Wanna Bet? || Jamie Drysdale

By Iluvsftball

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Elle Cooper is a first year kindergarten teacher at an elementary school in Anaheim, California. In the hopes... More

Chapter One - First Hockey Cheer Practice
Chapter Two - Just Friends
Chapter Three - Boyfriend?
Chapter Four - No Kissing On The First Date
Chapter Five - Christmas Surprise
Chapter Six - The Ducks Christmas Gala
Chapter Eight - A Midseason Trade
Chapter Nine - The City of Brotherly Love

Chapter Seven - Kiss and Make Up

385 3 0
By Iluvsftball

Elle's POV
The next day is Christmas Eve and the Power Players suggested a night out. I immediately say yes, figuring it'll keep me from thinking about Jamie.

I throw back about four shots and drink a beer or two. I'm absolutely wasted and Julia notices it.

"Elle, maybe we should take you home." She says. I shake my head.

"No way. I don't wanna to go home. I wanna stay here forever,"

"Well, too bad. You know what? I'm calling Jamie. He can come get you," Julia says, dialing Jamie's number.

"No! Don't call him!" I shout, reaching out to grab Julia's phone from her. She holds it out of my reach and puts it to her ear.

Jamie's POV
My phone rings and the caller id is Julia. I frown, confused as to why she's calling me especially when it's almost midnight.


"Hey Jamie. Sorry if I woke you, but could you come pick up Elle? She's super drunk," Julia says.

I sigh, running my hand over my face. I'm probably the last person Elle wants to see, but I know her parents would be pretty disappointed if they had to be the ones to pick her up.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll be there in like fifteen minutes,"

"Great. Thanks Jamie," Julia adds. I nod.

"Of course. Bye,"

I grab my Ducks hoodie and pull it on over top my bare chest. I slip on a pair of vans and grab my keys off the kitchen counter. Trevor had fallen asleep on the couch and he sits up at the sound of my keys rustling.

"Where are you going?" He asks. I sigh.

"I have to go pick up Elle. She's really drunk,"

"Oh? Maybe I should pick her up instead," Trevor offers. I shake my head.

"Nah. It's okay. I'll get her. You mind giving up the couch for her?"

"Sure. Yeah. I was gonna go back to my bedroom anyways," Trevor says with a shrug.

"Great. I'll be back in a few minutes, Z."


When I get to the bar, I go inside to find Julia waiting for me. She sighs in relief when she sees me and shows me to where Elle is.

"Here she is. She insisted I not call you, but I think she needs to talk to you anyways." Julia says.

I walk over to Elle and look her over. She's extremely drunk and she can barely see straight when she looks at me but she can definitely tell who I am.

"Jamie Drysdale. What're you doing here?" She slurs, pointing at me.

"I'm here to take you home, Elle. Now come on," I say, gently grabbing her arm. Elle pulls away from me.

"No. I'm not going home with you. I don't like you right now,"

"Maybe not, but it's late and you need to get to bed. Christmas is tomorrow and I don't think your parents will be happy when they find you still drunk on Christmas morning," I explain. Elle sighs.

"Fine. I'll go home with you, but I'm not sleeping with you."

"That's fine. Now let's go," I say.

I help Elle into my car and drive her back to my house.

When we get back to my house, she makes a mad dash for the bathroom and throws up in the toilet. I hold her hair back till she's done and let her sit in the bathroom for a second while I grab something for her to change into.

I give her an old t-shirt and a pair of shorts for her to wear. Elle changes into them and walks out of the bathroom. Instead of going out to the living room though, she walks over to my bedroom and flops down on my bed.

Elle falls asleep not a moment later and I cover her up with some blankets. I grab a blanket off the end of my bed and go out to the living room. I lay down on the couch and fall asleep.

Elle's POV
The next morning, I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking in the kitchen. I sit up and realize that I'm not in my own bed but Jamie's.

I rack my brain trying to figure out why I'm in Jamie's bed until I remember Julia asking him to take me home last night. I guess because it was so late, Jamie just decided to take me back to his place.

My head is pounding and I look over to the night stand to find a glass of water and a bottle of Advil sitting there. I take two of the Advils with water and get out of bed. I grab the glass of water and go out to the kitchen.

Jamie's in the kitchen when I walk in and Trevor's in the living room on the floor, shaking gifts that are underneath him and Jamie's tree in the corner.

"Z, I know it's Christmas but why do you have to act like a child? Quit shaking those presents. Some of them are breakable. Plus, not all of them are yours." Jamie explains, shaking his head at his roommate.

"Okay. Geez. What are you, my mother?" Trevor says sarcastically. He sits down on the couch and looks over at me. "Oh hey Elle,"

"Hey Trevor," I mutter.

Jamie looks up at me when Trevor says something. He's in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Hi Elle. Want any breakfast?" Jamie asks. I shake my head.

"No. I'm good,"

"How 'bout coffee? I just brewed some," Jamie adds. I shrug.

"Um, sure. I could use some coffee,"

I pour myself a cup of coffee and pour some creamer in with it. I then sit down at one of the barstools at the kitchen counter across from Jamie.

Jamie doesn't look up at me as he cooks Trevor's eggs. I watch him cook the eggs, thinking about what has happened between us in the last forty eight hours. I feel guilty and I remind myself that Jamie did say sorry when I found out. I know that I need to say sorry to him.

"Jamie, I'm really sorry for getting so angry at you. It wasn't right. You said you were sorry and I wasn't willing to listen to you," I explain. Jamie looks up at me and shakes his head.

"No, no. You had a right to be angry. I kept something from you that I shouldn't have, Elle."

"I know, but you did say you were sorry and I didn't accept your apology like I should have." I say. Jamie smiles.

"It's fine, Elle. Really. Like I said, I kept something from you that I shouldn't have."

I stand up and walk around to the other side where Jamie is. I wrap my arms around Jamie's neck and stand on my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. Jamie runs his hands through my long blonde hair as we deepen the kiss.

Trevor cheers and catcalls us. Jamie pulls away from me and I stick my tongue out at Trevor. Trevor sticks his tongue out too and Jamie rolls his eyes.

"You're such a child, Z."

"Oh yeah? Why don't you tell that to your girlfriend? She started it," Trevor says with a frown.

"I shoulda known he would say that," Jamie mutters, looking over at me. I laugh.

"Honestly, it didn't surprise me either."

"Can we open presents now? It's Christmas," Trevor whines. Jamie laughs.

"Yes. We can open presents now, Trevor. My word, you're like a little child."

Trevor runs over to the tree and sits down on the floor. Jamie hands Trevor his gift from him and Trevor opens excitedly.

"Thanks Jimmy. Surf wax and swim trunks. I've been running low on surf wax and I could use a new pair of swim trunks. Mine are getting worn out," he explains with a smile.

Jamie then hands me a gift and I look over at him with a frown.

"Jamie, you know you didn't have to get me anything." I say. Jamie shrugs.

"I know, but I wanted to."

I open up the present to reveal a pink sundress and a pair of black sandals. I look over at Jamie and he's smiling. I smile back and give him a big hug.

"Thank you, Jamie. The dress and sandals are amazing,"

"Of course. I love you, Elle." Jamie says.

"I love you too, Jamie." I say, kissing Jamie on the lips.

Jamie's POV
Elle convinces me to go to her apartment for Christmas dinner with her parents and her older brother with his wife and daughter.

Before they arrive, Elle gives me the gift she got me. I open it to find a pair of plaid red and black pajama pants. I look up at Elle and she's holding up a matching pair with a smile on her face.

"We can match," she says. I laugh.

"Thanks Elle. They're nice. How did you get my size?"

"I had a little help from Trevor," Elle replies with a shrug.

"I was wondering why I found him rummaging through my drawers looking at my pants," I say. Elle laughs.

"Sorry about that, Jamie."

"It's okay, Elle. It's just weird when you find your roommate in your bedroom looking through your clothes. You know that he said that he was looking through my clothes to find a pair of sweatpants to borrow?" I ask. Elle burst out laughing.


"Yep. He said that he was out of sweatpants and needed to borrow a pair. I knew he was lying because I found a pair on his bed when I was giving him his laundry," I explain. Elle frowns.

"You two take turns doing laundry?"

"Yep. It's just one of the many agreements we made when we became roommates two years ago," I reply. Elle smiles.

"That's nice. I should probably start working on Christmas dinner before my mom gets here. She always tells me to start without her so everything's ready in time,"

"Okay. I'm gonna go change into my new pajama pants," I say with a smile. Elle laughs.

"Okay. I'll change into mine and we can match,"

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