The Cursed Arsenal: Itadori Y...

By AbelTheDeadOne

19.7K 549 144

Since the start of Jujutsu Kaisen I've always pondered on the context of Yuji's main way of attacking is thro... More

Chapter 1: Awakening
Chapter 2: Calm before the storm
Chapter 3: Realisation
Chapter 4: Loss
Chapter 5: Unwanted Visitors
Chapter 7: Shibuya Part 1
Chapter 8: Shibuya Part 2
Chapter 9: Shibuya Part 3
Chapter 10: Beginning of the end
Chapter 11: Culling Game Part 1
Chapter 12: Culling Game Part 2
Chapter 13: Culling Game Part 3
Not a chapter
Chapter 14: Shinjuku
Chapter 15: Final Act
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6: Brothers

1.2K 39 5
By AbelTheDeadOne

"Since when were you friends with that behemoth?" Nobara asked taking a slice of pizza, "Hey I also as confused as you. One moment were fighting and the next he's calling me his best friend, just after learning my name." Yuji groaned in annoyance, gulping down his drink. "Why the hell are you guys in my room?" Megumi sighed looking at his two deadpan, noming down on some pizza. "Shush shush Megumi, we were worried about you." The pink haired sorcerer said with a smile, lightly punching his friend on the shoulder. Megumi stayed silent for awhile before looking at the other boy turning serious, "Yuji, you've gotten stronger but that isn't going to put me down, I'll also get stronger and I will surpass you." He said determined making his peer grin, "Tch, why are you leaving me out huh?" Nobara asked annoyed but smirked.

"Ah, as expected of my brothers friends." Todo said sitting at the end of Megumi's bed nodding in approvement. The three first years looked at the older boy blankly, in a flash Yuji jumped out of the window and started running for his life, "Come back, Brother!" Todo shouted from the window before also jumping out and running after his best friend. "Please leave me alone! I'm not your brother and we don't even know each other!" Yuji shouted looking back at the Kyoto student, "What do you mean!? We've known each other since Junior High!" "I did not go to Junior High with you!"

The next day came and both Tokyo and Kyoto students had gathered together with their teachers standing before them, "Yesterday a lot of stuff happened and people even died. What do you think? Should we continue the event?" the Tokyo teacher explained and asked the gloomy students who thought about it. "Lets continue." This came from non-other than Todo which surprised everyone, "Why?" Gojo asked as he boy elaborated, "First: Mourning is reserved for people intimate with those who were lost hence it doesn't concern us; Second: If there were fatalities what is expected from us is to get stronger, our circumstances now dictate that we look at the results. To suffer defeat of experience victory, we grow regardless. Results are important because they're unwavering; and Third: That unsettled feeling of having unfinished business during their school days will stick with them until the day they die."

"How old are you again?" Gojo asked blankly at the boy's last reason. After some thinking everyone agreed which made the teacher throw a wooden box at Yuji and told him pick out a paper at random. After remerging through the boy pulled his hand out and opened the piece of paper which had baseball written on it. "Baseball!?" the two principles shouted in surprise and confused, "That wasn't part of the suggestions- Satoru! What's the meaning of this!?" Yaga asked as the man chuckled and did a peace sign. After more talking the groups went their separate ways.

Two hours later, both schools were on a baseball field wearing their respected baseball uniforms. The game started with Nishimaya as the batter and Maki as the pitcher but being one of the physically weakest on the Kyoto group she got a strike out with ease. Noritoshi went up next, "Itadori, why did you become a Jujutsu Sorcerer?" the batter asked the catcher who glanced at him, "It just sorta happened. I tend to get lonely so I wanna help a lot of people so when I die, I want to be surrounded by a lot of people." The first year explained which caused the Kyoto student to have a flashback of his mother before getting his bat ready but anticlimactically he never swung during all three ball throws causing the schools to change sides. Nobara started as the batter and looked at who will be the pitcher only to see a pitching machine causing her to drop her helmet and bat.

"That's a fucking pitching machine!" she shouted as she ran at the mound but Mai stood in front of the first year, "What are you talking about? Its just a spare Mechamaru. We really didn't have a choice since Panda destroyed the other one yesterday. By the way what's a pitching machine? You know quite a bit about machines, huh? Are you actually a geek?" the Zenin sister shook her chin looking at Nobara confused. The younger girl sighed and went back to base and picked her bat up, when the ball came she was hit it as hard as she could and ran to another base. Megumi followed doing a sarcrifical bunt and Panda came after managing to get a hit, Maki came last and hit the ball so hard it she was going to get a home run but Nishimaya flew up using her broom to catch it as the Tokyo team called her out for cheating. The game continued until Tokyo was able to win 2-0


two weeks later the three first years were being driven to the location of their next mission, "June, Morioka: Taichi Kanada. August, Yokohama: Osamu Shimada. September, Nagoya: Hiroshi Yamato. These three died under the same circumstances. Death by stabbing at their respective apartment entrances." Akari Nitta explained as the students looked over the report, "All three had recently complained to the building manager that the auto-lock on the automatic doors was wide open but no other residence noticed." She added looking back at the road.

The sorcerers were told that they would talk to a witness who knew all three victims but when they got there, they were told that the he had died the exact same way as his classmates. The four went to Saitama Urami East Junior High where they found out that it was Megumis old school and were told about the past endeavors their classmate had time during his time there. A teacher there was able to give the sorcerers a lead which was that all victims were found unconscious under Yasohachi Bridge. They decided to go to said bridge and sat around waiting until they heard someone call out, "Megumi?" they turned to see a girl who the mentioned boy said was an old classmate.

"Megumi~ is that your girlfriend?~" Nobara teased her friend who glared at her and told her to keep quiet, the two caught up and the girl eventually brought up why she was there, "I saw that the Morishita family had a funeral ceremony and I also heard from my brother that you guys were investigating Morishita and the bridge." Fujunuma started catching the sorcerers interest, "D-during my second year of Junior High, I went to Yasohachi Bridge at night." She continued leading to the sorcerers asking more questions. "Did you go alone?" Nitta asked to which the girl went quiet for a moment before answering, "I went with two people from my club.... One of them was Tsumiki." Yuji and Nobara glanced at their classmate who had a neutral face, Fujunuma left soon afterwards and Megumis face dropped to one of panic, "Oi get a hold of yourself! You have to check if she's ok!" Yuji grabbed his friends shoulder snapping him back to reality.

He apologized and went to the side where he made a call to Kiyotaka, before the call ended he was recommended to return since the mission seemed much more dangerous than they thought. "Is your sis, ok?" Yuji asked as his friend put his phone in his pocket. "Yeah, but the mission is more dangerous now so it's being handed to other sorcerers. You guys-." He was cut off as Yuji wrapped his arm around his neck, "Alright let's get going." The boy said dragging his friend down the bridge, Nobara following after, "Didn't you hear me!? We were told to retreat!" Megumi complained but the two didn't stop, "Can you just shut up and allow us to help. Were your friends idiot so don't think of doing this alone." Nobara hit the boy over the head glaring at him as they went down, Megumi looked at the two and sighed in annoyance following after them but a smile crept up on his face.

They reached the bottom and walked along the river before crossing it, immediately getting sucked into an incomplete domain. They saw the curse in front of them, "We have another visitor with us." Yuji said turning behind the group as another cursed spirit entered the domain surprising the other sorcerers, "What's this? Someone else is already here?" the curse said also surprised. "You guys deal with the bridge spirit, I got this one." Yuji said summoning a katana, "Oh, you want to play with meeee?" the curse said smiling at the sorcerer.

The curse spat out blood at the sorcerer who dodged and rushed at the curse who tried to grab him but the boy quickly cut his hands off before cutting it across the chest as it jumped back, "Whaaaat? You're strong, this isn't fun at all." He said healing his injuries, Yuji went to attack again but he saw Nobara getting pulled out of the domain by someone making him stop. "Older brother? I want to play too!!" the curse said excited as he ran out of the domain, "Yuji go after it! Nobara might be in danger and she can't handle two enemies alone! This thing is easy to exorcise so I'll be fine!" Megumi shouted making his friend nod and rush out of the domain, "Stay safe and get out if it gets too hard!"

The boy jumped out to the outside roughly at the same time as the curse he was fighting, "Ah, brother/Nobara?" the two said at the same time landing behind the humanoid curse the girl was fighting and seeing his disturbing back. "You...You...You saw it!?!" Eso shouted as the two started apologizing, "I'll kill you!" the curse shouted turning to the boy giving Nobara the opportunity to run to his side and clock him in the head, "Tsk, Extreme Corrosion Technique: Winged King!" Eso called out as butterfly wings made of blood, appeared on the curse's back. "I'll kill you." He repeated his earlier statement and shot out multiple blood spikes at the sorcerers, Yuji quickly hoisted Nobara over his shoulder and started dodging the spears but one managed to scratched him.

The girl noticed the spot it hit corroding away as she clicked her tongue, "Blood corrosion." she told her classmate who nodded and turned towards the woods, "Hold on tight." Yuji said as he dug his foot into the ground before running at full speed through the forest using the trees as cover to slow down the spikes coming after them. Seconds later they reached the end of the forest as Yuji jumped onto the road in front of them, the boy put his friend down before he summoned the Inverted Spear of Heaven and slashed at the blood spat at him from Kechizu as it splashed against him. "Yuji!" Nobara shouted before she was stabbed at the back by Eso causing her left sleeve to burn off.

"Don't worry, my brother's blood doesn't have the same properties as mine. Even mine won't actually kill you unless you cover your whole body with it. Although it does hurt to death." The older brother explained as he raised his hand closing his fist except for his pinky and thumb, "This is where it truly begins. Corrosion Technique: Rot." A flower pattern appeared on Nobara's burned arm and ran up the left side of her face but to the brothers surprise nothing happened to Yuji who glanced at Nobara. "Hm, if the blood of one of us brothers gets inside your body through your wounds and one of use begins this technique, the corrosion will from the entry point until nothing is left. I give the young lady 10 minutes" Eso explained as he glanced at Yuji in interest.

Nobara started to chuckle as she pulled out one of her nails, "So it's an instant loss the moment you get hit huh? Too bad you have me as an opponent. Straw Doll Ritual: Sympathy." She said slamming the nail through her wrist as the brothers felt pain course though their bodies. The female sorcerer gave a crazed smile as she looked at the curses, "It's a test of endurance. If you don't love pain then undo the technique, you stripper bastard." Yuji moved behind the younger brother and coated his dagger with positive cursed energy and slashed the curse across his back as it screamed and turned around to attack but Nobara stuck another nail in her wrist making it stop as the boy cut one of his arms off.

The sorcerer flipped his dagger into a reverse grip as he stabbed it in the abdomen and repeating the process going down before cutting his legs off. Leaving him on the ground the boy ran to the older brother passing his classmate and lightly cut her, hand to shoulder releasing the technique which caused her to instantly bolt towards Kechizu. Eso activated his winged king and sent blood spikes at and past Yuji towards Nobara but the boy cut them down before they could reach him or his classmate. Nobara in her intense concentration and thanks to the pain being gone, her senses were on overdrive as she threw a nail in the air and slammed it down with her hammer pulling off a black flash that left the younger brother face down on the ground seemingly dead.

When Yuji was close enough, he stabbed his dagger in Esos neck and dragged it down cutting his chest and stomach open before kicking him in the chin sending him back. In the air the older curse looked at his brothers body in worry, using his only hand Kechizu grabbed the female sorcerer's ankle, "B-brother..." he managed to spit out as Nobara looked down him coldly, "Hairpin." The girl said as she snapped her fingers, her cursed energy in the nail she used to attack with expanded causing the younger brothers head to explode splashing his blood all over the girl's shoes and leggings, "Gross."

"Kechizu..." tears leaked down Esos face which caused Yuji to freeze at the sudden show of emotion along with Nobara who noticed that Kechizus body wasn't disappearing and the red blood that stained her shoes. A truck came zooming from the tunnel behind the sorcerers causing them to jump out of the way, Nobara to the side while Yuji went into the air. The boy noticed Eso jumped onto the back of the truck and he quickly summoned a bow and loaded it and pulled it to it's limit, "I'm sorry. Please rest in peace." Yuji said infusing his arrow with cursed energy before letting it go as it flew through the air at blinding speeds before piercing Eso through the heart, killing him as he fell onto the road.

Yuji landed next to his classmate and glanced at the two brothers before looking at the sky, "You alright, Nobara?" he asked making the girl look down at her injured arm, "Yeah, it might leave a scar though. For the poison I have no idea. I wonder if Shoko would be awake at this time but knowing her, she might be or she's just drunk." Nobara answered thinking before going quiet looking at her classmate. "What's with you? You're acting weird." "Isn't this the first time you killed something that wasn't a curse?" he asked as he looked down at his hand, "What about you?" Nobara counter asked making the boy clench his fist, remembering the incident with Mahito, "...I have killed... three people..." he answered making his classmate to look at him concerned.

"I should be the one asking if your ok." She said before sighing and pulled some of her hair behind her ear, "I really don't have a problem it since as Jujutsu sorcerers we deal with this kind of things. Like Magumi said, there's only so many people we can save. Heh, isn't that cold?" she added smiling over at him. "We weren't given much of a choice. It would've been impossible to keep them down for long but the older brother cried for his brother who died before his eyes. Because of a live I took, tears were shed." Yuji explained making Nobara look off into the forest, "Yeah It makes us accomplices." After a moment of silence, they headed back to where they left Megumi only to see him sleeping on the ground.

"Megumi?" both students called out cornered as the boy snapped his head towards them, "You're back, glad to see you alive." Megumi said as his friends hugged each other as they jumped back screaming. "Oi keep it down, my head is pounding." The black-haired boy grumbled as he sat up, "Jesus, you were just laying there with Sukuna's finger in your hand." Nobara said as her friend glanced at her. "How do you know about the finger?" he asked making her facepalm, "You're more worried about that now?" Megumi shrugged as Yuji helped him to his feet. "Hey brats!?" the three looked up at the bridge where they saw an angry Nitta, "Let's go home." Yuji chuckled as they made their way up.


"So what do you say?" Yoshinobu Gakuganji asked sitting behind his desk in front of his standing Mei Mei and Todo Aoi, to the side leaning on a wall being Gojo Satoru. "Maki Zenin. Panda" Mei Mei started, "Megumi Fushigoro and Nobara Kugisaki." Todo continued. "On behalf of Todo Aoi and Mei Mei, we recommend these four be promoted to Grade 1 Jujutsu Sorcerers." They said at the same time as the Kyoto principle nodded writing it down. "And the last one?" Yoshinobu asked glancing up at the sorcerers.

"We made our due to the following reason; one: he was able to defeat special grade curse, even if it had just recently been born, with almost no experience; two: his growth speed is just insane, with only 6 weeks of training, he's able to fend off more experience sorcerers and he killed a much stronger special grade curse; three: his cursed technique is like no other, for what I've learned during his training, he's able to trace and store an unlimited amount of weapons, giving him a wide range of options and versatility; and fourth: the amount of cursed energy he has is just otherworldly similar to me and Yuta Okkotsu." Gojo explained with a grin. "So, for my brother and best friend, Yuji Itadori." Todo grinned widely crossing his hands, "I, Todo Aoi" he started, "I, Mei Mei." The woman continued, "And me, Satoru Gojo." Gojo finished and looked at the old man, "We recommend him to be promoted into a Special Grade Sorcerer."

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