Not So Normal {A Captain Amer...

By ClayDay

47.3K 1.8K 392

Normal is a funny word. It is overused and yet shouldn't be used whatsoever. Because the definition of normal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 16

1.4K 64 29
By ClayDay

Okay, so Thor is a pretty cool dude. He's one of those people who you want to talk about. Like my dad always talked about a guy who was a fighter pilot, spoke seven languages fluently and owns four blocks of New York. See! I did it again he's just so cool!

Anyways he lives in another realm, has a neat hammer and could probably be a barrier to a semi because his arms are so huge. But eventually we talked about Cyclops and how he wanted to help because he too had 'battle a creature with one eye and a ferocious way of killing people.' And he also for some reason loved mankind.

When it started to get late, we all decided to try and get some sleep. I was not sleepy in the slightest but I was hoping once my head hit my pillow I would be out. So everyone dispersed to their rooms and I walked to my room. I followed Tony directions (I needed them) and ended up in a huge room with a window wall and a industrial sized bed. It was all white. He knew me so well. I ran and jumped on the bed, landing face first. It was a very comfy bed.

I stood up, grabbed my sac from the doorway and changed into my pajamas. I proceeded to do the normal stuff you do when you get ready for bed. When I actually was laying in bed, I still wasn't tired. So I laid there, thoughts passed by but I tried just thinking about sheep. Nothing. Not even close to something. All I wanted to do was move. After about three hours I was frustrated. It was 2 a.m. and all I wanted to do was sleep. Another hour went by. And another. I thought of life's questions, I even thought about what the meaning of life was. Another hour went by. And another. It was 6 a.m. and I decided to get up, it wasn't worth it anymore.

I thought I must have slept a little and didn't realize it because I still felt refreshed. But my mind quickly flashed to not being able to sleep in the facility. I shook it off, I didn't want to think of that place to be honest. I walked down a hall and it lead me to an elevator. After pressing many buttons, I ended up finally finding the kitchen. When I walked in, a figure stood with his back facing towards me. I instantly recognized the blonde hair and I could see his back muscles from his tight white shirt. I'm pretty sure he wears those tight shirts on purpose.

"Hey, Steve," I speak. He instantly turns around with a paper in one hand and a mug with steam pouring out in the other. He smiled widely.

"Amelia! Do you want coffee?" He asked. I nodded and sat down at the island. He grabbed the coffee maker and poured coffee into a white mug and slid it over to me. I put the mug up to my lips and tasted it, it was actually amazing coffee.

"I guess we are finally getting coffee together," I say and take another sip, slurping loudly.

He chuckled. "Yeah, sorry about that," Steve said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Please, there is nothing to be sorry about," I tell him and he smiles.

"So why are you up so early?" Steve asks.

"I could ask you the same thing," I say, raising an eyebrow and drinking more of my coffee.

"I got over my phase of the whole sleeping thing," Steve says and smiles while looking down at his coffee. "Your turn."

"I couldn't sleep," I answer, sipping the warm coffee that immediately warms me up.

"I truly feel ya," a voice from behind says. It was Tony, of course, strutting into the kitchen and getting coffee for himself. "You know, there pills for that kind of thing."

"I think you need them more then I do," I shoot back.

"That," Tony says while pointing a finger at me, "was not original."

"Just like your mom, ohhhhhhh,"Clint says, walking in and, grabbing a tea bag?

I swear Steve and I were just going to have a moment. To bad these fools messed it up. "Why are you guys up?" I ask.

"Same reason as you," Tony says quickly and ends it there.

"And I have to much beauty to sleep any longer," Clint says and flips his nonexistent hair. I rolled my eyes, sipped the last of my coffee and stood up.

"Does anyone know where a training room is?" I ask.

"Yup, it's on floor 64, can't miss it," Tony tells me. And he was right. When I stepped out of the elevator I immediately entered a huge room full of weapons and targets, matts, exercise equipment, and even a rock climbing wall. The was were solid and silvery, matching the ceiling. The floor was covered with matts but I'm guessing the floor was the same. After I took a long look at everything, I started to get to work.

I am suppose to have these special abilities but how am I suppose to figure it out? There are millions of powers and abilities. I knew that I couldn't fly, nor do I have super speed. But that bullet did seem to come in slow. No, that was probably just my mind.

I thought of abilities. Maybe teleportation? So I thought about the other side of the room really hard. I mean that's what they do in the movies. I had no luck in going to the other side of the room unfortunately and I racked my brain once again. I tried to see if I could move stuff with my mind. I know this one girl who can do that and she can run really fast. I wonder what happened to her?

I failed at moving things with my mind. I tried so many other things but nothing happened. I got frustrated and picked up an arrow and threw it across the room. I put my hands on my eyes and rubbed my face with the palms of my hands. When I was done, I looked for the arrow on the ground, accept it wasn't there. It was still only five feet away from where I threw it initially but it was still moving in the air. It was moving in slow motion to the floor, and I was serious this time, it wasn't my mind playing tricks. I walked toward the arrow, still moving in slow motion and headed toward the ground. I walked around it again and again. After about a two minutes, it finally fell to the ground. What in the world?

I tried it again but with a shot-put ball. Those things were heavy and probably would not float like a feather all the way down to the ground. So I tossed it in the air with all of the might I had. I thought about how the arrow was slow and right when I let go of the ball, it seemed to ignore gravity. It floated upwards in slow motion once again and inside I got excited. The ball slowly moved up as I danced around the room. My next question was, could I touch it? So I did, I grabbed the shot-put ball like it hadn't just been floating in midair and set it back on the table.


But how was this possible? Was I messing with gravity, slowing it down? Was I messing with an objects time continuum? Was my mind moving to fast for the object? I threw the ball once again but didn't think about it moving slow and the ball flew threw the air just like it usually would. It was so bizarre. Then, I started to think if I could preform the exact opposite. So, once again, I grabbed the shot-put ball and, once again, tossed it into the air. The ball went up as it normally did but this time I thought about the ball moving faster. So, the ball came down so incredibly fast that all I saw was a black blur. I tried it with the light weight arrow, tossing it lightly and then making it zoom toward the ground. This was kind of fun. My next question was, could I do it to people? So I ran to the elevator and hit the floor where the kitchen was.

When I got up there, I crept behind a wall and saw Steve, Tony, and Clint still in the kitchen and Thor had joined them. "I am just saying that vanilla lattes taste better," Tony argues with Steve.

"If there was no black coffee there would be no lattes," Steve says back.

"Sure, but there are so many other flavors! Black coffee is just, well, black," Tony says.

"What about tea? This stuff can be black, green, berry, herbal, sleepy, matcha, chai, you can't argue with the tea," Clint informs everyone, each tea name counted on his fingers.

"I really hope you are hearing yourself right now," Tony says to Clint and laughs a little.

"I do not understand these mortal disagreements, they are so minuscule," Thor jumps in. I decide that now is my chance, I make everyone move in slow motion. Nobody seems to notice me as they carryout their conversation slowly. Tony tries to talk but it is slow and his voice is low and hard to make out. Well, might as well have fun with this. I run up to Clint who is sitting at the island. His tea bag is laying on the counter. I put his tea cup on top of his head and it balances. I then run to Tony who is across from Clint and carefully place the teabag in his mouth. I then move on to Thor, in the middle of Tony and Steve, and move his mug so when he tries to grab it, he'll miss. Finally, it was Steve. At first I just looked at him but then I realized that I could falter any second now and be exposed. But I couldn't do anything to this precious puppy who is looking at Tony with an irritated expression. All I could do was kiss him on the cheek. Which in hines sight seems really weird but in that moment it was kind of sweet. I ran to my wall to hide and let everyone go back to normal.

Clint, didn't move his head at all, surprising me. I definitely thought the cup would fall. Tony tried to talk but couldn't considering the tea bag was on his tongue. He instantly spit it out and looked at Clint with rage. Thor, who was confused at the random teacup placed on Clint's head, tried to reach for his mug but missed. He tried again and looked down, finding his mug over by Tony and was even more confused. At this point I was trying so hard to keep my laughing quiet and it was very hard. Lastly, there was Steve who was not involved in any commotion. He was jut standing there, his mouth slightly ajar. His hand was placed on his cheek and a smile crept on his face. He eyes shot to the wall where I hid.





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