Disconnected. (5SOS story/fan...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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:) More

Chapter 1 - A new day -
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Authors note. Important.
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Authors note. Important.
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Important note please read.
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chatpter 95
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 96

12 1 1
By ShaneDawsonLuvR

A few weeks later.

"Are you sure your okay?" Cheryl's mom asked. 

"Yes, i'm fine. I've just landed in LA. I'll call you once i get to...my hotel." Chery sighed, walking wheeling one case and holding her phone. 

"Hotel? I thought you girls had a house in Los Angeles?" Her mom asked. 

"Yes we do. However, i dont feel like going there. I feel like i dont belong...after what happend" Cheryl told her.

"Dont ever think that honey! You go to that home, and be safe!" Her mom demanded. 

Cheryl tutted as she nodded. "Okay fine! I'll call you later mom, i love you and dad" She told her.

"We love you. See you soon sweetheart!" Her mom told her, before they hung up the phone.

Cheryl sighed, as she locked her phone and put it into her jacket pocket. Looking around, she exchanged some eye contact with people before she headed outside. The air was warm, yet the ground was damp. The atmopshere was light, but the sun wasnt hot. She looked around for a taxi, before one caught her eye at the corner of the parking lot. "That was easy" She spoke to herself, as she smiled and headed towards it.

"Cheryl?!" A voice called behind her. Stopping in her tracks, she looked at the taxi before turning around. "Jesse?" Cheryl spoke up as she stared back at him. "Hey, uh...what are you doing here?" He asked her, walking towards her. "Um, i have...busniess to do. Jobs." Cheryl told him. "Um, i didnt...reconise you there" She admitted to him, with his hair slicked back at the front and his head shaved in at the sides and back. "Mm, yeah i know" He chuckled a little.

"Do you want a ride? I have a car" He offered her. Cheryl looked behind her at the taxi before looking at him again. "About...what happened back a while ago. I apologise, so much. There was a lot on my plate, and no offence but...i was getting more pissed off with your...ex in my face" Jesse sighed. Cheryl scoffed a little. "Luke. Wasnt in your face, he was defending..." She told him, shaking her head.

"Im sorry. I really am." He looked at her. Cheryl looked at his cases, and bags beside him on a luggage trolley. "What are you doing here?" She asked him. "Photography business. I'm coming from Minnesota." He smiled a little. "Oh. Not from home then?" She asked him. "No. Not been in Atlanta for a while" He smiled, nodding. "Oh okay...cool" Cheryl turned away for a moment. "Well, i'm not gonna keep you. I uh, might see you around" He smiled at her. "Maybe" She told him, before nodding and turning around.


Cheryl made her way into the lounge of the house. She smiled, at the familiar room and then she looked around. It was Tuesday, and the boys werent back with the girls till Thursday. Her interview was Friday. The girls knew, but she told them not to tell the guys. Just in case. She wheeled her case to the stairs and climbed them holding onto the handle. She found her room again and walked in, sitting her case down. Sighing, she looked around then shook her head.

Cheryl unpacked her case, and sat her clothes out neatly before putting them into the wardrobe. Digging to the bottom of her case, she pulled out a long chain. It was Lukes. She found it, just under her sofa back home. Must've been from...that night. It had been lost since then she had to give it back to him. She stood, looking at it before smiling slighly and putting it on her dresser. Sitting up her case, she zipped it then placed it under her bed.

What could she do till Thursday? It was now early evening and she had no clue what to do. She made her way down the stairs, and she walked slowly into the lounge then through into the kitchen She opened the fridge, and looked at the empty storage. "Food." She nodded, speaking to herself. Closing the fridge, she headed back into the lounge and grabbed her purse. She left the house, locked up and headed towards the grocery store.


Cheryl rolled a shopping cart up and down the isles of the grocery store getting stuff. More like junk food, and soda but hey she was only young...and very unhealthy at times. Putting a second bag of chips into the cart, she sighed as she looked around feeling rather embarssed. Well Netflix and junk food, that was happening tonight. She got the things she needed, some bread, milk, butter and basic things.

She'd been in the store for nearly an hour, going around it slowly when she came to the alcohol section. She'd never actually bought alcohol from a store, yet. Was it 21 or 18 for the legal age? She didnt want to risk it anyway so she just browsed. "Ooh, raspberry...." Cheryl caught onto a vodka drink with berry fruit. She didnt usually like stuff like that. Beer, vodka, wine. She liked fruity alcoholic drinks. Putting it back, she walked down the isle and turned up the second one looking around.

She stopped at a few small bottles labled. "Sex on the beach" and "Apple martini" She did like apple martini, and strawberry daiquiri. Pity she'd just turned 20. Turning the bottle around to read the ingredients someone disturbed her.

"Your being illegal if your buying that" They told her. She turned to see Jesse smiling at her. Taking in a silent breath she then smiled putting the bottle down. "I wasnt. Just looking...what are you doing here?" She asked him. "....Getting some grocerys" He smiled, looking around. "Sorry, kinda cranky from the flight" She told him. "Nah, its fine. I understand...." He nodded. "Mm, you getting something? Your 21 now right?" She smiled at him. "Yes, turned 21 last month!" He grinned.

"Did you spend christmas with your parents?" She asked him. "Meh, kinda. Y'know my dad...." He nodded, and sighed. "Still not proud of you?" She asked him, shaking her head. "Oh he's proud. He still thinks my music is shit though" Jesse smiled, sarcastically. "Speaking of music...hows your boyfriend and his band?" He asked her. Cheryl looked at him. "Ex...boyfriend, and they're touring right now" She turned away, and wheeled the shopping cart.

"Oh wow. Around Europe i guess?" He asked her. "Something like that" SHe nodded. "So what about your friends? They back home?" He asked her. "Nope...uh, they're with them" She told him, bluntly. "With them....is that allowed?" He asked. "Yeah, its they're tour!" Cheryl stopped and stared at him. "....Sorry" She sighed, turning again. "No, i'll stop...going on about it" He nodded. "Its not you. Its me being...bitchy" She told him, sighing. Jesse smiled at her, then looked into her half full cart. "Do you want a ride home with that?" He asked.

"Oh no, i couldnt..." Cheryl shook her head. "I dont mind! Seriously." He smiled at her. Cheryl looked at the stuff and then nodded turning to him. "Thank you." She smiled. "Okay how about this. You buy the alcohol...i'll pay you back by giving you a drink" She smiled at him. Jesse scoffed, then chuckled as he grinned at her. "Your on" He nodded. "Suggestions?" She asked him. He picked up some drink in a brown bottle, then club soda and ginger ale. "What...is that?" She asked him. "You'll like it" He winked at her.

"Okay...in case i dont. Get this too" She handed him some strawberry daiquiri. "Okay then. Shall we?" He put his hand out and Cheryl nodded. They headed to the cashier, and got their stuff paid for. Jesse helped Cheryl bag it all and then they wheeled the cart out to the car park, before loading it into Jesse's car. "So, how come you have a car here?" She asked, as he closed the back of the car. "I can rent it when i come here. " He nodded. "Oh right. Cool" She smiled before she put the cart back. They got into the car and drove off.


Arriving at Cheryl's place Jesse stared up at the house. "Wow...." He looked at her. "Call it renting too" She nodded, as she unbuckled her belt. "Good tip" He nodded, as they got out of the car. They headed up to the door, and Cheryl unlocked the door and they headed in. "Wow...this is sweet" Jesse looked around. "Yeah....through here" She smiled at him as she walked through the lounge to the kitchen.

Cheryl managed to put all the stuff away with some of Jesse's help. "Finally all stocked up again" She smiled pulling up her jeans and sighing. "Now, would you like a drink?" Jesse held up the bottle of alcohol. "Yes please" SHe smiled getting out two glasses. Jesse began to pour some out into the glasses as she smiled at Cheryl. "Just like the old days" He chuckled.

"Back in the dorms, on the weekend we didnt want to go out" She laughed a little. "Except we dont have Hannah judging people's stuff" He laughed. "Or your girlfriend judging me!" Cheryl took a glass, and raised an eyebrow as she walked to the lounge. "Ex....!" He told her. "Yeah, well...whatever" Cheryl called back. Jesse smirked, and chuckled as he picked up his glass and the bottles before heading into the lounge too.

"Ex's are overrated...." He sighed, sitting down next to Cheryl. "Not if there was something there" Cheryl sipped some from the glass. "Ugh! what is that?!" She gasped. Jesse laughed. "Its light rum, with club soda. The soda waters it down" He told her. "Thats disgusting!" She told him as she took the ginger ale. "That might....wont help" He chuckled. "I know! I dont even like ginger ale" She made a face as she poured some in before taking some. "Its...better. Not good though" She laughed.

"Well, love is overrated sometimes" He told her. "I agree with that....but, sometimes its worth it" She smiled. "Whats worth it?" He asked. "Love. That person, could mean everything to you." She told him. "Oh, I get that. However...like i hate seeing someone fuss or secretly fuss over someone, who couldnt really care about them." Jesse told her. "Mm, because your girlfriend sure fussed for your relationship" Cheryl told him sarcastically.

"EX! besides, ive not seen her since...we left college. Since we broke up, well i broke up with her" He told her. "Yeah, im sure she had a swell christmas" Cheryl told him. "I didnt like her. She always drew me daggers..." Cheryl sighed. "Because we spoke. She was jealous. Hannah always stuck up for you though...me too" He winked. "Why would she be jealous...nothing happened nor wasnt gonna happen" She told him, taking another sip and making a face.

"Yeah. but...still" He chuckled drinking. "Whatever...." Cheryl sighed, not really caring. To be honest, she hated it when people judged her and didnt even know her. She couldnt and didn give a shirt about it at college. "That came out...more bitchy than what it was supposed to be" She smiled a little. "Its fine, dont worry" He told her.

"You say that a lot...." Cheryl looked at him. "I do, but i know your tired and you dont mean it...because i know you" He smiled. "I know someone who...apologises a lot" She nodded. "Really? Wow." He nodded. "Yep. He's...knows me better though. Its just the way he is" She shrugged. "Must be a bitch. Who apologises all the time?" Jesse scoffed. "He's not a bitch. He's really sweet, and he just does that because....he's too sweet" Cheryl sighed.

"Oh sorry, i didnt...mean to be an ass about it" Jesse told her. "How do you know him?" He asked, looking at her. "He...he lives back home. He went to my school" Cheryl lied a little. "Mm, well seems nice" Jesse nodded at her. "So...stupid question, and you can slap me if you dont want to answer but...how come your on they're tour...your friends?" Jesse asked her. Cheryl sighed, and slapped his face a little, and he turned to her. "What was that for?!" He laughed.

"You said i could slap you." Cheryl giggled. "I didnt actually think you would do it!" He rubbed his face. "Dont under estimate me" She told him, smiling. "Also, it doesnt really concern you. You dont care! you started a fight with Luke" Cheryl told him wide eyed. "I had my reasons, and i do care!" He told her. "Oh really?" Cheryl sighed. "Yes. Tell me...im all ears" He smiled at her. "I wont judge, and i'll keep my mouth shut." He sat facing her.

"Look see...ive never judged you." Jesse smiled at her. It was true, she'd never had shit from him. Cheryl sighed as she looked at him. Did he really want to know?

Whats going to happen...? Everyone loves a good past encounter...or do they? Is Jesse capable of messing things up? 

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