Loose Ends: Cal & Howie

By Howie0107

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Set in the year 2102, two years after the 'Gel-Squad,' this spin-off story follows the events of Howard and C... More

Chapter 1: Cal
Chapter 2: How
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: Walks
Chapter 5: Builder
Chapter 6: Return
Chapter 7: Review
Chapter 8: Quarters
Chapter 9: Merging Advances
Chapter 10: Report
Chapter 11: Separation
Chapter 12: Strained
Chapter 13: Summoned
Chapter 14: Explosion

Chapter 15: End

5 1 0
By Howie0107

This was a dark day for the station; damage control took about 54 hours, and even Howard, the prisoner, assisted in the efforts. He was allowed to mingle with the populated levels for the first time. Tommy was taken into medical and was expected to make a full recovery... if Cam could force him to stay in sickbay, that one was restless. He seemed to want to be involved in just about everything until Cam threatened to place him into a medically induced coma. Howard was instrumental in the healing process, as mentioned before; it was his first time interacting with the other station inhabitants; he was acting as an emergency medic; his first aid training was nonexistent, but he could do basic things, like bandage wounds and stop bleeding while Cam handled more serious emergencies in medical. 

Cal was handling damage control, which was training he'd received a long time ago, and fortunately, the principles aboard this station were similar to those he used a long time ago. He made himself quite useful, especially in command. As a senior-ranking airman, he could keep a cool head and tell people what to do and how to do it. The civilians were relatively quick to learn. The result was not perfect, but a semi-functional station emerged. Some crew was assembled in the briefing room, as they'd intended the days before the incident. All of Gel-Squad was to be present, including two new members, Howard and Cal.

Russell and Maxion were coming down the hallway; they were the final two expected; they walked in silence as the news they carried wasn't worthy of a singular discussion between them. No one was expected to see Tommy coming down the hallway with Cam, as the mouse seemed to hover like a worried mother. Russell and Maxion entered smiling range as they came into earshot. "Tommy, please, go back to medical you're not strong enough!" The mouse desperately tried to change the mind of someone determined to pull his people back together. "No, this broadcast is supposed to be recorded; they need to see my face." He said not an inkling of pain was stricken on his facade, even though he was in excruciating agony, particularly in the legs. Tommy had always had a problem with doctors, his brother too... it was genetic. His brother because he was afraid to get flagged for psychiatric illness, and Tommy because he despised needles. The only reason this one was in his arm now was because he was uncautious when Cam put it in; he would've ripped it out if it weren't helping him maintain a solid form. 

"Tommy? What are you doing out of bed?" Maxion asked. Despite the seriousness, he was grinning because his friend wasn't dying like he appeared to be 54 hours ago. "Not you, too. Look." Tom flexed his arm, the needle stinging unpleasant but necessary to prove his point. "I have a bag of fluids. I'm all good." Tommy beamed weakly. He was holding onto that pole of fluids for dear life. They didn't need to know that if he let it go, his legs would give out from under, and he'd be on the floor and back in medical at Cam's mercy, and who knows what he'll wake up with inside of his body next. Russell stared. He would've hugged him if he didn't think it would be painful. "Sorry," Russell said in his blunt tone. Tommy nodded, "Buddy... I forgave you days ago. You just kept giving me the cold shoulder. Now, let's do this thing before I die at this altitude." Maxion and Russell chuckled nervously; they didn't know if he was joking... because there was a chance he would actually die, and Cam knew that because he wasn't laughing. Tommy entered the briefing room together with his friends. It was filled with a mix of relief and concern as the Gel-Squad members, old and new, witnessed their leader enter the space under his own power. The atmosphere was still tense, but the team had an undeniable sense of camaraderie.

Cam continued to fret over Tommy, trying to guide him to a seat, but Tommy stubbornly insisted on standing where Kori would stand. This was the first signal that the Chancellor was no longer... with them. The rest of Gel-Squad exchanged glances, recognizing the determination in their leader; it was contagious. "Okay, let's get this meeting started. We've been through a lot in the past few days, but we need to address the issues at hand," Tommy began, his voice firm despite the apparent strain. Cal, having joined the team recently, observed the dynamics carefully. Still finding his place in the group, Howard focused on the discussions, ready to contribute as needed, but he suspected he wouldn't be needed. His witness account was necessary, but he wouldn't enjoy fresh air for long. Russell, arms crossed, leaned against the wall, a mix of pride and worry etched on his face. Maxion, the 'scavenger,' remained silent, his eyes scanning the room; he wasn't actually using truth-sight because he knew that Tommy was among the most truthful. "Kipp, turn on the camera thing." Kipp gave a thumbs up and shuffled over to D1, who was patched into the station's computer. "I do not like being the camera." She complained, but Kipp continued to press buttons and plug things in. "Oh, it's only for a few minutes! Hold still." He finished his work and eventually got the bright red light to show up on her 'face.' She was now live to all the station's monitors, radios, and internal communications equipment. 

Tommy wasted no time and outlined the station's current state, detailing the repairs and assessing the impact on their resources. They delved into discussions about security protocols and potential threats. They investigated and learned that the explosion resulted from a power overload; it was unfortunate... but that was the side effect of getting a power supply from a barely able to meet the operational needs of this place; it was no one's fault. The recent power surge exposed vulnerabilities in their system, making the team acutely aware of the potential risks and how they would fix them going forward. 

With his constructional expertise, Cal provided notes for additional safeguards and suggested forming a dedicated engineering team to prevent future disasters. His calm demeanor and strategic thinking impressed the group. He had no desire to replace Kipp, only to assist him. Tommy's fatigue became more apparent as the meeting progressed, but this last part was vital. "Well... as you all know, our leader has been absent; we've had 59 injuries and many casualties... It's unfortunate, but Kori was among them. He would want us to press on, to continue his vision. I know what you're thinking... but I'm not your Chancellor. So... if you have any political experience... it'd be a big help until we can find a replacement." His legs were visibly shaky, and he leaned on the table for support. D1 cut the feed; the station didn't need to see this. The news was delivered. Russell couldn't take it any longer and stepped forward."Tommy, this is ridiculous. You need to go back to medical. The briefing is over; you've done your part," Russell insisted, concern softening his stern expression. Tommy hesitated but eventually relented. "Fine, you win. Wanna be Chancellor?" He joked, and Russell did that fake laugh again, "No... I'm more of an enforcer of policy, not a writer." Tommy finally allowed Cam to guide him out of the room.

Cal stood up and followed the duo out like a little puppy dog. Russell stopped him as he went out the doorway; it was instinctive. He knew nothing about Cal and assumed the bunny was trying to attack, but that would be silly. Russell could see the worry in Cal's eyes, and this one was much bigger than Russell and could easily overpower him, but his restraint was evident; Russell let him pass. "The rest of you can go. I need to talk to Howard." The group disassembled, and everyone feathered out except those Russell needed to see. Russell was eying Howard not with hatred but with empathy. He was clearly upset, "Howard... Howie." Russell quickly corrected. It was the first time he'd used a nickname with Howard; the lightheartedness with Tommy was sucked out of the room, and Russell gripped a tablet. "They finished the man-hunt efforts... and I thought you deserved to know." Russell handed the tablet to Howard. "Is this my rescheduled visitation time?" Howard snickered. Russell could tell that as he read the document on the screen, his smile quickly dissolved as he shot up out of his chair and stammered as his mind found the correct sentences but failed to translate them into speech. "N--No! This isn't true!" 

"I'm sorry... but we confirmed it this morning, the bodies are... there's nothing left of them. The explosion decimated most of the levels of the engineering ring... and some of the command ring, that means that... the prison cells were--"

"No! It's impossible!" Howard cut off, "How can they be dead?! Are you saying Aurora is dead?" Howard asked; his voice went from anger to despair; he was immediately pounded with a shockwave of emotional pain. He was lightheaded as he slumped into his chair. "You... you were supposed to protect them," Howard said weakly; he sounded out of breath. He couldn't get enough air. "I know," Russell said calmly; he approached and tried to give a shoulder touch, but Howard jumped back, scuttling to a nearby wall. "Don't touch me! You're a liar." Howard growled. 

Russell sighed, understanding the pain and frustration Howard was experiencing, on a very personal level. "I'm not lying, Howard. I wish I were. The explosion was devastating, and I know this is hard to accept." Russell's usually stern demeanor softened as he spoke. Howard stared at the tablet, the words on the screen blurring as tears filled his eyes. "No... I can't lose her," he muttered, more to himself than Russell. The realization of the loss hit him like a physical blow, and he slid down the wall, his emotions overwhelming. Russell approached cautiously, his hands open, showing he meant no harm. "I'm truly sorry, Howie. Losing someone is never easy... I understand the pain you're going through." Howard's anger resurfaced. "You were supposed to protect them! This was your station, your responsibility!" His voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and rage.

Russell didn't argue; he knew Howard needed an outlet for his emotions. "I failed. I'm sorry. But we're all dealing with the consequences of what happened." Howard wiped away the tears, his expression turning bitter. "Why did this have to happen? Why her?"

Russell leaned against the wall next to Howard, offering what comfort he could. "Sometimes life is just unfair. We lost good people in that explosion. Our Chancellor, civilians, and now... Aurora. It's a tragedy." The room fell into a heavy silence as Howard processed the harsh reality. "What now?" he finally whispered, looking at the tablet as if seeking answers. "We mourn. We support each other. We find a way to move forward. It won't be easy, but we must honor their memory by getting the hell off this station and back to our planet. Kipp says that she's got another six months of life left." Russell spoke, looking around the room as if the station were listening with open ears, then back to Howard.

Howard nodded slowly, his eyes still fixed on the tablet. "I don't know how to deal with this. She was... she was everything to me." Russell remained silent momentarily before saying, "You're not alone in this, Howard. Gel-Squad, flawed as we are, is here for you. But don't forget you've still wronged billions of people, and now we want to give you the chance to rectify those errors." Howard looked up at Russell, a mixture of grief and gratitude in his eyes. "Are you going to execute me?"

Russell offered a solemn half-smile. "Not exactly." He swiped on the tablet's display, bringing them to a new screen, a pleasant screen with a logo recognized as Omeocoon's official watermark. At the bottom in Omeoneese. The text read, 'Reconstruction Plan.' As they sat in the dimly lit room, the weight of loss hung heavy in the air. Howard looked at Russell and then back at the screen, wiping his nose after sniffling. "What's this?" 

"It's Tommy's 150-step plan. He enjoys being organized. He started working on it after he came to... and didn't stop. It's got some input from everyone." Howard swiped as Russell spoke; the screen had diagrams, charts, blueprints, and a wealth of information outlining what would happen next for this planet. It was the next chapter for their people. "See that, Kipp has plans to design starships so we can be one with the cosmos again; Maxion thinks he can focus on diplomatic operations, Cameron, medical infrastructure; Cal will be in charge of civil engineering and overall construction, and finally." 

One more swipe, "I designed our justice system, at least... a part of it. Tommy did the rest, but he's come up with a way to... rehabilitate prisoners. He thinks that in time... you and anyone else we find from Kieran's cause can be reintroduced back into the population." Russell paused. The deal seemed too good to be true, but he listened anyway. "The idea is that you'd be going through this boot camp, and someone will teach you how to be a good person again. It won't be easy. But it wasn't meant to be." Russell warned the alternative was being locked up in a cell for the rest of his days. "Will you be this... handler?" With a shaky breath, Howard asked, "Unfortunately, until you can find someone better, I'll have to be. The idea is that you'll choose your own mentor when the healing is done." 

"Will these come off?" Howard continued, referencing the shifting-inhibitors. "No, that's your one trade-off. You'll never be able to shapeshift again. You've still committed crimes, and you still need to be punished, but at the end of your rehabilitation training, you will be free." 

"Yeah. 'Free' on your leash!" Howard snipped viciously. "Look, this is what we've got for you! You still helped kill all those people, but you lost your friends, and I think you deserve a second chance." 

"Ah, so this was your idea. No wonder why it's so evil, never able to shapeshift again, you're forgetting, I'll never be able to merge again, never be able to pass along a piece to someone I love again. You're taking away the very thing that makes me... me! An Omeocoon!" 

Russell sighed, understanding the gravity of Howard's loss. "It's a consequence, Howard. You altered the course of life, and you're speaking with someone who's lost friends because of your actions. And now you must face the aftermath. Karma has a way of coming back. Always." Howard stared at the screen, the images of the Omeocoon logo and the so-called "Reconstruction Plan" reflecting in his eyes. The weight of his actions settled on him, the realization that he could never be the same Omeocoon he once was. "You're asking me to sacrifice a part of myself," he muttered bitterly.

Russell nodded. "You already did when you decided to work for Kieran. Tommy believes in redemption, even for someone like you. And after what I've seen you do today. Helping those people on the lower levels... I do, too. But it's your decision."

Howard clenched his fists, torn between the desire for his old life and the possibility of a new beginning. "What if I refuse? What if I'd rather rot in a cell?" Russell's gaze hardened. "Then you'll remain in the dark, locked away. But think about this, Howard: not only did you lose your friends, but they lost their chance at life. This plan is a way to make amends for yourself and those who can't speak for themselves. This plan will rebuild our people, and you'll be a part of it."

Howard looked at the tablet, contemplating the offer and the weight it carried. "What about Aurora? Would she have wanted this for me?"

Russell paused, reflecting on the friend Howard had lost. "I can't speak for her, but I know she wouldn't want more lives to be lost in vain. This plan is about rebuilding, giving you a chance to contribute positively." Howard nodded solemnly, a mix of grief and determination in his eyes. "Fine. I'll be your lab rodent. At least I get credit for being the first prisoner rehabilitated."Russell offered a tight-lipped smile. "Just make it count, Howard. We hope this will be a step towards a better future."

As Howard reluctantly accepted the terms, the weight of the decision settled in the room. 

The station floated, a large chunk now taken out of its hull. Despite the horrible event, there was room to do it again, but this time even better. 

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