Cast mates • W.S

By povsobxst

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When Olive Saldaña gets casted in a movie with most of her friends and a boy she develops a crush on, will it... More

Act 1. "oh no, I'm falling in love"
Famous Birthdays


362 8 30
By povsobxst

"Okay, I think that's everything." I flopped on my bed.

"Did you get the bathing suit?" Momona asked, taking a bite of a muffin.

I shot up and dug through my drawer to get a bathing suit.

"I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow morning!" Sunny was making some type of cake.

"I know, it doesn't feel real." Madeleine added.

"I hope there's a nice pool over there." I sat at my desk and began doing makeup.

"Are you doing makeup to go to bed?" McKenna asked.

"No, I'm doing makeup to take a shower to go to bed." I lined my lips.

"Oh my gosh, I need to tell you guys about this one boy!"

"Oh my gosh Sunny, we don't care about Dylan!" Momona threw her head back.

Thats when I got a text from Walker. We had been talking almost everyday since the party, short conversations here and there but he was really fun to talk to.

Bro I'm so sick of Belly and Jeremiah.
I can't believe you told me to watch this shit

They are so bbg

Bruh what does that even mean 😢

No, I can't believe ur team Conrad.
I don't think we can be friends anymore.

Connie baby
Tbh I'm just anti Belly at this point

and real, she's so annoying
"What was I supposed to do, I was in love" 😒

Uhm idk maybe don't get with his brother !?


"Hello, earth to Olive." McKenna called.

"Oh sorry, I was texting Walker."

"Oh okayyy, you guys have been talking a lot."

"And you smiled when you said his name."

"Bro it is too early for this, we haven't even started filming yet. And he's just fun to talk to." I defended myself.

They all gave their sighs and looks of 'surreeee' but I didn't like Walker. I've never been the type of girl to like a lot of boys or even have friends that are boys. I've always just hung out with girls, other than Mason, until recently when I met more boys.

I rolled my eyes and opened up the messages with Walker.

Okay but making out on HIS car, in HIS hoodie, with HIS brother is outrageously insane.

I agree, Laurel needs to slap her again.

Fr, and Conrad was eating them up in that car scene

Absolutely not. That was pissing me off.
And he's so wishy washy with his feelings
I'm sick of his ass.

But he's fine.

No, Jeremiah is fine.

It's okay to be wrong.

Bite me 😑

That's weird as fuck

Just like you tbh


"Okay guys, I'm so tired but I'll see you in the morning!" I yawned

"Okay, good night!" And with that, I hung up.

I didn't mean it, I was fighting my demons 🤺

Goodnight 🤦🏼


No, you have your demons to keep you company

I'm not trying to talk to lil nas x bro

don't you have to get up at like 5 am tomorrow to catch the flight.

But it's okay bc that's why we have coffee

Go to sleep.


Have a safe flight, Olive.

Thanks, Walker, you too.

I turned my phone off and fell asleep.

My alarm clock blared in my ear. The sun wasn't even up yet. I rolled out of bed, rubbing my eyes.

The clock on my nightstand flashed 4:30 in bright white lights. I grabbed my water bottle and took a long drink, giving myself time to wake up.

I grabbed the sweatpants and t shirt I had laid out on my dresser and changed. I was putting my hair up when my mom knocked on the door.

"Sweetie, are you awake?" She asked, lightly opening the door.

"Yes ma'am, I'm almost ready to go." I said, sliding into my UGG slippers. "Leggo."

I put my luggage in the car and we drove down the street to pick up Mason.

A few seconds later, Mason came walking out of the door with all his bags and stuff and I got out of the car to open the trunk and help him.

"Hey, do you need help?" I asked, even though it was clear he didn't.

"No I got it, thanks though." He put his things in the trunk. I closed it and we both got in the back seat.

"Good morning, Mason!" My mother greeted. "I brought you guys some donuts."

He grabbed the box she was handed back to us. "Good morning, thank you so much."

"Thanks." I stuffed one in my mouth. "Did you hear that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce might be getting engaged?"

"No, Olive. I didn't." He said unenthusiastically.

"You suck." I rolled my eyes.

"It's five in the morning who wants to talk about Taylor Swift at five am?"

We were now boarding the plane. Mason and I had chosen our tickets to be next to each other because I didn't want to sit next to someone I didn't know.

"No! Don't take the window seat." He complained.

"Don't be a big baby!"

He looked at me sadly. "Fine, I get nauseous looking out the window anyways." I sighed and moved to the middle seat.

I huffed as I sat down and hoped I didn't get sat next to someone intolerable.

Walker happened to be on this same flight and ended up sitting next to me, coincidentally, not that I'm complaining.

"No freaking way." I smiled as he sat down.

"Way." He smiled back at me, his voice was deeper than usual. He'd clearly just woken up.

He had on a grey hoodie and black sweatpants with some Nike blazers, his hair was curly, obviously, and he had on glasses that he usually didn't.

"What do you think would happen if I open this window?" Mason whispered.

"I would push you out of it, then I'd close it."

A few minutes later I began taking pictures and trying to get a good picture of the sky from the window, but Mason was asleep and in my way so I took a picture of him instead.

I turned to my other side to get a picture of Walker too but he was already looking at me.

"What are you doing?" He laughed.

"I thought you were asleep."

"If you're a stalker just say that." He rolled his eyes and I quickly took a picture of him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I turned back over and closed my eyes.

Apparently, I fell asleep sometime between then and when we arrived, because I was being violently shaken awake by Mason.

"See, I told you, you just gotta rattle her."

"What the hell are you yapping about?" I asked.

"You're a deep sleeper." Walker laughed.

"Oh, my bad." I got up and grabbed my bags and we left the plane.

"Okay so there's supposed to be some shuttle from here to the hotel." Mason said. "But I don't know how to get there."

"Maybe follow the arrow that says shuttle?" I pointed. "See how far reading gets you in life."

He rolled his eyes and followed me and eventually we made it to the hotel.

Ryan, Blake, Steven, and Karen were all in the lobby.

"Great, you guys are the second group to arrive.
Here's a copy of the itinerary, the scheduled rehearsals, filming dates, key cards and room lists." Karen said incredibly fast.

I guess Steven noticed by the look of pure terror on all of faces that it was a bit too much too fast.

"Slow down, Karen. They just got here." He laughed. "Okay, you guys go meet up in the room with the rest of the kids and you can just relax until we come get you. And you don't have to go through all that stuff right away."

"Oh thank God." I said.

Karen and Steven walked off.

"Hey, I'm Ryan and this is Blake. We just wanted to introduce ourselves. I know we've already met Walker but just pretend." He stuck out his hand.

"OH MY GOSH IT'S RYAN REYNOLDS!" Walker joked, dramatically hugging him.

"That's one way to do it."

"Hi, I'm Olive. It's nice to meet you both. I'm a big fan of Deadpool, and Gossip Girl." I shook his hand and Blake gave me a hug.

"Okay, well we'll let you get settled. See you later!" She waved after Mason introduced himself.

We rode the elevator to our floor and according to one of the billion sheets given to us, there was a boys and girls room and they were right next to each other. And obviously Blake and Ryan had their own room so it was just the kids.

I walked into the room that was designated for the girls and saw Momona, Madeleine, and Violet already here.

"Holy moly this is a huge hotel room!" I set my stuff down.

There was a living room area, with a full kitchen, and two separate spaces of four full sized beds and a couch that opened up into a bed.

There was a plethora of snacks and drinks stacked near a coffee maker.

"They said to take whatever we want, by the way." Madeleine giggled as she ate a bag of peanuts.

"Absolutely will be doing that." I said, grabbing a bag of Funyuns and sitting down on the ginormous couch they had in the center of the room. "What are we watching?"

"Gilmore Girls. I started talking about it and they didn't know what it was so of course we are going to be binge watching it every time we get the chance." Momona smiled.

"Oh I remember we used to watch this together all the time!"

"It's so good, but Dean gives me a weird vibe. Like he just followed her on the bus after meeting her like once." Violet suspected.

"Oh don't worry, he's not a big deal." I lied as Momona hit me, causing me to laugh.

After quite a few hours, Sunny, Brady, and Malachi had arrived and all of the girls had gotten hooked on Gilmore Girls. We were already on episode 11 when the group chat went off.

Mase 💧
Idk about the girls but us guys are really bored.

Shhhhh don't interrupt Gilmore Girls. Lorelai is in the middle of ranting about coffee.

Did you really just text us while we're watching the masterpiece that is the Gilmore life?

Mase 💧
Oh my gosh, get over it and join the real world again.

Mo mo ❣️
There's a Starbucks down the street. We could go there and hangout.

I'm down.

Sunny 🌞
Me too.

Walker 🚶
Starbucks? At midnight?

It's open 24/7
And it's never too late for a Strawberry Açaí.

Bray Bray
Those are the only acceptable refresher to get.

Do you get it with lemonade?

Bray Bray

Okay ur my new best friend.

Mo mo ❣️
So I'm just gonna pretend like you didn't say that.

Anyways, are we going to Starbucks?

Walker 🚶


Mase 💧

Sunny 🌞



Mo mo ❣️
Okay let's go.
*liked by all*

I grabbed my drink and sat down at a table with everyone else.

"Coffee at midnight, Malachi?" Sunny laughed.

"It's decaf." He lied.

"100%." I teased.

The rest of the group sat down and I got a brilliant idea for a TikTok.

I opened the app. "Let's make a TikTok."

"Can you not be addicted to your phone for two seconds?" Momona groaned.

"Anyways, I'm just gonna ask you guys what your Starbucks order is." I recorded that as the into to the video.

"What do you get from Starbucks, Momona Tamada."

"I get a venti pink drink with oatmilk." She showed her drink and smiled.

"Starbucks order Malachi, GO!" I said.

"Uhm- Salted Caramel cream cold brew."

"Caramel cream cold brew." I mumbled, poking fun at him, making him laugh.

"Oh my gosh, Walker Scobell, Walker Scobell, I'm a huge fan please tell me your Starbucks order!" I ran up to Walker.

"Ew I hate my fans." He turned away dramatically. "Just kidding, usually I get an oatmilk vanilla latte, but today I got an iced matcha lemonade."

"Matcha is crazy."

"Your forehead is crazy."

I turned the camera back to me, a sad expression on my face and cut the clip.

"Sunny Sandler, what is your Starbucks order?"

"An iced passion tango tea lemonade." She showed the drink.

"10/10" I laughed.

"excuse me, ladies. What is your Starbucks order?" I asked Madeleine and Violet.

"I get the dragon drink." Violet said

"And I get the mango dragonfruit lemonade." Madeleine 'clinked' her cup with Violet.

"Brady, what is your Starbucks order?"

"Pineapple passion fruit lemonade." He held up his drink, trying not to laugh.

"And last, and certainly least. Mason, dear, what is your Starbucks order?"

"I'm sorry, I don't talk to weirdos on the street."

"Bitch, answer the question."

"Caramel brûlée latte." He rolled his eyes.

"That boy's basic."

I walked over and sat down at the table with the rest of them.

"Did you get your drink in the video?" Walker asked.

"No, it's okay though."

"Come on, let me ask you for your order. I'm sure your followers wanna to know."

"If you want to." I sighed.

"OH MY GOD OLIVE SALDAÑA! I'm dying to know what your Starbucks order is!" Walker dramatically walked up to me.

I laughed like a little kid. "A strawberry açaí lemonade."

"You heard it here folks, the extraordinarily unique order of the Olive Saldaña." He said, turning the camera to him and getting both of us in the frame before ending it.

"Amazing, some of the best videography of our generation."

"I try."  He smiled and I posted a few things from the day.


I woke up in a new Bugatti (state) also here's Walker and Mase rares for the fangirls omg doing the lord's work 😍

xochitlgomez: the girl in the 3rd picture
^olivesaldana: the girl in your profile pic

leenascobell: ahhhh that blonde freak is staring into my soul
^olivesaldana: fr someone get him some brown contacts
^walker.scobell: I'm reporting both of you.

masonthames: no paparazzi #savemason
^olivesaldana: nobody cares enough to start a hashtag, sweetie.

tomblyth: psssssttt Walker: she likes the blue eyed ones with curly blonde hair
*liked by walker.scobell*
^olivesaldana: and the ones that go crazy when their situationship leaves to pick a plant for 2 secs (why doesn't Coryo exist?)
^tomblyth: bc he world take over the world with his baby blue orbs
^olivesaldana: 🔵🔵

thamesluver: Mason looks so good
*liked by masonthames*

walker.scobell: doing me so dirty with that .5 😔
^olivesaldana: neverrrrrrr

pjo_rocks: why is Walker giving Tom Blyth with the eyes.


In case you were wondering our Starbucks orders 🤔

1.2 Mil likes


McKenna.Grace: Strawberry Açaí Lemonade runs through your veins
Olive_Saldaña: No lies were told

Brady_Noon: acting like the FBI fr
Olive_Saldaña: gotta investigate

walkers_girlfriend: Omg Olive's hair 🤩
Olive_Saldaña: OMG IT'S WALKER'S GIRLFRIEND!!! I'm such a fan
Walker_Scobell: what the hell 🤦🏼

Aryan_Simhadri: nobody asked (I watched this video 229272 times)
Olive_Saldaña: why u so obsessed with me

Malachi.Barton: ts felt like an interrogation 😭
Olive_Saldaña: 'decaf' my ass, you were screaming about Jenna Ortega at 4am.
JennaOrtega: uhm hello?!?

Ilovemasonthames: Mason is so fine 😍
Olive_Saldaña: Mason I know this is you...

Tanner_Scobell: My brother used to talk about you in his sleep
*liked by Olive_Saldaña*

User1242829: I'm in your house
^Olive_Saldaña: can you water my plants?

ladyglittersparkles: they seem so fun to be around

Strangerthings_fan: anyone notice the vibes between Walker and Olive?
^bootswiththefur: yeah, I think they would be so cute


Okay, it's getting somewhere, told you it would get better 🤩

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