A Court of Queens

De EmoryBrownAuthor

537 67 15

In this dark fantasy reimagining classic 'Fairytale Princesses are 'Blessed Queens' the matriarchal rulers of... Mais

The Map
A Princess and a Thief
Daughters and Dynasty
Rags to Royalty
A Night Out
Tunes and Tall Tales
Real Talk
Night Terrors
Night Terrors pt. 2
Be Careful What You Wish For
The Silvertongue
Welcome to Assax
Celena: The Queen of Assax
Be Our Guest
Breakfast at Celena's
A Heart to Heart on Horseback
Willkommen in Batavick
A Queen a Thief and a Fishman walk into...
A Deep Dive
Snow White and her Seven Brothers.
The Seventh Son
Auslander (Snow's POV)
A Family Reunion
Family Secrets
Foreign Aid
Foreign Aid pt.2
Brother Where Art Thou?
Bon Voyage
Bienvenue à Gallia
Girl's Night
The Ice Queen
Winter Wonderland
A Remembrance of Red
Under the Sea

Smooth Sailing

7 1 0
De EmoryBrownAuthor

That morning a horse-drawn carriage took Jazlyn, Aldini, Bella, and Snow to the harbor. As they approached the docks a crowd came into view and the sound of cheering peaked.

"It seems you've earned some admirers," Bella said

The carriage came to a halt and an officer in a pink uniform opened the caravan door, he greeted Jazlyn as she stepped out.

"I'm Lieutenant Dufreau, I'll be the Captain of this voyage," he said, shaking Jazlyn's hand.

"Thank you, nice to meet you," she said. The entire harbor was emptied for this enormous wooden vessel, and the navy's crest was displayed on the main sails; a red rose and four thorns representing north, south, east, and west.

"Shall we?" the officer said.

Jazlyn said goodbye to Snow and gave Bella a warm hug.

They scaled up the gangway onto the boat. The shiphands raced up and down the ship preparing for departure. Jazlyn explored the deck looking over the pulpit to see how far they were from the water's surface. The sway of the massive ship was gentler than the small sailboat she arrived to Assax in.

The vessel slowly broke away from the harbor, a thick cloud of black smoke poured from a stack in the rear of the ship, and a rhythmic rumbling grew louder. She stepped closer to the smoke stack and felt purring underneath her feet as if this ship were alive and she was standing on its heart.

Jazlyn caught the attention of the captain. "Excuse me, sir, is this boat enchanted?" Jazlyn pointed at the smoke stack pouring out thick coughs of black smoke. "Is that how it breathes, it feels like it's alive."

The captain chuckled lightly. "No, that's the engine."


"The amethyst from Batavic is ignited down there, and the energy propels the ship forward.

"Aaah fascinating," she said

"It's quite a new method. Would you like to see your quarters?"

Jazlyn nodded, she and Aldini followed the pink Coat below deck to the Captain's quarters. "This is where you'll be staying." The officer opened the door. The room was spacious with a generous sea view and a cozy bed. Jazlyn hopped on the bed and patted the sheets. Aldini sat beside her and untied the laces of his boots.

"There's another room for you sir, if you'd like." the Captain said. Aldini didn't even look up to acknowledge the Captain as he stripped the boots from his feet.

"Actually I think this room will be enough for both of us, thank you," Jazlyn said with a smile.

"Very well then." The Captain shut the door.

Aldini laid back on the mattress, his feet dangled off the side. "Have you thought about what our cover story is gonna be when we get back home?" he asked.

"Not even a little bit honestly, I don't think it'll matter. If anyone found the-" Jazlyn choked on her words. "I'm dead anyway."

Aldini grunted in agreement, but he wouldn't acknowledge the possibility with words. "And what if no one's found them? Maybe we'll get back to Agrabah and everything's just... fine," he said blissfully calm.

"Yeah if we're lucky," she said.

"I think we've been very lucky on this trip all things considered," he said.

"I guess so, we're still alive." Jazlyn shrugged. "I just have a bad feeling."

"Of course, you feel bad. How much have you slept in the past few days? Hell, the past few weeks?"


"Exactly." Aldini stood up and grabbed a pillow off the bed. He stripped his jacket to use as a makeshift blanket, then found a comfortable spot on the ground to lay his head for the night. "You should try and get some rest while you can."

Aldini faced the door and kept his weapon close by, it made Jazlyn feel physically safe but not necessarily calm enough to sleep. She looked out at the pitch-black empty sea hoping, wishing, and praying the Ice Queen's forces weren't lurking nearby, waiting to strike. Nightfall would be an opportune window to strike. Most of the crew is likely asleep and the ones that are awake would never see the attack coming. The further Jazlyn's mind wandered the faster her heart raced.

Jazlyn tried to breathe and ground herself, there was no sense in worrying about things she couldn't control. She looked over at Aldini who was sound asleep or at least pretending to be. Aldini's dark hair had grown longer than he would ever allow of his own free will, but Jazlyn much preferred it that way. The jacket pulled over him just barely exposed the thin scars on his back from all the lashings he received as a boy and all the tattoos he received as an adult to conceal them. A waste of ink in Jazlyn's eyes. He shouldn't have to hide or be ashamed, but Aldini never saw it that way. For the first few months of his cadet training, Aldini refused to be seen without a shirt on. He knew the conclusion his peers and superiors, especially those from the noble class, would draw. A vagrant, street-trash, a lowlife bum thrown into the army because at least there he'd be of some use. An expendable asset merely atoning for his larceny. But to her Aldini was the furthest thing from expendable or replaceable. If it weren't for him Agrabah wouldn't be a home worth going back to. For now, there was only one place Jazlyn felt truly comfortable and at home, but it wasn't on the bed. She took her blanket and pillow and set it beside Aldini draping the cover over both their bodies. Jazlyn rested her arm on Aldini's side. She grasped his hand, entwining their fingers together. His breath sharpened and his body froze. If he were asleep at all he wasn't anymore.

Aldini turned to face her. The moonlight reflecting off his eyes brought Jazlyn right back home. Right back to the late-night excursions, watching the castle shrink in the background as they raced through the empty city streets. Life was so simple then and the world so large, but now that's all changed for the worse. But one thing has stayed constant, Aldini being there.

She traced the terrain of Aldini's bristly chest and stomach, her hand traveled south of his beltline.

"Maybe we should use that bed for something after all," he said.

"Yeah, we should."

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