Thornless roses/๐“ข๐“ฌ๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ช๐“ป๏ฟฝ...

By D1sapp01nt1ngL0v3

14 5 0

(This has been discontinued until further notice, might rewrite) ๐–ณ๐—๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—Œ๐–ผ๐–พ๐—‡๐–บ๐—‹๐—‚๐—ˆ ๐–ป๐—ˆ๐—ˆ๐—„ ๐—‚๐—Œ ๐—ˆ๐–ฟ... More

Hanging out
Becoming Friends
Valentine's day Special!

Meeting them

2 1 0
By D1sapp01nt1ngL0v3

All chapters will be in 1st person except for this one specific chapter. English is not my specialty(all languages aren't my specialty)so please bare with me if I make spelling errors or have sentences that sound grammatically wrong.😅
Chapters will be edited but not all the time, so prepare for any errors!
Any texts that are like 'This' are thoughts. Everything about your appearance is up to you, so is height. I did mention you being shorter in Leo's scenario but if you want to be taller just pretend I wrote it as such. Scenarios for characters will always start with Leo and end with Marcus. On Marcus's we will see from 3rd person point of view a bit. Also huge thanks to Ang and Alora for helping, as well as Alisha.

Leo: It was nearing Christmas Day,two more weeks left before the day you'd get to celebrate. You decided to take a walk in the park near your neighborhood. You watched as kids ran around filled with laughter, having snowball fights, making snowmen, and making snow angels with each other. It was a long time since you last spent a day in winter with any friends or loved ones, you yearned to experience that again as you smiled, feeling happy for the small kids. You'd eventually look away, walking along the concrete park path lost in thought, so you hadn't noticed someone walking towards your direction. You were shocked when you felt someone slightly bump into you, you turned to see who it was and came face to face with a man. He was a bit taller than you, had bronze colored skin, fluffy looking black and brown hair that reached his shoulders. He smiled sheepishly and apologized. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you. I was wondering if you knew where the ice skating rink is... I'm a bit lost actually and ended up here, I forgot to bring my phone with me." You shook your head and smiled, offering to take him there. You had a small chat and got to know each other better, you both enjoyed the conversation and sure enough found the skating rink about eight minutes later. You wished the kind guy farewell, but before you left he stopped you. "Wait... Here's my number, if you ever want to hang out or anything you can text or call me. My name's Leo by the way, I forgot to introduce myself to you earlier, how embarrassing..." he chuckled nervously and pulled out a small notebook from a small bag that was strapped to his shoulder, writing down his number before ripping the page out and handing it to you. You wondered why he'd carry around a notebook if he wanted to go ice skating, but you didn't give it much thought and went your separate way. He had seemed like a nice guy, you contemplated whether you should see him again as you made your way home. You smiled, 'Having someone to spend the holidays with wouldn't be so bad, it's been a while since I've done so anyways.'

Miles: The rain was pouring like crazy, you'd just gotten out from your college course, you had no umbrella, a phone that was now not working after you accidentally broke it, and are soaking wet. You sighed, 'Could this day get any worse...? How am I supposed to get home now, I didn't sign up for a dorm...' You decided that you'd try to find someone to borrow a phone from, calling a taxi seemed like the only way you'd get home right now since you one hundred percent did not want to hop into anybody's car. People nowadays are all so suspicious and shady, you can't really trust anybody, just a few weeks ago a girl your age got murdered in your town, and you were taking no risks. You began walking around the halls, in search for anybody that could possibly still be on campus. Majority of professors already left, and most students were either in their dorms or went home. Fortunately enough, your luck was pure gold today and you found somebody, although they didn't seem like the kind of person you were hoping for. It was a guy from the same course as you, his name was Miles. He's intimidating and he always looks like he wants to kill someone, you wondered what possibly caused him to really give off such bad vibes. He was currently smoking a cigarette and scrolling through his phone, 'Bingo!'. You prayed that he wouldn't just randomly jump you for talking to him and braced yourself, speed walking towards him. "Hey...Can I borrow your phone real quick...?" His attention quickly came onto you as he took out his cigarette and blowed a cloud of smoke into your face. "Why?", came out a surprisingly deep and attractive voice. You coughed and waved all the smoke out of your face, sneering at him. "I need to call a taxi, just hand it over, it won't even be that long." He said nothing and stared you down, eventually handing over his phone. You called a taxi and handed back his phone when you were done. "You take a shower in the rain? If your trying to not stink you sure failed at it", he teased you as he chuckled. You held back a retort and stuck up the middle finger at him before walking back to the college exit to wait for your taxi. So far, you hated Miles, and you didn't think you were going to change your mind about how you felt in the slightest. You almost sworn you saw him smile before you left.

Alexander: It was your finals and this week felt like living hell, you barely studied at all and panicked. You needed to pass the finals this time or your parents would be absolutely pissed. Last year you managed to be promoted through sheer luck and that singular C+ you got in chemistry. You were starting to think no colleges would accept you if you continued on like this, you felt like giving up and just becoming a stripper, but you knew better than that. Finding the motivation and energy to study was easier said than done, after about four tries of trying to study in the library you gave up and planned to take you leave before someone took a seat in front of you. He seemed familiar but you couldn't pinpoint who he was. He gave a charming smile, introducing himself. "My name's Alexander, but you can call me Alex." He asked if I was studying for finals, I nodded my head. "I'm kind of struggling though, all of this is just making my brain shut down, it's all too much for me to process..." "Well, we could study together, I can make it simpler for you and maybe if we do this together it'll make studying easier for you?" "I don't think that'll work, but it wouldn't hurt to try." So you sat back down, opening your books and started studying with him. At the end of your study session you did get a better idea of everything and certainly felt a bit more prepared for the upcoming exams. 'Whoever this guy is, he's a good teacher.' He began explaining the last few bits of information to me and my brain almost shut down again. "You think you can give me the answers to the exams instead...?" He laughed and shook his head, "No, I'm afraid not." "Damnit..." Alexander then got up, packing his stuff, waving you goodbye before leaving. You appreciated his help and hoped to see him again sometime, I mean he is definitely is your savior since you passing some if not all the exams would be due to his help.

Angelo: You got signed up for an art class during the summer by your parents, you weren't too excited since you'd prefer to spend your summer resting after working your ass off for the whole entire school year. You gave your parents attitude for the entire week and begged them to let you stayed home, which in fact did not help you case. You stood in front of the entrance, admiring the beauty of the building, yet still being a bit grumpy about having to attend. You tried to look a bit on the brighter side since you'd get to improve your art and possibly make some new friends. You scanned your schedule, looking for which classroom would be your homeroom. Soon enough, you found your classroom, it read 3-2, meaning your class would be on the third floor. You mentally cursed as you thought of how many stairs you'd have to walk up, yet you still made your way to your class, occasionally bumping into other people in the crowded halls. You entered your class and couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed as you saw everyone lay their eyes on you when you walked in. It seemed like they were all judging you silently. You managed to push down any negative thoughts and make your way to the only empty seat in the classroom. For the rest of the class time, it was spent being forced to showcase your art and hear your classmates give constructive criticism. It was an absolute nightmare since everybody basically laughed and just made fun of your art, the fact that everyone else there was about ten times better then you made you feel even worse. By the time class finished you made a beeline for the library not wanting to go to the cafeteria since you felt way too ashamed to show yourself there. You went to the quietest and least occupied place, pulling out a sketchbook from your bag, scribbling drawings and sketches down quickly, hoping and praying that you'd improve about 98% of your art before your next class. You were too absorbed in trying to transform your ridiculous artwork of something that looked like an anime character that had a horrendously made anatomy mixed with a kids drawing of a horse that you hadn't noticed one of your classmates approaching you. "I think your drawings are alright, they just need a little work.", a hushed male voice said. You quickly looked up to see who had made the obvious lie of a statement and found it to be one of expert artists in class. He smiled, chuckling a bit as you gave him a death stare. "Come on, I'm serious, it's not that bad, have you seen Marcus's art? Nah, I bet you weren't paying attention when he had to show his, you looked like you wanted to crawl into a hole and die during the whole entire thing!" He started laughing a bit and apologized when he stopped, "Sorry, I can't help it, it's just, honestly you must've been quite desperate to fix that art of yours up if you wanted to enroll here." "That's the thing, I didn't want to, my parents forced me to come here... Now did you just come here to make me feel worse or what...? If you did, then just leave me alone." His expression softened, he looked a bit guilty yet he still wore a firm smirk on his face. "I'm actually here because I wanted to help you out. It wasn't my intention to make you feel worse about your artwork, like I said, I couldn't help myself." He sat down next to you on one of the bean bags, carefully taking your sketchbook from you as if it'd break on spot if he wasn't gentle with it, grabbing a pencil from his bag and lightly sketching out a picture. He explained how to draw human anatomy better and how I could do it in my art-style and other art-styles. He made sure to teach you slowly so that you could comprehend the information he was trying to give to you, which did help a bunch. Before you knew it lunch had ended and you both had to go to class, you put away your sketchbook and thanked him, he nodded in response and turned to leave. 'Maybe...Just maybe...If he teaches me some more, I could get so much better at this." You thought as you watched him go, soon following him when he was a good distance away, he was in the same class as you anyways, so why not follow him?

Valentinas: You were having a pretty rough day, so you weren't exactly your usual self . Your boss added more hours on your shift, you were exhausted and grumpy, not to mention the death of your late cousin, it dealt a havier blow to you then expected. Things were harder now that you were older, you wanted to just be a kid again so that you didn't have to live like this anymore. You were just so pissed, even though you were working overtime, your boss refused to give you a raise, one you deserved after all your hard work. You were finally having a day off from work for the first time, yet you couldn't seem to enjoy yourself. After helplessly sulking in your room, you finally got up and got ready to head out, you decided paying a visit to your favorite coffee shop would be a great idea. After what seemed like forever, you took a thirty minute hot shower, brushed your teeth, and picked an outfit that you liked the most from your closet. You picked up your car keys and stepped out your front door, thinking of what to order when you got to the Coffee shop, wondering if they have any breakfast specials today. You hopped into your car, turning it on and beginning to drive to your destination. Once you made it you quickly headed out of your car, hoping for a sweet relief once you got to relax inside the shop. You entered, looking around and finding comfort in the familiar setting, the easily recognizeable smell of cinnamon and coffee grounds assaulting your nose. You walked towards the cashier, ordering whatever they reccomended to you. In the end, you sat at a empty table near the windows in the corner. Staring at the caramel frappucino and plate of pancakes with vanilla ice cream on top with blueberries and strawberries deorated around your them was absolutely to die for, yet you felt as if something was missing. You wished you had a bit of company, you were always a loner growing up and didn't have much friends since you mostly focused on your studies, looking back you now wished you at least socialized a bit more. None of your old friends even talked to you, you felt pathetic. You brushed off your negative feelings, looking up and noticing someone approaching you. It was a tall fair skinned guy with freckles that looked as if they were spray painted onto his face, and fluffly straight dirty blonde hair. But what caught your eye the most were his eyes, they looked mezmerizing, a blueish gray color. "Hey, mind if I sit here?" He asked me, giving me a polite smile. I shook my head, "No, not at all! So, uh... Why do you want to sit here anyways...?" "Well, you justed looked pretty down, it's odd though since you ordered such good food and a delicious drink as well. Who could be sad when they get to have all this?" He said, gesturing his hands toward my food. "Oh... Well, I guess I just feel pretty lonely and work has been making me stressed beyond my mind... This is my first day off, I just can't seem to enjoy it though..." "I get that, being an adult is tough, always gotta do things for yourself now and be independant, you know?", he chuckled. "Yeah, I miss being a kid, almost makes me wish I didn't move out so soon, I used to always wanna be grown up, but I never realized just how hard it was to be." He nodded, listening to you as you vented for a bit while eating and comforting you. Soon enough you finished eating, you exchanged numbers with him and got up to leave feeling a bit more content then you were earlier today. Having someone to talk to really made things way better and you were looking foward to seeing him again.

Allen: You were taking out Auburn, your eskimo dog out for walk, you made sure to also stop by the dog park to let her make some new friends. Today was a very relaxing day, you were in a pretty good mood and planned to buy Auburn a puppocino before going home as well. You smiled as you watched Auburn play tag with another dog, it was a dobermen, you alway thought they were a scary breed of dog. You admired the people who owned dobermen, you couldn't really see yourself with one, you were just to afraid of them to ever own one. Your thoughts were interupted when you saw Auburn was nowhere to be seen, you panicked. You didn't want to lose your dog, a whole bunch scenarios ran through your head as you ran around the park, searching for her. You felt relief wash over you as you heard her familiar bark, turning around and finding her sitting down wagging her tail as she sat next to her new dobermen friend. You let out a yelp as it barked at you and tried to jump on you, screaming internally thinking it planned to bite you. You suddenly heard a whistle and the dobermen quickly turned around and began to bark and jump on someone else. It was a cute looking guy, he was laughing and holding onto his stomach. "Don't tell me you're scared of my dog-", he was cut off by another fit of laughter. You frowned, unamused, "It's not my fault it's so scary looking, my parents always told me these dogs bite everyone, I even heard it ripped someone's arm off!" "Come on, dobermen aren't so bad you know, they aren't like that unless you give them a reason to. Look at him, this is Topher, he's completely harmless." He stated while scratching the bottom of Topher's chin."Well, I think your eskimo is cute. Say, why don't we hang out for a bit and uh... exchange numbers, maybe even uh... grab a drink?" He seemed a little flustered and embarassed now, it was a little funny to see him fumble over his words, so you giggled a little. "Hey! Don't laugh... I'm trying to be polite... So...Your number?" You shook your head and exchanged numbers with him, scanning the name of his contact. "Allen" was the name, you thought the name was nice, but you decided to give him a funny nickname after a bit of thought. Once you were done renaming his contact, you offered to get puppocinos with him for the dogs, he immediately agreed, saying he was just planning to go get one earlier. For the rest of the day you chatted with him, got puppucinos and even brought some starbucks drinks along with mcdonald's cookies.

Marcus: You were friends with Angelo for as long as you can remember, he always talked to you about his friend Marcus, yet you never got to meet him. You felt a little disappointed that he never tried to introduce you to his friend, you would've loved to see him since the way Angelo described him was really nice. Soon enough Angelo brought you to his school to meet his friend. You followed Angelo and spotted Marcus, you were delighted to finally be able to meet him. The clear sky and energetic atmosphere made it perfect for exercise. Marcus thought so. He joined the nearest group of guys who were playing volleyball, which honestly wasn't his best sport. The blue and white striped volleyball flew towards Marcus after passing through the hands of three people. Afraid of being hit he instictively hit the ball to a random direction. You were still standing next to Angelo admiring Marcus when the volleyball came flying your way. You couldn't process what was happening but next thing you know you were hit square in the face by the ball, getting knocked out and falling to the floor. (small skip) You awoke in the infirmary, you groaned as you felt a stinging pain in your head, rubbing your temples in hopes to lessen the pain. "Shit, are you awake? I'm so so so so so sorry about what happened earlier, are you okay?", an unfamiliar voice assaulted your ears as your eyes slowly fluttered open. "Marcus, shut up, they just woke up, this is all your fault anyways, if you didn't play that dumb stupid game this wouldn't have happened." You finally recognised Angelo's voice, trying to get up and ignore the pain in your head. "Marcus is here...?" "YOU JUST GOT HIT BY A VOLLEYBALL IN THE FACE AND THAT'S THE ONLY THING YOU CAN THINK OF? ARE YOU SERIOUS-" You put a hand over Angelo's mouth, "What happened to being quiet, my head still hurts you asshole. Yes, of course that's what I'm thinking of, you took so darn long to make me meet him, so I have every right to be thinking of that." Angelo sighed and shook his head, turning around and leaving. Now only you and Marcus were there, alone. You looked up at him staying silent before speaking up. "I forgive you for hitting me with the ball, I know it was an accident." "I still feel bad though, I can take you out somewhere this weekend to make up for it? Everything's on me." You smiled a bit, you knew you'd enjoy being around Marcus. "Deal."


Word Count: 3640

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