Loose Ends: Cal & Howie

By Howie0107

88 16 0

Set in the year 2102, two years after the 'Gel-Squad,' this spin-off story follows the events of Howard and C... More

Chapter 1: Cal
Chapter 2: How
Chapter 3: Arrival
Chapter 4: Walks
Chapter 5: Builder
Chapter 6: Return
Chapter 8: Quarters
Chapter 9: Merging Advances
Chapter 10: Report
Chapter 11: Separation
Chapter 12: Strained
Chapter 13: Summoned
Chapter 14: Explosion
Chapter 15: End

Chapter 7: Review

3 1 0
By Howie0107

The soft door chime was enough to knock Russell out of his slump. He was hesitant to allow visitors at this time, considering the state of his office currently. "What?" He said firmly, but he didn't yell. He already knew what today was. The work just kept piling on. The doors opened, and it was his favorite prisoner and his least favorite person. "Look! I brought him, just like you asked." Maxion said as they moved forward. Howard practically froze in the doorway; he looked at Russell sitting at his desk; his eyes were narrow like a creature waiting to attack its prey, but Howard was harmless. "What? Prisoner review is today? Whose idea was that?"

"Uh... Tommy's?" Maxion said with caution, "It's been two years since we've captured Howard and the other prisoners. And I figured he was the last one. We were walking, and I figured we could tick this box."

"Maxion, he isn't a pet. You don't take him on walks. He's supposed to stay in his cell unless he's dying." Russell sighed. He set up this prisoner review so that he could have a chance to chat with his life's work so that they could file any complaints, and then Russell could memory dump them. "Fine, have a seat. You're right, and we might as well get it out of the way." Howard shuffled awkwardly into the chair next to Maxion; Russell frowned; this was true; Maxion was becoming something of... a concierge? Bringing comfort and entertainment to the various civilians on the station. Word has it that he was even preparing to offer tailoring services to those who wanted it. Russell didn't know his expertise was also extended to prisoners. Howard glanced around the cluttered office, and the thing that Russell had thrown five minutes ago, which turned out to be a vase without any plants or water, clattered the remains on the deck. Russell studied the mismatched duo before him, contemplating the peculiar dynamics of his job. "So," Russell didn't hesitate to make it evident that he didn't remember Howrard's name; he glanced at the inlaid monitor on his desk and read it aloud. "Howard, how's your stay been here?" Russell asked; he grinned sadistically because he knew what Howard would say.

"Stay? This is more like a never-ending hell! I stay in a cell 24/7, and I don't even know if my friends are still alive. I can't even read a book because you won't let me have a tablet." Howard grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest, and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Maxion attempted to nudge him into a more diplomatic response by gently pressing his elbow up against Howard's nearest appendage.

Russell leaned back, tapping his fingers on the desk. "Well, I suppose you did that to yourself, didn't you?" Russell chuckled and continued, "Any complaints, concerns, or requests you want to air? It's the 'official' prisoner review, after all." Howard scratched his head, exchanging a quick, unsure glance with Maxion. "Well... my bed's uncomfortable; as you know, I have to wear shifting inhibitors, which sometimes get pretty itchy. And the air vents in my cell sound like a dying cat, and I'm a G2, so I actually have to breathe the air, and your little cat friend refuses to replace the filter, so it smells awful, too. Can we do something about that?" Russell raised an eyebrow, making a mental note. "Noted. I'm sure I can send someone to look at it. But you understand my engineer, Kipp, is very busy and doesn't like to be bothered by mundane tasks. So if I were you, I'd get used to it. Anything else?" Howard glared. He twittled his thumbs and hesitated, glancing at Maxion, who gave him an encouraging nod. "Yeah, can I get a pet or something? I'm bored out of my mind."

Russell chuckled, a rare moment of amusement crossing his usually stern face. "A pet in a prison? That's a new one. What kind of pet are we talking about here?" Maxion chimed in, "Maybe a plant or something. You know, something to brighten up the cell." Russell considered the request. "No, I didn't have a pet when my brother and his goon locked me up in solitary confinement, so you'll get used to that, too. Anything else?"

Howard's glare dissolved into an upset expression; he offered everything he thought would improve the experience, and Russell refused to listen. He was a person! This sort of treatment was fair at all! Howard stifled his disappointment and continued to offer suggestions. "I want to see my friends!" Howard blurted out. Russell chuckled again. "Nope, I'm afraid we can't have that. What if you conspire together? Are we done here? I have to check the latest A31A9-1 production reports."

"Wha? Are you being serious!" Howard slammed his fist on the armrest of the chair in anger. "How is this a review? You haven't even been taking anything I'm saying seriously!"

"Oh... yes, I have. I have to hear you, and I didn't say I'd listen. You can go now." Russell turned away from them and manipulated the display on the desk. His face was shrouded in a cool teal glow. Howard, whose invitation to be in the office was revoked, stood up and approached the door. His angry departure was halted when he realized the door sensors were not coded to him. Maxion was quick to manually open it so that the Omeocoon canine could wait in the hallway for him.

Maxion came around, petting Russell's hair with seduction. He purred softly, but the bunny refused to acknowledge; he rubbed his chin and grunted occasionally. "Let him have his plant, Rus." Maxion started, "Nope."


"Because he killed our friends! Remember?" Russell reached into one of the desk drawers and pulled out that godforsaken image. "You still have that? Jeez, they've been gone for two years now. Don't you think it's time to... let go?"

Russell was completely surprised by that. He stared at Maxion, jaw open as if he'd slapped him. "What's your deal? Do you see that?" Russell pointed, "That's me and you. Next to the people we lost! Because of him, Cam, and all those other lunatics down there!"

"Yeah, but we have a bunch of new friends now too! Kipp, Tommy, Cam--"

"The rat is not my friend."

"He's not a rat!" Maxion countered as Russell went to throw the photo back into the drawer. "He did your physical last year."

"Yeah, because Kori said if I don't get it, I can't be chief of security anymore. That's why I hate him too."

"You hate everyone... don't you?"

"I mean... no. But I hate most people! My brothers, my mom, Kori, oh, and everyone who's ever done anything bad to me. Does that cover it?" Russell gave a fake thumbs up, and a fake smile and Maxion could tell that he was faking; he went back to his work.

"Do... you need help?"

"What? You want to be a deputy?"

"No... I mean, like... mental help."

Russell shot Maxion a cold glare, clearly not amused by the suggestion. "Mental help? I don't need that, and I certainly don't need you poking around in my head. I've got my job and my ways of dealing with things." Maxion persisted, undeterred by Russell's resistance. "Russ, holding onto this anger and grief is eating you alive. You can't keep lashing out at everyone around you. Maybe talking to someone, like a professional, could help."

Russell slammed a stack of papers onto the desk, his frustration evident. "I don't need to talk about my feelings with some shrink. I've got work to do, real problems to solve, unlike your little prisoner problems." Maxion sighed, recognizing that Russell wasn't ready to confront his emotions. "Well... you're COS... so they're more your problem than mine. But remember, some people care about you. Don't push them away. And maybe letting go of some of that hate could bring you some peace." Russell grunted dismissively, crossing his arms as usual, refusing to engage in the conversation any further. Maxion gave him one last empathetic look before leaving the office. As the door closed, Russell found himself alone with his thoughts, the weight of the past bearing down on him more than ever.

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