another union academy: From W...

By Dustinsage

36.5K 899 134

Another union bullied crossover More

chapter 1: how it all started
chapter 2: I'm done with everything
chapter 3: fighting demons
chapter 4: the demon of stillborns
chapter 5: I have a normal life too
chapter 6:a date gone wrong
chapter 7: battle against darkness
chapter 9: kaito shocks the heroes
chapter 10: tempest vs tornado pt 1
chapter 12: tempest vs tornado part 3
chapter 13
chapter 14: lady's confession
chapter 15: hanging out with my lady
chapter 16: tempest vs endeavor
chapter 11: tempest vs tornado part 2
chapter 23: hikari's home invitation 🍋
chapter 17: tempest vs tornado rematch
chapter 18: trending tempest
chapter 19: Lady's time 🍋
chapter 21: Robbing a dust exchange
chapter 22:tempest trending again
OC bio
chapter 24:
chapter 25
chapter 20: meeting hikari's mom
chapter 26
chapter 27
Chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34: shocking the world again
chapter 35: healing all might
chapter 36: izuku's secret
chapter 37

chapter 8: first time 🍋

1.6K 35 3
By Dustinsage

The darkness manipulator's taunting words hung in the air, challenging the very essence of my resilience. Determination burned in my eyes as I seized the opportunity to prove that my strength transcended the encroaching shadows. Without a word, I lunged at him, my small frame a deceptive facade for the unyielding power that surged within.

My hand closed around his face, a vice grip that defied the malevolent aura that once shielded him. The darkness manipulator, caught off guard by the sudden surge in strength, struggled against the relentless hold. With a swift and calculated movement, I propelled him through the air, his body colliding with a high-rise building that stood tall in defiance of the chaos below.

The impact was cataclysmic. The building, a symbol of human achievement, splintered in response to the force unleashed. As the darkness manipulator crashed through the structure, it yielded to the unstoppable momentum, splitting in two as if bowing to the ferocity of the clash. Debris rained down in the aftermath, the very skyline transforming into a chaotic display of destruction.

Blood splattered in all directions as the darkness manipulator bore the brunt of the devastating assault. The once-menacing malevolence now seemed diminished, overshadowed by the raw power that had shattered both the formidable opponent and the architecture that dared to bear witness to the cosmic confrontation.

The remnants of the high-rise building crumbled to the ground, a testament to the cataclysmic clash that had unfolded within its confines. The cityscape, now marred by the scars of battle, stood in eerie silence as if nature itself paused to witness the outcome of the relentless struggle.

The darkness manipulator, now battered and bloodied, struggled to rise amidst the wreckage. The cloak, though tattered, still clung to my form, a symbol of the undying will that fueled the battle.

In a surge of relentless fury, I seized the darkness manipulator's leg, unleashing a barrage of bone-shattering strikes as I repeatedly slammed him into the unforgiving ground. The once-menacing foe, now reduced to a battered and broken form, groaned in agony as the onslaught continued, each impact resonating with a symphony of destruction.

With a swift and disorienting appearance behind him, I drove my foot into his spine, the force shattering it with a sickening crunch. The malevolent aura that once shielded him faltered under the unyielding assault, leaving him vulnerable to the unforgiving retribution that unfolded.

Appearing once more, a double axe handle strike descended upon the darkness manipulator, the sheer force creating a colossal crater in the battleground. The shockwave rippled through the shattered city, leaving an indelible mark that echoed the intensity of the cosmic clash.

Blood and shadows mingled in a grotesque dance as the darkness manipulator, now reduced to a mere semblance of his former self, struggled to rise from the depths of the crater. The cloak, tattered and stained with the remnants of the battle, fluttered around me as a testament to the relentless determination that fueled the unrelenting assault.

The cityscape, bearing the scars of the cataclysmic confrontation, stood as a silent witness to the cosmic struggle between light and darkness. Debris and dust filled the air, creating an ominous backdrop to the ongoing clash that transcended the boundaries of the physical realm.

As the darkness manipulator attempted to regain his footing, I stood poised, the ethereal glow of the broken sword illuminating the battlefield. The remnants of buildings, now reduced to rubble, cast long shadows over the desolate landscape, a stark contrast to the undying will that surged within me.

In the eerie silence that followed, the dialogue between combatants continued, an unspoken exchange that resonated with the very essence of cosmic forces. Shadows clung to the broken form of the darkness manipulator, his once-dominant malevolence now a fading ember in the face of the relentless assault that sought to defy the encroaching darkness.

I sensed a shift in the atmosphere, and as I turned around, my eyes met those of a powerful hero known as Blast, rumored to surpass even All Might in strength. I snorted dismissively, not impressed by the arrival of another hero.

Me:What do you want?

I demanded, my tone sharp and assertive.

Blast smiled, seemingly unfazed by the chaos around us.

Blast:I didn't know a young girl like you could cause this much damage

His comment irked me.

Me:Don't mistake appearances for strength

I retorted, pointing at the battered darkness manipulator.

Me:He learned that the hard way. So, it's best you choose your words carefully

Blast raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused by my response.

Blast:fair enough. You certainly pack a punch for someone your age. But causing such destruction raises questions.

I crossed my arms, unyielding.

Me:Questions that don't concern you.

Blast chuckled, a deep resonating sound that echoed through the remnants of the city.

Blast:You're a feisty one. But in the hero business, we like to keep things in check. What's your name, young one?

I hesitated for a moment, weighing the decision to reveal my identity.

Me:Call me Kai,

I finally said, keeping it vague.

Blast nodded, seemingly satisfied.

Blast:Kai, huh? Well, Kai, we heroes are here to maintain order and protect the innocent. If your actions are justifiable, we won't interfere. But remember, excessive collateral damage won't go unnoticed.

I scoffed, dismissing his warning.

Me:I don't need a lecture from a hero.

Blast's expression remained calm.

Blast:Fair enough, Kai. Just remember, the hero community is watching. If you need guidance or assistance, there are better ways to go about it.

I turned away, uninterested in his advice.

Me:I don't need anything from the hero community. I handle my own business.

Blast sighed, as if resigning to the situation.

Blast:Very well, Kai. Just be mindful of the consequences of your actions

With that, Blast soared into the sky, leaving me amidst the wreckage and the fading echoes of our dialogue. The city, scarred by the clash between light and darkness, stood witness to the aftermath as I contemplated the hero's words, whether I liked it or not.

As I turned away from the departing hero, Blast, I found myself face to face with hikari. Her worry-filled eyes met mine, and before I could say anything, she rushed towards me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight embrace.

Hikari:You're okay!

she exclaimed, her voice a mix of relief and concern.

I allowed a small smile to grace my lips, acknowledging her genuine worry

Me:Yeah, I'm fine. Just another day in the life, you know?

Hikari pulled away slightly, her hands cupping my face as if making sure I was indeed unharmed.

Hikari:Don't downplay it, Kai. I saw what happened here. It was chaotic, and I was terrified for you.

I sighed, appreciating her concern.

Me:I can handle myself, Hanako. You don't need to worry so much.

Her expression softened, but the worry lingered in her eyes.

Me:I know you're strong, Kai, but that doesn't mean I won't worry. I care about you.

I couldn't help but be touched by her sincerity.

Me:I appreciate that, hikari. It means a lot to me.

She gave me a small smile, a mixture of relief and affection.

Hikari:You know you can always talk to me, right? Whatever you're going through, you don't have to face it alone.

I nodded, grateful for her support.

Me:I know, hikari. And I appreciate having you by my side.

Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief.

Hikari:Besides, who else would put up with your stubbornness?

I chuckled, realizing how lucky I was to have someone like her in my life. "Guess I lucked out, didn't I?"

Hikari playfully nudged me.

Hikari:Yeah, you did. Now, tell me what happened. Who was that hero, and why did he show up?

I filled her in on the encounter with Blast, explaining the hero's arrival and their brief exchange. Hanako listened attentively, concern flickering in her eyes at the mention of the hero community keeping an eye on me.

Hikari:Well, it sounds like you've got some ero watching to deal with

she remarked, her tone teasing.

I shrugged.

Me:I can handle it. I've faced worse.

Hikari grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Hikari:That's the Kai I know. Always facing challenges head-on.

We shared a moment of understanding, and I realized how fortunate I was to have someone who cared so deeply. The city, though scarred by the recent clash, seemed to fade into the background as Hanako and I stood together, navigating the complexities of life with a shared resilience.

She was now at my apartment

As the weight of the recent events lingered, hikari and I found ourselves in a more intimate setting. She was now seated on my lap, her lips gently pressing against mine. The tenderness of the moment provided a temporary escape from the chaos that had unfolded in the city.

Hikari:You know you look cute, Kai,

she whispered between kisses, her words sending a shiver down my spine.

Hikari:it feels weird; you look like a child

She held me tighter pressing her lips against mine

Her comment, intended as a light-hearted tease, unexpectedly struck a chord within me. A mixture of emotions welled up, and I found myself on the verge of an emotional breakdown. Her giggles only intensified my internal turmoil.

I began, my voice a mixture of vulnerability and confusion.

Me:I.... I appreciate your words, but it's been a rough day. I don't even know who I am anymore.

She pulled back, concern replacing the playful glint in her eyes.

Hikari:Kai, I didn't mean to upset you. What's going on? Talk to me.

I sighed, the weight of the world pressing down on my shoulders.

Me:It's just... the hero, Blast, the constant battles, the expectations. I feel like I'm losing myself in all of this.

Hikari cupped my face, her gaze unwavering.

Hikari:You're not alone, Kai. I'm here for you. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I struggled to articulate my feelings.

Me:I never asked for any of this. I just wanted a normal life, but it feels like I'm trapped in a never-ending cycle of chaos.

She wiped away a tear with her thumb, her touch offering a comforting solace.

Hikari:it's okay to feel overwhelmed, Kai. You're still you, no matter what the world throws at you. And you don't have to be alone in this.

I nodded, grateful for her understanding.

Me:I just want things to be simpler, you know? Without the constant battles, the hero business, and the expectations. I want to be just Kai.

Hikari smiled, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding.

Hikari:Sometimes, we have to carve out those moments for ourselves, to rediscover who we are. Let's take it one step at a time. You're not defined by the chaos around you.

As the two of us stand there, the height difference only serving to make the situation more adorable, your girlfriend leans down, her eyes filled with desire. The anticipation builds, and time seems to slow down as her lips draw closer to me, her warm breath grazing my face.

Finally, your lips meet in a gentle, lingering kiss. Soft and tender at first, the connection between me intensifies with every passing second. My hands find their way to her waist, pulling her closer, while her arms wrap around your shoulders, drawing you in even further.

As our tongues dance together, exploring each other's mouths, the heat between us grows more intense. Your hands start to wander, exploring each other's bodies as the kiss becomes more heated.

Your girlfriend's hands move down to your hips, her fingers gripping tightly as she pulls you closer to her. You can feel the hardness of her body pressed against yours, igniting a fire within you.

The kiss becomes more urgent, our bodies moving together in a frenzied rhythm. Moans and sighs escape my lips as you lose ourselves in the moment, consumed by passion and desire.

As the kiss comes to an end, we both pull away, breathless and flushed. We can't help but smile at each other,

The kiss deepens, becoming more passionate

As she slowly removes her dress, revealing her large, voluptuous breasts, my eyes widen with desire. She smirks, knowing the effect she has on me, and slowly walks toward me, her hips swaying seductively.

I can't resist any longer and reach out to touch her, my hands eagerly exploring her body. She moans i, encouraging me to continue as you knead her breasts, feeling their weight and softness in my hands.

Me: so soft

I couldn't help but praise those ta'tas

Hikari: and they're all yours

She smiled

I lean in to kiss her, but she stops me, pushing me down onto the bed. She climbs on top of me

And straddles my waist, her breasts hovering just above my face. I can't resist any longer and take one of her nipples into my mouth, sucking and teasing it with my tongue.

She moans and grinds against me, her arousal evident in the way her hips move against mine. I can feel myself getting harder and harder as i continue to pleasure her, my hands roaming her body and my mouth exploring every inch of her breasts.

She leans down to kiss me, her lips hungry and demanding as she continues to grind against me. I can feel her wetness through my clothes and i know she wants me just as badly as i want her.

She settled in-between my shorts slowly taking it off revealing my 8 inches

Hikari's soft lips wrapped around my large, throbbing dick, her tongue eagerly exploring every inch of it. I moaned in pleasure as she bobbed her head up and down, her hand gently massaging my balls. I couldn't believe how good it felt, especially since I was just a shota with a small body.

Hikari's mouth was so warm and wet, and she seemed to know exactly how to please me. She sucked and licked and stroked, her movements becoming more urgent as she brought me closer and closer to the brink of ecstasy.

I couldn't help but thrust my hips up, wanting to feel more of her mouth on me. Hanako took it in stride, her hand now working in tandem with her

Cum. My body convulsed with pleasure, my toes curling and my back arching off the bed as I released into her mouth. Hanako eagerly swallowed every drop, her eyes sparkling with satisfaction as she pulled away.

I collapsed onto the bed, panting and trying to catch my breath. Hanako crawled up next to me, her body pressed against mine as she kissed me deeply.

Hikari:That was amazing

She whispered, her hand reaching down to stroke my now softening cock.

Me:You're amazing

I replied, still in awe of what had just happened

I couldn't resist the sight of hikari's spread legs, her wet pussy glistening and inviting me closer. I wasted no time in diving in, my tongue eagerly lapping at her folds, tasting her sweet nectar.

She moaned and writhed beneath me, her hands gripping the sheets as I explored her most intimate parts with my mouth. I flicked my tongue over her clit, causing her to gasp and arch her back in pleasure.

I couldn't get enough of her, and I could tell she was enjoying it just as much. I continued to suck and lick, my fingers joining in to tease and please her sensitive spots.

Pressed against hers, tasting the remnants of her pleasure on my lips. We kissed passionately, our bodies still buzzing with desire.

Hanako looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of satisfaction and desire.

Hikari: Now it's your turn

she whispered, her voice husky with anticipation.

I smiled, feeling the heat of arousal building within me. Hikari knew just how to drive me wild, and I couldn't wait to experience the pleasure she had in store for me.

Hikari let out a gasp as I plunged my large rod into her, breaking through her hymen. She winced in pain, but I could tell she was also enjoying the feeling of being filled by me.

She kissed me repeatedly holding me tightly, I could feel how her skin shivered

I apologized for the awkwardness, but Hanako just smiled and reassured me that it was okay. She wrapped her arms around me, pulling me closer as we began to move together in a rhythm.

Despite my small size due to my shota frame, I felt powerful and in control as I thrust into her. I could feel her walls gripping me tightly, her moans growing louder and more desperate with each movement.

I I could taste the mixture of sweat and desire on her lips, fueling my own passion as we continued to explore each other's bodies. Her nails dug into my back, leaving marks of our intense connection.

As our pace quickened, the room filled with the sound of our moans and the slapping of our bodies coming together. Hanako's breath hitched with every thrust, her pleasure evident in the way her body arched to meet my every movement.

I reached between us, my fingers finding her sensitive clit, and began to rub in sync with our thrusts. The combination of my deep penetration and the direct stimulation pushed her closer to the edge of ecstasy.

Hikari's moans escalated into a crescendo of pleasure, andI could feel her walls clenching around me, her body trembling as she reached her climax. I couldn't hold back any longer, and with one final thrust, I released inside her, our bodies shaking with the intensity of our pleasure.

We collapsed onto the bed, our breathing heavy and our bodies covered in sweat. As we lay there, basking in the afterglow, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of how amazing it was to have such a wild and passionate experience with Hikari.

Unknowingly a cat and a dragon watching the scene we're radiating immense but concealed hatred directed at hanako

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