Naomi Nelson

By EmilyAbrams9

1.4K 14 15

Naomi is Nicks twin sister when Nick realises he's bi he turns to his sister for help. follow along as Naomi... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Season 2
episode 1
episode 2
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Bonus Chapter

Episode 3

48 1 2
By EmilyAbrams9

I am ill so sorry if this chapter lacks creativity.
Naomi's pov:
On Monday morning me and Nick walk to school, i'm so excited today is my last day of exams. I've said it before and I'll say it again im so happy that we spread our exams out more, Truham have been having like 2 exams everyday and I just couldn't handle that. Just my last maths exam and the french oral and I am finished. After an agonising 6 hours and 15 minutes not that anyones counting School is finally over and so is exams. Me and Charlotte walk home, Nick and Charlie actually do have rugby today because Coach Singh made a valid point to Mr Barnes. Mums at work until 8 so jts just me, Charlotte and David. Me and Charlotte are practicing Annie because we only really have tomorrow at school to practice our first performance is on Wednesday afternoon to some of the local primary schools. We have just done a run through of all the scenes and dances when Nick gets home. " You look stressed, whats up?" Naomi. " Is it just exams?" Charlotte. " No its not just exams, Coach Singh caught me and Charlie kissing. Im such an idiot." Nick. " Ahhh, how did she take it?" Charlotte. " Pretty well actually she told me about her and her wife how they met at uni. She also said I could go to her if any of the lads said anything I didn't have the heart to tell her about what Harry has already said. Also she suggested we keep the kissing outside of practice." Nick. " Well good advice." Naomi. " How has David been?" Nick. " We actually haven't seen or heard him." Charlotte. " Which is wierd." Naomi. Timer beeps. " Oh that's pizza." Naomi. " Are you staying?" Nick. " No i best get home see you tomorrow." Charlotte. " Yeah bye." Nick. " Can you shout David down please Nick?" Naomi. " David dinners ready!!" Nick. We all sit around the table and eat in silence, mums is plated up in the oven. After dinner Nick washes up and David goes into the living room with me. He puts something on the TV and I just scroll through Tik Tok with my headphones in. " Move your feet." Nick. I put my feet down so he can sit next to me. " So how are you feeling about Annie?" Nick. " I'm stressed, im hoping people have kept up so we can just have 2 run throughs tomorrow with props and costumes." Naomi. " I can't wait to see it your all going to do great." Nick. " Your so excited your watching it twice." Naomi. " What can I say im the best brother." Nick. " I'm right here." David. The room fell to an awkward silence. " If you were the best brother you wouldn't be bi." David. " You couldnt leave it alone could you?" Naomi. " What has that got to do with me being the best brother or not." Nick. " I'm the best brother because she needs someone thats more like her." David. " Yeah well maybe me and her have more in common than you think." Nick. " Nick dont, stop." Naomi. " What is that supposed to mean?" David. " Naomi, she's not as like you as you think, she's apart of the community too!!" Nick. David looks between me and Nick and Nicks eyes find mine. " Mimmi i'm so sorry I didn't mean too he kept pushing and pushing." Nick. I grab my phone still having my headphones in i grab a coat and my shoes and just run, I find myself in the park. I sit there in my own world when Charlotte appears infront of me. I fling myself into her embrace and she just holds me and lets me cry.
Nicks pov:
Naomi ran out of the house and I knew I'd messed up bad. I pull out my phone and call Charlotte not saying her name directly, she tells me she'll go looking for her. I'm about to do the same when David stops me. " What did you mean, why did you lie like that?" David. " I wasn't lying David, the only regret I have is saying it i don't regret what I said because I know its the truth. I just wish you hadn't pushed and pushed but this is my fault not yours I should have kept my mouth shut. I've probably just damaged one of the best relationships I have in my life because of you." Nick. " This isn't my fault i didn't force you to tell me." David. " I know, I feel so guilty I knew i Should have gone upstairs after dinner." Nick. " You can't put that on me!!" David. " Im not putting that on you, I should have ignored you I know what you're like. A homophobic a$$ hole." Nick. David grabs me and pins me up against the wall by my neck. " DAVID!!! GET OFF OF HIM!!!" Sarah. Mum rags him off me and I fall to the floor gasping for air. She looks between us both. " What the hell is going on?" Sarah. " I've done something terrible, its all my fault I'm just going to go out and find Naomi." Nick. " Find Naomi? What did you do Nick?" Sarah. " I blurted out that Naomi was also a part of the community..." Nick. She pinches the bridge off her nose before running back out the house. She's about to get in the car when we see Charlotte and Naomi down the street. Mum runs up to them and turns them both around and starts walking in the opposite direction.
Naomis pov:
Once I've calmed down a little I tell Charlotte about what happened. She looks angry. We start walking back to my house, hand in hand. I can see the front door open and the light on the drive way. Mum came running up to us. " Mimmi, are you okay? Nick told me what he did I'm so sorry." Sarah. I throw my arms around her and hug her tightly. " Lets walk Charlotte back home together hmm explain to Jane why she's out so late come on." Sarah. I dont look back, im angry, upset and I feel like I've been betrayed by one of the people closest to me. We walk Charlotte home and mum explains what happened in little detail we then both walk back home. When we get home I enter and see blood on the wall. " Mum what happened there?" Naomi. " Shit, I need to go check on your brother go to your room and I'll be in soon." Sarah. She runs upstairs and I take off my shoes and coat. I head to my room I have to walk past Nicks room to get to mine, I hear Nick sobbing and mum is whispering that its okay. I think about going in but decide against it and just go into my room. I get changed into my Pjs and crawl into bed, I let darkness consume me, the last thought i had was why?
The next morning.
I wake up and get ready for school, I head downstairs to see mum in the kitchen and Nick sat at the table. I notice the bandage on Nicks head and it takes everything in me not to go upto him, but I just can't. I get breakfast and take my medication before walking to school by myself. Its way too early but I couldn't bare to be in the house any longer. Charlotte gets there and we head upto school, we have form this morning so we head there. " Wow you look like shit." Darcy. " Thanks so much." Naomi. I lay me head on the desk i'm really not in the mood today. I dont know how but I get through the whole day. I walk home later as we did have rehearsal after school today aswell. When I get home mum is in the kitchen and David is in the room. " Mimmi, David, Nicky dinners ready." Sarah. We all eat our dinner in silence before me and Nick head upstairs. I get changed and am about to put on a movie when I hear Nick sobbing in his room again. I can't take it anymore I go to his room and knock on the door. " Nick can I come in?" Naomi. The door flies open and he collapses to the floor making me fall too. I slowly stand us both back up and support Nicks weight over to his bed. We both lay down and he's cuddled into my side with no distance between us. I rub my fingers on his back knowing how to calm him down. " I-i'm so sorry Naomi, i-i know that means no-nothing but I am I didn't mean to tell him, I should have ignored him, instead I outed you to him i'm not the best brother i'm the worst brother in the world." Nick. Tears are still flowing down his face and now tears are flowing down my face too. " Nick stop rambling, I know your sorry and I accept your apology, it's gonna take time for us to get back to how we were thats all." Naomi. " I promise i'm going to do anything to get you to trust me again, I love you your the best." Nick. " And so are you... usually, what happened to your head?" Naomi. I couldn't not ask anymore. " David pinned me against the wall last night after you ran out, I deserved it. I hit my head on the wall pretty hard." Nick. " You didn't deserve it especially not from him, is that why your neck is all red too?" Naomi. " Yeah he grabbed me by the throat, if mum hadn't come in when she did." Nick. I kiss the back of his head and we fall into a comfortable silence. " You're still coming to my performances right?" Naomi. " Me and the gang wouldn't miss them for the world." Nick. His phone starts ringing breaking the silence we had fallen back into. " You not gonna get that?" Naomi. " Nah I'll call them back." Nick. " Its Charlieeee." Naomi. Nick blindly reaches for his phone and brings it to infront of him after answering it.
On the phone.
Charlie: Have you spoken to and made up with Naomi yet? Because I meant what I said.
I look at Nick and he just smiles.
Nick: Yeah I have, she said mainly what I already knew i'm an idiot.
Charlie: Yeah you are but you're mine.
I get up quickly and nick mutes himself " I'll leave you both to it, I love you idiot." Naomi. " Walk to school together tomorrow? Please." Nick. I chuckle and nod as I walk out, mums stood there with the biggest smile on her face. " You two good?" Sarah. " Dont act like you haven't been there the whole time." Naomi. She just grins before turning and going into her room, I follow suit and go to bed big day tomorrow. Wednesday and Thursdays performances turn out great we did our best and it paid off, I don't know how we managed it. Its now Friday and today the year 11 girls have the whole day to go around school getting teachers and students to sign our books and t-shirts in the morning. Then in the afternoon we all return to our forms to have a movie afternoon. At 2:45 me and Charlotte head down to Truham we will meet the others there. Its just gone 3 and the sports hall doors burst open and all the boys run out cheering and hugging each other jumping on each others backs, this is why I'm staying at Higgs for sixth form. " Oi oi end of GCSE'S party in the woods near my house tonight. And make sure you bring your GCSE notes so you can burn them!!!" Sai. Harry goes uptoward Nick " Party tonight, everyone bring your own drinks yeah." Harry. Me and Charlotte hold back as we see Charlie exit school. They go straight into eachothers arms. " I'm free." Nick. " I'm not grounded anymore." Charlie. They pull apart and me and Charlotte go upto them i fly into Nicks arms as Charlie and Charlotte hug, then we switch Charlotte hugs Nick as I hug Charlie. " Yo, unless your staying for the meeting about the Paris trip, can you all go home now? Please. Please leave." Mr Farouk. We all look at each other and smile as we head into the hall. " How was your exam?" Charlie. " It was good." Nick. We go get a booklet from the front and find a large table. Us 4 sit down as Isaac and the rest of the girls join us. " Hey Isaac, what you reading?" Tara. " Its called book lovers." Isaac. " Oh boys meet Sahar, Sahar meet Nick, Charlie and Isaac." Darcy. " Me and Nick are twins." Naomi. " And Charlie's my cousin but I live with him." Charlotte. " Hi, nice to meet you." Nick. " Nice to meet you too." Sahar. " Hi Sahar." Charlie. " You'll never get much out of Isaac." Elle. " Hi." Isaac. " Hi, I love that book." Sahar. " You've read it?" Isaac. " Uhmmm yeah." Sahar. " Wait hang on wheres Tao?" Elle. " I knew we were missing someone." Charlotte. " Hey Isaac." James. " Oh hi James." Isaac. " Uhm I...I.....I was just thinking, did you wanna come to that end of exams party tonight?" James. " Oh, uhmmm.... yeah." Isaac. " Okay. Cool." James. " Cool." Isaac. " And all your friends should come, too, obviously, if they're not already." James. " Sweet." Darcy. " Thank you very much." Sahar. " See you there. Bye, Isaac." James. " Bye." Isaac. " Oh my god, Isaac." Tara. " What was that?" Naomi. " He's nice." Isaac. " Why didn't you just tell him you were already going with us?" Charlotte. " Because i didn't know you were going, let alone that I was already coming." Isaac. All: laugh. " QUIET!!!" Mr Farouk. We all shut up and turn to face them. " Okay. Thank you, Mr Farouk. Uhmm welcome everyone. I hope your all excited about our Parisian adventure." Mr Ajayi. There is a chorus of yes, cheers, whoops and clapping. " So we'll now ask you to get into groups of four, who will be the people you share hotel rooms with." Mr ajayi. " And we've been told to inform you that girls and boys cannot share rooms." Mr farouk. Everyone groans but me and Charlotte, Tara and Darcy and Nick and Charlie just look at each other. Darcy sarcastically says " Oh dear!Oh no!" Darcy. We all burst out laughing whilst everyone else is still causing up a fuss. " Yeah, we know. Heartbreaking isn't it?" Mr Farouk. " Groups of four please." Mr Ajayi. " Right how are we gonna work this?" Naomi. " What do you mean?" Charlotte. " Well I dont know maybe my maths is wrong but there's uhmmm 6 girls." Sahar. " You two make an excellent point." Darcy. " What are we gonna do?" Elle. " Hey Naomi, dont suppose you've got room for another one? All my friends are boys." Imogen. " Right well how about Tara, Darcy, Elle and Sahar share a room. Me, Charlotte and Imogen in another." Naomi. " Are you all happy with that?" Tara. " Works for me." Imogen. " Charlotte???" Naomi. " Huh what yeah okay, as long as I'm with you." Charlotte. " Imogen, thats only three." Mr Ajayi. " Well I dont know sir whos left sir." Imogen. " Is there any girls who dont have a room or in more than a 4? No no one?" Mr Farouk. " Then it looks like you three got lucky, go take a seat Imogen." Mr Ajayi. " Where is Tao?" Charlie. We all get up and head out as usual we are the last ones. " Careful." Tara. " That door gets me every time." Darcy. We all laugh but thats soon cut short when we see.... Tao. Elle chuckles " What... the... hell?" Elle. We all stand there utterly shocked me and Charlotte infront of Charlie and Isaac. Elle slowly walks towards Tao. " Hi.. uh, these are for you. For finishing your GCSEs." Tao. " Whats happening right now?" Elle. " Elle, I like you. Romantically. And I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date. Tonight." Tao. " You.... like me?" Elle. " Ummm.... yeah, I guess I was sort of hoping.... I've been sort of wondering if you liked me back?" Tao. " Uh Duh." Darcy. " Shhh." Tara. Darcy, Sahar and Charlotte start giggling. " Stop it dont." Naomi. " Darcy." Tara. " Well.... yeah." Elle. " So, tonight? I thought maybe we could go to the cinema." Tao. " Okay." Elle. Darcy squeals Charlotte shouts " Get in there." And Nick shouts " Oh my god." As we all run uptowards them. All the girls engulf in a hug, Elle in the middle as all the boys do the same with Tao in the middle. We all start walking out of the school gates in a cluster. " Your hair's amazing!" Charlie. " You look so good!" Tara. " You two are gonna be great together." Naomi. We all head our separate ways Charlie and Charlotte coming with Me and Nick to get our stuff before all of us going to theirs to get ready for the bonfire thing. Once we get there its packed already. Isaac and Tori are taking upfront whilst Tara is also upfront desperately trying to get a hold of Darcy. Me, Charlotte, Charlie, Nick and Sahar are all at the back. " This definately isn't legal is it?" Isaac. " Nope." Tori. " Darcys not replying to my messages. I'm gonna go find her." Tara. " Isaac!!" James. " Hey." Isaac. " Did you want a drink? Not alcohol. I mean, there is alcohol if you want it, but if you don't, that's cool too." James. " Yeah sure." Isaac. " Come on then." James. " We're running?" Isaac. " Yeah." James. That just leaves me, Charlotte, Nick, Charlie and Tori, Sahar went off with Tara. " Look after them or you die." Tori. " Torii!!" Charlie and Charlotte. She just fully stares me and Nick down. " Okay." Nick. " We uhmm will." Naomi. Tori spring absolutely terrifies me. Nick looks a bit off and obviously Charlie notices too. " Whats up?" Charlie. " I'm fine. Just, um....headache." Nick. " We can leave if you want." Charlie. " I'm fine. I promise." Nick. I'm not buying it but let it be. We go off and end up laying on the ground looking up at the trees. Nick and Charlie are doing the same to the right of us and Tara and Sahar are sat to the left of us Tara having finally got a hold of Darcy. Me and Charlotte are talking about the paris trip when I hear a commotion to the right of us. I look and see Nick and Charlie arguing over one of their phones I just lay back down and giggle. I love the little friendship group we have created. Nick and Charlie get up so I let Tara know were going with them, all 4 of us decided to stick together so this time thats happening. We follow them out to the main area. When we get there it's crazy these lads pull me and Charlie one way and some others pull Nick and Charlotte the other way.... this can't be happening again. " Nick!!" Charlie. " Charlotte!!" Naomi. Me and Charlie look around but its no use, I link our arms so we don't get separated from each other, I don't want to end up on my own. I hear Harry shouting over the crowd and everyone starts cheering and shouting Fire Fire Fire Fire. Charlie looks increasingly worried and so am I, I hope we find them soon. Its now dark and the fire is roaring everyone is cheering but not me and Charlie we are still extremely worried. We're still looking when we spot Tao. " Tao, how'd it go?" Charlie. " Bad." Tao. He looks utterly defeated. " I'm fundamentally unlikeable." Tao. " Dont say that Tao." Charlie. I'm just so confused how could so many things be going wrong? " I tried too hard, and I talk too much. I ruin everything." Tao. " Tao please don't say that." Charlie. Charlie goes in for a hug, now this is one thing I know how to do. I wrap my arms around them both. I can practically hear his broken voice when he mumbles into the hug " I'm gonna go home." Tao. We stay like that a moment longer before pulling away and he walks away. Me and Charlie just stand there. " Is he gonna be okay?" Naomi. " Hes gonna need all of us." Charlie. This just makes me and Charlie more determined to find Nick and Charlotte. We push through the crowd ready to start our search once more.
Charlotte's pov:
When the 4 of us got separated me and Nick linked arms so we didn't loose each other again. We've been wandering around for ages with no sign of any of them. We even started asking around. Nick is growing significantly quieter which isn't easing my worry. Its now dark and the fire is roaring we are wondering around all the different tents that are set up around the perimeter. " Charlie?" Nick. " NAOMI? CHARLIE?" Charlotte. " Charlie." Nick. He crouches down to look inside a tent and we don't see Charlie we see Tori, now we've had it. " Hi." Tori. " Sorry, um...." Nick. " Wheres Charlie?" Tori. " I, uhmm... lost him. Sorry." Nick. " You said you'd look after him. Not very good at keeping your promises are you?" Tori. " It wasn't his fault we all got separated. He didn't say he would look after him, him and Naomi said they would look after us and he's doing a pretty good job. And I bet Naomi's doing everything to look after Charlie. They just switched us." Charlotte. " You don't look well." Tori. " I'll find him, I promise." Nick. " We both will, come on." Charlotte. After a little bit me and Nick are back in the big crowd around the fire still looking. " Whats up Nick?" Sai. " Mate are you alright?" Otis. " Yeah, I, uhmm, I just needed to talk to you guys about something." Nick. " Have you guys seen Charlie or Naomi?" Charlotte. " No we haven't sorry." Christian. Nick starts to look very panicked and he's just staring at the three lads. I've moved infront of him to try and get his attention. " Aww. Share with the group." Harry. What where did he come from. That gets Nicks attention. " Come on spit it out." Harry. I look at Christian, Sai and Otis none of is know what to do. He's staring again like he's zoned out.
Naomis pov:
Its been ages now and I'm about to give up we see Harry in the distance and im about to walk the other way but Charlie see's something and carries on walking towards him. I follow him not wanting to be on my own. As we get closer I see Nick and Charlotte, oh thank lord. Charlie goes straight up to them and pushes Harry's hand off Nicks shoulders. " Nick doesn't want to talk to you, Harry. Piss off." Charlie. Me and Charlotte have engulfed in a hug just glad to be back together again. Harry just laughs " oi, whats his problem?" Harry. He laughs again. " G you know how funny it is." Harry. Charlie is just staring but I can't tell if its at Harry or Ben and Imogen. Nick turns around and hugs me we give eachother nods answering the silent question. Charlie and Nick turn to face eachother again. " You okay?" Charlie. " I feel really ill." Nick. I told you didn't I, I didn't believe him earlier. " We're taking you home." Charlie. All 4 of us leave and head for our house. When we get home, mum takes Nick up to bed whilst me, Charlotte and Charlie head into the kitchen. " How does your mum like her tea Naomi? I know Nicks." Charlie. " Is that your answer to everything?" Naomi. " unfortunately yes." Charlotte. We had messaged everyone telling them we had gone home because Nick didn't feel well. Charlie's just finishing the tea's when mum come back downstairs. Charlie hands mum her tea whilst me and Charlotte grab ours and sit at the island. " Oh you're a star." Sarah. " Is he okay?" Charlie. " Oh he'll be fine. Just a bit of sunstroke probably." Sarah. " I did tell him to wear a hat when he took Nellie out earlier didn't i?" Naomi. " Do you mind if I stay for abit just to make sure he's okay?" Charlie. " I dont know how i feel about you walking home in the dark alone." Sarah. " Then I'll stay too we can walk home together." Charlotte. " Ofcourse, then darling. Not past your curfew though. I don't want to get you in trouble with your parents. Nicks so lucky to have you, Charlie" Sarah. He grabs the two teas and heads upstairs. " And yes Naomi's lucky to have you too Charlotte." Sarah. All 3 of us head off into the room mum taking the chair and me and Charlotte sitting on the sofa. " So are you girls ready for Paris?" Sarah. " I can't wait I'm so excited." Charlotte. " Its going to be great, hanging out with my friends all day, obviously though mum I'll miss you." Naomi. " Thats why the next two days are family days I wanna see you as much as I can before you go." Sarah. We find something to talk about and im so glad that she doesn't bring up dad, Charlotte's phone goes off and she opens up Snapchat. She just gets up to get her stuff as we hear Charlie come down the stairs. " We really should get going bye Naomi, Bye Sarah." Charlie. They just leave Charlotte doesn't even wait for me to say bye, i get a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach, I go upstairs but I dont sleep thats going to be the story of my life until I find out what I've done wrong.

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