The Eternal Damnation: Ties t...

By MrSunshine217

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MATURE CONTENT= In this futuristic era, the entire world has become a living nightmare after Hell has merged... More

Hell on Earth for eternity
Hell will not have my soul
Lost at Dead Sea
Gaze upon the face of evil
Hell's most depraved helper
Evil in our heads
The Forbidden Knowledge
A candle in the dark
House of madness and horrors

Everything pure is gone

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By MrSunshine217

It was now midnight and Isaac and Tanisha were still trapped on the prison island. Right now they were trying to regain their strength before heading off again. Isaac took out one of the canned meats from his backpack and sliced it up into six pieces. Now they sat down and ate while drinking their bottled water.

Tanisha: This is easily the WORST Halloween I've ever had. Not counting your condition, Isaac. And if we survive till next year's Halloween, I don't EVER wanna have anything to do with demons.

Isaac: We should just focus on the now. As long as we stick together, we can find our way out of this prison and off this island alive.

Tanisha: What's stopping you from charging at demons the whole way? You could survive whatever comes at us since you can't die.

Isaac: It still hurts. Those demons could just keep killing me over and over and I'd end up suffering in agony.

Tanisha: So much for the easy way. And here, you can take my spawn off laser shotgun. You're better with guns than I am.

Isaac: Thanks, but you need to stay armed just in case. Now let's get moving. It's not safe to stay in one place for too long.

They only rested for a while before getting up to keep moving. They walked through another door and found themselves in another room full of cell blocks. And they found a dead cheerleader on the floor, so other survivors definitely made it this far. Then suddenly demons made of stone came busting out of the floor. Tanisha's sword won't work so it was she used her laser spawn off and shatter them with each shot. Two more popped up behind Isaac and he was about to shoot them, but they slapped the gun out of his hand and punched him on the floor. They were gonna finish the job but then Tanisha quickly shot them both in the chest, shattering both of them.

Tanisha: Man, that was close! Isaac are you alright?!

Isaac: Just a little hurt but I'll manage! Let's keep moving, there should be a ladder leading back to the first floor and there's bound to be an exit!

Tanisha: And if there isn't?

Isaac: Then we keep moving till we find one!

The two of them kept moving to find the ladder. Once they found one, they climbed up and reached the first floor. And then Holly appeared out of nowhere. But once again she didn't attack, she only stood there and talked while still depressed.

Holly: You're doing well, Isaac. But watch yourself. This place can eat your soul.

Isaac: This is the second time you've tried to help or warn me. What do you want from me?

Holly: You either escape or let the Steelport swallow you up. To survive this place, you've gotta become it. I-I-I tried to fight...b-but it's no use...

The depressed demon was groaning in pain from her stomach, then she vanished again. Secretly Tanisha was feeling a bit sorry for her. Now they walked around the halls to find an exit but nothing yet. Just blood stains and bullet holes on the walls. Further down the hall, they found a door to the labs, but it was locked. Isaac was just about to pry it open.... then he paused after he smelled a familiar scent.

Isaac: Aw, damn. I should've known she'd follow me here.

Tanisha: What? Who is it?

Isaac: It's her. Felicia.

After learning who was on the other side of the door, Isaac smashed it right open. And he was right to be worried.

The person inside was Felicia, Isaac's 20-year-old girlfriend. Felicia is a highly intelligent psychopath with deranged tendencies. She never cared about anyone or anything. But after meeting Isaac and falling in love with him, she found a purpose to be in his life. She's obsessed with this feeling of love and will do anything to keep it. Even if it means killing anyone who threatens it. But beyond that, she is genuinely nice and sweet, especially to those that Isaac trusts. She also has tendencies to destroy what she loves, which means having the urge to cut Isaac and give him slashes. But since Isaac can't die, he doesn't mind.

She was lying on the floor smiling with blood on her face. And all around her were four dead teens, their hearts stabbed multiple times and their throats cut open. When she saw Isaac, she got up and kissed him like it was no big deal. Tanisha recognized her and sighed in disappointment.

Tanisha: Hello again, Felicia. I shouldn't be surprised that your love-obsessed ass stalked my brother and followed us here.

Felicia: Nice to see you, Tanisha. And you should know that I'd follow my Isaac to the ends of the earth.

Tanisha: Mmhmm. And why did you kill these guys? And please tell me they weren't innocent.

Felicia: They're the ones who tried to rape me, I was just defending myself. My body belongs to only my Isaac. And I've been thinking about him the whole day.

Isaac: Baby, why did you follow me here? You were supposed to be at the asylum getting help. Did you......

Felicia: No! I never killed the doctors, they were all gone and the walls crumbled down from the earthquake! And you were the only thing on my mind when this apocalypse began, baby! I had to come and make sure you were safe!

Isaac: If that's true then why didn't you let me know you were here?

Felicia: Because I loved watching you work, you looked so sexy.

The moment turned into more kissing after Felicia forced one on him. But Tanisha pulled Felicia off since she was pretty mad all of the sudden.

Tanisha: If you were stalking us then that means you were watching us in the basement! You didn't think it was a good idea to stop stalking after you saw my brother get stabbed?!

Felicia: My heart was bleeding when I saw that zombie attack my boyfriend and I wanted to snap their fucking necks!! But then I knew that Isaac could never die, and I knew he'd win the fight. What a dreamboat!

Tanisha: Wait, you knew about this?! You know about Isaac being immortal?!

Isaac: I told her not to tell. No one knows about my immortality, not even my victims from the past.

Tanisha: I can't believe I'm involved with an immortal big brother and a crazy psycho bitch. Does she even know that we're all trapped in this prison, or is she too blinded by love?

Isaac: She's just as intelligent as me, she understands fully. But we need to keep moving, now. Felicia, do you have a gun?

Felicia: Just this plasma pistol that I stole from this dead idiot. But don't you worry about me, baby. You worry about...

Randomly out of nowhere a giant skeleton hand popped up from the ground and grabbed Tanisha's leg and tried to pull her down the hole. Isaac quickly shot that hand and shattered it, freeing and saving his sister. But a huge bone shard pierced through Isaac's heart, causing him to bleed out and fall on his knees. Felicia rudely shoved Tanisha out of the way while frantically checking on Isaac.

Felicia: My poor baby!! What happened, where are you hurt, are you okay?!?

Isaac: I'm dying... again. I'll be fine after... a while.

Felicia: Don't worry, sweet face! Mommy will take good care of you!

Tanisha: You're a fucking asshole, you crazy bitch!

Felicia: Shut up, my boyfriend is more important than you!!

Tanisha: He's my big brother, you daft bimbo!

Isaac: Both...of you.... stop drawing attention to ourselves and be quiet! The last thing we need is demons piling up on us. I only need a few minutes to come back to life. So just sit... and be quiet...

And just like that, he bled out and died. Tanisha wasn't sad, knowing that he'll come back to life. So now Isaac's psycho-girlfriend is part of the group. The girls sat down in the lab and waited for Isaac to resurrect. There were sounds of demons roaring outside so it wasn't a quiet night. Felicia decided to break the silence by playing Isaac's radio to listen in on more of Lex's dark and deep messages.

Lex: When you compare killing a person to putting down a dog, you cheapen all human life. And life on Eastmore is the cheapest you'll find anywhere. The cops prime the prisoners to kill each other and then smile when they do. But I don't blame the psychos, or the gangs, or even the corrupted hacks. That cursed prison sucks everyone down till they're no better than animals. Any idea how many have come to Eastmore without guilt over the years? Far too many. But no need to worry about the innocent, because on Steelport Island no one is without sin for long.

Tanisha: Are you sure you love listening to this stuff? It's really depressing.

Felicia: Yes. She tells interesting dark histories.

Tanisha: I don't why Isaac loves this stuff. It's not normal for a 14-year-old girl to be talking like this.

Lex: No matter how tough you are, a measure of fear can help keep you alive. In Eastmore a man who isn't afraid is too stupid to live. I was on Eastmore for the tour of its cemetery a year ago. My blood ran ice cold, and I froze with fear. I had to get off that cursed island, I just couldn't face it anymore. The thought of dying in that prison? Being buried forever on Steelport that's soaked with centuries of blood and evil? I just couldn't handle that reality. And I feel sorry for anyone dumb enough to fall for Hargrave's trap to come to that island.

Tanisha: Alright, no more of that. Please. Things are depressing enough as it is.

Suddenly Isaac woke up gasping for air. He was resurrected after getting killed. The first thing he did was pick up his gun and crack his knuckles.

Isaac: Okay. I'm all better, so let's move.

It was nearly 2 am at night. All three of them left the labs and back down the hall. And further down the hall, they see a huge hole in the wall, leading outside. They thought they were free but in fact, they found themselves in the yards of the prison. The night sky looked eerie with the full moon and the heavy clouds. There were pits of fire, dead humans and demons on the floor, scattered guns and blood splatters. Looked like a huge massacre. And it wasn't over because there were still survivors shooting and running from the demons. Three teens passed by and saw Isaac and the girls.

Female teen: Hey, come on! We're busting outta here!

Before anything could happen, black water rose up from the ground and trapped the three teens in water coffins. All three of them drowned in just seconds and the water splashed on the ground. Then finally Helga rose up from the water puddle while snickering sinisterly.

Helga: No. You cannot escape what I bring about. Nothing worthwhile is easy.

The evil demon fell back into the black water and vanished. Tanisha mourned for the poor teens who died when they tried to escape. And then she got pissed with all the demons running around.

Tanisha: Out of the frying pan and back in the fire. Where do we go from here?!

Isaac: Push through the yards and make it to the other building... Heads up!!!

A demon cop fell from the roof with a plasma rifle. He tried to shoot Felicia, but she jumped out of the way. Tanisha quickly ran behind the demon and sliced the head clean off. With no time to waste they started running through the chaos of the yards. Some survivors were running up the catwalks and watch towers.

Male teen: Did someone call for help yet?!

Male teen 2: They're swarming all over the yards, there's no way to reach the radio building! Unless YOU wanna go with all those demons everywhere!

Male teen: I think I see someone! Move the light over there, to your left!

Male teen 2: Over where, here?

Male teen: Your other left, you dumb bastard!

Male teen 2: Fucking move it yourself, I'm not staying here!

On the other side, there were twins shooting giant spiders with laser shotguns. They kept shooting but more kept coming over the wall.

1st twin: Get back, damn you! Get away! *gunshot* Just die and stay away from us!

2nd twin: You bastards!! Go to hell!! *gunshot*

1st twin: Shit, there's another one! Shoot it down! *two gunshots*

2nd twin: These fuckers are everywhere!

Fear. The survivors were filled with it. It was fight or flight, every man for themselves. Two other demons saw Isaac and came charging at him. So both Isaac and Felicia shot and killed them together. Running up the catwalk above them was two little girls dressed as Goldilocks and carrying plasma rifles. They were so scared with blood splattered on their faces. Then they caught a glimpse of Isaac.

Little girl: Hey, are those humans down there?!

Little girl 2: Can't risk it, just kill them!

The frightened little girls opened fire on Isaac, Tanisha, and Felicia. So they were forced to hide behind the nearest wall to avoid being shot by the plasma rifles. But Felicia was actually gonna shoot the little girls in self-defense. Tanisha grabbed and pulled her back before she could pull the trigger.

Tanisha: They're just scared little girls!!

Felicia: Not anymore!! Nobody tries to kill my boyfriend!!

Isaac: They're too afraid, they'll shoot anyone to stay alive!

Tanisha: Exactly! We are not going to kill two little girls just because they're too scared to see that we're not demons! Follow me!

So now Tanisha was leading everyone to the other side of the yard to avoid getting shot. There was a locked gate, so she had to use her sword to cut the chains off. They could see another group of kid survivors on the catwalk, shooting the mounted machine guns at the demons crawling up the walls.

Little girl: That's it! This is the end! Those creatures are everywhere! We're never getting out; nobody leaves the island alive! We are so fucked!

Little boy: Shut the FUCK up and keep shooting!!

They were scared for their lives but at least they were safe from the demons, thanks to the machine guns. Without wasting any time, Isaac led the girls toward the nearest building before they ended up getting shot by anyone else too scared to recognize a human in front of them.

They went back inside the prison and found more dead teens. Massacred and slaughtered like animals. Someone wrote a lot of warning messages with their blood. One of the bodies was a dead teenage girl with half her brains oozing out. In her hand was an audio recording. Her last message.

Recording: Hello. The creatures are outside the door, I can hear them banging on it. And while I wait to die, I wanna tell whoever finds this recording. I've been looking for some answers to this apocalypse and.... Well, there isn't any, there's no answers, there's no explanation. It just is what it is. We are at its mercy. I've seen the unspeakable and I won't be at its mercy anymore.

The recording ended with the sounds of the girl screaming from the demons slaughtering her. Everyone but Isaac felt sorry. Now they kept moving inside the prison to look for a way out. They passed by another room full of cell blocks but paused after what they saw. It was a huge hole in the floor that looked as if it was a portal to Hell, which was continually releasing a red mist. Inside there was electricity that can be seen, and demonic chanting can be faintly heard from within. All around the room was even more spilled blood and a pile of debris from the roof caving in.

Tanisha: God damn. So this must be where they came from. Is this a doorway to Hell?

Felicia: Nah. It's a Hellmouth, it's only meant for them to pop up and kill us if we fall in. And I'm betting there are hundreds of these everywhere.

Tanisha: Can you imagine being right near this when it first appears? You'd be torn apart before you could run. And what's with the demon chanting?

Felicia: Nothing good. Let's not stick around to find out.

Tanisha: Seriously, how many more of these cell blocks do we have to pass in order to....

Suddenly a demon orge busted down the entire wall while carrying a power pole. Isaac and Felicia quickly shot the head multiple times before it could swing the pole. Tanisha delivered the finishing blow by slashing the stomach with her sword. The demon orge fell down dead after that. But now they have a way out. Isaac then looked up the map on his phone.

Isaac: This path will lead us to the radio building, it connects to the gate that leads outside of the prison. Once outside, we can cross the bridge and be off this island.

Felicia: My hero! I can always rely on you to protect us!

Tanisha: Lady, you scare the hell outta me more than my brother does. But whatever, let's move!

Everyone was about to run but then giant mutant tentacles popped up from the ground. They didn't grab anyone; they just blocked the way out. Isaac tried shooting them, but the plasma bullets did nothing. And then Dr. Jessie appeared from a poof of smoke, smiling and taking a bow. Felicia was about to shoot but Isaac pointed her gun down, knowing that attacking would be a bad idea.

Dr. Jessie: It's your doctor again, Isaac. It's bad news, I'm afraid. It looks like your problem is altogether more serious than I had originally suspected... You must come to see me soon if you ever hope to gain control. And where better to perform than at my institute asylum, right here on this very island!

Tanisha: Are we really supposed to believe that you're just a good Sumerian wanting to help my big brother after you just locked us inside?

Dr. Jessie: But of course! We're in the middle of a session and we have so much to discuss on this dreadful night! Are you ready for a history lesson, Isaac? Over the ages, Steelport Island has been host to nearly every form of human atrocity. The horrors you've faced so far are not unique to this place. Yes, surely all over the planet humans have been killing humans all the way back to Cain and Abel. But Steelport is one of the many places on earth that brings out the killer in us all! There's a name for places like this, but I prefer the most recognized name above all else. A Dead Zone.

Felicia: Stop trying to be Isaac's doctor when you're nothing but a hideous, demon freak! Now why are you really here?!

Dr. Jessie: Ah ah ah, we mustn't rush perfection. It's not enough to merely present the mind with the harsh reality of the truth. And some minds are slightly more hostile than others.

Because she couldn't stand listening to her anymore, Felicia used her plasma pistol and shot Dr. Jessie five times. But Dr Jessie blocked all the shots to her head by using her large mutant arm to cover her face. After that the wounds healed and Dr. Jessie took another bow, presenting herself as the mad doctor actress she is.

Dr. Jessie: Dear dear dear. Felicia could use a lifetime of alienist treatment if it weren't for the fact that she is so very unstable. Still, I think she serves a great purpose in your recovery, Isaac.

Isaac: What do you care about what's wrong with me? What's in it for you?

Dr. Jessie: It has been quite some years since I've found such a fascinating specimen such as yourself. When you're ready for your session, make yourself present in my institution. I trust you know where to find it, given your intelligence.

After that, the mad doctor vanished into smoke again, along with the mutant tentacles blocking the way. Everyone was free to walk through the door and were now back outside. The chaos kinda dimmed down, up to the point where no one was outside and there were only a few gunshots from afar. The path to the radio building was a few feet ahead but there were ten demons on the path and fighting each other. More like killing each other, like wild animals. Tanisha was gonna charge with her sword, but Isaac caught her shoulder.

Isaac: These demons are so angry that they'll kill even each other. This is a good chance for us to slip by unnoticed.

Tanisha: How can you be so sure if that's a good idea?

Isaac: It's my instincts. Follow me and keep quiet.

Isaac led the girls around the group of demons fighting each other. Thankfully none of the demons were paying attention. After a short while they managed to sneak past them and reached the radio building. Isaac went inside the building first and found no demons inside. The exit to the outside was right by the radio terminal. Now it was just a matter of Felicia hacking the terminal to get the door open and escape. Isaac and Tanisha stayed by the door to keep a look out.

Felicia: It'll take a moment, but I'll have this door unlocked and we can get off this island!

Tanisha: Do we dare use the radio to call for help somewhere?

Isaac: We've already established that there's no one call since all the adults are gone now.

Suddenly there was someone speaking from the PA system. It was two little boys, trying to call for rescue and not realizing they were using the PA instead of the radio.

Blake: How does this damn radio work?

Johnny: You've gotta hold down the red button, Blake. I think you're live right now.

Blake: Alright! Ahem, this is Officer Blake from the Eastmore prison. Can any other officers hear me? Coast guard? Army? We have a serious situation over here on the island and...

Johnny: Fuck that!! It's the Goddamn apocalypse over here!!

Blake: Johnny's right! Everything's gone to hell! You've gotta send help over here to help us, we're just kids!

Johnny: Wait, that's not the radio that's the PA system!

Blake: What? You're shitting me. Then screw this, let's get the hell outta here before any more demons show up! *static*

The two little boys ran off wherever they were. Tanisha tried to use the radio but all she heard was static from every channel. And then came another transmission from someone else.

Boyfriend: Who's fucking idea was it to come to the Goddamn quarry?!

Girlfriend: I didn't see you getting better ideas, babe!

Boyfriend: At least back at the prison I knew where the hell I was! But here, I don't know if I'm coming or going!

Girlfriend: Doesn't matter, we're all in hell now!

The transmission ended once again. Tanisha kept trying to reach someone on the radio but there was no one to respond, given how all the adults were gone. And to make things worse, Felicia slammed the screen out of frustration.

Felicia: Damn it all to hell! These systems have way too many firewalls for me to hack through! I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, this is a Goddamn prison!

Isaac: Damn it! And I don't think we can pry or shoot the door open, it's made of thick titanium steel!

Tanisha: We came all this way just to reach a dead end! Fuck! What do we do now?!

So then Isaac took a moment to think. Felicia and Tanisha looked out the window to make sure none of the demons knew where they were. And sadly, they switched from killing each other to them searching for humans to eat. So they can't go back to where they came from. Finally, Isaac had an idea.

Isaac: Despite how I feel about this, I think our option is to accept Dr. Jessie's invitation to her asylum.

Both of the girls gave Isaac a crazy look. And that's saying something if Felicia is doubting Isaac, despite how madly in love she feels with him.

Tanisha: You want us to listen to a demon and march right into her place?! Isaac, that doesn't sound even remotely smart!

Isaac: It's the only choice we have because we can't reach any of the exits out of the prison, not without running into a crowd of demons. Going to her asylum is the only way.

Felicia: Baby, you know I love you and I trust you, but this doesn't sound like a good idea! We don't know what Dr Jessie wants and there's no telling if she means well! We need a new plan!

Isaac: This is the ONLY plan! A few miles away from the asylum are the docks, and if I'm right, there's bound to be some police boats we can use to escape! That's the good news. The bad news is we'd have to go through the asylum since the only path to the docks is in the backyard. So, like I said, there is no other plan besides this. Do we understand each other on what we have to do in order to escape?

Both the girls took a moment to think it through. Despite how one is sane and the other is psychotic, they both have the same thing in common regarding Isaac and how he thinks. And unfortunately, they both know that he's right.

Felicia: Alright, Isaac. Where do we start?

Isaac: The Eastmore prison has an old quarry that's never been renovated in centuries. We have to cross it to leave the prison and be one step closer to the asylum.

Felicia: But where do we begin to find the quarry?

Isaac: We have to first go through the prison cemetery and reach the gate to the quarry. And luckily for us, the cemetery is only a few feet behind this very building.

Tanisha: That's good enough for me, let's roll!

They now have a plan but it's not a pretty one. The girls followed Isaac outside, ran around the radio building, and ran that few feet just to make it to the Eastmore cemetery. When they reached it, they found no demons. But the moment they stepped on the property they heard multiple disembodied voices talking from the cemetery. Poor souls trapped in the cursed soil.

Voice: So cold....

Voice 2: I was innocent....I didn't do it....

Voice 3: Darkest night....eternal blight...

Voice 4: I can feel the ants.

The girls practically held each other from being afraid of the voices of the graveyard. Isaac was not, given how he rarely feels anything. He just observed the situation to better understand it.

Isaac: Looks like Lex had a good reason for not wanting to be anywhere near here after all.

Tanisha: I don't wanna die on this damn island. I'm serious, you better make sure we don't die on this island!

Isaac: Count on it. Now come on.

The gang ran past the graveyard and followed the path to the tunnels. During the run, Isaac got shot in the arm by a stray laser bullet. There were demons running at them with laser rifles. So Felicia shot what she could, and Tanisha used her sword to slash whoever got close. So far, they've killed a lot, and a few more kept coming. Isaac's wound quickly healed, and he was about to join the fight. But the ground caved in, and he fell through.

Tanisha: Hold on, Isaac!

Tanisha quickly killed the last three demons after running up to them and slashing them with her sword. With the coast clear, she and Felicia ran after Isaac to save him.

The girls jumped down the hole and found themselves in the underground tunnel, with the quarry right on the other side of the door. The problem is there's already destruction in the tunnels and plants growing inside. No dead bodies but there were bullet holes in the walls. And the exit of the tunnel was caved in from the roof.

Tanisha: Oh, hell. I hope to God we don't become victims of a cave-in.

Isaac: That would be ironic.

Tanisha: Why? Are you saying this tunnel has some history with cave-ins?!

Felicia: My Isaac learned that a group of prisoners got trapped in a cave in the old quarry in 1912, and the cops left them to die. That history was really dark and hardly anything scares my baby.

Isaac: Hey. Do you hear voices?

Tanisha: What are you talking about?

Isaac: Just shut up for a minute!

There was a faint sound of people coming somewhere from the tunnel. But Isaac found out that the voices were actually coming from his walkie-talkie. And it wasn't human, exactly. The voices sounded eerie and disembodied. They were the voices of ghosts.

Prisoner: Watch out!! Cave in!!

Prisoner 2: My legs!! Let me out! You've gotta help me!

Prisoner 3: You can't just leave us here!

Cop: They deserve it!

Cop 2: Aw, crap. You think anyone will care?

Cop: Fucking inmates. They're not worth the trouble, let them rot!

The voices stopped coming from the walkie-talkie. Nobody knew what happened and everyone was spooked by it. Suddenly Tanisha frowned because she remembered where she had heard this from.

Tanisha: Call me crazy but I think what we just heard was a Death whisper. Voices of the dead that speak to the living.

Felicia: But those voices didn't sound very recent. It sounded more like we were listening to that incident in 1912, the cops letting the prisoners rot in the cave-in. What's that about?

Isaac: It's this island, it's Hell. You heard it yourself, a lot of horrible things happened here after the island turned regular people into killers. Guess that explains why places like this are called the Dead Zone. But let's go, there's no time to lose!

So now everyone ran to the door and found themselves in the old quarry. Unlike the rest of the prison, the quarry still had technology from the 21st century. They even found crates of dynamite, giant cranes, and old generators to keep the lights on. Isaac grabbed a few dynamites just in case. Two minutes of running led them to a bridge that cuts over a dig site, but the bridge wasn't deployed. So Tanisha improvised by operating the crane to force the bridge down so that they could cross. Then came the loud roar of a demon, coming from the huge hut beside them.

They all ran inside and saw what was wrong in the backyard. It was a giant demon with 12 giant octopus tentacles all around the mouth. It was drinking the blood from one of the high school girls. One of them was crawling away while crying and two high school boys were shooting the monster with laser pistols.

Boy: Fuck!! Every time I drop one another shows up to take its place!

Boy 2: Where are they coming from?!

Boy: That pit! I think I saw one jump out of there!

What the boys were referring to was another Hellmouth, right behind the monster. A new demon would appear every time the first one died. So Isaac lit up his dynamite and threw it inside.

Tanisha: What was that for?!

Isaac: Hit the deck!

The dynamite blew up the entrance of the Hellmouth, causing it to close from all the debris. The boys finished the job of shooting the giant demon, along with Felicia and Tanisha using their guns. It took about 50 shots before the monster screamed in pain and died. Isaac helped the high school girl stand up from the floor.

Isaac: You're safe now! Head back where we came from, and you'll be out of the quarry!

Boy: You don't have to tell us twice! We're outta here!

Girl: Thank you so much! I hope you guys make out alive!

All three of the survivors ran to safety. Isaac then led the girls across the bridge and ran down the path that led them up a hill and out of the quarry. They could already see the asylum just a couple of miles behind some of the trees on the island. Suddenly they saw Holly again. She was on her knees and groaning in pain. But then she stood up after seeing Isaac, Tanisha, and Felicia. Once again, she didn't harm them. It seems like she only wants to warn Isaac to keep him alive.

Holly: Has the devil trapped you? You're not a bad man, you have to believe.

Tanisha: Hey, look, Dr Jessie claimed she wants to help Isaac. So what exactly do you want?

Holly: To be honest I thought you'd just be another victim of this island's damn evil influence when you first arrived. But I think there's hope for you, Isaac. Don't ever stop fighting. Because they sure won't. Ngghh!! Oh God, no! It still burns!!

The demon felt her insides on fire and then she faded away again. But there wasn't any time to worry about that. Everyone finished running down the path which led them out of the quarry and through the woods. And the more they went down the road, the more the skies turned into thunderclouds.

Between 3 am and 4 am, they reached Dr. Jessie's asylum, which was up the hill. It looked more like a vampire castle than an asylum. Crows flew by and the thunderstorm was harsh. After walking up the stairs they could see the front door of the asylum.

Isaac: Well, this is it. Let's get going.

Felicia: You sure we can't go around to reach the docks?

Isaac: Not unless you can fly. The cliff is too sheer. Behind the asylum is a dirt path that leads to the docks.

Tanisha: Hell, I'm surprised Eastmore never tore this place down.

Isaac: The cops cared about the prison, not any of the old buildings still standing centuries later.

They walked up to the entrance and opened up the old doors. Already they could smell the dust and see so many cobwebs. At first, it was pitch black.... then the doors slammed shut and the candles and lights lit right up by themselves, showing a 19th-century castle theme. And then they heard music playing, Mozart Piano Sonata No.11 in A major, K. 331-I. Andante grazioso. The whole asylum reeks of being haunted.

Felicia: So now the demon bitch knows we're here. I knew we should've tried to kill her.

Isaac: The plan still stands. We go through the asylum; we reach the docks. And I don't think there's any demons in here, so that's a start.

Tanisha: Is there any more to your plan? You really need to explain things more.

Isaac Ignored her and kept moving. They all walked through the lobby and were about to head to the lab room that had a back door. But Dr. Jessie appeared from the door to her lab with her hands behind her back and smiling confidently.

Dr. Jessie: Welcome to the Steelport Institution for the Tragically Troubled, the Impossibly Insane, and the Diabolically Disturbed! How delightful that you've arrived for your treatment!

Isaac: So where do we start? And if this is a trap, I will....

Dr. Jessie: No need to be so wild. It is in this room that all the secrets will be revealed. I will conduct an experiment that will help bring you closer to a cure. But you can't come to the show yet. First, you must prove to me that you truly want to be cured and worth the effort. See you soon, I hope.

The mad doctor demon went back to her lab and closed and locked the door. Isaac tried to get it open, but it was bolted shut on the other side and could only be opened by three security cards. So Isaac was about to bring out his demon avatar to do the job.

Kim: Whatever you do, don't do that.

Everyone got started by someone else in the asylum with them. It was a teenage girl covered in blood and smoking weed. She was baked but her eyes showed that she saw some scary things in the asylum.

Kim: Hey. Names Kim. Me and the other group of girls ran here to be safe. Then we heard this Mozart music, and everyone ran. Then I heard them screaming and it went quiet. Me, I'm staying right here where it's safe. You can forget about trying to make me move.

Felicia: Do you at least know how we can get this door open?

Kim: Not without the security cards. They're inside the patient rooms. But don't bother going inside that lab, it's messed up in there.

Isaac: We don't have a choice, sadly. We're gonna need to get those cards if we're ever gonna get outta here.

Tanisha: And frankly I'm too scared to care. I vote we all split up and be careful.

So now everyone split up to enter the three rooms that Dr Jessie led them to. But each door was pure terror.

Isaac opened the first door and found two little girls inside. One of the girls had arms and legs cut off while the other one was hugging her. It was clear that this brunette girl had gone insane and attacked her friend. What Isaac found in the room was a security card and a recording of Dr. Jessie's voice.

Dr. Jessie: It is so difficult to tame an unstable brain, sometimes it needs a little jolt to behave. Alas, I have been far too busy to get around to it. But this patient is quite fascinating, wouldn't you agree?

The recording then ended. And seeing that this little girl is too violent and that the other girl lost her limbs, Isaac did them both a favor. By shooting both of them in the head.

Tanisha opened the second door and found multiple dead high school girls. All of them were brutally butchered, and chopped up, and some were pierced to the wall. It was like a bloody meat locker. Tanisha nearly cried from seeing all of this. But on the table, she found the 2nd security card and another recording from Dr. Jessie.

Dr. Jessie: These poor souls could not handle what they saw in the ink. I offered them a bright new world. How sad that only a few of my patients lived to see it.

Tanisha's sadness turned to rage as she threw the recording on the ground. These poor girls didn't deserve to die like this.

In the final room, Felicia went inside and found another dead body. A little girl wearing an angel outfit and her entire lower body was removed. And beside the body was another recording from Dr. Jessie and the final security card.

Dr. Jessie: Sometimes it is the body that threatens the safety of the mind. Sometimes it must be removed. Fatal, yet effective.

It was very clear that Dr. Jessie is indeed a homicidal mad doctor. But regardless, they have to escape. Felicia, Tanisha, and Isaac all regrouped and used their security cards to open the door to the lab. And inside the lab was something.... horrifying.

The asylum was old-fashioned, but the lab had high tech technology. There were cryo pods with horrifying monsters frozen and asleep. The monsters were actually mutated humans and looked like a few broke free. Felicia and Tanisha were both frightened by this. Dr. Jessie then appeared behind them and locked the door. And locked the back door which was the exit.

Dr. Jessie: Nowhere do the stars shine as brightly as they do on Steelport Island, in this very lab, where it is my pleasure to introduce you to the world of your own mind! Given enough time, these experiments, these wonders of the human body, allow me to show the world their limitless potential.

Tanisha: Stop! No more acting nice! You're not different from the demons, not after what you did to all those girls!!

Isaac: Stop it, Tanisha! This is my fight. Dr. Jessie, what do you want now that I'm here?

Dr. Jessie: I would hesitate to call you a gentle soul, but I do believe there is hope for you yet, Isaac. Nevertheless, if I am able to cure you, I must observe you further. See if you can figure out the obvious solution.

Suddenly something was banging inside one of the cryo pods. Something big...and angry.

Busting out of the pod is one of Dr. Jessie's mutants. Looked like a teen woman with a massive, mutated tentacle for a right arm and little tendrils. Dr. Jessie stood at the corner to watch the whole thing. Felicia and Tanisha were about to shoot but the monster used its giant tentacle to knock both of them across the room. That's when Isaac fired his plasma pistol into the back of the monster's head.

Dr. Jessie: Wait, no. What are you doing? Can't you see that by not using your bloodlust to kill my creation you ruin the point of this session?

The monster was still alive from the headshot. Now the monster quickly pierced its hand right through Isaac's chest and squished his heart. He didn't die but he was in agony. Felicia got pissed and shoots the mutant's left arm off.

Dr. Jessie: Stop that, are you mad?! Well, clearly you are. But you're ruining the point of all this! This session is about two monsters acting out, not shooting the monster like depraved animals!

Felicia: Go back to hell, you ugly bitch!

Dr. Jessie: Who do you think you are, you Neanderthal barbarian!? You cannot defeat me, I am one of the greats, one of the brightest stars in the sky!

The mad doctor was getting more pissed from seeing her mutant experiment getting injured. As for Isaac, his body regenerated, and he was ready to fight. He pounced on the back of the monster and snapped the neck. The monster was still alive, barely. So that was when Tanisha ran up and stabbed the monster in the heart with her sword. Then she sliced the head off for good measure.

Dr. Jessie: No! My greatest creation!! No!!

Isaac: Session's over! Either let us out or we'll kill you now! I don't wanna do it if I don't have to!

Tanisha: Are you serious?! She was letting that monster kill us!

Dr. Jessie: If that's how you feel about your treatment, I cannot avoid the subject anymore. The time has come for the meeting of the mind and terrible truth. Proceed to the docks and we'll see if you are strong enough to handle the harsh reality.

First Dr. Jessie opened the back door and then she vanished. Now it was just a matter of running down the path to reach the docks. But luckily for them, there was an old jeep in the backyard. Isaac hotwired it then he and the girls hopped inside and drove down the dirt path to reach the docks. Things were starting to look up. But Tanisha was bothered by what Isaac said back at the asylum.

Tanisha: What was that about back there, Isaac? Why did you hesitate to kill that demon?

Isaac: Because I didn't feel any evil intent from Dr. Jessie. Yes, she was insane and homicidal, but she was neutral. Good intentions with evil actions.

Felicia: And how do you know she won't just shoot us in the back?

Isaac: Oh fuck!!

A demon jumped in the middle of the road while carrying grenades, posing as a suicide bomber. Isaac had to quickly swerve out of the way to avoid hitting the bomber, then the bomber exploded. But swerving so suddenly made the truck crash into a tree. Everyone was fine but now they've lost their ride. They all climbed out of the jeep together.

Tanisha: Damn it all to Hell! Why can't God just bless us just this one time?!

Isaac: I can see the shore a mile away! We can still make it out alive, just run!

Isaac, Tanisha, and Felicia were now running to the docks to reach the boats. Nearly half a mile away now. But then something came burrowing under the ground and fast. What popped out was a giant demon worm with sharp teeth. The worm tried to chomp on Isaac's head. He shot his plasma revolver inside the demon's mouth three times when the demon came close. While the demon worm was stunned, Tanisha rammed her sword into its belly. Then she slid the sword upwards, making the green blood come squirting out on her face. Now that the demon was killed, they were free to move on. But on the left they passed by a burnt down house.

Tanisha: Hey, you think anyone's hiding in there?

Isaac: Not likely. That's the old house that was burned down by the Colt sisters.

Tanisha: Wait, I know that story! In 1445, the Colt sisters accused innocent villagers of being witches, and they were burned alive. The girls committed suicide after their prank killed everyone.

Felicia: Christ, this island is filled with so much evil. Let's get outta here already.

It was now 4 am and the night was still eerie. But their happiness turned to despair upon reaching the docks. There was a wrecked spaceship on the shore, lying in ruins. Looked like it's been left here for 50 years. And there were no police boats or regular boats around, they were all destroyed. So, the plan to escape was ruined. They did see one boat, but it was just an inflated boat raft. Isaac got so mad that he fell on his knees and punched the sandy shores.

Isaac: Son of a bitch! Can we ever get a Goddamn break?!

Felicia: Babe, we can still use that raft to escape! The plan is still good!

Isaac: That raft isn't tough enough to carry all three of us, it was meant for one!... It's over, guys.

Tanisha: You can't mean that! There has to be another way, we've come so far!

Isaac: It's over. I'm sorry.

Both the girls knew that Isaac was telling the truth. If he says it's over it's really over. Since no one had a plan they all took a break on the shore to regain their strength. Felicia and Tanisha ate some beef jerky and drank some water. Isaac wasn't hungry or thirsty. He turned the radio back on to listen to more of Lex's broadcasts. Listening to her was a better way to cheer him up.

Lex: The worst crimes aren't committed by the body; they are invented in the mind. The urge to kill is the purest evil and suppressing it only lasts so long. Dr. Jessie realized this. From what I know, Dr. Jessie's motives were pure. That she committed crimes against humanity shouldn't surprise, given where she did her work. And when we gaze into the blackest oblivion, all we see is ourselves. People on Steelport are fixated on that void, but I try my best to look away.

Tanisha: Hey, uh, are you gonna join us and eat? Because that girl is really depressing me.

Isaac: Please be quiet. I need to know what she knows.

Lex: They say Holly doesn't rest in peace in Eastmore. Her crime was horrible, but her execution was worse. Every now and again someone is gonna catch a scent of her on that island, suffering the pain of her execution constantly. And I don't blame the folks who don't believe that Helga was a murderer who drowned so many kids. That sadistic little girl lived up to her name as a demon spawn. But anyway, that's about all I have to say for tonight. Hopefully, you'll still be alive the next day. Nighty night, friends.

That was the end of the broadcast for tonight. Isaac was about to join in on eating beef jerky to regain his strength. But then the walkie-talkie turned itself on. It wasn't a human; it was another Death Whisper.

Guard: If we let out the prisoners, they'll kill us. They'll slaughter us.

Guard 2: There's a whole lot of them and only a handful of us. We'll all be dead if we try to save them.

Captain: Leave them in their cells. The dehydration will finish them.

Listening to the dead voices from the past made everyone feel uneasy. Nobody was comfortable sitting near the wrecked spaceship where prisoners were left to rot and starve to death. And what came next was the sound of someone running up to them. At first, they thought it was another demon. But it was actually a 22-year-old man wearing a prisoner outfit. It was pretty obvious that this man was an Eastmore prisoner who escaped during the chaos.

Ben: Well, it's good to see more people still among the living. The name is Ben, sir. It would seem you've found the slave transport ship that crashed on Eastmore fifty years ago. The officers cut their losses and left the inmates to rot in their cells.

Isaac: We know. So I take it that's your raft over there. Why haven't you escaped off the island yet?

Ben: I had hoped to escape tonight. But these abominations keep spawning as much as I kill one. Wait.... Damnation, the demons are coming!

Coming up from the ocean were six demon women with very long white hair covering up most of their bodies. One of them took a deep breath and spit out a stream of acid, trying to melt Ben. Tanisha grabbed Ben and pulled him away before he could get burned. Isaac shot two of the demons in the head and killed them. But then two more rose up from the ocean. Now Felicia and Isaac were shooting the aqua demons as much as they kept spawning from the ocean. Two of the demons both spat out a stream of acid towards Felicia, so Isaac jumped in front of her, letting the acid burn him instead. The acid started eating his skin as fast as he kept regenerating.

Felicia: Baby! Baby are you hurt?!

Isaac: Obviously! Grrah! Just keep shooting them!

Tanisha: It's no good, these things just keep spawning the more we keep killing!

Ben: These waterlogged abominations are connected to that wrecked ship! So long as it stands, we will never be free of these things!

Felicia: How are we gonna destroy a spaceship that's already destroyed?!

Ben: The fusion reactor should still be intact from within! If you detonate it, we can send this damned ship down the sea! If you assist me in this matter I will greatly reward you!

Tanisha: Alright, I'm on it!

Isaac: Tanisha, wait!!

The little sister snatched Isaac's dynamite from his coat and made a run to the wrecked spaceship all by herself. The aqua demons were spitting acid to try and melt her, but she dodged them with her quick reflexes. She entered inside the wrecked door and was now inside. Behind the algae-covered signs, Tanisha knew the direction to the fusion reactor. But then two of the aqua demons followed her. Tanisha quickly did a spin move with her sword, slicing open the two demon's stomachs. Now she runs towards the fusion reactor room, seeing it so old and nearly rusty. She lights up the dynamite, tosses it inside, and sprints back towards the exit.

By the time she reached the exit she jumped out, just as the explosion went off. But Tanisha was in the water, so she was safe from the explosion. The wrecked spaceship started sinking into the ocean and the aqua demons all died together. Isaac ran into the water and helped his sister back to shore.

Isaac: What the hell were you thinking, Tanisha!? You should've let me go, I'm the one who can't die!

Tanisha: I made it out alive, didn't I?! Let's not forget you chose to live in the woods over coming home with me! I had to learn to fend for myself!

Isaac: It wasn't like that, and you know it! I chose to be in the wild instead of letting you see me for the heartless monster I am inside!

Tanisha: I've already told you I don't give a damn what you are! Nothing changes how much I love my big brother!

Both of them didn't need words to apologize to each other. Despite how they didn't grow up together they understand each other greatly. As for Ben, he was overwhelmed with joy. He reached into his pocket and gave Felicia a security card.

Ben: My eternal thanks to you guys! This security card will open the main gate of the Eastmore prison, and you too can escape! That sewer pipe will lead you back to Eastmore, inside the basement where I escaped. Best of luck, don't let the bastards kick you down!

The criminal hopped on his raft and finally sailed off to his escape. Felicia then gave Isaac the security card. He took a moment to form another plan. Both Felicia and Tanisha were excited because they knew Isaac wouldn't let them down.

Isaac: Alright, I've got it. We're going back inside Eastmore and killing our way to the exit. It won't be easy, but we've gotta try. My truck should still be out front.

Tanisha: And you're absolutely sure this plan is golden?

Isaac: I'm sure we've got no other option. Now let's go and off this island once and for all.

There was hope for them yet. But the evil of this island will never let them escape. It won't stop until they're dead.

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