Crimson Eyes

By lyzard_fan_fics

107K 4.6K 2K

Izuku Midoriya was about to begin his final year of high school, which is nerve-wracking enough, without the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 12

2.3K 101 22
By lyzard_fan_fics

After careful diliberation, I have decided that yes, Kirishima is the lead singer of the band (although they will all sing a few songs), because I am down so bad for that fictional character.

I did my absolute best to completely ignore Bakugou for the entire hour. I was doing so good to, I had been baited by any of his remarks or observations the entirety of class. 

I glanced at the clock, just ten more minutes left of class. Ten minutes was nothing compared to what I'd already managed. I could do this, easily. 

"So, you're mom really thought Kiri and I were what? Twenty something?" he asked, his chin propped up on his hand as he narrowed his eyes at me. I spared his a glance but nothing more. 

He scoffed at my blatant disregard for his question. "You'd probably into that, huh Deku?" 

If looks could kill, Bakugou would be dead at that exact moment. From the smug smile he wore, he knew that fact to, a little too smug that it wouldn't be the case. In order to kill him, I'd have to have more of a reaction than a glare. That's totally what he's doing right now, I thought to myself. He's trying to get me to kill him. 

"Shut up already," I snapped at him, turning my attention back to the teacher at the front of the room. The dark haired man was droning on and it was going to put me to sleep soon if the bell didn't ring. 

"Damn, he does speak," Bakugou taunted. 

I gritted my teeth. I was getting really annoyed by his nonstop berating at that point. I decided to turn the tables on him. I had a question I'd been dying to ask since last night, when my mind had finally slipped away from my mom and my own self deprecation. 

"That's a cute little nickname you have for Kirishima, how come you never use it around the group?" I prodded, flashing a sinister smile his way as I watched the faintest blush overtake his face. 

I was expecting that question to go unanswered. I was expecting him to shut up for the last five minutes and finally leave me be. 

Unfortunately for me, Katsuki Bakugou was full of surprises. 

He groaned, letting his head hit his desk. 

"My house is his safe space or some shit, I try to be a less of an asshole to him there," the egotistical, arrogant, bullying blond admitted. 

I blinked at him, dumbfounded. Had he seriously just answered my question? Had he really just confessed that to me? 

I shook off any 'heartwarming' and 'fuzzy' feelings. I had all of my first class to think of how I was going to get their little group too leave me alone. They were persistent, and stubborn and stupid. I knew that sense wouldn't work for them, which had clearly been proven that morning. So I planned on making them hate me. Wouldn't be too hard, I barely had to try to get most people to dislike me. My natural, prickly personality didn't seem to affect them too much, so I was resorting to being an absolute asshole. 

"Awe, Kacchan, that's adorable," I said with a taunting smile. He nearly blew a gasket just from that. "but keep it in your pants, we're class." 

I just turned to the front again as he slammed his hands down on his desk and abruptly stood up. "I'm gonna kill you, you little sh-"

"Bakugou," Mr. Aizawa snapped, causing the fuming blond to turn his attention to him. "Detention." 

Bakugou just rolled his eyes and sat down. I smiled in triumph. He'd told me before that Aizawa was the only teacher that bothered to personally call his mom, so I knew he'd be in deep shit. 

"You too, Midoriya," the tired teacher said, letting out a yawn just as the bell rang. 

Bakugou wore a heartbreaking smirk as he grabbed his things and stood to leave the class, I was frozen in my seat. "See ya after school, nerd." 

As soon as he was gone, my brain started to function at normal speed once again. I leapt up from my seat, my books balanced precariously in my arms. "Mr. Aizawa, I didn't even do anything! You can't seriously be giving me a detention for being sat next to him." 

The older teacher blinked sleepily at me. "Bakugou stopped disrupting classes for no reason in sophomore year. If he threatened to kill you in the middle of class, it was provoked." 

I groaned in frustration, a hand gripping onto my hair. "Please sir, I can't get detention, and definitely not with him. I'm actually trying to stay out of trouble, my mom's gonna- she's gonna- oh fuck, my mom." I was slowly losing my cool in front of this teacher I'd never talked to before. If my mom found out about this detention, then I was fucked. I'd be shipped off in the morning. She was going to send me away. 

There was a moment of silence between us, the only sounds coming from the students in the hallway and my heavy breath. 

"I don't see what your mother has to do this. I'm not sure how she would even find out about it, it's a very illogical fear to have, Midoriya," he stated, looking down his nose at me. 

I gaped at him. "You're... not going to call my mom?" 

He pinched the bridge of his nose in irritation. "That's more effort than it's worth. You riled Bakugou up, if I called parents every time someone pisses that boy off, I'd never be off my phone." 

I just stared at him, not sure how to react. This was probably the most chill teacher I had ever had. This is the guy Bakugou is scared of? 

"Thanks.. Mr. Aizawa," I mumbled, heading towards the door. All I had to do now, was cover for myself. I could send her a text saying I'm staying late to study, that way if she came home early she wouldn't be suspicious. Who am I kidding, she would never believe that. When was the last time she saw me study? She probably thinks I threaten people to get the grades I have. 

"Midoriya," the teacher called, just as I reached the door. I turned back to him. "You said you were trying to stay out of trouble, yes?" I nodded. "Try harder, problem child." 

I rolled my eyes as I officially left the classroom. Easier said than done.

When lunch rolled around, I avoided the table of rowdy emos, who did their best to call out to me. I ignored their voices, grabbing a seat at a table that was nearly full already. Just a few quiet kids I'd seen around that didn't talk much. One of them was even reading. I love a good book, but seriously, who reads at lunch? I received a few worried and questioning glances from the other occupants, but with my headphones in, I just kept my head down and tried to stomach the school lunch.  

My skin prickled as someone walked up behind me. I had a feeling I knew who it was, but my suspicions were confirmed when I faintly heard, "Beat it," and the other students at the table scurried away as fast as possible. 

Suddenly, Bakugou and Kirishima were sat on either side of me, and Ashido, Kaminari, and Sero took the rest of the seats at the table. 

I pulled a headphone out and shot a deadpanned look at Bakugou, who was to my left. "You're an asshole, ya know that?" 

"Well aware," he responded, stealing a piece of mochi from Kaminari's hands. 

"Hey," the electric blond whined in protest. 

Bakugou glared at him. "I literally made them, shut the fuck up." 

I rolled my eyes at the antics and moved to put my headphone back in my ear. If they weren't going to leave, might as well completely ignore them with Pierce The Veil blaring. 

"Midoriya," Ashido said in the most whiny tone I'd heard from her. I flicked my eyes up to look at her. "Don't ignore us," she said, dragging out the last word longer than necessary. 

With a mocking smile, I placed the headphone back and stared down at my tray. My peace was ripped away in an instant though, Bakugou pulled my other headphone right out. 

"Hey!" I yelled at him, snatching it from his hand. "Hands off my stuff, Kacchan." 

"Why is Bakugou the only one you're responding to? That's so not fair," Kaminari said, sinking into his seat with puppy dog eyes. 

I almost felt guilty. "He just knows how to piss me off the most," I said, not wanting the other blond to be so mopey. I didn't wait for a response, moving to shove my headphone back in. 

I didn't get very far before he snatched my wrist, halting my movement. I hissed and pulled away from him in an instant. My wrist was still tender from the new tattoo and his grip had been tight. "Asshole," I snapped at him, looking over the tattoo as if his grip would have ruined it. 

"I forgot," he said with a casual shrug. 

"Like how you forgot I'm not supposed to talk to you guys anymore? Or how you forgot that if I get caught one more time, my mom's shipping me off to boarding school? Thanks for that detention by the way, she'll be just over the moon about that," I seethed, glaring daggers at him. 

"Boarding school?" Ashido asked, looking at me with wide eyes. 

Sero scratched the back of his neck. "Isn't that a little extreme?" 

I dropped my head into my hands. "No, Sero. No it's not." 

"Dude, what did you do back home?" Kaminari asked, genuinely curious.  

"Shut up, sparky," Bakugou barked. 

"Oh, so now you care?" I asked him sarcastically. He just narrowed his eyes at me and I glared right back. We probably would have spent the whole lunch period having a staring contest if a slight nudge from my right hadn't drawn my attention. I looked over and saw Eijirou smiling at me softly. 

Sitting between those two was not good for my health. 

"God, would you all just fuck off and die already?" I asked, pushing out my chair abruptly and trying to get out of the cafeteria. "You guys don't even know me, so why do you care so much that I want nothing to do with you?" 

I didn't bother waiting for a reply, walking right out of the cafeteria. Not before I heard Sero say to everyone, "Damn, he's like a smaller version of Bakugou." 

"Fuck off," was the response to that. 

I had two more glorious class, free of the whole group. Until the my last class of the day. 

I felt a slight tap on my shoulder before class had started. Whoever it was had snuck up on me, since I was still listening to music. Most of my teachers didn't seem to mind or notice that I kept them in for the majority of their lectures. 

I looked up and came face to face with a smiling redhead. "What?" I snapped, once again only taking one headphone out. 

He slide into the desk behind me, causing me to twist in my chair to look at him. He clearly had something he wanted to say, and I respected him (definitely not just because I really liked hearing his voice or anything) enough to let him say his piece. 

"Did you have fun hanging out with us?" A simple question. 

I eyed him wearily, not looking forward to where this conversation was going. He took my silence as an invitation to prod more. 

"At all?" he asked. 

"If I enjoyed your company or not, it's doesn't matter much. My mom will send me away as soon as she finds out," I answered, finding it easiest to be honest with him. 

"It does matter," he replied. "It's actually the only thing that matters. If you had fun and enjoy hanging out, then we'll make sure your mom never even suspects. But if you didn't, and you actually hate us, then we'll leave you alone from now on." 

I narrowed my eyes, not thinking it'd be this easy. All I had to do was tell him that I never had any fun with them and I hated them, then they'd leave me alone? But hadn't I already done that? 

"I didn't enjoy hanging out with you guys at all, it was actually pretty lame. I don't particularly like any of you and I genuinely want you all to leave me alone until we graduate," I said in a matter of fact tone. 

I wasn't expecting him to start laughing at my answer. "What?" I asked, my face scrunching in confusion. "What's so funny?" 

He covered his mouth with a hand as the teacher walked in. I rolled my eyes and turn to the face the front. As the teacher started class, I felt him shift forwards, his mouth dangerously close to my ear. 

"Your ears turn pink when you lie, did you know that?" 

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