Ⓗealing Ⓖolden Ⓢcars (Hunter...

By sun_ve

16.7K 1.3K 8.5K

Y/n, a 19 year old, accepted as a scout healer into the emperors coven, it's a regular job. Healing coven sco... More

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Bonus Drawings P.1
Bonus Drawings P.2
Bonus Drawings P.3
Whats next?

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260 21 199
By sun_ve

~ Bonesburrow Library- 5 years ago ~

Hunter POV:

It's been probably 3 months now since I've been friends with Y/n. I think ever since we went up to the knee we've been a lot closer.

Her brother does not like me, and I don't like him. I've gone to her house a bit and he gives me this glare everytime I see him, I give him one back because I don't like him.

He's been accepted into the emperors coven but he's always on outside duty so I never see him. I'm glad I never see him because that will be problematic.

Once I finish my training and get promoted to be Belos's right hand man, I won't have to worry about my identity and I can hide behind a mask.

I have a bad feeling about promotion though. I've been cutting back on my training because I have a feeling once I'm promoted Tom won't be around anymore.

I seem to talk more to Tom rather than Belos when it comes to any form of advice. I trust him more. Ever since he's told me the truth about Belos I've been more skeptical around Belos himself.

Ive been careful around him too. I don't want to step out of line if he apparently has a thing for disposing us. Like he did with Tom. Tom says there were more Grimwalkers like us.

Ever since I found out what I am it doesn't seem to have really bothered me. But if I were to have find out these secrets about myself alone, it probably would have. That's why thankful Tom is here to keep me in line.

He's like my coach, he tells me what and what not to expect from the emperor since he's experienced it all before, so it makes me less concerned about my duties.

He's like family to me. I don't want to loose him, but I feel like I'm going to once my training comes to an end.

Because of this I've purposefully been doing a little worse during my training so my promotion won't be immediate.

"Hunter." Y/n says.

"...huh?" I ask.

"Your zoning out." She says.

"Sorry." I say.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

I scratch my arm. I've been worried about Tom, but it's not like I can really explain that to her. If she knows I'm a part of the emperors coven she probably would be afraid of me.

"No." I say.

"You've been really quiet." Y/n says.

We're both sitting at a library table while Y/n was rambling about this series she's into. Now that I think about it I forgot everything she was talking about, because I was focused on something else, damn it.

"I'm usually quiet." I say.

"I guesss?" She shrugs.

She taps her fingers against the wood table and looks at me. I glance at her, she looks like she wants to say something.

"So speaking of dances!" She smiles and slams her hands on the table.

"Wait when we're we talking about dances?" I tilt my head.

"Look like while you were zoning out you didn't hear me." She smirks.

"Sorry." I say.

"ANYWAY!" She says.

"There's this thing at my school called Grom and I like wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me." She says casually.

"Wait- Grometheus?" I ask.

"Yeah, but it's a dance too, and my friend Viney has a date she's going with and I wanted to ask if you would be my date to go with so I don't look lonely." She taps her fingers and looks away, trying to play it off cool.

I stare at her blankly for a moment.

"Wait date? Like does it happen at different dates?" I tilt my head.

"...do you not know what a date is?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah like it's on a calendar." I fold my arms and shrug.

"Your parents clearly don't homeschool you well. A date can mean two different things. The first is a date on a calendar like you said, the second means when two people like eachother and they go somewhere together the two of them." She says.

"So if you were to come with me to grom, it would be a date, you would be my date." She folds her arms.

"You like me?" I ask.

"WELL- NOT LIKE - IN A LIKE LIKE YOU WAY, I MEAN LIKE... like, a really good friend...?." She blushes a little anxiously and nervously taps her fingers on the table.

My eyes widen and my ears turn a bit pink. I put my shoulders on the table and hold my face and look at her and then look back down at the wooden library table we both are at.

"I even made a thing, it's usually tradition to do a little thing to ask someone and stuff." She says and grabs something from her pocket.

My eyes widen and I watch her.

It's a cut out hand with foldable fingers. The fingers are labeled 1 through 5.

"Open them in order." She tells me.

And I do.

My eyes shimmer and I look at it quietly and my cheeks tint a little bit pink. I brush my fingers against the edges of the little cut out hand.

"It's next week on Friday, Will you come with me?" She asks with a big smile on her face.

I look up at her and I open my mouth to speak.

~Hidden Cell - Conformatorium ~

"YOU SAID NO?! ARE YOU A PSYCHO?!" Tom yells at me.

"Stop yelling at me!" I yell back.


"I can't go! I don't have nice clothes! I don't know how to dance..! And plus I have training!" I say.

"Dude- ditch it." Tom glares at me.

"I can't do that, Belos-"

"WHO CARES?!" Tom interrupts.

I go a little quiet.

"Dude live a little, you don't have to listen to everything he has to say." Tom rolls his eyes.

"But... won't I end up like you if I do that?" I ask.

Tom seems a little caught off guard and he sighs. He holds his face on his hands and grumbles.

"Not if you're sneaky." He says and looks up at me again.

I frown and I look down at the ground.

"Oh my Titan, I hope you didn't make her cry. Did you make her cry?" Toms eyes widen and he grabs my shoulders through the cell bars.

"W-well I- I don't- I don't know she- um-" I stutter.

"She what?"

"She sort of uh... ran away..." I rub my arm.

"Oh you little jerk." Tom glares at me and grips my shoulders tighter.

"I'm sorry! I-"

"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to her. You need to think of a creative way to apologize to her now. It needs to be a damn good apology too." Tom says.

"What should I do?" I say.

"Don't ask me, you gotta figure that out yourself buddy." Tom folds his arms.

I sigh and sit down. How am I gonna do this...

~Outside your home - present time ~

Your POV:

You and River both laugh on the way back to your place. The movie was pretty good, it was a comedy movie.

"I liked the part where (insert random scene here cuz I'm lazy)" River says.

"That part was so funny!" You exclaim.

"I've seen some other movies with that same director, they're really good. If you liked this one, maybe I could show you these others made by the same director some time." River smiles.

"That would be fun! I'd like that." You grin.

"I still have some of my snack left over... I'm gonna be eating these when I get home." You grin.

"I ate all mine." River smiles.

"What a shame." You laugh.

He chuckles. Eventually you end up to the front of your house and you both look at each other and smile.

"Thanks for walking me home." You smile.

"Of course. I'll... see you tomorrow then?" River blushes a little and scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah, tomorrow." You nod and sway a little back and forth.

You both stand there sort of awkwardly, not sure what to do. You both awkwardly blush and you start to fiddle with your fingers.

Rivers cheeks flush embarrassedly, and he awkwardly walks up to you and pats your shoulder.

"Have a good night." He says.

You smile and nod.

"Ugh." You sigh and walk through your door.

"How was it?" Matt asks.

"The date? It was okay, I mean... he's sweet, kinda nerdy though." You say.

"Do you not like nerds?" He asks.

"No nerds are cool!" You blush.

"So was it good or was it bad?" Matt asks.

"It was a date." You smile and nod.

Matt sighs and shrugs. "Whatever." He sighs.

You blush and nod and then you head back to your room. You have a smile on your face. You think the date was kind of nice, he bought you your movie snack, you guys were laughing together at the movie. He even talked about inviting you to watch more movies with him.

You grin and open the door to your room where Flapjack is staring right at you with a death stare.

You frown immediately.

"What? Are you still upset?" You ask.

Chirp chirp!

"Look. I don't get what the big deal is, it was just a little date." You roll your eyes and fold your arms.


"...hmm.. are you ever gonna tell me what happened to your owner? That boy?" You sit down at your desk and hold your face in your hands.

Flapjack stays quiet.

"Heh... he's not dead is he?" You laugh.

Flapjack makes a sour face at you.

"It was just a question!" You say.


"He probably is... I haven't seen him any where in the isles." You sigh.

"Look... I can't keep you forever, you're obviously not mine... you have an owner, if he's still even alive." You say.

"How did you get in the emperors coven in the first place? Can you atleast tell me that?" You ask.

Flapjack stays silent.

You grumble and rub your face. How are you supposed to help if this bird won't even talk! This really is not helping whatsoever!

"My theory... is that your owner is dead, and you've been wandering alone, and then the golden guard found you and was gonna give you to Belos, but you ran away, and that's why he was looking for you. He had to have been looking for you." You say.

Flapjack stares at you with a deadpan look. You frown.

"Is my theory off?" You ask.

Flapjack chirps.

You sigh and rub your temples. You find yourself kind of frowning, and you lean your head against the desk.

"...I wonder what he's up to, if he's still even here..." You say gently.

Flapjack nests on the top of your head and chirps softly. You frown a little and just rest your head and close your eyes and just rest your head against the desk. You sort of just drift off.

~Next day~

Chirp chirp

You groggily sit up and look at Flapjack. Flapjack pecks at you and flys around in circles around your head. You grumble and sit up.

"...what..? What's wrong..?" You grumble and rub your eyes.

Flapjack pecks at you and then pecks at your scroll. You rub your eyes and grab your scroll and look at the time.

"AH! IM LATE!!" You yell and you quickly jolt up and scramble into your healing uniform.

Flapjack chirps.

"SHIT!" You yell and slide into your shoes.

"WHERES MY BAG?" You exclaim and dart your head everywhere to try and find it.

Flapjack chirps, he scoops up your bag in his beak and flies it over to you and swings it over your shoulder.

"Thanks buddy." You giggle.

"Okay, stay put! Don't follow me into work this time." You say seriously to Flapjack.

Flapjack chirps.

"Good boy! I'll bring you some crackers or something when I get back." You salute to him.

Flapjack chirps happily.

You quickly grab a breakfast granola bear and you quickly freshen up in the bathroom and fix yourself, brush your teeth as fast as you can.

"BYE!!!!" You yell as you leave the house, even though everyone is still sleeping.

Golden Guard POV:

"Im sorry, what are you talking about??" River says.

"I said... I need her for a mission." I scoff repeating myself again.

"Shes- she's scheduled to work today though." River stutters.

"Okay? does it look like I care?" I scoff again.

"She's- I- why? A mission? You're just gonna bring her to something dangerous! She'd never agree to that!" River says.

"As a matter of fact, she already did." I smirk.

"You- no she wouldn't! You're only forcing her to! S-she probably would have told me if she were gonna team up with you." River stutters again.

"Hah! Well maybe little miss healer doesn't tell you everything like you'd hoped now does she?" I laugh.

River gets embarrassed and looks away. I let out a small laugh and I click my tongue.

"Aw, Bummerrrr huh? Guess she just doesn't trust you enough hm?" I laugh and point a finger at him.

River glares at me, I just scoff in return. He's pathetic.

I glance around the room, and see her office in the back and notice her lights to her office are off. I frown for a moment.

"....Where even is she?" I raise an eyebrow and fold my arms again.

"...she was supposed to be in 10 minutes ago, she's usually on time so... I'm actually not sure." River says.

I tap my fingers against my folded arm and sigh.

"That's fine, I can wait." I smirk and sit in one of the waiting chairs.

He glares at me, which I honestly find funny if anything. I lean back into the chair and kick my legs up on the little coffee table infront of the waiting room chairs.

"Hey! Get your boots off the table!" He exclaims.

I just scoff and burst into a short simple laughter.

"HAH! Or what? You realize I could lock you up by the snap of my fingers right?" I laugh.

The door bursts open and there I see the lady of the hour. She looks kind of exhausted.

"I'm SO sorry River! I slept past my alarm this morning, I really tried my best to get here on time! I-"

She turns and looks at me. I smirk and just nod at her.

"...what's he doing here?" She whispers, as if I can't hear her.

"He's saying nonsense! Saying that you're going with him on some mission or something? He's gone mad!" River says angrily.

"Oh- you wanted to do that...today?" She asks and turns her head to me.

Rivers jaw slightly drops.

"Yes..! today..." I smirk.

"Um... are you sure? I work today." She says.

"Oh that's nothing, I've already filed for someone else to cover your shift..! they may be a little late though since I did it last minute..." I smile.

"Oh- okay-" she says sort of shocked.

"Wait... Y/n, what is this?" River asks.

"I was talking with him a couple days ago, he asked if I wanted to go on a mission with him, I... assume as just a healer for support I guess?" She says.

"Why that's exactly it." I smirk.

River glares at me and then looks back at Y/n. Y/n looks at River and smiles nervously.

"Sorry, I never told you. It's just that he didn't have a set date as to when he wanted to, so..." you shrug.

River sighs and rubs his face with his hands.

"So you're doing free labor?" River asks.

"Oh no! of course she's not..! I'm paying her twice her salary~" I stand up with a big smirk underneath my mask.

Y/n looks at River embarassedly. River sort of looks defeat right now and if anything his stupid faces are just making me smirk even more.

"I'm sorry." Y/n looks at him with an embarrassed look on her face.

"...It's okay, just stay safe." He sighs.

"Oh not to worry! She's perfectly safe with me! I assure you...!" I laugh with a large smirk and put my hand on her shoulder.

She looks up at me with an uncomfortable look.

River glares at me. I can't help but smirk everytime he gives me that angry look.

"No time to waste, let's go." I say gripping her shoulder more tightly, guiding her towards the door.

She rolls her eyes and follows me out. River watches us and sort of frowns.

"Oh why the long face? Sad your little sweetheart is leaving?" I say to River and smirk.

Rivers face turns red and he embarassedly looks away.

"OKAY STOP!! that's enough! Let's just get this over with!" She glares at me and grips my arm.

I laugh softly and we continue walking out.

This will go nicely... with her out of the premises... Steve can search the castle for Flapjack without me worrying about them running into eachother...

This'll work..

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