Cast mates • W.S

Por povsobxst

7.7K 145 341

When Olive Saldaña gets casted in a movie with most of her friends and a boy she develops a crush on, will it... Más

Act 1. "oh no, I'm falling in love"
Famous Birthdays


812 11 17
Por povsobxst

I sat on my bed, impatiently awaiting the call about a movie I had auditioned for last week.

The movie sounded amazing, it was called Operation Youth and I didn't know much about it other than it involved a group of kids and the presidents daughter running from the government or something like that.

The audition was last Tuesday and they said we'd get a call this week on Friday, and it was finally Friday. I frantically paced my room when I heard my phone ding.

Hey! Did they call abt your audition yet?

No :(
I think they will soon tho.

I'm sure you got it, there's no way you didn't.

Aww you're so sweet. Thank you 💕
Anyways, how are you?

I'm good. Wish I was back in California so we could hangout but we still have a few more days left with press and stuff 🙄

I'm so proud of you! I can't wait to see the movie when it comes out.

Making me blush! I'm excited but I need it to wrap up already.

Omg we have to go see it together and dress up and we can post all about it!!

Oh for sure

I sat my phone back on my bed and went downstairs to get a snack because I'd hardly eaten when my phone rang.

"Oh shit." I scrambled up the stairs and ran into my room, grabbing my phone as fast as possible.

"Hello, is this Olive Saldana?"

"Yes this is she." I put her on speaker and tucked my hair back, catching my breath.

"Great! You auditioned for us a few weeks ago and I was just calling to follow up. Is now a good time?"

"Yes ma'am, now is fine."

"Okay, I just wanted to tell you that we were extremely impressed and Mr. Speilberg said that you were, without a doubt, the perfect choice. So congratulations! You got the role!"

"Oh my gosh!" I jumped up and down on my bed.

She chuckled on the other side of the phone. "I'm glad you're excited, we're so happy to have you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I rambled.

"It's my pleasure," she said. "Now we're going to finish sharing the news and we'll send a Zoom link for the cast and that's where you'll get all the information and the cast list will be sent as well."

"Okay, thank you so much! Have a great day, buh bye." I hung up.

I ran downstairs to tell my mom.

"I got the job!" I yelled.

"You got the job?!" She looked up from the couch.

"Yes!! I really got it!" I ran to the couch.

"I'm so proud of you! I knew you could do it!" She hugged me.

"I want a hug too!" Isabella crawled over and hugged me.

"There's gonna be a zoom meeting where we meet the cast and get the information."

"Ok! Let me know how it all goes."

"I will!" I went back upstairs to my room.

I got it!!

I knew you would!!
I'm so happy for you!!!

Bruh I'm gonna shit my pants
Nvm I got this in the bag.

Good, you're gonna do amazing!


When I finished texting Xochitl, I got another message from my friend Mason.



Dude we're gonna be working together

Omg I can't wait

Ugh I don't want to see you

You think I give a fuck?

No ma'am.


A few minutes later, I got a message with the cast list and zoom link. I grabbed my computer and logged onto the zoom and opened up the cast list.

Operation Youth Cast List:

President James Goodman - Ryan Reynolds
First Lady Emily Goodman - Blake Lively
Abbie Goodman - Madeline McGraw
Nancy Goodman - Violet McGraw
Dean Summers - Walker Scobell
Carmen Torres - Olive Saldaña
Thomas Fulton- Mason Thames
Phoebe Gilmore - Sunny Sandler
Tyler Knight - Brady Noon
Bailey Young - Momona Tamada
Shawn Vasquez - Malachi Barton

"Hello everybody! I'm so glad you all could make it." The same lady who called us greeted. "So we're going to be going over a few details and some important information."

"Hello, I'm Steven Spielberg, I'll be the director and I'm looking forward to working with you guys."

"Okay, so I'm sure a few of you know each other and a few of you don't. But you'll have plenty of time to make friends." She kept talking and I scrolled through the videos to see who all was here.

"So, in three weeks we're gonna fly you all out to the hotel here in Atlanta where we will be doing most of our filming, we're gonna send you your scripts and all that so you can learn lines." She summed up. "So basically, learn lines, pack, and get on the right plane in a few weeks. Any questions?"

"Alright, you guys can feel free to talk and introduce yourselves, Karen and I will be leaving and be sure to exchange phone numbers." And the adults left.

"Bro, we're gonna be acting with Ryan freaking Reynolds!" This really pretty brunette girl, I think her name is Sunny said excitedly.

"As soon as I saw his name I knew you were gonna freak, Ollie." Mason joked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"Wait, weren't you in the new hunger games movie?" Malachi asked.

"Oh yeah, the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes?" Madeline added.

"Yeah I was, I didn't have a huge part or anything."

"What was it like working with the Tom Blyth?" Sunny inquired.

"He's soooo dreamy." I joked.

"With the buzzcut, oh my gosh."

"No way, he looked better with the curls." Walker protested.

"Oh of course you'd say that." I teased.

"Man curls are overrated." Mason said.

"You're just mad you don't know how to properly style yours."

"No, he went through five tubs of eco gel during The Black Phone." Madeline laughed. "And half of it ended up on the floor."

"Okay don't expose me!"

"Wait guys! We should have some sort of celebration tomorrow night." Momona suggested.

Everybody added in their agreements and shouts of excitement.

"And we could invite our friends too."

"Like who?" Brady asked.

"Anyone you want!"

"Omg I'm definitely bringing McKenna. We basically all know her." I started texting a few of my friends.

"Okay shouldn't we make sure we have each others phone numbers real quick?"

And with that, we passed out our phone numbers, talked for another hour and a half, and hung up.

The party was in 30 minutes, and we were having it at Momona's house. All of the cast were there setting up and waiting for everyone else.

Momona was checking on the snacks and everything else was pretty much done, the rest of us were all sitting around the living room.

"My back hurts from all this hard work." Mason groaned, throwing himself onto me.

"Oh my god, get off of me you big baby!" I pushed him off with all my strength.

"Ow!" He hit the floor with a thud.

"Get over it." I thumped his head.

Walker laughed as he sat across from us. Sunny and Malachi were talking about something over in the corner and the other teens were laying around on their phones.

"So, how do you guys know each other?" Walker asked.

"Oh, I guess the universe hates me so knowing him is my punishment."

"Oh boo hoo." He sat next to Walker. "Our moms are like best friends so we were forced together at a young age and I guess we're friends."


"So, what's it like being a demigod?" I asked.

"It's cool, I guess."

"The cast seems fun, my friend knows Leah, and I've met Aryan a few times because he knows like everyone."

"Yeah, Leah mentioned you were auditioning for this movie and that we'd be good friends."

"Well she's always right. Did you invite her tonight?"

"Yeah, she's coming. And so is Aryan."

"Cool." I took a drink of my water.

Soon, the party started and everyone I knew started coming in.

"Olive!" McKenna ran up and hugged me.

"I missed you!" I held her shoulders.

"I missed you more! I swear I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know, it's been months."

"Oh come here. This is Aryan." She took me over to an area with Aryan and Walker, who were in the middle of laughing at something.

"We've met before, but we haven't talked much." I told her as she pushed me closer to the boys.

"Hey, you're Olive, right?"

"Yep, that's me. I think you helped me tie my shoe at a Whataburger one time."

"Oh yeah, when you asked for a Big Mac." He remembered the embarrassing story.

"You two will be the best of friends, you're both really into pop culture and stuff."

"You make me sound like a nerd." Aryan objected.

"You once read the Harry Potter series in a week." Walker teased.

"You're literally Percy Jackson, it doesn't get nerdier than that."

"You're a goat." Walker deadpanned.

I let out a small laugh and Leah walked over to us.

"Hey guys!" She greeted. "Thanks for inviting me!"

"Of course!"

"I'm gonna go get something to drink, do you guys want anything?" Walker asked.

"Could you get me a Dr. Pepper, please?" I put on an overly sweet face.

"You got it."

"Oh my Gosh, filming is gonna be so much fun, we're gonna get to hangout everyday." Momona wrapped her arms around me.

"I know, it's gonna be amazing!"

"I don't know how she's gonna put up with you." Xochitl walked in.

"Xoxo!" We did our secret handshake.

"Ugh this party looks great." She complemented Momona.

"Thank you!"

"Here you go, I had to bribe the kid with the last one." Walker handed me a cold Dr. Pepper.

"Oh thanks!" I hugged him.

An hour later, the house had decently filled up, everybody was dancing around and having a good time.

I had been walking around, talking to a few people I knew, snapping photos for other people who asked, and refilling bowls.

"Hey, why don't you come hangout." Mason asked. "You've been hostessing all night."

"I've not been 'hostessing' all night." I protested.

"Just get up."

I sighed dramatically and got off the sofa.

I followed behind him to where the rest of the cast and my friends were standing.

"Look who I finally found." Mason introduced.

"Hey! We were wondering where you were." McKenna smiled.

"She was sitting sadly on the sofa."

"I wasn't sitting sadly on the sofa!"

He gave me a glare. "Okay, I was sitting sadly on the sofa. I'm just a little tired."

"Well chug a Dr. Pepper and have fun!." Sunny joked.

"I can't, Walker said he had to bride a kid for the last one."

"15 bucks for a 12 ounce can of sugar." He shook his head. "What kinda country has

"I think it's the United Cans of Sugar. They've been going through a hard time since the Cola War." I added onto the joke.

Suddenly, Baby by Justin Bieber started playing.

"Oh HELL yeah!" I yelled, grabbing the nearest person to me, that being Walker and pulling him to the center of the room.

Leah, McKenna, Mason, and Momona followed us.

"I KNOW YOU LOVE ME!" I screamed.

"I know you care." Walker mumbled.

"Oh come on, Justin deserves more than that."

"I'm not gonna scream a Justin Bieber song, Olive."

"ARE WE AN ITEM?" I continued singing.

"GIRL QUIT PLAYING." Walker gave the same energy.

All of us were around each other now, jumping up and down and screaming.

"WE'RE JUST FRIENDS, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING!" We all screamed together.


love this girl, she throws an amazing party. (Shoutout to Walker for the Dr. Pepper)

momonatamada: I love you 💕
^olivesaldana: I love you most 💖

walker.scobell: thanks for the clout 😎
^olivesaldana: yw, you look like you need it.

iloveolive: awww I love you cuties

gilmoregirls2038: who asked
^leahsavajeffries: get a life, you sound like a bot.
^user11: damn, getting humbled in a comment section by Leah would end my bloodline.

joegoldberg: I'm outside your window.
^olivesaldana: I prefer Dan Humphries 💋

party of the century *question mark*
👥: momonatamada, xochitlgomez, olivesaldana, sunnysandler, leahsavajeffries

olivesaldana: so close! To ask a question, you have to actually put the question mark instead of just typing it out. Hope this helps! 😊
^mckennagrace: get off TikTok, iPad kid
^olivesaldana: but I need to watch my Roblox videos

applebottomjeans: I would do anything to be friends with them.

fortuneteller: don't go to the waterfall
^sunnysandler: bitch what?

bradynoon: who even are you?
^mckennagrace: ur mom

New best friends? New best friends.
👥: mckennagrace, olivesaldana, momonatamada, madelinemcgraw

madeleinemcgraw: can't wait to spend every day with you guys 😝
^olivesaldana: not in a creepy way ofc

puppydogpals: I can't wait for all the content from these people

momonatamada: my babies 😌
^mckennagrace: goo goo ga ga

olivesaldana: ugh I love you sm 🤩 and what is EMMA STONE doing here?!?
^emmastone: I'm a fan

walkerscobellfan: I love walker you should post with him.
^olivesaldana: Walker has fans?!?

imagine looking like her 🤩
👥: olivesaldana

masonthames: ik who would wanna look like that 🤓
^olivesaldana: you still sleep with a nightlight
^masonthames: I DO NOT (also my mom wants you to come over again)
*liked by olivesaldana*

fanpage: Ugh she's so pretty!

olivesaldana: the girl taking the picture is so fine
^momonatamada: the girl in the picture is more my type ngl

mckennagrace: prettiest girl <33333

sadie_sink: you guys seem so fun

user6: she so wife material
^berriesandcream: that's interesting bc she's married to me.


Boring ass first chapter but I didn't really know what to write, I promise it'll get better ❤️‍🩹

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