~ { Shadow and Beauty } ~

By ChildOfApollo7

44.8K 1.9K 258

A fanfic where Kiara Morrigan, a daughter of Pluto, falls for Piper McLean, a daughter of Aphrodite. ON HIATU... More

The School Bus
The Skywalk
The Wind Spirits
The Chariot
Camp Half-Blood
The Tour
Cabin Nine
The Big House
Cabin Fifteen
The Campfire
The Daughter of Pluto
The Prophecy
The Bronze Dragon
The Son of Jupiter
Our Saving Grace
Cabin Ten
Leo's Dragon
Cabin One
Quebec City
The Ice Palace
The Ice Princess
Hera's Gamble
Finally Leaving the Palace
The Fall
Princess Potty Sludge
Ma Gasket and Her Ugly Sons
Fire Boy
What Kiara Remembers
Princess of Colchis
Shopping With A Princess
Organic Life Forms
The White Mansion
The Old Man And His Scary Son
Gold King
Hunters of Artemis
The Ghost
Kiara Opens Up A Little
Aeolus's Palace
The Crazy Wind God
Yep. That God Is Crazy
Piper Meets Her Mom
Piper Has A Wad of Cash
The Devil Mountain
Gaea's Gone. For Now
Tristan McLean Goes Home
Taking A Chopper To Battle
Hera Is Locked Up In A Cage But We Don't Really Care
We All Hate Khione
We Almost Die. Again
Hera's Rescued. Yay
Finally A Normal Day At Camp
The Council
Greeks And Romans
The Lost Hero-The Mark of Athena
The God of Boundaries
Seaweed Brain
Daughter of Wisdom
We Lose The Romans' Trust
Siplitting Up
The Goddess of Revenge
Blackjack And Tempest
We Talk A Lot
Getting Rid of The Eidolons
Why Nightmares?
Hazel And Kiara Officially Hate Everyone
Kate's Babies
Operation End Table
Keep It Simple
Ghosts And Gardens
Tea Party With A Goddess
Storms And Skeletons
Sailing Through The Atlantic
Fish-Horse Guys
Really Good Brownies
Non Plus Ultra
Pen And Paper
The Horn of Plenty
Dolphin Men
Golden Boy
Raphael's Tomb
Eidolons Again
Dirt Face
The Room With Water
What Happened To The Nymphs?
Fresh Water
Wonder Bread
Mr. D Is A Calming Influence
Hazel, Kiara And Nico
Breaking Through
Chinese Spidercuffs
A One-Way Trip
Friends To Save
Mark of Athena-House of Hades
Gaea Is A Bitch As Usual
Phil From 'Hercules'

We're In A Cave

283 12 3
By ChildOfApollo7


Piper woke up cold and shivering.

   She'd had the worst dream about an old guy with donkey ears chasing her around and shouting, You're it!

   "Oh, god." Her teeth chattered. "He turned me to gold!"

   "You're okay now." Jason leaned over and tucked a warm blanket around her, but she still felt as cold as a Boread.

   She blinked, trying to figure out where they were. Next to her, a campfire blazed, turning the air sharp with smoke. Firelight flickered against rock walls. They were in a shallow cave, but it didn't offer much protection. Outside, the wind howled. Snow blew sideways. It might've been day or night. The storm made it too dark to tell.

   "L-L-Leo?" Piper managed.

   "Present and un-gold-ified." Leo was also wrapped in blankets. Kiara was sitting next to him. He didn't look great, but better than Piper felt.

   "I got the precious metal treatment too," he said. "But I came out of it faster. Dunno why. We had to dunk you in the river to get you back completely. Tried to dry you off, but... it's really, really cold."

   "You've got hypothermia," Kiara said. "We risked as much nectar as we could. Coach Hedge did a little nature magic—"

   "Sports medicine." The coach's ugly face loomed over her. "Kind of a hobby of mine. Your breath might smell like wild mushrooms and Gatorade for a few days, but it'll pass. You probably won't die. Probably."

   "Thanks," Piper said weakly. "How did you beat Midas?"

   Jason told her the story, putting most of it down to luck and to Kiara, who half-hid her face behind a blanket from embarrassment from being the center of attention.

   The coach snorted. "Kid's being modest. You should've seen him. Hi-yah! Slice! Boom with the lightning!"

   "Coach, you didn't even see it," Jason said. "You were outside eating the lawn."

   But the satyr was just warming up. "Then I came in with my club, and we dominated that room. Afterward, I told him, 'Kid, I'm proud of you! If you could just work on your upper body strength—'"

   "Coach," said Jason.


   "Shut up, please," Kiara finished.

   "Sure." The coach sat down at the fire and started chewing his cudgel.

   Jason put his hand on Piper's forehead and checked her temperature. "Leo, can you stoke the fire?"

   "On it." Leo summoned a baseball-sized clump of flames and lobbed it into the campfire.

   "Do I look that bad?" Piper shivered.

   "Nah," Jason said.

   "You're a terrible liar," she said. "Where are we?"

   "Pikes Peak," Jason said. "Colorado."

   "But that's, what—five hundred miles from Omaha?"

   "Something like that," Jason agreed. "I harnessed the storm spirits to bring us this far. They didn't like it—went a little faster than I wanted, almost crashed us into the mountainside before I could get them back in the bag. I'm not going to be trying that again."

   "And I can avoid it," Kiara added, "I will not fly ever again."

   "Why are we here, though?"

   Leo sniffed. "That's what I asked him."

   Jason gazed into the storm as if watching for something. "That glittery wind trail we saw yesterday? It was still in the sky, though it had faded a lot. I followed it until I couldn't see it anymore. Then—honestly I'm not sure. I just felt like this was the right place to stop."

   "'Course it is." Coach Hedge spit out some cudgel splinters. "Aeolus's floating palace should be anchored above us, right at the peak. This is one of his favorite spots to dock."

   "Maybe that was it." Jason knit his eyebrows. "I don't know. Something else, too..."

   "The Hunters were heading west," Piper remembered. "Do you think they're around here?"

   Jason rubbed his forearm as if the tattoos were bothering him. "I don't see how anyone could survive on the mountain right now. The storm's pretty bad. It's already the evening before the solstice, but we didn't have much choice except to wait out the storm here. We had to give you some time to rest before we tried moving."

   He didn't need to convince her. The wind howling outside the cave scared her, and she couldn't stop shivering.

   "We have to get you warm." Jason sat next to her and held out his arms a little awkwardly. "Uh, you mind if I..."

   "I suppose." She tried to sound nonchalant.

   She saw Kiara shoot them a weird look she couldn't place, but it was gone as soon as it appeared.

   Jason put his arms around her and held her. They scooted closer to the fire. Coach Hedge chewed on his club and spit splinters into the fire.

   Leo broke out some cooking supplies and started frying burger patties on an iron skillet. "So, guys, as long as you're cuddled up for story time... something I've been meaning to tell you. On the way to Omaha, I had this dream. Kinda hard to understand with the static and the Wheel of Fortune breaking in—"

   "Wheel of Fortune?" Piper assumed Leo was kidding, but when he looked up from his burgers, his expression was deadly serious.

   "The thing is," he said, "my dad, Hephaestus, talked to me."

   Leo told them about his dream. In the firelight, with the wind howling, the story was even creepier. Piper could imagine the static-filled voice of the god warning about giants who were the sons of Tartarus, and about Leo losing some friends along the way.

   She tried to concentrate on something good: Jason's arms around her, the warmth slowly spreading into her body, but she was terrified. "I don't understand. If demigods and gods have to work together to kill the giants, why would the gods stay silent? If they need us—"

   "Ha," said Coach Hedge. "The gods hate needing humans. They like to be needed by humans, but not the other way around. Things will have to get a whole lot worse before Zeus admits he made a mistake closing Olympus."

   "Coach," Piper said, "that was almost an intelligent comment."

   Hedge huffed. "What? I'm intelligent! I'm not surprised you cupcakes haven't heard of the Giant War. The gods don't like to talk about it. Bad PR to admit you needed mortals to help beat an enemy. That's just embarrassing."

   "There's more, though," Jason said. "When I dreamed about Hera in her cage, she said Zeus was acting unusually paranoid. And Hera—she said she went to those ruins because a voice had been speaking in her head. What if someone's influencing the gods, like Medea influenced us?"

   Piper shuddered. She'd had a similar thought—that some force they couldn't see was manipulating things behind the scenes, helping the giants.

   Maybe the same force was keeping Enceladus informed about their movements, and had even knocked their dragon out of the sky over Detroit. Perhaps Kiara and Leo's sleeping Dirt Woman, or another servant of hers...

   Leo set hamburger buns on the skillet to toast. "Yeah, Hephaestus said something similar, like Zeus was acting weirder than usual. But what bothered me was the stuff my dad didn't say. Like a couple of times he was talking about the demigods, and how he had so many kids and all. I don't know. He acted like getting the greatest demigods together was going to be almost impossible—like Hera was trying, but it was a really stupid thing to do, and there was some secret Hephaestus wasn't supposed to tell me."

   Jason shifted. Piper could feel the tension in his arms.

   "Chiron was the same way back at camp," he said. "He mentioned a sacred oath not to discuss—something. Coach, you know anything about that?"

   "Nah. I'm just a satyr. They don't tell us the juicy stuff. Especially an old—" He stopped himself.

   "An old guy like you?" Piper asked. "But you're not that old, are you?"

   "Hundred and six," the coach muttered.

   Leo coughed. "Say what?"

   "Don't catch your panties on fire, Valdez. That's just fifty-three in human years. Still, yeah, I made some enemies on the Council of Cloven Elders. I've been a protector for a longtime. But they started saying I was getting unpredictable. Too violent. Can you imagine?"

   "Wow." Piper tried not to look at her friends. "That's hard to believe."

   Coach scowled. "Yeah, then finally we get a good war going with the Titans, and do they put me on the front lines? No! They send me as far away as possible—the Canadian frontier, can you believe it? Then after the war, they put me out to pasture. The Wilderness School. Bah! Like I'm too old to be helpful just because I like playing offense. All those flower-pickers on the Council—talking about nature."

   "I thought satyrs liked nature," Piper ventured.

   "Shoot, I love nature," Hedge said. "Nature means big things killing and eating little things! And when you're a —you know—vertically challenged satyr like me, you get in good shape, you carry a big stick, and you don't take nothing from no one! That's nature." Hedge snorted indignantly. "Flower-pickers. Anyway, I hope you got something vegetarian cooking, Valdez. I don't do flesh."

   "Yeah, Coach. Don't eat your cudgel. I got some tofu patties here. Piper's a vegetarian too. I'll throw them on in a second."

   The smell of frying burgers filled the air. Piper usually hated the smell of cooking meat, but her stomach rumbled like it wanted to mutiny.

   I'm losing it, she thought. Think broccoli. Carrots. Lentils.

   Her stomach wasn't the only thing rebelling. Lying by the fire, with Jason holding her, Piper's conscience felt like a hot bullet slowly working its way toward her heart. All the guilt she'd been holding in for the last week, since the giant Enceladus had first sent her a dream, was about to kill her.

   Her friends wanted to help her. Jason even said he'd walk into a trap to save her dad. And Piper had shut them out. For all she knew, she'd already doomed her father when she attacked Medea.

   She choked back a sob. Maybe she'd done the right thing in Chicago by saving her friends, but she'd only delayed her problem. She could never betray her friends, but the tiniest part of her was desperate enough to think, What if I did?

   She tried to imagine what her dad would say. Hey, Dad, if you were ever chained up by a cannibal giant and I had to betray a couple of friends to save you, what should I do?

   Funny, that had never come up when they did Any Three Questions. Her dad would never take the question seriously, of course. He'd probably tell her one of Grandpa Tom's old stories—something with glowing hedgehogs and talking birds—and then laugh about it as if the advice was silly.

   Piper wished she remembered her grandpa better. Sometimes she dreamed about that little two-room house in Oklahoma. She wondered what it would've been like to grow up there.

   Her dad would think that was nuts. He'd had spent his whole life running away from that place, distancing himself from the rez, playing any role except Native American. He'd always told Piper how lucky she was to grow up rich and well cared-for, in a nice house in California.

   She'd learned to be vaguely uncomfortable about her ancestry—like Dad's old pictures from the eighties, when he had feathered hair and crazy clothes. Can you believe I ever looked like that? he'd say. Being Cherokee was the same way for him—something funny and mildly embarrassing.

   But what else were they? Dad didn't seem to know. Maybe that's why he was always so unhappy, changing roles. Maybe that's why Piper started stealing things, looking for something her dad couldn't give her.

   Leo put tofu patties on the skillet. The wind kept raging. Piper thought of an old story her dad had told her... one that maybe did answer some of her questions.

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