Beautiful liar pt2

By yay997

18.9K 1K 492

NOTE: check the chapter number before reading the app messed up the order not me This is part two of beautifu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 2
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 3
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36(final)

Chapter 32

386 25 8
By yay997

Hyunjin's pov
"you never said we should follow Ahn for you to hack his phone hyunjin" minho hyung said glaring at me as he drove the car.
"this is feels like a road trip" han who was in the back seat next to Felix said making minho hyung groan.
"baby this is serious" minho said.
"I am sorry hyung...but for me to access his phone or cameras in the meeting place I need to be close to him that's the only way... actually it is an app I"

"Einstein shut up...we are not interested in your nerdy stuff"  han yelled making me pout.
"you are mean" I said making the younger stick his tongue at me.
"I won't be able to understand anything you will only give me headaches" jisung said rolling his eyes.
"I have an idea of what to do to make that pain go away," I said throwing his a wink.
"I am still surprised of how could hyunjin turn immature when never he deals with jisung" Felix said.
"hey" han and I yelled at the same time.
"kids" minho and Felix said making all of us bust into laughs except minho hyung who was focusing on the road...okay this is not the right time to act like this.

"he stopped" minho said parking the car away from Ahn's."now what?" he added looking at me with big eyes.
"now, you watch" I answered with a wide smirk.
Ahn stepped out the the car looking around before he walked inside the building" can we get closer?" I asked minho who frowned.
"you know that this place is heavily guarded...the two leaders of the biggest mafias are meeting up...if we get closer they will catch you"he answered shaking his head.
"but I need to get closer hyung" I said making the older sighed...i can't connect with his phone the cameras if we stay this far.
"if I knew that this is what is going to take i would have brought you here damn it" minho said clenching his jaw.

"but we are here now...we can't back said it yourself the meeting is important we need to find out what it is about" Felix said making me nod in agreement.
"I understand hyunjin...but why the hell did the two of you had to come" minho said facing them fully.
"because we can't leave you alone..."
"it is not safe..."
"it is not safe for you either...we had this argument earlier is not going to change anything repeating the same conversation " han said looking serious...i hate the fact that the two youngest joined us too...but we can't stop them...we couldn't even bring some guards with us since it would make the place crowded and attract more attention...the rest were not informed of our plan either.

"we are wasting time" I said staring between them.
"damn two stay inside the car I swear to god I will make you regret it if you leave...make sure to keep your guards up...if you see someone coming your way just drive away..."
"what about hyunjin and you?"Felix asked.
"we will be fine...the glass of the car is bulletproof so just drive" minho said running his hand through his hair" either that or all of us are leaving,did I make myself clear?" he added.
"yes sir" jisung said making me roll my eyes...he shifted from being serious to this in a blink...he was really something.
"han" minho hyung said with a raised eyebrow.
"we won't hyung...just keep us updated" Felix said.

"that reminds me."I said taking the small bag I brought with me" put this in your ears...we can communicate through it"I added.
"what are you a secret government agent?" Felix joked looking at the small device.
"you never know darling" I sent him a wink making his eyes widen
"wait are you serious?" he asked.
" course no" I replied chuckling.
"at this point nothing surprise me."he murmured.
"come on" minho said leaving the car.
"I have to get used to the change of his behaviour...he went from my cute hyung to sexy man" han said checking minho who was outside.

"well he is still the cute..."
"nevermind" I stopped midsentence when I saw the older getting this gun out.
"be careful" Felix said making nod.
"I will...keep an eye on him please "I said pointing at jisung who started to whine, I shook my head following after minho.
"the opposite that good enough?" he asked.
"yes it is" I replied.
"stay behind me...and wear this" he said giving me a black mask as he fixed his.
I didn't question him before we started walking toward the other building.
"I think the roof is going to be a good place" I said, he glanced at me shaking his head.
"their men are probably there"he answered.

" then where?" I asked he scanned the place before he took my hand dragging me with him toward one of the balconies.
"here, I will look around to make sure that are careful"he said, I nodded my head taking my PC goes nothing...i start typing looking for any cameras in working.
"shit...they are using a blocking device" I murmured to myself game is on...i smirked breaking through it is security walls easily shutting it."now" I added, multiple cameras were installed inside but they were closed..." and now they work" I said chuckling.
My screen showed two old men sitting opposite to each other...each one of them had and army behind can feel how tense the atmosphere was...they were talking...but I can't hear them.

"the phone" I whispered"minho hyung could you call him?" I said to the older through the earpiece.
" mean ahn?" he asked.
"yes yes....and don't hang up" I said.
"I won't but why?" I jumped after I heard the older's voice behind me.
"great I was going to ask you to come back" I said.
"what are you trying to do..."
"none wanted to listen to me when I was going to tell call him" I cut him off...he rolled his eyes dialling the man."put it on speaker"I added, he looked displeased but did as I asked.
I was watching the man through the footage.
"boss" minho said as we saw Ahn accept the call.

"what is it hoseok?" he answered with a deep raspy voice.
"I am just making sure that you doing is not a trap right..."
"we will talk later"the man said hanging up.
"he hang up..."
"don't worry...i got him" I said before the voices of the two man echoed through the Pc speaker.
"how the hell did you do that?" minho asked.
"it is magic baby" I replied with a proud smile.
"jisung is brain is not programmed to understand this "he said shaking his head.

"so you are really called me to here to tell me that you want me to give up on the weapon deal...Kim did you lose your damn mind?" ahn said making minho and I share a look.
"it was mine to begin with..."
"and you lost it"he cut him off" it is mine now"he added making the other sighed.
"I can give you something important in return...something that you really want to know" Kim said.
"this is more important " Ahn replied trying to get up.
"it is about your daughter though" Kim said with a wide smirk making the man did minho and I? He is seunghee's father after all I am sure like hell that he knows that minho is alive not hoseok...and if he tells Ahn we are going to get in a big trouble.

"what do you know about my daughter?" ahn yelled looking angry.
"me...nothing much...i know she was sick...i know about her fiance who works for you" the man said.
"we have to stop him" I said looking at minho hyung with terrified eyes while he clenched his jaw.
"Kim I swear to god..."
"my daughter and I are on a bad term...she is causing me a matter of fact she was the one who made me lose this deal...yet what she knows is going to be the reason why I am getting it back" Kim said sipping his drink.
"you are testing my patience...either talk or I am leaving" Ahn said hitting the table.

"well you see...."
Before the man could continue his sentence I hit enter making the power went down followed by a huge explosion.
"what happened?" Kim yelled.
"sir it could be a bomb...we need to leave now" his men come rushing toward was a chaos...the two start running outside with their men.
"what happened?" Felix asked.
"we heard an explosion " jisung said after him.
"that was you" minho hyung said making me nod.
"I messed with the power generator to make it explode" I answered.
"come on we need to leave" he said taking my hand.

"hyung...we are safe for now but we need to make sure that those two don't meet up again..."
"we will talk later" he cut me off.
"you...wait" we heard a voice come behind us as soon as we were going to leave the building.
"ran...i will take care of this"minho hyung said.
"now pushing me out" he cut me off " leave this place... I will be fine it is Ahn's mw" he added looking sure
"I am talking with you" the man said getting closer.
"please be careful" I said walking away.

"shit...shit...shit" I murmured jumping in the driver's seat.
"where is minho hyung?" han asked.
"he told me to leave...."
"hyunjin, we can't leave him..."
"he will be fine" I cut him off speeding with the car...please be okay hyung.
'minho hyung...can you hear me?'jisung said through his earpiece.
"he won't be able to answer you...Ahn's man found us...he will be fine..."
"they will ask him why he went there when he was not supposed to." Felix yelled.
"he will be fine...i trust him" I answered...if I did not I would not have left him behind.
"you are not...."

I have no idea what just happened...all I know is that a huge crush send our car flying in the air.... everything happened in a slow motion.
"Felix...jisung...." I said looking around to check on them...the car was upside down that's what made it hard for me to concentrate.
"I am fine" han said.
"I am too don't worry" the other said making me sigh in relief.
"not for long though" I froze when I heard the new voice...seunghee.
"sleep well" she said before a weird gas started to fill the place.
"Felix...han" I coughed trying hard not to inhale but it was too eyes started to feel heavy before everything went black...

Minho's pov
"explain"Ahn said glaring at arms were crossed behind my back as I looked down the floor..." what were you doing there?" he added sounding pissed.
"I saw him with another person but he left" the man who saw me said making me curse under my breath... I was going to kill him but soon after other members came.
"I was just making sure it was not a trap boss" I answered.
"who was with you?"Ahn asked.
"no one " I said.
"sir...i swear..."
"enough you can leave" Ahn yelled cutting the man off.he threw me a glaree before he is my word against his.

"I appreciate that you were worried about time...don't act against my orders"he said rubbing his forehead.
"Kim was going to tell me something important hoseok...but the explosion stopped him" he said gripping my shoulder.
"I am sure he asked for something in return" I said making him hum.
"the weapon deal..."
"it is clearly a trick..."
"it is about soyeon" he cut me off.
"he knows how much you care for her...he is trying to use that against you" I said making him frown.
"yeah...that is possible...but something weird happened...the explosion...someone was behind it...and it is not Kim since he will be putting himself in danger too...hoseok we had our differences but you are like a son to me...find who ever did this"he said making me nod" you know that soyeon is the only thing that matters...stop hurting her" he added.

"I will" I replied...i just want to get kit if here to make sure that the boys made it is a relief that Ahn still trust me.
"you can leave...find them"he said nodded walking out of his office.
I immediately took my phone out calling hyunjin...pick up...pick up...but there was no answer...the same thing happened when I called Felix and jisung...
"shit" I said gripping the phone hard...something happened.
A notification sound come from my phone and when I looked at the message my whole world can't be.

It took a lot of time to find this opportunity...your lovers alone..without you...or the guards...i have them now lee is time for you to pay-M-

Right after the text there was a picture of them they were handcuffed to chairs unconscious...
"no" I yelled earning weird stares from the people who were walking around...this is a did not happen...a chuckle escaped me...she took them...she tricked us...she waited for the right moment to get them.
"hoseok are you okay?" mike asked.
This is my fault...i should have let my guard down...if something happens to them..i swear I will lose my mind...
"let go" I yelled pushing through the other running outside...i need to find them...i need to get them back...

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