Adventure Awaits: Tales of El...

Por FrostySnom09

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In a vibrant world brimming with magic and mystery, two young heroes embark on a journey that will test their... Más

Chapter 1: Across the World
Chapter 2: New Frontiers
Chapter 3: Forgotten Lands
Chapter 4: Reliving a Past
Chapter 5: Promises to Promises
Chapter 6: Remembering The Past
Chapter 7: Memory Albums
Chatper 8: Caring Friends
Chapter 9: Lost and Found
Chapter 11: Catching Up
Chapter 12: Flame Soul Festival

Chapter 10: The World Awaits

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Por FrostySnom09

After some time had passed, our heroes returned with their respective missions completed. Nancy starts to explain Ediah’s body, and from what Ediah told her, is some sort of Living being, created by the person in the videos to protect something important, but she doesn’t know who this person or thing that is important. But as for Ares, he shows them his sister, Ari. Nancy sees Ari for the first time, and she is surprised at her appearance, like she came out of a lab or something, but Ares just chuckles at Nancy’s expression.

But later on, Ares, Ari, and Cortex had to leave. Nancy asks why, but Ares doesn’t answer her but reminds her that this journey is now for them to finish, not theirs. By using the Portable Way-Stone, the three of them disappear and return home. Now, Nancy and Ediah watch over the still-sleeping FS, lying on the bed.

“What do we do now Ediah…?”
“We can’t just leave FS here.”
“Ugh, if only I was in more control of my powers… None of this would have happened!”
“I’m so!...”

Nancy softly places her head on FS’s chest and wraps her head with her arms. She softly begins to cry on his body while Ediah watches them from behind. Ediah uses her newfound body to scan FS’s body, sensing strong Light Magic burning within his wound, slowly eating him up. She stops scanning his body and places her hand on Nancy’s shoulder.

“Stand back, Nancy.”
“Allow me to test my powers out.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just let me do what I need to do.”

Nancy nods softly and steps back from the bed, then Ediah walks over to FS’s body and sets her hand on the bandaged wound. Her hand begins to glow, and energy starts to pour into her arm.

*Chants* “Brisingr, adurna, nature, vindr, deloi, garjzla un dark…"
"By the holy arts, be one with me."
"Let the light flow from one to another."

Ediah begins to absorb the Light Magic within FS’s wound, the energy flowing into Ediah’s arm. She then stands back from the bed, and Nancy slowly looks to where FS’s wound was and carefully unwraps the bandages… His wound was completely healed. Nancy looks in awe… She was completely stunned.

“I- What- How- How did you do it??”
“His cut, it's gone! It’s completely gone!”

Soon, FS begins to wake up again. Nancy backed up from his suddenly awakened grunts. She couldn’t believe what Ediah did. She healed him without any problems. But as FS tried to sit up, he felt a sharp pain in his hip, where the wound mark used to be.

“Ahh… Who… How…?”
“Nancy?... Who’s this person?”

“Oh, you missed a lot, that’s all I gotta say.” *Smiles cheerfully*
*Hugs FS* “Welcome back, FS.”

FS is still confused about what happened, but he gladly accepts Nancy’s hug. They stayed like that for a few minutes before they stopped.

After a bit of catching up, FS now knows what has happened during the past hour or 3. He wears a new set of clothes but not his armor anymore, but just pieces of it and each part on a part of the body. But ever since Ediah healed his wound, he was feeling a lot better than before.

“Alright, Nancy, it’s finally time to go out in the world… For once this time.”

“Yeah, this time for sure!”
“But… Where do we go first now?”

“Huh… You're right.”
*Open Digital Map*
“Let’s see…”

FS takes a look at the map, and on it, he sees a Way-Stone Marker at Ukiah Village. He doesn’t remember finding a Way-Stone at the Village, but it was soon revealed by a notification on his map. “Way-Stones found in Villages, Towns, or Kingdoms are automatically registered when you first visit the area.”. With this in mind, FS nods slightly and looks at Nancy.

“Why don’t we visit an old friend? I’m sure he’ll be glad to see us.”

He presses on the Way-Stone of Ukiah Village and grabs Nancy’s hand. She was surprised at this sudden action, but FS gave her a warm smile like never before. Nancy looks at FS with bright lights in her eyes. She also smiles at him. She may not like FS changing, but she’s glad to be with him for this moment of a lifetime as they both are engulfed in a ray of light, and their bodies start to fly upwards…


A few minutes later, they both arrive once again at Ukiah Village, and they see many people appear before the Way-Stone. It would seem that the activation of the Stones has allowed many travelers from afar to access these Stones, which even surprised FS too.

Nevertheless, FS and Nancy head toward Julio to say hi to him before they embark once more.

“Wow… this town has gotten a lot more lively lately. Look at all these travelers!”

“Indeed. Ever since we activated these Way-Stones, travelers and adventurers have been popping out everywhere.”
“But… This makes me wonder…”
“If these Stones were a part of our world in the first place…”
“Then, what was the point of Teleportation Magic?”

He takes a moment to think about what he thinks, also making Nancy think with him. But FS just shrugs it off, and they continue their walk. As they walked through the village, they stopped by some shops along the way. Nancy looked at some handcrafted jewelry, FS looked at some nicely made weapons from a blacksmith and bought some snacks along the way as well. They both were having a good time for sure, once again having a close bond with each other, as they strolled along the town.

Nancy takes a look at FS’s smile. For once, she felt a sense of happiness within FS just by looking at him. He wasn’t sad or angry. He was enjoying himself for once with someone he cared about. She couldn’t believe this was happening in the first place, too. She also felt happy as well. She could feel butterflies in her stomach. She could faint because of the sheer presence of him next to her.

“Yknow, this is the most fun I’ve had since, well, forever.”
“I’m glad to be here on this great adventure with you, FS.”
“You are a true friend.” *Smiles*

*Chuckles* “Thanks, Nancy.”
“I almost forgot about how fun it was to just do nothing and be with people.”
“All I’ve been doing is only training my body, mind, and soul…”
“And I forgot the one thing that can make me happy…”
“Just being with people I care about.”

Just hearing him say those words, Nancy’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe what she heard… FS’s saying that he cared, that he cared about someone. But they made it to the Mayor’s Hall before Nancy could ask. He takes a step in while Nancy follows behind. They admire the place for a bit before meeting with Julio.

“Nancy, and FS?”
“What are you both doing here?”

“We’re here to just check up with you before we head out.”

He nods and sits in his chair and tells them to sit as well.

“So, FS, how has the sword been treating you?”
“I hoped nothing bad happened.”

“Uh, yeah, about that…”
“So this sword… It allows me to harness the Powers of the Sin Stone inside.”

“You mean?”

“Yeah, check it.”

FS holds his blade out, and it starts to burn brightly. His clothing changes along with his sword. His hair turns red and orange, his Sword turns into Gauntlets, his clothing turns into a Barbarian Outfit, which is colored Orange and Red, and finally, his body is slightly covered in Markings all over his body resembling flames. Julio looks at FS in awe at his new form and body. He was stunned at this sheer power flowing from him.

“By Elemiss’s Name… Look at you!”
“Your strength has increased drastically, including your magic as well!”
“With powers like this, you can easily overpower your opponents with ease!”
“Tell me, how did you manage to gain this power of the Sin Stone?"

FS takes a moment to remember, but that was a bit over the top… So he shrugs and smiles softly. He then reverts to his normal form, holding the sword in hand as it rebuilds itself.

“I wish I knew too, but all I know is that,”
*Looks at the Sword*
“The sword… it feels connected to me… Like I used to use it before.”
“It was like a key to finding my missing self.”

Julio sat for a moment before he stood up from his seat. He goes up to both of them and lets out a small sigh. Looking at FS, he gives him a small smile before walking over to a cabinet and opening it.

“Well… if you think the Sin Stones are a way to, you know,”
“Bring a piece of you back,”
“You will need a map, but not just any map, oh no.”

He then moves the stuff off his desk and opens a giant landscape. FS and Nancy both looked at each other in surprise. Looking stunned at the mere sight of the huge map. Julio smiles in pride, telling them he had this map for decades, “A perfect replication of the lands here.” he says with a wide smile across his face. Nancy couldn’t believe her eyes at the Map, but it was FS who was more shocked.

“This is… This is incredible!”
“The whole land, right here!”
“At the tip of our fingers, FS!”

“Yeah… This is amazing…”

“The map was created by an Old Wizard of the past,”
“It said the map can change itself, depending on what has happened to the lands.”
“Kinda like a video game, don’t you think?”

“This map… It really is incredible…”
“But wait…”

“Hm? What is it?”

“Those spots… What are those?”

FS points out an area of the map covered in Darkness. Julio sees it and, to make sure, rubs his own eyes to clarify.

“Oh my… That’s odd…”
"But they are rumors going around about a Man of Crimson..."

“Man of Crimson?”

“Yes… I heard he goes by many names."
“Black Heart, Crimson Blood, Dark Prince…”
“But no one has ever heard of his real name.”

Nancy was confused at this thought, thinking that it was just a myth that parents tell their children, but FS… saw his vision again… A cloaked figure with Purple Eyes and black hearts as their pupils with crimson diamonds in between them. Their grin smiles, wide and fearful, teeth like a shark. He shook his head and blinked twice, seeing the darkness on the map still, but he noticed something…

Each part where the darkness lay was only on various parts of it. One each with a different place of an Element…

“These lands… They are part of an Element.”

“How can you tell?”

*Points at a Volcano*
“This is Fire… and when there’s fire, a Rage of Flames can burn even the darkness.”
“The Sin of Wrath.”
“He lives in the depths of the infamous Hell’s Volcano.”

“Wait… the Sins are still alive then??”
“Oh no… this just made our adventure even worse!”

“Well, not exactly.”

“Nancy, everyone always has a weakness.”
“That’ll be even for an Elemental Sin.”
“They’re all weak to something…”

Then, FS points out the rest of the Dark Spots on the map. A forest, a cave of flowing water, a rock valley, a towering cloud in the sky, a thunderstorm, and finally, a castle of ice. FS explains that each sin lives there in those Dark Spots of the Map for a reason.

“Now, I wonder who’s behind all this… There seems to be a big string attached to this whole theory.”
“But I can’t put my finger on it…”

“Well, whomever it is…”
“It seems like they're plotting something.”

“I’m not good at this whole planning thing yet, but I know for a fact.”
“If we don’t take out the Sin before the big boss comes, we might lose a huge leap in an Advantage.”

“You're very right, Nancy.”

The three of them look at the map with questions in their heads, but Julio snaps them back to reality, looking at them with a calm demeanor. He sat back down on his chair and looked out the window behind him. Both FS and Nancy watched him as he collected his thoughts. Then, he turns around and stares at them.

“You guys look like you need help, right?”
“I have the best connections within the general area of this land.”

“Oh yeah? What do you have?”

“Some old friends, but I haven’t heard from them for a while.”
*Opens drawer, and sets some papers down*
“Take a look.”

“Whoa… They look so cool!”
“I can’t believe you're still friends with these guys!”

“Hmm… Interesting choices…”
“They all have nice and unique abilities.”

They both looked through the papers from top to bottom. Then, FS thanks Julio and stores the papers away in his inventory. After some small talk and a bit of a deal, they both acquire the Map, and thank Julio for his last bit of help, but Julio shakes his head and smiles at them, telling them to just do their best in the future ahead of them. And so, with one last goodbye, they waved to Julio as they left, and he smiled back and waved back to them as they left the Village once and for all.

A little later, both of them walked out of the village and out to the new lands ahead of them. Thanks to the map Julio gave them, they used it, combined with their virtual one to make a versatile map that tracks the locations and areas they visited. Nancy began to think this would be their best adventure, yet seeing the things they could do together and what challenges they’d fight along the way.

But for FS, he kept his silent nature and thought to himself, thinking about what had happened so far in this journey. Nancy gained new powers, and his memories slowly returned. Who was Fikar? He couldn’t lose his thoughts. He began to realize the meaning behind Ares’s words, “A chance to explore the Past.”, and “Find your Missing Link.”. He could feel like he belonged here years ago, but he couldn’t see it or even remember it.

Nancy sees FS’s quiet figure, walking down the path. Her phone buzzes a bit, and she takes it out, but as she does, Ediah shoots out her phone and appears next to Nancy.

“Nancy. I’ve overheard your conversation with that Julio person.”
“And I can sense your concerns with your friend's behavior.”

“Yeah… just that…”
“Everything so far felt so… Weird in ways I can’t understand.”
“The Sins, FS becoming a bit more distant than before, it's just… I don’t know anymore Ediah…”
“Have you ever thought about the feeling of becoming something you wish you couldn’t be?”

“... I have.”
“But… My creator told me one day about this same thing.”
“They too wished to turn back time and stop becoming what they’ve become.”
“In the end they…”

Ediah pauses for a minute, like she forgot what to say next. She then shook her head and looked off into the distance, trying to remember something.

“What's wrong?”

“Hm… It seems I can’t remember much of my past…”
“My Core Memories are… not functioning properly.”
“But not to worry, I’ll restart my systems again to ensure a clean mindset.”

*Sighs* “Thanks Ediah… But you don’t need to.”
“We’ll just find someone to fix your Core Memories on our travels.”
“How hard will it be to find one?”

“Alright then.”
“If you need me, Nancy, I’ll be in your Electronic Device.”

Her body turns into volts of electricity, returning to Nancy’s phone. Nancy puts her phone away, and she then looks at FS, who is still lost in his thoughts… Even though FS was changing, he was still the same person as always… Mysterious and calm. She couldn’t get those words out of her head that Starry told her, “If One’s Story is Erased, They too are Erased.”. She took a deep breath and stared into the sky, with her hands behind her head.

They continued their path while being quiet to one another. Nancy kicked a small pebble, while FS was still in his thoughts. With more moments of silence later, Nancy sees a pond of water, with a smirk on her face, she runs to the pond. FS stops and sees her running to the small pond. Wondering what she’s up to, he follows her towards the pond. He sees her kneeling on the edges of the water, seeing the small critters and amphibians, and he also joins along with her. They both stare into the water, and it reflects their figure like a mirror.

“Don’t you see FS?”
“A mirror of ourselves.”
“Even though we are different on the outside,”
“We're the same on the inside.”

“. . .”
“Where are you going with this?”

“Where I’m going,”
“I’m gonna make you smile!”
“No matter what you are, Me, Nancy Leon,”
“Will always be your Shining Sword!”

She smiles with pride as she stands up and looks at FS, kneeling at the edge of the water. FS looks at her, seeing how much she’s changed. He can’t help but smile. FS stands up and walks to her, patting her head. Nancy then takes her hand out, which is closed, and points towards him for a fistbump. Confused, FS wonders what she’s up to.

“What are you planning this time?”

“I want a fistbump.”
“Just to know, you’ll always be by my side no matter what.”

“Alright then,”
“Fistbump me.”

He does what she wants. They bump into each other and after pulling back, Nancy opens her hand to reveal a frog that jumps onto FS’s arm, in doing so, making him jump in fear as the frog is sent flying and splashed into the pond once again. Nancy, who is now on the ground laughing her butt off, watches as he is terrified of a sudden frog. FS wipes his clothes and looks at her laughing, watching her in disbelief, but soon he gives up and begins to laugh with her. They both sat on the ground and laughed with each other knowing that everything would be all right, but little did they know, in the distance of the lands, watching them, a Hooded Figure, emitting a dark aura, standing far from where they stood.

?: “Well, well, well…”
“If it isn’t the Boy of Creation… My old Enemy, back again…”
“And… an Elf?”
“She’s showing a great deal of Holy Energy within her…”
“Those two Gods are very fond of them both…”
*Chuckles* “Elemiss won’t save them both…”
“Pray well you two…”
“The Darkness is just Starting…”

With a final glance, a maniacal cackle reverberates through the skies as a shroud of darkness envelops the enigmatic figure. The murky mist starts to spread across the heavens while the person continues to laugh with sinister intent in their voice and demeanor. Suddenly, seven people materialize behind them and kneel in reverence. throughout the skies as darkness forms all around the mysterious figure.

“Master Isacc…”
“We're here now.”

“And we brought what you wanted.”

“Ah… Finally…”
“The Sword that can counter Gods and Deities alike…”

He takes it from the person and holds the sword in his hand. It emits dark energy as he holds it in his hands. He can feel it coursing through his body, multiplying his flow of energy into his own. After it stops, he inhales and then exhales, looking at the blade in hand and smiling menacingly.

“If this won’t kill him for good, then nothing will.”
“You seven need to make sure he doesn’t succeed…”
“And even if one of you falls into his hands… It’s over.”
“We can not let him get close to our secrets and goals.”

He swings his blade out to the skies and points, the dark mist slowly pouring out the sword. Isacc then smiled as he looked forward to fighting his old enemy again after so long.

“He won’t and will not get far.”
“Kill him at all cost.”
“He won’t regain his memories back long enough.”

Isacc takes one final look at the two heroes, making their way on the road, happily playing with each other as the sun sets on them. He puts the sword in its sheath and waves his servants goodbye, as they all disappear one by one. Expect one… A Blue Deity watches with him. They have a wavy dress, wings of water, and a pillow with markings about water, and their hair is also wavy like the ocean

“My dear, Aqua…”
“Why are you still here?”
“I told you to leave.”

“I just… Have a bad feeling about this one…”
“I can sense… He’s different this time…”
“He may be the same as the ones before him, but… He gives off a different aura than before…”

“Like that’s gonna change, my little Sin of Sloth.”
“He’s still weak. It’s better to take him down than later.”
“But in the end… He’s the same Boy who’ll never find the Truth.”

Isaac turns around and disappears, leaving Aqua standing alone. She holds her pillow tightly to her chest and watches as they walk away without a care in the world. She sighs heavily and closes her eyes, feeling a sense of loneliness creeping up on her. After a few moments, she takes a deep breath and slowly disappears, hoping to find some comfort in solitude.

And so, the real journey begins. Both FS and Nancy are now finally on the track they originally planned, now knowing what dangers lay ahead of them, even if Evil is now lurking upon them. But together as they promised, they will be there to defeat anything that comes their way, no matter what the foe is. Although together, FS has better plans. He wants something he lost, his past, his memories, what and who he truly is. Nancy is a bit stubborn at first, but she will soon grow into an adult like what she was met in the beginning. With this new power she has gained, she wishes to grow powerful like FS is, and just be as powerful as anyone now.

But as for the Ares and others… We won't know until later in the story…

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