Realm of the Hidden Heritage|...

Por Undead_muffin95

327 20 1

When young Leah finds out she's a demi-god in a world of monsters and danger, she feels out of place. Then wh... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

15 1 0
Por Undead_muffin95


          As soon as Leah fell asleep, she had a nightmare, much different than her normal ones. She was in a weird cave, with stalactites hanging down from the ceiling. She started to walk through the cave before she heard a bone-chilling voice. It sounded old, and like he ate a cheese grater, an old raspy voice, calling out to her.

        "Oh, young little hero" The voice started "You think you have found peace, but you'd be wrong. Enjoy this while it lasts for it will be short lived."

        Leah tried to respond to the voice, but her voice wasn't working. She tried to scream but nothing came out, just silence.

         The voice bellowed with laughter "Oh young hero, this is just the beginning," and soon, Leah fell through the floor and landed in her bed.

        Leah woke up in shock. She looked out her window and it was still dark, and everyone else was asleep so she tried to get back to bed, but the dream scared her. She didn't want to hear that voice again.

* * *

       That morning, everyone else started waking up. Leah thought of telling her cabin mates but decided against it. She got out of bed and got dressed, putting on a camp half-blood t-shirt. She glanced at her trunk and noticed something blue and woven at the bottom. She quickly covered it up and zipped her trunk quickly before anyone noticed.

        She walked out of her cabin and started to look for Kalley. When she didn't see her, she walked to the pavilion. There she saw Kalley joking around with her cabin-mates.

      Leah suddenly realized something. Hero? It called me a hero? Leah thought. She walked up to Kalley and said hello.

     "Oh, hi Leah!" Kalley said joyfully. Leah could tell that the joy wasn't true.

      "Kalley," Leah said, hoping Kalley would trust her. "Could you follow me for a moment?"

"Yeah sure," said Kalley as she stood up. Once they got far enough away from the campers, Kalley asked, "What's up?"

"This might seem a bit strange, but I can trust you," said Leah. She felt unsure for a moment but then remembered she already got Kalley's attention, and it was too late to say never mind. "I kind of had a weird dream last night..."

     Kalley looked at her. "What happened in it?" she said sympathetically.

        Leah wondered where to begin. Classic blonde moment. She thought. "There was this weird creature, and it called me a hero. Honestly, the most heroic thing I've done was help keep someone on their b-"

      "Huh?" Kalley asked. Leah knew that Kalley was suspicious of her, so she quickly changed her answer.

      "Their beautiful, elegant horse..." Leah said, hoping that excuse would work.

        Leah smiled at Kalley nervously. Luckily, by some miracle, Kalley didn't seem suspicious of her. She dropped the subject, and the two of them started walking back to the pavilion, when Conner saw them and gave them a weird look.

        "Hey, new girl with the fancy accent," Conner shouts. "Hurry up and get to archery or you'll be late!"

      Leah looked from Kalley to Conner. "I don't have a fancy accent, do I?" Leah asked.

       "Yes, Leah, you do," Kalley said, putting her hand on Leah's shoulder. "Now go now or you'll be late." Leah hesitantly followed Conner and went to the archery range.


 Kalley followed the Hermes and Apollo cabins to the archery range, since the Apollo kids were in charge of teaching the new campers.

"Why do we need to learn how to use this?" Leah asked, while looking around.

"Well it's mainly so you can use one if you need to, and to see if you might be a child aid Apollo, because he's the god of archery, so all of his kids are good at using one" Kalley replied, while knocking her bow.

"Um I don't want to do this" Leah said as she put down her bow.

"Why not?" Austin, one of Kalley's half-brother's, asked.

"Because I don't want to hurt anyone!" Leah answered.

"Well, if you want to live past 16 you need to hurt some people, mainly monsters" Travis explained in a rude tone.

The sad thing was, he was right. Most Demi-gods who thought the same as Leah always died younger than others. However, that didn't seem to change Leah's mind.

"I don't care!" Leah said, her voice getting louder, "Violence is never the answer!"

"Well then, have fun dying Leah!" Travis yelled back.

"Um Leah," Kalley said.

"Not you two Kalley" Leah said angrily.

"No it's not that Leah, L-lo" Kalley was cut off by Leah yelling more

"Then what is it? Huh?" Leah snapped.

"Look up Leah!" Kalley snapped back.

Leah looked confused, but she looked up anyway, and her mouth gaped open with shock.

Over Leah's head was a wand with some weird purple mist surrounding it, it floated above her head as Chiron ran in. Leah looked down, but she didn't look surprised anymore, she looked nervous, scared even.

"Congratulations young Leah" Chiron started "A daughter of Hecate, Goddess of magic."

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