Crimson Eyes

By lyzard_fan_fics

105K 4.5K 2K

Izuku Midoriya was about to begin his final year of high school, which is nerve-wracking enough, without the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 8

2.3K 108 28
By lyzard_fan_fics

Literally changed my settings in my phone to autocapitalize again just so I could start writing this before I go back home, be thankful.

"This'll hurt a little bit," Ashido said with a remorseful smile.

"Trust me, I'll be fine," I said back, getting more comfortable on the chair I was sitting in.

After a short argument, Bakugou had actually, somehow, I'm slightly convinced he has magic powers, got me to agree to the whole tattoo thing. It didn't help that Kirishima was right there, nodding along with everything the blond said. I had a feeling that's how the operated a lot of the time. Like two partners in crime, hatching their schemes, pure evil, making me betray my best friend like that. I knew Uraraka would kill me when she found out, but as soon as I explained the situation, her sights would be set on the fiery blond and charismatic redhead and it wouldn't be my problem anymore. Maybe she'd kill them instead and I wouldn't have to deal with all this... weirdness. 

Bakugou was looking way too smug as Ashido started up her tattoo gun. We had all had to pile into Kirishima's truck, which apparently did have room for all of us, and head to the girl's house, seeing as that was where the machine was. Somehow her parents had no problem with her running an illegal tattoo parlor out of her bedroom? These people just kept getting weirder and weirder.

Ashido was the only one who took my words seriously. Everyone else was watching me carefully, waiting for my reaction as the tattoo gun hummed to life. The needle touched my skin and they all waited with bated breath.

"You guys actually tapped out from this? I'm gonna be honest, I was expecting worse," I admitted, looking at Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero. Bakugou had already said he'd never tapped out before, so I decided to throw him a bone and exclude him from my judgement.

"Dude-" Kaminari whined.

Sero raised an eyebrow. "It's your inner wrist, and you're just chilling right now?"

I shrugged my right shoulder, seeing as my left wrist was the one Ashido was currently working on. "I've been through the wringer, this barely stings."

"Dude, you're so manly," Kirishima said in awe.

"Thanks?" I said a little confused. "I think." It wasn't exactly the compliment I'd hoped for from the redhead. 

Ashido peaked up at me. "It's a compliment, don't worry." She shot me a wink.

"Got it," I mumbled, watching her work. There's something insanely satisfying about watching her draw on my skin, leaving behind permanent ink.

"Hey," Kaminari spoke up, causing all our eyes to go to him (besides Ashido's of course, she was very professional about all of this). "Can we see your other tattoo? The stick and poke one?"

Kirishima's eyes lit up at the mention of my other tattoo. "Yeah! Can we? Please, dude?"

I looked back down at the artist at work, her movements fascinating me. "Yeah, just let her finish."

"Aaaand, done! What'd ya think?" She asked me, her excitement too much to sit still as she bounced in her seat.

I looked down at my wrist, a black semi colon now taking up the previously empty space. I wore a small smile as I looked back up at her. "It's great, Ashido. Thank you."

"What does it mean anyway? The little... mark, you got?" Kaminari asked.

Wow, he really wasn't kidding when he said he sucked at Lit classes. He doesn't even know what a semi colon is called, I thought to myself.

"It's a semi colon," I explained, looking back at my fresh tattoo as Ashido began to wrap it. "It's used when an author could end a sentence, but decides not to."

There was a small silence in the group.

"I don't get it," Kaminari muttered.

Kirishima shrugged. "You don't have to, it's his tattoo."

I observed the redhead with a calculating look. His eyes were sincere. He knew exactly what it meant, but he was keeping it to himself. God, Kirishima had to be one of the nicest people I had ever met. What the hell was up with that? How does someone just... do that?

"Yeah, alright," Kaminari said, rubbing at his head. "So, can we see the other one now?!" He exclaimed, seeming to have been anxiously waiting for the reveal.

"I really don't understand the excitement, it's horrible." I couldn't help chuckling as I stood, thinking about the morning after I'd received it. I went into full blown panic mode, knowing my mom would kill me when she saw it.

In light of all my other grievances, she didn't even bat an eye when she finally did see the tattoo.

I slipped out of my t-shirt easily, turning around so they could all see the chicken scratch on my shoulder blade.

"Dori?" Kaminari asked, his confused voice becoming familiar at that point.

"Yeah, it's the nickname Todoroki gave me years ago. Not only is it part of my name, but I was a really forgetful kid," I said with a laugh.

"Wow, you weren't kidding about it being shitty, you can barely read that," Bakugou said with amusement in his voice.

Ashido shrugged. "I think it's cute, but if you don't like it, I can easily cover it up for you," she offered.

I threw my shirt back on. "No, never." My voice was firm and caught a few of them off guard.

She smiled at me. "Good. I hate covering up other peoples art, just feel gross, ya know?" She stuck her tongue out like there was a bad taste in her mouth.

I nodded, knowing how she felt. It's the same reason you don't cover someone else's tag when spray painting, it's just a dick move.

Just then, my phone start buzzing. I was getting a call and almost groaned thinking it was my mom. I'd have to come up with a lie for why I wasn't home. But when I saw the caller I.D. I let out a small scream.

"What the fuck?" Bakugou asked, pushing himself to sit up.

"She has a sixth sense! I swear to god, she knows! Someone else answer it! I'm not answer it!" I yelled, throwing my phone away from me.

"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Bakugou asked angrily. Damn, he's always angry.

"His mom?" Sero asked, looking at the phone Kirishima has just caught.

"Would he have his mom in his phone as "Tilt-A-Hurl"?" He asked, showing the screen.

"Answer it before it goes to voicemail, that'll just piss her off more," I said cryptically.

Kirishima looked between me and my phone, before hitting the answer button. "Hello, Midobro's phone."

I facepalmed.

He pulled the phone away from his ear as the muffled shouting began. He clicked the speaker button like an absolute bafoon.


I knew then that I had to speak up. "Ura! Oh my fucking god, I'm fine."

"Izuku! Hi! I miss you! Come home."

I groaned, letting my head fall into my hands. "Ochako Uraraka, we've had this argument like fifty times and I haven't even been gone two weeks yet."

I could feel her frown on the other end of the line. And I could also feel what she was going to do next. She hung up abruptly.

"Who the hell was that?" Sero asked, amusement clear in his voice.

"Three, two, one," I muttered.

Right on cue, my phone rang again. This time it was a video call.

"Answer it or she'll have my head," I said with a sigh.

Kirishima looked at all his friends for reassurance before answering my doom.

"Why, hello hot stuff," was heard from the other end.

Kirishima's face went as red as his box dyed hair, before he tossed the phone to Kaminari. What can I say, Uraraka calls them like she sees them. She's not even that into dudes, that's just how attractive Kirishima was. 

"Oh damn, Izuku's kidnappers are all hot, huh?" Uraraka said, her voice grainy from the call.

"Oh my fucking god, give me that." I said, swiping my phone from the blond's hand. I knew that they were all objectively good looking and if the phone just kept going in a circle, she'd never stop. 

"Hey," Kaminari whined.

I shot him a glare. "It's my phone, asswipe."

"Whoa, shots fired." Ashido whispered.

I realized what I said and softened my face. "Sorry, she brings out the worst in me." I nodded to the phone.

"Rude!" Uraraka said, I could actually see the pout this time.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up, you know it's true."

"Is not! Shinsou is so much worse than me and you know it."

I nodded my head, she got me there. "Whatcha need, gorgeous?"

I heard a gasp in the room, I wasn't sure which one, but I think it's safe to say they were all a little shocked about my interaction with my best friend.

"I missed your face," she complained. "Everything here is so fucking boring without you. The guys are literally zero fun without their ring leader."

I smirked at the phone in my hand. "Guess someone else just needs to put their big boy pants on and start causing chaos in my absence. Cops are gonna start losing their jobs if the group falls off the map." 

"Don't forget the state issued attorneys," she added. "And I keep pointing that out, but they're all just... mopey. Even Iida. Well Iida never broke the rules, but he's still moping!"

I rubbing my temple. "Sweetheart, I'm literally across the country. I don't know what you expect me to do right now."


I cut her off. "So help me god, if you tell me to come home one more time, I might kill myself."

"Boo, you whore. You're no fun."

I rolled my eyes. "Just slap the shit out of Shinsou and tell him to pull his head out of his ass. We made out like... okay so we made out a lot, but it's not like we were married. Tell him to get over it."

She wiggled her eyebrows. "You clearly have. What's with all the hot guys answering your phone? I mean, I know I call you a whore sometimes, but I never knew you took it so seriously."

"Whoa," Sero said.

"Ooh, ooh, which one was that? Blondie or the redhead?" She asked, eagerly trying to peak through my screen.

"Neither," I said with a smirk.

"Izuku Midoriya, you slut," she exclaimed. "How many dudes are even there?!"

"Four," I responded casually. Ashido flicked my forehead. "And Ashido," I amended, flashing the camera to her. She waved happily.

"Damn," Uraraka said in awe.

"Keep it in your pants, sweetheart," I teased.

"Says you!"

"I have no idea what is happening," Kaminari mumbled.

"Shut up, this is the best thing that's happened all day," Sero said with a laugh, making himself more comfortable on his spot on the floor.

I shot him a deadpanned expression. "Glad I'm amusing you, Sero."

"Sero? Sounds hot, I bet he's hot, huh? Am I right? I'm totally right." God, this girl never stops.

I flipped the camera around. "Ashido," I started, showing the pink haired girl again.

"Oh, her I remember," Uraraka responded.

"Of course." Another eye roll. "Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero," I pointed the camera at each in turn and they smiled and waved.

"And that," I turned the camera quickly towards the bed an agitated Bakugou sat on. "Is Kacchan, the resident toddler."

Instantly, he was shouting at me, lunging off the bed.

"Gotta go, Ura, evading death!" I shouted over the chaos in the room as the boys tried to stop Bakugou. I clicked the end call button in seconds, slipping my phone into my pocket and dashing out of Ashido's room.

I made it out of the room, down the hall, and almost to the bottom of the stairs. I was physically tackled when I was two steps away from freedom.

I felt the impact, but Bakugou had somehow taken the brunt of it. We landed sideways, but it took him a fraction of a second to get on top of me, successfully stopping any escape attempt.

I look up at him with my most innocent smile. "Hey Kacchan, fancy seeing you down here."

He grabbed the front of my t-shirt, hauling me a few inches from the ground, and only a few centimeters from his face. He was scowling, clearly pissed off.

I tilted my head to the side as he just glared at me. "Ya know, you'd probably get laid a lot more if you tried not being pissed off twenty four seven."

He blinked, studying me for all of two seconds more before dropping me suddenly and climbing to his feet. He said nothing as he stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

After I watched him leave, I turned to the stairs, the group stood at the top, looking from the door to me in shock.

I scratched the back of my head as I sat up. "Was it something I said?"


Also listen to lollipop by framing hanley and imagine it's kiri singing, thank me later ;)

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