have this idea that once I see you again, there's no way I can give you forgiveness but once I saw you again, like a popped balloon it magically disappeared."

"I guess my son and I we're just birds with the same feather. I knew that you left him but seeing you again with my own eyes made me realize something. Yes, you cut ties with him in a bad way, but I don't believe that it has any reason at all. You also suffered, right?", mom added.

"Sorry. I always thought that you'll never forget and forever be upset with me that's why I'm so afraid. You're more like my own mother and believing that it may not come back again was really painful for me.", Theresa uttered as her tears fell harder.

"Just take it easy. Let's take our time together.", Mom replied.

I guess all of my worries were useless at all. I'm glad that both of them were already on good terms despite everything that had happened. Seeing them together in a heartwarming manner really took me back to those times when she always hung out in our house. Those times when mom teaches her how to cook properly. Times where both of them casually talk together as if she were mom's daughter.

I know it's unlikely to happen now but I'm just glad that the string that connects them was still intact after many years.

We resumed our walk towards the hall but that time, Theresa was now with us. They just talk to about things that happened to them after all of these years. Theresa was delighted, as well as Mom, and those feelings reached a higher level when we went to see Harry.

Among all of us, my brother was the one who felt the greatest happiness when the four of us got our unexpected reunion. It just shows how much he missed Theresa.

"Harry! It's been a while. You grew and became more mature during those 4 years. Look at you now, you even aced the grades and got the highest mark. I'm very proud of you.", Theresa uttered as she hugged Harry tightly.

"I really missed you, Theresa. I've been waiting for us to see each other again. I was overjoyed when I saw your name on the schedule for the graduation. I never thought that I would have a chance to see you on stage.", Harry uttered.

"In stage? Theresa, are you going to perform or something like that?", I asked.

"Actually, the principal invited me to give a speech at this graduation ceremony. At first, I was hesitant and didn't want to participate but when I saw Harry's name as a top notcher, I instantly accepted the offer. Isn't this the perfect chance to meet him again.", Theresa replied.

"What a lucky day.", I chattered.

"And why is that?"

"Who would have thought that I would get another chance to see you on that stage while doing a speech? Ever since then, you know that I enjoy seeing you doing that."

"Come to think of it, you always had that delighted face whenever I spoke in front of everyone but it's impossible for it to happen now", she uttered.

"And why is it?", I asked.

"Because you're not in love with me anymore. Why would your eyes be fixated at me like what you always do before?"

"I don't think that having such things like love is necessary to be amazed at you. I mean, you're a star now, right?", I replied.

After revealing the details of why she's there, it is now clear to me the true reason why she was present despite not being invited. But whether she's here because of us or not, I'm happy that all of the things between us went smoothly and great just like before.

First, Theresa got her awaited reunion with my family despite what happened between us before. It took a long time before this happened and I almost thought we can't spend time like that again lastly, I got the chance to see her again on that platform speaking with her heart's content. It's just morning and I can already feel that the day was already special.

The four of us got the time we wanted to have moments with each other before the ceremony started. Everyone was happy and we never felt that there was nothing for us to talk about.

We didn't even feel that time went by easily and as the rites started, we parted ways and went to our own places for the ceremony. Mom and I headed to the chairs provided for the visitors while Theresa sat near the director.

The ceremony started with the national anthem and the principal's speech for the parents of the graduates. Mom and I were just watching as the graduation rite continued to go forward. We're just enjoying ourselves and talking to each other to avoid being bored since Harry's moment will still take a few more minutes to start.

"So how was your first time meeting Theresa, again? To be honest, I thought that you'd slap her in front of these people.", I asked Mom.

"Honestly, I also thought I'd do something like that but now I finally understand what you were saying before when you first met her. At first, it didn't make any sense and thought it was just one of your imagination, but the anger faded along with those hard feelings I had for her when I saw Theresa again."

"I can see it in her eyes. I know it's impossible, but it really feels like I saw a glimpse of her past and it felt like she never done anything wrong towards you at all.", Mom added.

"See. You never believed me when I said it to you. You even said I was just talking nonsense. I can also that look in her innocent eyes. Perhaps we're just too stunned and forgot everything we carried for her."

"You still don't know why she left you all of a sudden? Have you ever had the chance to ask her about it? I'm quite curious why things ended up like that.", Mom asked.

"Even though I'm dying to know what the real reason is, I can't come up and just casually ask her again about it. I asked her one time before when I had the chance, but she never said anything.", I replied.

"Maybe she's hiding something. Just respect her decision for now. Fate has its own timing. You'll have the chance to know it for sure but for now, let's just trust time to unveil the truth for us. We'll definitely have that chance."

A few minutes later, Theresa was already walking towards the platform along with the applause from the crowds. Just like before, she still never fails to shine and get people's attention for herself. The mic was on, and the podium was standing. The only thing left was her words for everybody.

As her voice started to spread throughout the place, the warm applause to welcome her back also stopped.

"To all the people present here especially those faculty members who worked very hard for this ceremony to be fruitful, to those students who spent time honing their skills as preparation for the adult world, and even those parents who served and supported their children to achieve these heights, let me greet you a warm and great morning. This day..."

Listening to her voice brought back a lot of memories. Those moments when the whole campus watched her speeches every time she won contests. Memories where she leads the university as the highest position of the student council. I was always there to watch and support her.

Her speech covered a lot of topics but most of it was during her time in the university. As a delegate and as the president of the council, it is pretty understandable that her speech for the graduates took a long time but there's one thing that surprised me more.

"...I never felt important and loved like I was before. Yes, my name was known throughout the university or even outside as the prodigy painter, the president of the council, and the granddaughter of the late Prime Minister of our country but none of this was the same level of what I felt during my stay here.

I may hold a lot of titles within my name but at the end of the day, I'm just a normal college girl who wants to experience a lot of things, especially love. I know a lot of you already experienced the spring of your youth. It feels great, isn't it? To have someone during your lowest and highest was the best feeling any teenager like all of you can feel. I also once experienced it during my stay here but because of my so-called titles, not everyone accepted it wholeheartedly.

People around me wanted me to have someone who was in a class of mine. They want a man who has power like me, a man who's from a well-known rich family, a man whose looks can be seen in a lot of TV shows, and a man who's also talented and bears a lot of awards and medals from tournaments. In short, they want the perfect man, but I do not.

As you may know, I come from a family that bears a lot of power and business. My parents were always away from me and being the sole child made my day lonesome. I may have a lot of people who acknowledge me but during hard times, everyone disappears like a bubble. Once it is my turn to ask for help, I can see nobody but myself. I spent most of my important days alone, not until I met this man who changed my perspective about the world.

He may not be the smartest, but he knew exactly what I wanted or needed. He may not be the strongest but within his arms, I can feel safety and assurance. He may not be the most talented, but he can show me a brighter world than anyone last but not least, he may not hold any power, but he can change my dark nights into beautiful days.

All I want to share about you is to be like him. People's behavior and talents vary from each other, but all of it is as valuable as the others. There's no point to compare yourselves with others.

We may feel that we don't have any talents but there's always one thing that we're good at. It can be cooking, playing games, writing, and many more. We live in a world where a lot of possibilities could arise. We just need to get up and make everything out of it.

Life can still go on even if it feels like the world is against you. We're not perfect but all of us are still the same. We breathe the same air; we eat the same foods, and we can see the same things as others. We're not perfect, be we can do our best to be one. Days may get rough but with the right mindset and perseverance, there is nothing we can't do."

Her speech came to an end after a few more minutes. The words she uttered reached a lot of people, especially me. I never thought that she could make a good and dramatic speech out of me.

"You know what, I do think that she still has something for you.", mom uttered.

"Mom, there's no way. It's been four years. Perhaps it's just the feeling that confuses people the most. Once we feel love and spend time with it, despite everything that will happen, that person will always be special. We can't go back and just say we're normal friends anymore.", I replied.

The event moved forward as her speech ended. The graduates were called one by one to grant their rewards for their hard work for a long time. All their efforts gave them that chance to prove to everyone that even they could graduate. Those who excelled also had the chance to receive their medals as proof that they weren't just any student like others. To become someone who was at the top of the class, I think my brother didn't let anyone have that kind of chance. He just got ten of it which almost tied the number Theresa had before.

The ceremony ended in a success. Harry's graduation speech also made me teared up, even me. All of us were in the front celebrating his success, even Theresa was with us.

Since my brother and Theresa didn't have the chance to have their precious moment together earlier, both of them spent time together before we proceeded with the celebration.

"I never thought that you were this incredible, Harry. You got ten medals. You almost tied the number I had before?", Theresa chattered as she made fun of me.

"Though I can't break your record. You got thirteen before, right? I worked hard just to be on the same level as you but you're too far from me."

"Correct me if I'm wrong but Yael never got one, right?", Harry added. "I can also do it if I get serious about it. I just don't want Theresa to have a competition before", I replied.

"Are you serious? Don't you remember that whenever you have written tests, you always bicker and annoy me just to teach you despite my busy schedule? We even finish late at your place just to ensure that you learn everything.", Theresa stated.

"Okay, okay. Just stop it already. You're saying embarrassing things in front of Harry and Mom?", I uttered.

"There's even one time that even though we pulled an all-nighter for your exams, you still barely passed it. Stop talking like you're as brainy as your brother. Hahaha.", she added.

She just keeps humiliating me in front of Harry and Mom. Telling embarrassing things that literally happened years ago. Fabricating our past probably was a bad idea especially since the woman I spent my most time with was there.

Our cheerful conversation continued but I left the scene sooner since I needed to go to the restroom immediately. Considering that I graduated here almost four years ago, there's no reason for me to not know where the restrooms were.

I got lost and as I tried to find where the restroom was, I saw someone familiar near the door where the man I asked earlier told me about the room I was looking for. It was Theresa's father, the one who never accepted me as Theresa's partner.

"So, we met again. I never thought that I would have a chance to see you again here. It's been years since we last met." he uttered.

"What are you doing here, sir? Someone as busy as you can't be here unless there's an important matter for you. A meeting with the director or assisting someone very important?"

"You can think of it like that. I am just here for my Theresa. My daughter participated so I guess I have the right to be here as her father. Am I right?"

"Theresa? So even someone like you changed in a short amount of time. Before, you don't even recognize your daughter's happiness and just push what you want to her. You even humiliated me in the past calling me a lesser than a pest.", I replied.

"Let's just forget about trivial matters that happened in the past. Let's just say there's a lot that happened during the last four years. Since I got the chance to meet you again, let me tell you something."

"Be aware, if you think nothing happened to my daughter over the last four years, you're wrong. Theresa wasn't the same person you knew years ago.", he added.

"W-what do you mean by that?", I asked.

"Oh, never mind. Just forget what just I told you. I don't want to break my promise to her. Please don't tell her that we met and that I'm here. Have a nice day, Yael.", he uttered and left.

What did he mean by she's not the same anymore? I know since we first met that she will never be the same Theresa that I knew and loved before because of how much time had passed but did he mean something I don't know? What happened to her during her time in France?

After I used my time in the restroom, I headed back to the hall where Theresa and my family were waiting. Because I met his father and got lost in the process, it took me a long time to get back to them.

Once I saw them, they were still talking happily to each other. The look in their faces looked the same years ago.

"Why did you take so long? Did you get lost?", mom asked.

"Well, yeah. I thought that the restroom would still be near the entrance but I'm wrong. I guess they changed it during those four years after I left this university.", I replied.

"They did change it two years ago. I forgot to tell you about it.", Harry said.

"Don't worry about it."

"By the way, I told Theresa to come with us for the celebration. Is it okay for her to come there?", Harry begged.

The moment my brother told me that he invited Theresa to the celebration messed up everything for me. There's no way that I can just say to her that she should not go. That's a bad-mannered move.

If we let Theresa join us, a possible conflict might happen between her and my girlfriend. As someone who values and cares for them, I don't want to be in that position. Also, Athena will probably nag too much because she might think that I invited my ex-lover despite having her by my side.

She worked hard for this event and this idea might ruin everything, but I can't also just say to Theresa that I don't want her to come. At that point, everything was fucked up.

"Are you sure that I can go there? I mean, I would love to join you but..."

"Sure. Come join us. You were once a part of this family, right? It would be disrespectful if I said you should not come, especially since Harry badly wants to bond with you more.", I replied.

"But for Athena. Is it a good idea for us to see each other?", Theresa asked.

"Let me handle it. Just say that I was the one who invited you and Harry begged for it. It may be a bad idea to anger her but she's not that dumb to be emotional for something my son has not something to do with it. She'll understand it.", Mom uttered.

"She's right. If ever she got angry with me, I'll just handle it. You know that I can handle ridiculous tantrums since you experienced it yourself, right?", I added.

"Are you implying that I throw absurd tantrums?"

"Did I say something wrong? Hahaha."

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