estrellas~jeremiah x oc (TSIT...

By dixonbuctts

39.4K 502 103

I looked into his eyes and knew I was where I was meant to be, forever in his arms. Forever, my Jeremiah. As... More

estrellas~act I
estrellas~chapter 1
estrellas~chapter 2
estrellas~chapter 4
estrellas~chapter 5
estrellas~chapter 6
A/N 1/16/24
estrellas~chapter 7
estrellas~chapter 8
A/N 1/20/24
estrellas~chapter 9
estrellas~chapter 10
estrellas~chapter 11
estrellas~chapter 12
estrellas~chapter 13
A/N 01/26/24
estrellas~act II
estrellas~chapter 14
A/N 01/28/24
estrellas~chapter 15
estrellas~chapter 16
estrellas~chapter 17
estrellas~chapter 18
A/N 02/01/24
estrellas~chapter 19
estrellas~chapter 20
estrellas~chapter 21
estrellas~chapter 22
estrellas~chapter 23
estrellas~chapter 24
estrellas~chapter 25
A/N 02/08/24
estrellas~chapter 26
estrellas~chapter 27
estrellas~act III
A/N 02/10/24
estrellas~chapter 28
estrellas~chapter 29
estrellas~chapter 30
estrellas~chapter 31
estrellas~chapter 32
estrellas~chapter 33
estrellas~chapter 34
A/N 02/17/24 *IMPORTANT*
estrellas~chapter 35
estrellas~chapter 36
estrellas~chapter 37
estrellas~chapter 38
A/N 02/22/24
estrellas~act IV
estrellas~chapter 39
estrellas~chapter 40
estrellas~chapter 41
estrellas~chapter 42
estrellas~chapter 43
estrellas~chapter 44
estrellas~chapter 45
estrellas~chapter 46
A/N 4/26/24
estrellas~chapter 47 (FINALE)

estrellas~chapter 3

1.1K 15 10
By dixonbuctts

After we clean up dinner I head upstairs to start getting ready. I'm digging through my drawers to find something to wear. I settled on a creme t-shirt with a red hibiscus flower in the middle. To pair with it I wear a pair of jorts and my black high-top Converse.

I curl my eyelashes and put my hair into two braids.

"Lauren! Are you almost ready?" I hear Jeremiah scratching at my door.

"Ugh, you are such a puppy dog," I open the door and pet his head.

"You look..." he stops and stares at me. I'm not wearing anything special.

"What?" I am confused. Why is he staring at me like that? I mean, I'm not against it, it's just... different than the usual attention he gives me.

"Is that a new shirt?" He asked me.

"Yeah, why? Do I look weird?" I look back in the mirror and see if maybe I smudged my makeup.

"No! Ugh, not at all." He comes up from behind me and hugs me.

"Photo?" He asks.

"Hell yeah!" I grab my phone and take a picture.

"Stop drooling over my sister and get in the car," Steven says while walking by. I laugh and Jere turns his head fast, I think I caught a glimpse of him blushing.

"Who's driving?" I say. "Jere," Steven says as we walk down the stairs and to the backyard.

We find Belly in the pool and Conrad dipping his feet in.

"Come on, man, we're leaving. Are you ready?" we ask Conrad.

"Where are you guys going?" Belly says.

"A bonfire," I reply.

"Can I come?" she asks. I am about to answer yes but I am rudely interrupted by my twin Steven.

"No," Steven says.

"Bro, why not?" I ask Steven.

"She's too young," he answers back.

God, why did my twin have to be such a prick?

"The moms are getting everything set up for your movie night," Jere says to ease the tension.

I may be crazy but I feel like Connie and Belly were having a moment. Or Conrad is high and being stupid, the world may never know...


We get to the bonfire and I step out of Jeremiah's red Jeep. I smell the stench of alcohol and fire. Great.

Jeremiah wraps his arm around my shoulder and I look at him confused.

"Are you excited Laur-Laur?" Jere asks. "I guess, I mean what's better than a bunch of drunken teenagers?" I laugh. He smiles, god, I love his smile.

As we hit the sand Jeremiah and I find our way to a cooler stocked with cheap beer. I grab two but he declines, "I'm the DD tonight." I nod my head and start to drink mine.

Jere and I find a place to sit on the sand.

"I'm happy we are back," I say. "Who couldn't be? The iconic Jere and Laur are back and better than ever," he does a funny pose and now I can't help but laugh.

"Jeremiah!" Some blonde girl calls for him. I stare and look back at him, "Be right back Lauren, duty calls." He pats me on the back and I sigh. I move next to the fire and I just drink my beer in peace.

Eventually, Jere finds me again.

"Who was that?" I ask him.

"Oh, that was Gigi."

"Gigi?" Interesting name I thought.

"Why are you jealous Laur-Laur?"

I felt my cheeks blush hard.

Out of nowhere, I hear a commotion behind us and I turn around and see Belly standing there.

I ran over, "What are you doing here? How did you get here?" I am worried about how Belly is here. "Also, whose pink dress is that?" I'm pretty sure that's not Belly's.

Steven grabs her by the arm, "Belly, come on. We are leaving."

"Steven just stops, she can stay, it's fine," I say.

He contemplates, "Fine. But just stay right here and don't talk to anybody."

Belly throws him both her middle fingers, classic Belly.

Then I see her face completely drop.

Conrad was making out with some girl wearing a Red Socks hat.

"I thought you hated the Red Socks?" She asked him.

I wince at her words. This is far too cringe for my liking. I book it out of there as I hear Belly continue to pester him. It was obvious she liked him, I don't know how he couldn't see it.

She storms off somewhere else and I just sigh. I look over to find Jeremiah walking over to me.

"So, what was that?" He says, I just laugh, "I have no fucking idea," I answer.

"Want to know something Jerebear?" I say. "What?" he says, "You're such a cutie pie," I pinch his cheek and laugh. "Woah, hold on how many beers have you had?"

"Just one, I may be a little tipsy though," I chuckle. He laughs, "Tipsy? Are you sure about that, Laur-Laur?"

"Maybe, but you know what's funny." I say, "Belly likes Conrad and I like..."

Thank god I was interrupted. Conrad and some guy start yelling at one another for a beer,

"Oh no..." I say.

Now, Conrad and this guy start shoving one another and Belly comes up behind them, receiving a hit next to her eye. I cringe and run over to her.

"God Conrad! Seriously!" I yell at him, "How fucking drunk are you?" I help Belly up.

Suddenly we hear sirens.

"Cops!" Some guy yells.

We ran over to Jere's jeep. We are followed by some guy.

"Who's this," I ask.

"This is Cam. We met at a Latin Convention forever ago," Belly says.

"Hi, I'm Cam Cameron." He was cute. Okay, go Belly!

"Hi, I'm Lauren, I'm her older sister." I smile and I get into the front seat of the jeep.

It's just Conrad and I in the car. He leans over and whispers, "Who's that with Belly?"

"Some guy she met, he seems nice."

He groans and I laugh. Seeing Conrad like this is sure a sight to see.


When we got home we got lectured by my Mom. Afterward, I went straight to my room and plopped on my bed.

Someone lightly knocked at my door.

"Come in."

It was Jere. I smile and pat my bed.

"I can't sleep," he says. He lays next to me and wraps his arms around me. When we were little, we used to sleep in each other's rooms all the time. He hasn't done this since we were ten.

"How tired are you?" He asks.

I just responded by saying, "Very," I smirked at him. I move his curls out of his eyes.

"You smell good." I cuddle closer to him, "You know, I could go to sleep like this every night, next to you."

He smiles, "Oh really?"

"Yeah, you know your Mom always tells me we are destined for each other," everything I am saying is just spilling out of my mouth like word vomit, I don't mean to be confessing my love for him right, it's just happening.

"Shh, just go to bed," he says. He kisses the top of my forehead.

"No." I look up at him and cup his face with my hands, "I love you Jere." he laughs and smiles. The next thing I know I'm sleeping. Sleeping next to Jeremiah, my Jeremiah. 

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