Wings of Fire: Nighthawk

By Prince_Shadowstalker

5.6K 105 41

A scavenger transformed into a dragon faces a new world with new challenges. Losing his wife and son due to a... More

Chapter 1: New Beginnings
Chapter 2: Learning to Fly
Chapter 3: Defender
Chapter 4: Romance
Chapter 5: Viper
Chapter 6: All Ghillied Up
Chapter 7: Lobster
Chapter 8: Royalty
Chapter 9: The Harbor
Chapter 10: Sulu
Chapter 11: Enlisted
Chapter 12: Getting Crafty
Chapter 13: Home
Chapter 14: Cardinal
Chapter 15: Sweet Victory
Chapter 16: Blister
Chapter 17: Invasion
Chapter 18: Small Talk
Chapter 19: Luxury
Chapter 20: Prisoner
Chapter 21: Cheers!
Chapter 22: Assasin
Chapter 23: Secrets
Chapter 24: Dinner
Chapter 25: Intense Training
Chapter 26: Mudwings
Chapter 27: Taken
Chapter 28: The Deal
Chapter 29: Mudwing Palace
Chapter 30: Recon
Chapter 31: Burn
Chapter 32: Captured
Chapter 33: Mojave
Chapter 35: Planning
Chapter 36: Escape
Chapter 37: On the Run
Chapter 38: He's Back!
Chapter 39: The Rainforest
Chapter 40: The Village
Chapter 41: Helping Hand
Chapter 42: Morrowseer
Chapter 43: Departure
Chapter 44: The Sea Kingdom
Chapter 45: Honor

Chapter 34: Questioning

73 2 2
By Prince_Shadowstalker

Nighthawk sat face to face with Burn. The two glared at each other for a hot minute. His tail flicked occasionally as he stared her down. The sandwing inspected him, walking around the Nightwing in a circle with a low growl.

"I've gotta admit, Nightwing. You are braver than I expected from your kind. Showing your face, joining a war, unfortunately not on my side." She lashed her tail and walked in front of him. "Just who do you think you are? Why not hide in the shadows, pulling strings like the rest of your cowardly tribe?"

Nighthawk stared at her, sitting up and crossing his arms. "I do what I must." He grumbled.

"Don't we all. That's why I'm going to kill you after I get every last bit of information out of you. And for every question of mine you do not answer, I'll cut off one of your friend's claws, then work my way up to his limbs. It's not easy to stuff a dragon after all."

"Hm." Nighthawk rubbed his chin as he stared up at her. "You really don't like me, do you?" He asked. Mind games were a useful tactic, but angering Burn wasn't the smartest idea. However, it could end up being useful.

"Nobody likes you. Nobody ever has."

"The seawings love me. Unfortunately the same can't be said about your sister. I honestly don't know why anyone would support that slippery bitch." He said with a snort. Burn let out a little chuckle.

"Right you are. But this war is fun, never had a better reason to kill so many dragons." The princess grinned and barred her bloodstained teeth. Nighthawk winced the tiniest bit. This sandwing was psychotic. "Now let me ask you, Nightwing. Do you possess mind reading? What am I thinking about right now? Can you see the future?"

"No. And no. I hardly know anything about them. They've sent two bloody assassins after me. They were easy."

"So they send assassins to dragons they don't like. But my war isn't with them, it's with my sister's and their pathetic armies." Burn growled.

"The seawings have been a lot more powerful with me on their side, definitely been much better in combat against you lot." Nighthawk said with a small grin. "And it helps I got a dislike for sandwings. Especially large, ugly, and scarred ones."

"If that was supposed to offend me, you did a horrible job." Burn hissed a little.

"Your tone says otherwise."

"Are you asking to die, Nightwing? I don't have the patience for your games. Now.. where is their land palace?" She asked with a growl. So mind games weren't an option, but he had several other tricks.

"They wouldn't show me. I've been there, but I wasn't allowed to see. The seawings had me blindfolded." Nighthawk said as calmly and confidently as he could, but not too much. There had to be a balance. To his surprise, she believed it. Either she wasn't very smart or he lied correctly.

"They're smarter than I expected. Next question." Burn started. "Why are you working for Blister?"

"Quite frankly I don't know. Suppose it's because I got friends in the sea kingdom." Nighthawk shrugged. "And my last option, already pissed you off, and the Icewings for some reason."

"Rumor has it they hate Nightwings, but so do I! They could work for me, help me win this war but I guess not." Burn growled and stomped her talon.

"There's a saying, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But as I say, war isn't about friendship."

"Right you are, Nightwing." Burn said as she looked down at him. "You've caused a lot of problems for me."

"So has your associate, Viper." Nighthawk grumbled. "Someone I hate very, very much." He lashed his tail. The fact Viper worked for Burn, it was a match made in hell. The princess who's allies live to destroy everything he cares about, working with scum like Viper.

"Ah, the sandwing. He supplies me, it's quite useful. You know him?" Burn grinned as her tail curled dangerously, the barb ready to strike at any moment.

"I'm well aquainted with the bastard. I don't suppose you want to know what happened." Nighthawk scoffed before he glanced at her tail barb. "Hate him, and I was hoping to get the chance to kill him but that's probably not happening now."

"Your past with him isn't my concern." Burn shrugged. "He's becoming more and more irritating by the day, however. If he doesn't stop I'll probably rip him apart myself. Maybe I'll make his sons watch."

"Hah." Nighthawk sighed and looked outside, he knew running away wasn't an option. Escape would be difficult. "Suppose you wouldn't let me have a go at him before you kill me, yeah?"

"What?" Burn seemed a little confused at that. "Why?"

"If you're gonna kill me, I at least want some revenge on the bastard." Nighthawk said with a grunt. "Perhaps a gastly scar or two, ah?"

"You're bold to ask me for anything." Burn huffed and crossed her arms. "But it would be nice to hear that weasel squeal a little." She walked up to him and grabbed his face, staring at him. "I thought you would've put up more of a fight. You're very disappointing."

"I've got my reasons. You done asking questions?"

"For now." Burn said with a hiss. "Mojave! Take him back!" She yelled. Her door opened and the sandwing entered, nodding as he walked over.

"Come on." Mojave turned and led him out. Burn shoved him forward a little and he scowled before following Mojave. He was surprised Burn didn't gut him, and that meant there was a reason he was still alive.

"That was shite." Nighthawk growled. "Waste of time."

"What did she ask you?"

"Just information. Locations, why I make her life more complicated. Boo hoo, she loves this war, practically lives for it as a matter of fact."

"Hm." Mojave said. They walked for a while longer, but they weren't heading towards the dungeons. Mojave checked around to make sure nobody was close enough to see or hear them. "Alright. Look."


"I want to help you." Mojave whispered sneakily. "To help you get out of here. And your friend."

"Hah, you're joking." Nighthawk was amused, because there was no way one of Burn's dragons would just up and abandon the hateful princess.

"No, it's horrible. I thought about what you said. I want to be free, and from what I figure, Blister's sandwings are happier, mostly." He rubbed his forehead. "I just don't know how to go about this."

"Hm. Well then.." Nighthawk said with a huff. "I guess we better figure it out."

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