Bluey's Midnight Adventure

By Midoriya_deku2003

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A night that the Heeler's didn't expect where human randomly landed in their world, can the Heeler's find out... More

Chapter 1: A Midnight Surprise
Chapter 2: A Peculiar Visitor
Chapter 3: Moonlit Introductions
Chapter 4: A Magical Night Unfolds
Chapter 5: Lessons Under The Moonlight
Chatper 6: Tag Race Thrills and Magic Xylophone Spills
Chapter 7: Tag Race Thrills and Magic Xylophone Spills Part 2
Chapter 8: Bandit and Chilli Playful Revenge
Chapter 9: Simon's Drawing Competition
Chapter 11: Trixie family getting to know more about Simon
Chapter 12: Bluey and Bingo Crazy Hotel!!
Chapter 13: Socks Hotel Adventure: Game of imagination
Chapter 14: Simon Playing As Hotel Chef
Chapter 15: Simon's Discovery Of Getting Back Home
Chapter 16: Simon's Journey Home; Sharing How Simon Getting Home
Chapter 17: The Heeler's Going To The Playground
Chapter 18: Heeler Family and Simon Teasing
Chapter 19: Bandit and Chilli's Big Trouble
Chapter 20: The Heeler's Last Goodbye???

Chapter 10: Bluey & Bingo Cousins and Uncle and Aunt Visit

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By Midoriya_deku2003

"It's the next day at 7 in the morning, and Chilli and Bandit are already up and having a cup of tea in the kitchen.

As Chilli was talking to Bandit, suddenly she got a text on her phone. The text was from Trixie, so Chilli reads out Trixie's text.

The text reads Trixie: Hello Chilli, is it alright if me, my husband Stripe, Muffin, and Socks come over today?

Chilli then looks at Bandit and says to him. Chilli: Uhmm babe, I got a text from Trixie asking if she and her family can come over today. What do you think?

When Bandit heard that, he thought about it and responded in a patient and happy tone. Bandit: Sure, why not? They can come over and visit us.

Chilli then texted back to Trixie and let her know that she and her family could come over. Trixie then texts back saying Trixie: OK, we will come over at 11 am.

Timeskip, and it's now 8 in the morning, and Bluey and Bingo enter the kitchen Both Bandit and Chilli see that Bluey and Bingo are awake and in the kitchen so they greet their children. Chilli and Bandit: G'day Bluey and Bingo, how did you sleep last night?

Bluey and Bingo then smile and answer Mum and Dad's question. Bluey: G'day mum and Dad. I slept well last night. Bingo: G'day Mum and Dad. I slept great last night.

Chilli then says to Bluey and Bingo, letting them know that their Cousins, Uncle Stripe and Aunt Trixie, will be coming over today. Chilli: Right kids, your cousin Muffin, Socks, your Uncle Stripe, and Aunt Trixie will be coming over later today.

Then Bluey and Bingo start to wag their tails while being excited. Bluey then asks Mum what time their cousin will arrive. Bluey: What time are our cousins coming over?

Chilli then responds to Bluey's question. Chilli: Well, Aunt Trixie did let me know they would be here at 11 am.

When Bandit heard that, he looked at the time and saw it was 9 am, so he said. Bandit: Well, that just leaves us with 2 hours to get the house tidy and clean.

Chilli then looks at Bluey and Bingo and says to them. Chilli: Sweethearts, it looks like Simon is still asleep. Do you mind going and waking him up? We need as much help as possible to make the house nice and tidy.

Bluey and Bingo both nod their heads. Bluey remembers that their aunt, uncle, and cousins have never seen a human before, so they might begin to worry and question about the human. Bluey said. Bluey: Uhm, there is one problem. Won't our cousins and our uncle and aunt be a bit worried because we have a human in our house?

Bandit then realizes that Bluey is right; they haven't seen a human before, so he says. Bandit: Oh duck cake, you have a fair point Bluey, but we got this. I'm sure once we fully explain to Aunt Trixie and Uncle Stripe why we have a human here, they will understand the reason why.

Chilli agrees with what her husband is saying, that Trixie and Stripe will understand why a human has been staying at their home. Chilli: Don't worry about it too much Bluey. I'm sure Trixie and Stripe will get along with Simon and even consider him as part of our crazy family.

Bluey then giggles and laughs about Mum's comment about him being considered as part of the crazy Heeler family. Bluey then says to Mum. Bluey: Alright, mum, I understand. Also, me and Bingo will go and wake up Simon.

Chilli then hugged and kissed Bluey. Chilli: Thank you, Bluey, for helping your mum out.

Bluey and Bingo then left the kitchen and ran down the hallway, making it to the end of the hallway. Bluey and Bingo faced the spare room, which is where Simon was sleeping. Then they opened the door ran into the spare room and got on his bed. Bluey and Bingo jumped up and down on the bed. They both said to Simon while laughing and giggling. Bluey and Bingo: Wake Simon! Wake up, Simon!

As Bluey and Bingo jumped up and down on the bed and shouted out, "Wake up Simon," Simon then woke up. Simon leaned up from the bed and saw Bluey and Bingo jumping up and down on the bed. Simon then said to Bluey and Bingo, happy and moaning a bit about not wanting to get out of bed yet. Simon: Morning girls, how are you on this fine morning?

Bluey and Bingo then answered Simon's question while smiling. Bluey and Bingo: Morn Simon and we're doing good. We came into your room to wake you up because mum told us to wake you up. Mum wants as much help as possible.

Simon then understood why Bluey and Bingo had to wake him, so he responded to them. Simon: Alright, fair enough. I will get out of bed and come and help.

As Simon was getting out of bed, Bingo then noticed that Simon was wearing a Bingo onesie, which made Bingo happy and excited to see a Bingo onesie. So she said to Simon. Bingo: Aww, I love your onesie, Simon.

Simon then responds to Bingo. Simon: Thank you, Bingo, for noticing.

Simon, Bluey, and Bingo then made it into the kitchen. Bandit and Chilli both noticed Simon's onesie, and they thought it was adorable. Bandit decided to tease Simon and said to him. Bandit: Morning sleepyhead, did you have a nice sleep?

Simon then laughed and gave a playful, serious look. Simon: Really Bandit, did you really have to tease me?

Bandit laughed and smiled at Simon's response. Then Bandit said to Simon. Bandit: Oh yes, mate, you know it. I always have to tease someone like you and my kids.

Chilli smiles and says to Bandit while smirking. Chilli: Mr. Heeler, you're very cheeky when you tease the kids. And don't forget love, I can always give you the mum glare.

Bandit then laughs and agrees with Chilli. Bandit: Oh, okay, babe, I'll be aware of that.

Chilli starts to laugh and says to Bandit. Chilli: Love you, babe.

Bandit then responds to Chilli and says. Bandit: Love you too, darl.

Chilli then looks at Simon, Bluey, Bingo, and Bandit and says to them. Chilli: Right, we got to get clean and tidy the house because we got cousin Muffin and Socks, Uncle Stripe and Aunt Trixie coming over today, and we got 2 hours to make this house as clean as possible.

Then everyone agreed to make the house clean and tidy. After the house was clean, it was now 10:30 am. Then Bandit and Chilli saw the time, and they had 30 minutes until Trixie, Stripe, Muffin, and Socks arrived. Chilli then wonders if Bluey and Bingo tidied their playroom, so she decides to ask them. Chilli: Now kids, did you make sure that your playroom is all tidy?

Bluey and Bingo then respond to their mum. Bluey and Bingo: Yes, mum, we have tidied our playroom. We put all the toys that were on the floor in our toy basket.

Meanwhile, Trixie and Stripe, are getting ready. Trixie then says to her husband Stripe. Trixie: Stripe, can you go and check to see if the kids are already there?

Stripe then responds to his wife. Stripe: Sure babe, I'll go and check to see if the kids are ready to go to Aunt Chilli and Uncle Bandit's house.

Stripe then comes into the living room where Muffin and Socks are. Stripe then said to Muffin and Socks. Stripe: Right, Muffin and Socks, are you ready to go to Aunt Chilli and Uncle Bandit's house to spend time with your cousins Bluey and Bingo?

Muffin and Socks then respond to their dad. Muffin and Socks: Yes, Dad, we are ready to go to Aunt Chilli and Uncle Bandit's house too.

Then Stripe, Muffin, and Socks made it to the front door where Trixie was there waiting for them. Stripe then said to his wife. Stripe: Right babe, the kids are already ready to go.

Then Trixie responds about Stripe saying the kids are already. Trixie: Thank you, darl, for checking and making sure that the kids were all ready to go.

Stripe then replies to his wife. Stripe: No problem, sweetheart.

Timeskip, and now it's 10:50 am, and Trixie, Stripe, Muffin, and Socks then leave the house. Stripe locked the house. Then Stripe, Trixie, Muffin, and Socks then walked to get to the Heeler family house, and then at 10:57 am, they made it to the house and go up a small number of stairs.

Meanwhile, with the Heeler family and Simon. Simon then says to Chilli. Simon: Uhmm, Chilli, do you think I should get changed into regular clothes?

Chilli then responds to Simon's question in a kind tone. Chilli: Naw mate, you don't have to, sweetheart. Besides Bingo loves your onesie.

Simon then said to Chilli. Simon: Aw, thank you, Chilli, it's a Bingo onesie.

Then Stripe rings the doorbell. When Chilli, Bandit, Bluey, and Bingo heard the door, Bluey and Bingo both said in a happy and excited tone. Bluey and Bingo: Yeah, Uncle Stripe, Aunt Trixie, and Cousin Muffin and Socks are here!

Then Chilli opened the door. When the door opened, Stripe then greeted Chilli. Stripe: G'day Chilli dog.

Chilli then greeted Stripe back. Chilli: Stripe.

Chilli then greeted Trixie. Chilli: G'day Trixie mate.

Then Trixie then greeted Chilli back. Trixie: G'day Chilli.

Then Muffin and Socks entered inside and made it to the living room. They see another person who didn't look like them. Muffin and Socks were confused, so Muffin said to her mum and dad. Muffin: Uhmm, mum, dad, there's another person here.

When Stripe and Trixie heard Muffin mention another person, they go and check it out. As Stripe and Trixie entered the living room, they indeed saw another person. Trixie was confused, so she decided to speak to Simon. Trixie: Umm, hey there, and what's your name?

Simon then responds to Trixie in a friendly tone. Simon: Hello, I'm Simon, and I'm a human.

Trixie then responds to Simon in a friendly tone. Trixie: Oh hey Simon, it's nice to meet you, Simon.

Simon then responds to Trixie. Simon: Thank you for the compliment.

Trixie then was surprised that Simon knew her name, so Trixie said to Simon, a bit worried while being caring. Trixie: Uhmn, how did you know my name was Trixie?

Simon then noticed Trixie was a bit worried, so he said to her. Simon: Oh, sorry for worrying you. Basically, where I'm in the human world, there's a preschool show called Bluey, which is for all ages. As I watch Bluey, I know the characters who are in it, which means you, Trixie, Stripe, Muffin, and Socks. So I hope that explains it.

Stripe then decided to talk to Simon and said to him in a friendly tone. Stripe: Morn Simon, nice to meet you.

Simon then responds to Stripe in a kind, friendly tone. Simon: Morning to you too, Stripe.

Chilli then says to Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, and Socks. Chilli: How about you go and play in the playroom, while me and the rest of the parents and Simon have a chat? Then after, you Muffin and Socks can get to know Simon better. How does that sound?

Muffin and Socks then thought about Aunt Chilli's idea and said to Aunt Chilli. Muffin and Socks: OK Aunt Chilli, we will go and play with Bluey and Bingo in their playroom.

Bluey then agrees with Mum's idea, so Bluey says. Bluey: OK mum, me, Bingo, Muffin, and Socks will go to the playroom. C'mon Bingo, Muffin, and Socks, let's go to the playroom.

Then Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, and Socks left the living room and went to the playroom. As Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, and Socks are now in the playroom, Chilli then says to Simon, Bandit, Trixie, and Stripe. Chilli: Right, let's all go to the living room and have this chat.

Chilli, Trixie, Stripe, Simon, and Bandit then made it to the living room and sat down on the red sofa. Chilli then thought about making everyone a drink, so she asked. Chilli: So does anyone want a drink?

Then everyone responds to Chilli's question. Bandit: Tea, please, babe. Simon: Same thing as Bandit, please, Chilli. Stripe: Sure, why not, Chilli dog? I will have tea, please. Trixie: Tea, please, Chilli.

Chilli then makes everyone a cup of tea. After Chilli made everyone's tea, she then brought it to them. Bandit then said to Stripe and Trixie. Bandit: Sorry that we didn't inform you that we had a human.

Stripe then said to his older brother Bandit. Stripe: Naw, you're cool, mate. Don't worry about it

Me and Trixie will probably get along with Simon. He seems like a kind and friendly person.

"Simon then responds to Stripe."

Simon: Thank you for the compliment.

"Then Stripe responded to Simon."

Stripe: You're welcome, mate.

"Chilli and Bandit then asked Stripe and Trixie if they would ask Simon anything to get to know him more."

Chilli and Bandit: Stripe and Trixie, have you got anything you would want to ask Simon?

Stripe and Trixie then thought about what Chilli and Bandit said, and Trixie has thought one question she would like to ask Simon.

Trixie: I have a question for you, Simon.

Then Simon responded to Trixie.

Simon: Sure, what's your question, Trixie?

"Trixie then began to ask her question she would like to ask Simon."

Trixie: So Simon, what county are you fro-

To be continued...

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